TAILGATE RAM BUNGS August 1978 Volume 8 Number 8 Ragtime to Russia screeches on tenor saxes and dog-whistle high notes on trumpets. I found only I spent the period May 26-June 23 in the one trombonist on the whole trip (al­ Soviet Union on a 6-city tour with the though he was damned good) and not a N.E. Conservatory Ragtime Ensemble, cond­ single clarinetist. ucted by Gunther Schuller. In addition Dick Baker to my official duties as State Depart­ ment escort officer and interpreter for (Is there traditional jazz in Russia? the group, I made it a point to seek And how do jazz fans communicate with out and get acquainted with jazz club no Tailgate Ramblings to keep them presidents wherever I could find them, posted? Watch this space next month which I did in five of the cities we for Dick's continuation of his account visited. of the Russian trip. -- TG) The most remarkable aspect of the tour was political: We seemed to be the Aussies Coming to Marriott only Americans being treated well in Ai'ter two years of planning, Bob Barnard the Soviet Union in that period. Jour­ is bringing his jazz band back to the nalists were being hauled into court, U.S. this summer, and will play for the diplomats were being accused of spying, PRJC on Friday evening, Aug. E. an American businessman was (ludicrously) Trumpeter Barnard first came to this arrested for money speculation, and two country from his native Australia in guides at the American agriculture 1975, along with his trombonist, exhibit in Kiev were expelled for "anti** John "Cossie" Costelloe. On that trip, Soviet" comments; at the same time the the two spent several days in the Ragtime Ensemble was receiving more than Washington area, sitting in every night just a proper reception - the Soviets at the B'haus or at O'Carroll's Seafood bent over backwards every step of the Hoorah._Barnard liked what he saw on way to enhance our stay there. I was that trip, so in 1976 he brought his looking over my shoulder every step of whole band over here for a 1-month the way, but the hammer never fell. tour. Now he's back. The Ragtime ensemble was quite well Just as in 1976, this summer's tour received by Soviet audiences, although is anchored around a performance at the it was clear that the Russians didn't annual Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Jazz really know what to expect from us„ A Festival in Davenport, followed by a popular Soviet pianist of the 20's, series of one-nighters for jazz clubs Alexander Tsfassman, recorded Kitten on around the country. The Keys, and they've heard The Enter­ The Barnard band has not changed tainer in recent yars over international since 1976. In addition to Bob and radio, but that was about the extent of Cos ie, John McCarthy (clt), Chris their familiarity with ragtime. Gener­ Taperell (po), Wally Wickham (bs) ally, the audiences came expecting some and Laurie Thompson (dr) make up the sort of jazz (in Odessa, the group was band. They'll play as usual from 9 to even incorrectly advertised as a "jazz 1 in the Potomac Room of the band"), but they quickly warmed to the Marriott Twin Bridges. Admission is band's music and came away both ener- $5 for PRJC members, $7 for nonmembers. tained and educated, I found^jazz interest and activity PRJC on Radio in the Soviet Union at an all-time high; The Jazz Band Ball rolls on on unfortunately, this does not extend to WPFW-FM (89.3 ) Sundays 6-7:30 pm. traditional jazz. As has always been This month, the lineup reads: the case with the Russians, even before Aug. 6 - Host, George Combs - Toots the Revolution, they are most interested Thielmans: Jazz Harmonica in the very latest in Western culture. Aug 13 - Lou Byers - Sidney Bechet in I was constantly embarrassed by being Europe unable to answer eager questions about Aug. 20 - Ted Chandler - Earl Hines In the_activities of modern avant garde jazz Retrospect musicians of whom I'd never even heard„ Aug. 27 - Jim Lyons - Southside Chicago. There are a few traditional bands, and a few big bands playing everything from Miller to modern, but for the most part PIANO FOR SALE. Ornate old Epworth Soviet jazzmen seem distressingly upright, gd. cond. $500. DBaker 698-8017 inclined to emulate their American counterparts in producing unmusical Dinner and Delivery Service The Gunther Schuller Group appeared at Wolftrap and were dined by the Bakers afterwards. Many PRJCers at Wolftrap, Tailgate Ramblings After traveling all over Russia with no slip ups, the airline misplaced a drum, August 1978 and after much phoning, Dick Baker got Vol. 8 No. 8 one from Johnny_Roulet of the Stutz Editor - Ted Chandler Bearcats, who kindly came to the rescue. Contributing Editors - Fred Starr Family who Pla.vs Together probably Dick Baker will stay together, as they have to Mary Doyle practice. The Coulson family from Calif, PRJC President - Dick Baker(703)698-8017 here for a Kennedy Center appearance. V.P. - Ray West (703)370-5605 Everyone in the family plays at least PRJC Hot Line - 573-TRAD D D one instrument, most two0 Jo Murphy and TR is published monthly for members of Ed Fishel were helpful in getting some the Potomac River Jazz Club, a nonprofit members out to hear this impromptu group dedicated to the preservation of performance at the B'haus. Joe is a traditional jazz and its encouragement good friend of Lu Watters, and so are in the Washington-Baltimore area. Signed the Coulsons. Great entertainment. articles in TR represent the views of St Louis Festival A smash. Great their authors alone and should not be weather and one whole week of jazz. Among construed as club policy or opinion. those who heard Turk Murphy, the Tar­ Articles, letters, and ad copy (no nished 6 , and others, from here were charge for classified ads for members) the Grays, Wahlers, Ericksons, Don should be mailed to the editor at: Angell, and the Rohleders from Richmond. 7160 Talisman Lane Meanwhile. Back at the Bjhaus, Nick, Columbia, Md. 21045. the genial host, has been downed by a hernia operation, but at this writing, Is It True What They Say . doing nicely. Overheard these lines Ahoy, Landlubbers! Everyone was looking spoken by a visiting wit: "I dropped in here because I heard the Alexandria ever so nautical (white pants sales Symphony was coming." soared locally) when the State College, Pa-, band made its fun appearance at the .is—There a Bg,ss out there? Enjoyed annual PRJC boatride. A1 Brogdon of this month's B'haus jam session where Southern Comfort housed a few members musicians meet musicians. Met a new one - since he used to play with that band. Lew Kauder, tenor sax - who used to live So did the Kramers. The Kovalacheks, in Bogalusa (Yes, Virginia, there really is one) 50 or 60 miles away from New string bass and wife, stayed with us; Orleans, and that many light years away both music teachers - she's not teaching in other respects. Ed Fishel says the now while she takes care of a next jam hasn't had a bass in 2 years (slight generation musician. exaggeration). Corrections and Apologies The Hey, MateNext band may be playing Tie Me Kangaroo Down or Waltzing new member of the Hagert ensemble Mathilda Dixieland style when the is a girl, Norma, not a boy. The edit­ Aussies come to town under Bob Barnard. orial offices of TR will be receiving a nasty note from Reed Irvine. Mary H. Doyle PRJC MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (Please Print) NAME SPOUSE'S NAME____________________________ STREET CITY____________________________________ STATE AND ZIP_______________________ TELEPHONE NO. (optional)__________________ MUSICIAN?________WHAT INSTRUMENTS?____________________________________________ PRESENTLY MEMBER OF BAND?___________ CARE TO JOIN ONE?_______________________ DESCRIBE JAZZ INTERESTS BRIEFLY (WHAT STYLES, ARTISTS YOU PREFER. WHY? optional) PRJC DUES THRU 1978 - $5.00. Checks payable to Potomac River Jazz Club. Mail to: Doris B. Baker, Membership Sec’y 7004 Westmoreland Rd. Falls Church, Va. 22042 But On the Other Hand An Editorial Outcry Jay Dee ticked off at us, we think we've been terribly kind to several bands After reading Sam Laudenslager's piece that have visited us this year, but Jay in this issue, we are moved to hope that Dee is our man at the Marriott, and he he feels better for the unburdening. We writes so well we aren't about to get were happy to afford him the space. in his way.) it is something quite Now it's our turn, because we think different and indefensible to write bad that Sam was right on a point or two reviews of local bands. And there is and very wrong on a number of points. a perfectly good reason why this is so. No one has asked Sam, Bob Sauer, or Everyone in the club knows that there anyone else to write profound musical are perhaps a half dozen bands in the commentary (his phrase) for TR. (We do club that are much more interesting so now, however. They could write very than the others, (not necessarily meaningful stuff for us if they so des­ better, we said "more interesting") ire.) There is, however, a very good passage in the Book of Proverbs, which One of these is the New Sunshine JB. states: "He who tooteth not his own We recently ran a favorable review of horn, said horn shall not be tooted." their new record.
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