Protecting Marriage Dedicated to the Preservation of the Family 10 Good Reasons to Preserve Meaningful Tort Laws By John Rustin and Jere Z. Royall, J.D. he family has long been was to protect marriages from intentional the Act was passed, men retained the right recognized as the interference by third parties and to provide to sue for alienation of affections and building block of consequences when interference did occur. criminal conversation, but now the wife had society, but with divorce Although they are usually used together, a right to sue using the same actions. As the rates at record levels in alienation of affections and criminal American court system began to develop its the United States and conversation are two very distinct causes of own cause of action, previous actions for North Carolina, and the action with different elements and different “abduction” and “enticement” gave way to very definition of historical origins.3 a more modern name—alienation of 7 marriage and family under attack, the Alienation of Affections affections. The tort of alienation of underpinning of the family, namely affections was first recognized in New York The origin of alienation of affections as marriage, continues to crumble.1 in the 1866 case Heermance v. James.8 a cause of action can be traced to the While most citizens would agree that the Removal of the spouse was no longer English cause of action for abduction. In government should provide public policies required, and consortium came to include a these cases, a husband could recover to preserve and protect marriages and more emotional definition that embraced “love, damages for the loss of the “society and families, a move is afoot in the North society, companionship and comfort.”9 services” of his wife. The word “consor- Carolina General Assembly to abolish two For a plaintiff spouse to recover for of our centuries-old laws that are designed alienation of affections, the following to do just that. These common law tort These laws represent the only elements are required: actions, known as alienation of affections practical remaining legal (1) the parties to the marriage were happily and criminal conversation, erect a wall of barrier against an outside married and that genuine love and protection around marriages from outside affection existed between them; interference and adultery. These laws party who intentionally and represent the only practical remaining legal maliciously intrudes into and (2) that such love and affection was barrier against an outside party who destroys a marriage. alienated and destroyed; and intentionally and maliciously intrudes into (3) that the wrongful and malicious acts of and destroys a marriage and/or who has a tium” was used to describe these legal rights the defendant brought about the loss and sexual relationship with someone else’s 10 of the husband, with respect to his wife, in alienation of such love and affection. husband or wife. the 1620 English case Hyde v. Scyssor.4 The exclusive right of sexual intercourse There have been a number of bills Later English cases required that the wife is not the right protected in this type of case. introduced in the North Carolina General must be physically removed from the home. The actual affection between spouses is the Assembly over the past several years to The husband could recover damages from right protected. In fact, in-laws and religious eliminate these torts.2 This paper provides anyone who intentionally removed her or organizations have been defendants in an in-depth analysis of the civil actions of “enticed” her to leave, resulting in his loss alienation of affections suits. alienation of affections and criminal of consortium. It was subsequently adopted conversation and points out why the Criminal Conversation in every state in the country except Louisi- preservation of these laws is an important A lawsuit for criminal conversation is a ana.5 North Carolina first recognized the component of preserving and protecting civil claim for adultery. Unlike alienation of action for enticement in the 1849 case of marriage in North Carolina. Much of the affections, this tort action does protect the Barbee v. Armstead.6 discussion herein is based on actual debate exclusive right to marital intercourse Toward the end of the 19th century and in the General Assembly on legislation that between spouses. In early common law, this in the early 20th century, the legal status of would eliminate the alienation of affection tort was known as “seduction.” Seduction women in most states in the country, and criminal conversation torts. required that sexual relations had occurred including North Carolina, began to improve. between the plaintiff’s spouse and the Historical Background The Married Women’s Property Acts gave defendant. There was no requirement for a The original intent of the alienation of women the power to own property, keep physical separation between husband and affections and criminal conversation laws their earnings, and sue and be sued. After wife. The intent behind this tort is to protect 1 family honor, prevent defilement of the involved in an alienation of affections surveyed case law across the nation on these marriage bed and the suspicion that could action will think twice before pursuing a actions. Both encyclopedias report that in be cast upon the legitimacy of the off- relationship with another married person. states that have abolished alienation of spring.11 One thing is certain, if these torts are affections and criminal conversation, no For a plaintiff spouse to recover under abolished, no practical legal deterrent other action resembling these torts may be criminal conversation, the following against such behavior will exist. substituted, because it frustrates the intent of elements are required: 2. Intruding third parties can break up the legislature when they abolished these 17 (1) marriage between the spouses and good marriages. laws. The Ohio Supreme Court stated that the state legislature, “in enacting a statute (2) sexual intercourse between defendant Some proponents for abolishing these abolishing these torts, intended to eliminate and plaintiff’s spouse during the torts argue that good marriages cannot be these common-law actions regardless of the 12 marriage. destroyed by third parties. This denies the title they were given or the severity of the 10 Good Reasons to Keep reality that an individual can be targeted and alleged misconduct.”18 Furthermore, in wooed away from their spouse. It also Poston v. Poston, referenced above, the These Laws ignores the wrongful and malicious acts of The following is an analysis of various North Carolina Court of Appeals also the third party, especially when the third clarified that commercial contract law does aspects of the alienation of affections and party intentionally pursues the husband or criminal conversation civil actions. not apply to marriage; therefore, actions wife without regard to their marital status. It regarding interference with a contract Throughout the legislative debate on this is in marriages in which love and affection issue, invalid and confusing arguments have cannot be sought as a remedy against exists that an alienation of affection action someone who breaks up a marriage.19 been brought forward by those who propose has validity, as the existence of love and to abolish these valuable torts. In order to affection is a required element of a success- 5. Women and men have equal standing provide clarification on these matters, the ful alienation of affection claim. A marriage under the law to bring these actions, following information has been compiled that lacks love and affection lacks one of the and both women and men file these and confirmed with numerous attorneys critical required elements in proving lawsuits. who practice family law in North Carolina. alienation of affections. Some argue that because these torts find 1. Abolishing alienation of affections will 3. Abolishing criminal conversation will their origin in Elizabethan law and have eliminate the legal deterrent from have the practical effect of legalizing been in place for hundreds of years, they are third party intrusion into marriages. adultery in North Carolina. antiquated. They contend the laws were put into place when women were treated as Alienation of affections is a civil action Criminal conversation is a tort action that allows for a remedy when a marriage is chattels, or property, and such laws do not against a third party for having a sexual reflect current societal standards. This broken up through the actions of someone relationship with another person’s husband outside of the marriage—a third party. This argument is invalid and is an emotional ploy or wife. The plaintiff must prove that the to cloud the issue in an attempt to gain is not an action against the spouse, but husband or wife was married and that the against the third party who was involved in support for the bill. In present-day society, third party had sexual intercourse with the women and men have equal standing under breaking up the marriage. The plaintiff must husband or wife during the marriage.15 This establish all of the following: there was a the law, and both women and men bring is a civil remedy for a crimin al action. these actions. marriage with love and affection; the love While fornication and adultery remain and affection was alienated and destroyed; criminal offenses in North Carolina, such 6. Potential abuse of the law is not a and the wrongful and malicious acts of the actions are rarely, if ever, prosecuted. As a valid reason to abolish these torts. third party produced the loss of love and 13 result, abolishing this tort will have the It has been argued that these torts are affection. According to the General practical effect of legalizing adultery.
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