THE EVENING STAR B-9 Washington. D. C. RADIO-TELEVISION PROGRAMS | Highlights | WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER *4. IBM A H Wednesday, December 24, 1952 Radio D. C. Md. Vo. ¦ m Radio Today Today. PA* WMAL <3O WRC 980 WWPC 1260 7:o®, WCFM—Holton Arms Glee WOOK 1340 WKAM 1390 WOL 1450 WTOP 1500 Club: The Glee Club sings Christ- NO. 7-2443 Stir Nm Kins, Eli Btk WilH Rickard Ettoa News; Illy News; Crist Newt; Jecksta * mas Music. [TRENT-*. 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. sl BlWees: Bstter Eirt Stiwit 12SB Baaistiu Mule far Yea Lily aai Carte* Milt Craat Cart Massey :M Sherase Batler News; Bertaaa News; Melaiy Caspel Haas " " " " News; Mcßaaalf 8:00, WASH MGM Musical 6iJJ ” " " - » - I TELEVISION i« Batler; News Htar Extra; News Best la Oasis lowill Themis Comedy Theater: Robert Alda and tOO Waskiattsa Tsiay Sympkiiitta Fultoa Lewis. |r. News; Masie Arlingtoa News News; Craat Bialik Carol Bruce head the cast of “Hon- 1 Certified TV Reatel Elmer Bavls Bead, Bern* Eackaatei Haas Pats Casssß Milt Craat lack Cmltk olulu.” * Pjk " « » » •• wamwminM J :M Laaa Raster Newt; ’Beatty Gakriel Heatter dak IS jfgBMLI. 7s» " " " * • “ S:3O, WCFM From the BBC: i4S *’; Batlar Oaa Mae’s family Newsreel; Mosiy • R. Marram 7-7600—8 m Edward "The Festival of Nine Lessons and ( :BB Recari Skip Walk a Mile 12H Clad News; Matts Newt; CassaU News; Craat F. ¦ I.' la PeaaT Carols” from King's College 0 Sktrmaa Battle (Cali) Willis Caaaesr Masie far Via Pete aa< War Chapel, " Cassell Milt Craat " Hr " " " Wmg*J :» Tke Craat Naws; 12W Cactus Matt Br Ckristiaa Cambridge. 8:1* " - ;4* “ " ” Shop \ BlMtrsletTt Willis Caaieer Unity Vlawpalat jtaa Harskalt »:00. WTOP Playhouse on Ben’s Eloctric Dear Santa— Ik„ >’)¦ KH ;BB Mystery Tkaatar Creacke Man Skaw Heary; 1201 Newt; Rita Newt; Matt Naws; Craat Playksau as Broadway: Nina Foch has the lead- 1243 H sl. N.E. “ " ” LI. 7-S2M Willis Ceaaear Cavalcade si Nits Cactus Matt Milt Craat Breaiway ing role in “Star of Bethlehem.” ;JB Crime tatter frsm Big Ctary News; Tkeater " - " MCM Musical Wkat’s My Llaa N.E. Headquarters 9:l* • " * " for For Christmas please " " " 9:05, WASH Theater: :4* Baa Dads* Family Tkeater CimeSy M Family Theater Ann Blyth and Jeff Chandler ¦BO Oaly Jasea aa< the Frank EBwaras Naws; Christmas Ualea head Jaka Raws Hits Carals MCM Musical Saa Fraacisce the cast of “The Nativity.” Bing Lionel and bring me Lonesome Guy• ( A;IS Marias Christmas GalSea Flaeca Tree liiktiai Cavalcade at Nits Cactas Matt Ctmtdy Theater Ssaarc Ceacert |U:3B News; Music News; Assifimaat Naws; Massey ” " Ltaesame Bay Christmas Music Cl's Christmas Crosby is soloist. American Flyer * Trains ¦a Christmas Music Baat’r’s Assifimeat SH9 Massey " " " " " - " 9:30, WOL—MGM Musical Com- , ' edy Adoringly 7gb Naws-Sparts News; Spam SSOO Massey Newt; News; latlaky Trala (The Theater. Hits Christmas” Mink Want Taalikt " up 4 4:11 The Night Wstekmaa Near at Brsane Eraulai Spirltaalt lullaby Trail ;News; Sports 9:35. WWDC—Family Theater. $15.95 :M Jerry Itrait Lai Osytsa Immaculate " “ Batty Itllag - - Msaatlal 10:00, WEAM—Christmas Music: TRACKS AND ACCESSORIES Angel II * “ * " j :4S “ " "_2 Ceaceptiea Ch. Pakllc tenrica Ettle Callaktr The Bethel Evangelical and Re-! formed Church of Repoirs On All Mokes Troina ond ~12:BB St. Jeka's Catkatral Mitaigkt Mass Christmas Mass Newt: Nits Naws; Ullaty Trala Mitaigkt Mass | Christmas cirels Arlington pre- Appliances sents Christmas carols. 10:00, WTOP San Francisco Open Evenings ‘til 9 PM. Radio Tomorrow Thursday, December 25, 1952 Union Square Concert: Dorothy j p; A.M- WMAL WRC 980 WOOK 1340 {WEAM 1390 Warenskjold and the orchestra are JEIEnSSM 630 WWDC 1260 WOL 1450 WTOP 1500 featured in the annual Yuletide News; Blkbsts News; Rest Art Brswa News; Special Reataa’s Rauatap News; Basis Newt; Balata * “ " concert in San Francisco. R :1 Jim Clttaas Bsk Rest Uptswa Special Hark Basis Suarise Balata INYOURHOMEi " " “ >*• Music—Haws teats, News; Brswa " " " • - News-. Eeaaa 10:00, WGMS The Messiah: 6'*f4* ’’ ” M " M - irt Brswa Maralat Spirituals Di.t Crowley Mark Eeaas Handel’s oratoria as performed by l ~ *• News News; Wrlfkt Art Brawa Naws; Spirituals Reataa's Riaatip News; Basis News; Ems the Hudderafield Choral Society " " - VIRGINIA Jim Cihktas Bak Bast Rhythm Special ” Hark Basis Mark Esaas and the Liverpool Philharmonic " *’ i*o Ceaatry Stars Vales at Washiiftsa * " “ " " " News; Mahaaay orchestra. illFiWillllll 7>l* " " News-Sports Crawley . ¦<* Newt Art Brawa Bala New* Rauatap Saatlai 10:15, WWDC Tree Lighting: JA. 7-7722 BB Newt; Cikkeis Warlt Rtaauap Art Brawa Naws; Spaclii Plaebrsak PraltM Herb Basis Warlt Newt A rebroadcast of the White House * " Ceaatry Stars Bek Beet Rhythm Special " " * - Saatlai Christmas Tree Lighting. Call 9 ajr. to 9 p.aa. rmmuMMfn* i). *n.. ?*. “ " ” " c.. :JB News; Spirts News; Reet Esaas, Newt; Brawa Ualty Vlawpaiat Reataa’s Reuatup Service »>l* " " 10:20, WTOP—GI’s Christmas: A America* Center its Clkkeas; Naws Bsk Reef Brswa; Heatter Rhythm Special * Christmas eve report from service- OB' Breakfast Clah Bak Reef Art Brssra News; Special Newt; Rauatap Nswt; Basis News es America men in Korea and Army bases at ill Baa McNeill M. Persies Rhythm CpKlil Reataa’s Reaafap Basis; Besetlaa Yea’re the Tap - " " “ “ " " home and abroad. Victor —— —— ;JB llaflakr Esaas, Newti Fart Aatell Shaw Eliaar Lai ¦— ' ¦— " “ " i ¦¦ ¦ ¦^ygyl 9 * - * 11:30, 'jitemmlLm WWDC Services from it! Merafitk Wilsea M. A Fart Musical Baiaar Christmas Music Washington’s Church of the Im- M My Ctary Walcame Traselars M Fait News; Gatfray True " 0. NiwiT'MetTrskep~ Ballatia heart Basis Shaw ” maculate Conception. wAilB Staryi Straits Fart; Esaas Naws Music thap Maralat Warship Bab Basts* llf;3B Wkisperlat Strata Bauble sr NctMig Esaas, Newti Fart " " Pate Cassell Musical Bazaar " " 12:00, WRC—Midnight Mass from its A Ctrl Marries M. Q. Fart *•*• • - "" * • Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New WCFM—99.S its Jerry Street Hynes Strike It Rica Uflas Fair News; Mule Ship Naws; Cassell Sews; Basic Gatfray Shaw York. “ " Fraak Harfea Fair; Naws Music Ship Pats Cassell Oak Oasis’ ” " 12:00, WMAL—Services from Saint ;3B Both Crate Sab aH Ray Basil far a Bay Mlffay Spirltaala * ” John the " " Musical Bazaar Craat Slam Divine in New York. Christmas Eve Progran n:IS,4| Bah Heps “ “ • " • - " " Rasamary 12:00, WTOP—Christmas Carols: The Robert Shaw Chorale Angel 'Blllllllllllllll^^ 1- sings K:4s—The Littlest ¥m7 Christmas carols. NOT CHRISTMAS PERFUME—Far from it indeed is the bottle iBB Christmas News; Curt Massey l:N—Dicken’c ‘'Christmas Carol”- Music Barrlselt Shaw News; Masie Chap News; Cassell Naws Ntwti Waafy Wart 12:00, WOL Services from the Lionel Barrymore. which Norbert Schiller has handed to Randy Stuart in the 4 *)l* Crecker; Cute Nucy Onset Bsukkaft; Nesg Masie Skip Pita CassaU latch Varieties Aaat Jessy * " ' ” - ” ” at T: o®—Holton Arms Glee Club— “BiffBaker U. S. A.” episode which will be seen on W TOP-TV IA** Back te the Blhla Or. James Misra Year SUr Tima Hslm Treat Dahlgren Chapel Georgetown "** ” " • • " " University. Christmas Music. on January 1. i*S Music Meet the Beat Bar Cal Seafsy ;BB Bicksas’ “A Music M. «. Fart News; Spirituals Raws; Cealey Hews; Mt|ic V:M—Violet Heming Reads “Rewar " " Bit Sister Television Teday. 4 ;1S Christmas Carat” Prize Party Aftsmai Spirituals Jake Caalty Mstie Carpet Ma Perkias of Faith.” " * “ ** On the Air I :lt Harelf Stapler Esaas News; Fart Arliattii Scksals Claris Crawfsrt Yauat Br. Malaaa 8:00, WTTG Christmas Is for I:M—Bach—Sleepers Wake. " " “ ** " " :4S Jamas Smiley Mars's Areher M. 0. fart Cuifiat ll|ht Every One: The choir of Saint |;36—Kings College Chapel Choir- Paul’s College sings Christmas :CB Break the Baak Mara’s Archer Omaha Calliag News; Oaaclat Party News; Cealey News; Mauls Seceai Mrs. Burtaa BBC. ” lack te This Bay *' " Daaciat Party " " Marie Carpet Perry Massa music. 2;1I:3B Skermaa Batlar Baee Carraway " " " ** Dickies “A Ceerte Crawfsrt Nera Drake 8:30, WRC—Cavalcade of Amer- Holiday “ “ - Television Marks » " - " " >4l Kukle Free eat Ollle Christmas Carel” Brithter Day ica: “In This Crisis” tells a Christ- "I KNOW I'M A LITTLE OLD story its Maws; Batlar Lite Beautiful M. 0. Fieri Newt; Party News; Party News; Matle Hilltap Htasa mas about a revolutionary FOR THIS SANTA ... BUT IS Skermu Batlar Rut if life Prize Party Oaaclat Farty Peatkause Party Marie Carpet Reuse Party hero. " " I'VE GOT MY Special Programs " “ " " " With " HEART ¦SB Ytuags Family News; Club Ceerte Crawfsrt 8:30, WTTG—A Star Shall Rise: 3: '* “ “ * ** " " By Harrv MocArthur ¦4J "; Cracker Right te Happiaest Willis Ceaaear Smith; Heme Falks A drama about the Three Wise SET ON CHRISTMAS t :tO Christmas at Backitate Wife jlttß Club News; BaacTat Party News; Allbrltht News; Matic Cillea; Enas draw Men is presented. DAY DINNER AT NO DOWN The Christmas season, as you itvmjwiirurn tuj a p.m. xnis is Heme with Stella Dallas Willis Caterer Daaciat Party Nat Allbrltht Marie Carpet Mark Enas Shew 9:00, WNBW—Television Theater: " ” " " I already have noticed, is being a Christmas fantasy conceived .]• Jerry an* Yauat Wifler Brawa Neon: IJSB Club Penthouse Party Ceerte Craerferl " " " ” “ " ** Malcolm Keen portrays Scrooge in fully observed the air. Tele- produced by Leon LeonidofT, 4:19|«j Jemma Wemaa la My Haute Willis CeaeVbr -* on land Stieif Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” PAYMENT! vision is celebrating in various executive producer at New York’s ,ia Christmas at Jest Ptala Bill Sertt. Prestei Newt; Party News; Illy News; Craat Caliaher Matiacs ” ” 10:00, WTOP '* " Eve ways, religious City Name with Fruit Farrell Party lily Curley MMt Craat Christmas from services to Radio Music Hall. It is de- Pate Daaciat aaf" " " H " " " " Musicale: Gene Lockhart, 36 Months to Pay! .jl Jerry aaf Lertaze Jean Sky King David variety programs legend " special in holi- scribed as “a for Christ- 5:19 "" ** “ ¦ Rose and his orchestra '.
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