Index Aggradation, 89, 92 regional slope stability factors, 95, 97-98 Air cushion theory, 16 structures, 95, 97 Alaska, 10 Buttresses, 25, 182-183 Anchorage, 10 Copper River delta, 137 Calcareous deposits, 164 Gulf of Alaska, 19, 137-148 California, 23, 225-232, 235-241 Kayak Trough, 137, 139-140, 143 Alameda County, 23, 240 Kenai Lake, 10 Blackhawk landslide, 10, 15, 155 Ketchikan, 23 Coachella Valley, 155, 159, 163 Seward, 10 Contra Costa County, 23, 240 Sherman landslide, 10, 15 Division of Highways, 228 Whittier, 10 Emerald Bay landslide, 128 Alluvial fans, 85, 88-89, 93, 96, 98, 110-111, 160, 162 geology, 225-226, 235 age, 110 Golden State Freeway, 229-231 relation to landslides, 99, 104-107 Imperial Valley, 155 stability influences, 109-110 inventory of deposits, 237 Appalachian Regional Commission, 245 isopleth maps, 237-238 Arizona Lake Tahoe landslide, 18, 128 Pima Mine, 12 landslide abundance, 237 Asia, 7 landslide causes, 8 Atterberg limits, 207-208, 221 Los Angeles, 23-24 grading ordinances, 3, 23 Batholiths, 127 Palo Verde Hills, 12 Bedload, 119 Portuguese Bend landslide, 12, 24 Bedrock, 11, 20, 86, 115, 127, 248 San Andreas fault, 155, 158, 239 susceptibility to failure, 127-128 San Diego Freeway, 225-228 Bentonite, 14, 46 San Francisco Bay region, 3-4, 6, 13, 23, 235-241 Bimodal flows, 53 San Jacinto fault, 158 Block glides, 5, 172, 226 San Mateo County, 13, 23 Block stabilization, 193 San Pablo, 9 Bonneville Power Administration, 77 Santa Clara County, 23 Bootlegger Cove Clay, 10, 23 Sears Point, 11 Brazil, 7 Sepulveda Canyon, 225-227 Floresta Creek Valley, 7 slope failure, 226-227 Ipe, 26 slope maps, 238-239 Laranjeiras district, 7 Toro Canyon fault, 159 legislation of hillslopes, 23-24 Van Norman Reservoir, 17 Rio de Janeiro, 7, 129-130 Ventura, 17, 24 Bread crust surface, 134 Canada, 25, 29-53, 59-67, 85-111 British Columbia, 32, 36-38, 85-111 Alberta, 35, 43 climate, 99, 102-103, 107-109 Bearpaw Formation, 39-43, 45 drainages, 93-94 Cordilleran region, 29-38 Fraser Canyon, 85-111 Downie Creek slide, 36-37 Fraser River fault zone, 92-93, 95 Frank landslide, 12, 30-36 glaciation, 88-89, 93 Grierson Hill landslide, 44 Hells Gate Bluffs area, 100-102 Hope slide, 30-36 landslide locations, 98-99 Hudson Bay, 46 physiographic and geologic setting, 86, 88-89, 92-94, 110 Interior Plains, 29, 38-39, 44 273 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3742279/9780813758039_backmatter.pdf by guest on 23 September 2021 274 INDEX Labrador, 46, 59-67 damages, 7-8 landslide costs, 22 occurrence, 14, 107 landslide types, 29 Desert varnish, 164, 167 Lower Mackenzie Valley, 29, 52 Dewatering, 181-182 Maligne Lake landslide, 31, 33-35 Disasters, 3 Morgan Creek block slide, 44-46 Double jeopardy, 3, 21 Northwest Territories, 52 Drainage anomalies, 149-150 Nicolet slide, 51-52 Dry flow, 6 Ontario, 47-48, 51 Peace River, 40-41 Earthflow, 6, 10, 32, 46-52, 113, 117, 130, 158, 205, 248 Quebec, 51 moisture influence, 121 Saskatchewan, 38-42, 44 movement rate, 114, 120-122 South Nation River earthflow, 17, 47-49, 51 occurrence, 114 St. Jean Vianney liquefaction flow, 17, 49 seasonal deformation, 121 St. Lawrence Lowland, 29, 46, 49 Earthquakes, 8-11, 17, 32, 77, 128, 130, 166, 239, 259, 261-262 St. Thuribe liquefaction flow, 17 Alaska, 10, 23, 147 Stalk Lake landslide, 31, 33-35 Borrego Mountain, 158 Toulnustouc landslide, 49 Himalayan, 11 Turtle Mountain, 35-36 Indian, 9 Canadian National Railway, 85 Kwanto, 19 Canadian Pacific Railway, 44, 46 Lisbon, 8 Catastrophic geology, 3 New Madrid, 9 Champlain Sea, 48-49 Peruvian, 128 China, 10 San Fernando Valley, 10, 17 Clays, 133-136 San Francisco, 9 expandable, 115 Sardis, 255, 264 sensitive, 46-47, 50 St. Lawrence Valley, 50 Colombia, 130 Yakutat, 147 Colorado, 13 Elastic rebound, 42-43, 45 Loveland Basin landslide, 25 Electric strain gauges, 191 San Juan landslides, 14 Electro-osmosis, 25 Silver Mountain landslide, 14 Embankment, 190 Columbia River Gorge, 69-83 Engineering and environmental implications, 35, 44-45, 50-51 Bonneville landslide area, 74-77 Engineering geology, 79, 82, 97, 130, 135, 155, 172-195, 205-222, geologic setting, 69, 72-73 225-232 landslide types, 12 tests, 217-220 Oregon shore landslides, 77, 79 England, 8 Skamania landslide area, 74 Axmouth Landslip, 8 Washougal landslide area, 73 Erosion, 88-89, 95, 111, 114, 119, 123, 129, 152, 163, 176 Wind Mountain landslide area, 75, 77-78, 80-82 fluvial, 41 Consolidated undrained method, 217 lateral, 97-98, 110 Consolidation toe, 38, 40-41, 48, 93 curves, 43 Exploratory drilling, 191 tests, 198 Extensometers, 191 Corestones, 128 Creep, 36, 113-114, 117, 119 Falls, 5 definition, 113 Faults, 9, 88-89, 103, 150, 158 gravity, 44 Fiji, 19 movement rate, 114, 119 Fill surcharge, 231 occurrence, 114 Floodplain, 123 relation to earthflow, 117 Floods, 123, 168 Czechoslovakia, 6, 13 Flows, 6 Flowslide, 6, 46-52 Dams bottleneck form, 47 Bonneville, 69, 74 case histories, 51-52 Gardiner, 39, 43-44 characteristics, 50 Grand Coulee, 12, 23, 26 failure mechanisms, 50 Lookout Point, 11 geological conditions, 49-50 Vaiont, 12 implications, 50-51 Debris, 165 morphologic features, 47-48 currents, 123 occurrence, 47 dams, 123, 133 rate of movement, 50 flow, 6 stratigraphy, 48-49 forms, 30 Fluidization, 15-16 Debris avalanches, 6, 10, 123, 128-130 Forests, 117 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3742279/9780813758039_backmatter.pdf by guest on 23 September 2021 INDEX 275 clear cutting, 119 Karst, 149-150 deforestation, 11, 117, 263 Fractures, 38, 209-211 Labrador-Ungava, 59-67 France, 13 deglaciation, 60 geology, 60 Geomorphology, 31, 33, 50, 63, 99, 113, 122, 206, 263 glaciation, 62 Glacial loading, 40, 202 joints, 60-61, 64, 66 Glaciation processes, 20, 35, 42, 48-49, 53, 59-61 Labrador trough, 60 Glaciolacustrine sediments, 15, 20-21, 198, 201 Schefferville area, 59-60, 66 Grading ordinances, 3-4 slope failure mechanisms, 60-62 Granite, 127-130 Lake Albany Clays, 133-136 Granitoid, 127-130 cause of slides, 135-136 Gravity creep, 44 instability, 134 Great Northern Railway, 23 length of slide travel, 134 Ground water, 43-45, 128-130, 200, 203, 250 problems, 133-136 artesian, 43-45, 177-179 varved character, 133 Grouting, 25, 184 Land abuse, 271 Grus, 127, 129 Landslide-prone terrain, 20, 39, 133-134 Gulf of Alaska, 137-148 Landslides geologic setting, 137, 139 avoidance methods, 24 glaciation, 139 categories, 9 submarine slide, 139 causes, 7-14, 32, 51-52, 77, 98-99, 129, 150, 172-173, 175, 187, 189, 220-222, 230-231, 235, 240, 250-252 Hazards, 19-20, 51, 127, 130, 136, 148-149, 153, 168,241, 254, chemical treatment, 184 classification, 6-7, 9 271 costs, 21-23, 237, 240 definition, 3 criteria for, 5 flooding, 21 rating, 51 damages, 4, 7, 8-12, 18, 51-52, 69, 77, 107, 129, 134, 171, reduction, 136 185, 214, 237, 240, 255 Hawaiian Islands, 4, 19 definition, 3-5 Herodotus, 255 deposits, 237, 239, 261 Highways, 213, 225-232 engineering remedies, 24 cause of landslides, 185 excavation methods, 24 defoliation, 203 external factors, 7 features, 20 effects on stability, 107, 113, 213-222 impacts, 11 hydraulic ram mechanism, 82 Hillside benching, 25 internal influences, 15 Hillslope development, 23 inventory system, 21 Hong Kong, 8, 130 legal affairs, 23-24 Horizontal drains, 24, 79, 178 length of travel, 166 Hurricane Camille, 8 management, 271-272 mechanisms, 201-203 movement rate, 5 Incompetent rock, 250 occurrence, 99, 240 Indonesia, 4 planning, 19-26 Interceptor trench, 24 postglacial, 99, 102, 110 Iran prediction, 269-271 Saidmarreh landslide, 15 prevention, 24-26, 222 Italy, 11, 13, 23 recognition, 19-21, 237 Vaiont, 12, 17 reduction, 135-136 remedial methods, 189-195, 214 Japan, 7, 129 stabilization 6, 29, 181-184 Honshu, 129 susceptibility map, 239 Kobe, 8 terminology, 4-6 Kure, 8 types, 5-6 legislation, 24 vegetation treatment, 184 Mt. Fuji, 7 water control methods, 24 Ohsawakuzure slide, 7 Landslip, 4 Sagami Wan, 19 Lateral spreading landslides, 5 Tokyo, 8 Laurentide Ice Sheet, 64 Joints, 43, 159, 166, 187, 189, 191 Law of equifinality, 20-21 roughness, 66 Leda clay, 17 tear, 175 Lewis and Clark expedition, 69 tension, 63, 179 Lime, 26, 184 water pressure, 65 Liquefaction, 239, 270 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3742279/9780813758039_backmatter.pdf by guest on 23 September 2021 276 INDEX flow, 6, 8, 17-18, 46-52 Interstate 93, 185 Loess, 133 landslide cause, 187, 189 flow, 10 Woodstock landslide, 185-195 Lunar avalanches, 16 New York, 21, 133-136 Lydia, 255 Albany, 134, 136 Haverstraw, 12 Man, 11-12, 24, 85, 107, 109, 111, 130, 250-251, 262 Hudson River valley, 136 Martinez Mountain rock avalanche, 155-168 Lake Albany sediments, 133-134 age, 167-168 Tioughnioga valley, 14 archaeology, 158 Troy, 134, 136 characteristics, 163-164 New Zealand, 8, 171-184 failure, 164-166 Forest Service, 172 faulting, 160-161 geology, 172 geologic setting, 155-158 Lands and Survey Department, 176 location, 161 State Highway 1, 171 mechanisms of movement, 166-167 Utiku landslide, 171-184 morphometry, 161 Norway, 18, 25, 65-66 movement, 161 slide fault, 160 Ohio, 197-203 structural relationships, 158-161 Cuyahoga River valley, 197 Torro Canyon fault, 160 geology, 198 Mass movement (wasting), 43, 113-123 hydrology, 199-200 debris, 109 morphology, 200-201 factors involved, 115, 117 slope stability problems, 197 processes, 115, 117 Stumpy Basin slide, 197 rates, 119 vegetation, 200-201 Mazama ash, 110, 114 Oregon, 9, 113-123 Mining operations, 12 climate, 115
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