Red Press: Radical Print Culture from St. Petersburg to Chicago Pamphlets Explanatory Power I 6 fDK246.S2 M. Dobrov Chto takoe burzhuaziia? [What is the Bourgeoisie?] Petrograd: Petrogr. Torg. Prom. Soiuz, tip. “Kopeika,” 1917 Samuel N. Harper Political Pamphlets H 39 fDK246.S2 S.K. Neslukhovskii Chto takoe sotsializm? [What is Socialism?] Petrograd: K-vo “Svobodnyi put’”, [n.d.] Samuel N. Harper Political Pamphlets H 10 fDK246.S2 Aleksandra Kollontai Kto takie sotsial-demokraty i chego oni khotiat’? [Who Are the Social Democrats and What Do They Want?] Petrograd: Izdatel’stvo i sklad “Kniga,” 1917 Samuel N. Harper Political Pamphlets I 7 fDK246.S2 Vatin (V. A. Bystrianskii) Chto takoe kommuna? (What is a Commune?) Petrograd: Petrogradskogo Soveta Rabochikh i Krasnoarmeiskikh Deputatov, 1918 Samuel N. Harper Political Pamphlets E 32 fDK246.S2 L. Kin Chto takoe respublika? [What is a Republic?] Petrograd: Revoliutsionnaia biblioteka, 1917 Samuel N. Harper Political Pamphlets E 31 fDK246.S2 G.K. Kryzhitskii Chto takoe federativnaia respublika? (Rossiiskaia federatsiia) [What is a Federal Republic? (The Russian Federation)] Petrograd: Znamenskaia skoropechatnaia, 1917 1 Samuel N. Harper Political Pamphlets E42 fDK246.S2 O.A. Vol’kenshtein (Ol’govich): Federalizm v Rossii [Federalism in Russia] Knigoizdatel’stvo “Luch”, [n.d.] fDK246.S2 E33 I.N. Ignatov Gosudarstvennyi stroi Severo-Amerikanskikh Soedinenykh shtatov: Respublika [The Form of Government of the United States of America: Republic] Moscow: t-vo I. D. Sytina, 1917 fDK246.S2 E34 K. Parchevskii Polozhenie prezidenta v demokraticheskoi respublike [The Position of the President in a Democratic Republic] Petrograd: Rassvet, 1917 fDK246.S2 H35 Prof. V.V. Sviatlovskii Anarkhizm, ego sushchnost’ i uchenie [Anarchism, its Essence and Teaching] Petrograd: Iasnyi-Popov, 1917 fDK246.S2 H5 K chemu stremitsia S-D Rabochaia Partiia? (Bol’sheviki i mensheviki). Programma v populiarnom izlozhenii [What Does the S.-D. Workers Party Work For? (Bolsheviks and Mensheviks). A Popular Exposition of the Program] Petrograd: Knigoizdatel’stvo “Svobodnyi Put’”, 1917 The Pamphlet & Tactical Struggle fDK246.S2 H15 N. Lenin Pis’ma o taktike. Pis’mo 1-e [Letters on Tactics. 1st Letter] Petrograd: Priboi, 1917 fDK246.S2 H16 E[miliia] Pimenova Narodnyia sobraniia ili mitingi 2 [Popular Assemblies or Demonstrations] Petrograd: Narodnoe delo, 1917 fDK246.S2 F49 I. Prilezhaev Zadachi rabochikh v kontrole i organizatsii proizvodstva [Tasks of the Workers in the Control and Organization of Production] Petrograd: Rev. mysl’, 1917 fDK246.S2 H14 Em. Iaroslavskii Otchego net tovarov v derevne, khleba v gorodakh [Why There Are No Goods in the Village and No Bread in the Cities] Moscow: Izdatel’stvo “Volna,” 1917 fDK246.S2 H13 Z. Lilina Organizuite zhenshchin! [Organize the Women!] Petrograd: Izd. Priboi, 1917 fDK246.S2 H8 K. Kautskii Klassovye interesy [Class Interests] Petrograd: Luch, 1917 fDK246.S2 H22 A. Kollontai Rabotnitsy i Uchreditel’noe sobranie [Working Women and the Constituent Assembly] Petrograd: Izd. Priboi, 1917 Hygiene fDK246.S2 AT10 I. D. Strashun Vodka—iad bednoty [Vodka—Poison of the Poor] Moscow: Krestianskaia gazeta, 1926 fDK246.S2 AT9 I. D. Strashun Na bor’bu za novyi trezvyi byt Moscow: Izd-vo narkomzdrava, 1925 3 fDK246.S2 AT11 Dr. I. Byk Vred sueverii i predrassudkov dlia materi i rebenka [The Harm of Superstitions and Prejudices to Mother and Child] Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe medetsinksoe izdatel’stvo, 1930 Handbills Handbill, Third Message of the Priest Georgy Gapon to Workers and Soldiers, undated Samuel N. Harper Papers Handbill, On the occasion of the departure of the first volunteer battalion of Disabled veterans for the front, undated Samuel N. Harper Papers Handbill, Deserters from the front: “Go away – you’re no son of mine!,” undated Samuel N. Harper Papers Handbill, Rise up all, as one! Drive away the enemy. Il’ya, buried alive, has risen, undated Samuel N. Harper Papers Handbill, Renunciation of the throne by Grand Prince Mikhail Aleksandrovich, undated Samuel N. Harper Papers Calendars fDK246.S2 AT 30 Sotsialisticheskii zemledel’cheskii kalendar’ na 1919 g [Socialist Agricultural Calendar for 1919] Moscow: Izdanie Narodnogo kommissariata zemledeliia, 1919 Samuel N. Harper Political Pamphlets Sovetskii kalendar’. 1920 [Soviet Calendar. 1920] Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo, 1919 On loan from William Nickell AY944.V9 Vseobshchii nastol’nyi kalednar’ na 1927 g. [Universal Table Calendar for 1927] Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo, 1926 University of Chicago Library 4 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Rosenberger 450E-41 The Protocols and World Revolution Boston: Small, Maynard & Company, 1920 Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica Rosenberger 450E-33 The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion New York: The Beckwith Company, 1920 Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica Rosenberger 450E-26 Sergi͡ eĭ Nilus (1862-1930) I Protocolli dei Savi Anziani di Sion [s.l.]: Mondadori, 1945 Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica Rosenberger 450E-34 The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion New York: The Beckwith Company, 1920 Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica Rosenberger 450E-34 (this is a pamphlet included with the book above) A Rebuttal to the Implied Indictment in The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion New York: The Beckwith Company, 1920? Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica Rosenberger 450E-24 The Jewish Peril: The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion London: “The Britons”, 1920 Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica Rosenberger 450E-36 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion [s.l.: s.n., n.d.] Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica Rosenberger 450E-23 The Jewish Peril: Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., 1920 Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica Rosenberger 450E-31 Les Protocols des Sages de Sion Paris: Riss, 1934 5 Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica Rosenberger 450E-35 “The Protocols” with Preface and Explanatory Notes London: “The Britons”, 1934 Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica Rosenberger 450E-21 Sergi͡ eĭ Nilus (1862-1930) Jødefaren: Bevismateriale Copenhagen: Eget Forlag, [1920?] Ludwig Rosenberger Library of Judaica MS 1293 Protokoly sionskikh mudtretsov Codex Manuscript Collection, [n.d.] Satirical Journals ffDK262.R9 Constitution, Revolution, Provocation Fiskal No. 3 St. Petersburg: Parovaia skoropechatnia G. Pozharova, 1906 Rare Book Collection Fiskal No. 4 St. Petersburg: Parovaia skoropechatnia G. Pozharova, 1906 Rare Book Collection “Constitution” Kliuv No. 1 St. Petersburg: Tipografiia Tovarishchestva “Narodnaia pol’za”, 1905 Rare Book Collection Kliuv No. 2 St. Petersburg: Tipografiia Tovarishchestva “Narodnaia pol’za”, 1905 Rare Book Collection Mitiai “A Monument to the Freedom of Speech, 1905” Sekira No. 2 St. Petersburg: Tipografiia Iu. A. Mansfel’da, 1905 Rare Book Collection “Revolution” 6 Deviatyi Val No. 1 St. Petersburg: Pushkinskaia skoropechatnia, 1906 Rare Book Collection Z. I. Grzhebin "The Were-Eagle" Zhupel No. 1 St. Petersburg: Tovarishchestvo R. Golike I A. Vil’borg, 1905 Rare Book Collection Satirical Journals (for Ando case) fDK262.R9 Boris Kustodiev “Olympus: Count Ignat’ev” Adskaia pochta No. 3 St. Petersburg: Tovarishchestvo R. Golike i A. Vil’borg, 1906 Rare Book Collection “After the pogrom” Maliar No. 3 St. Petersburg: Tipografiia “Sirius”, 1906 Rare Book Collection “Every sandpiper praises his own swamp” Iumoristicheskii al’manakh No. 50 St. Petersburg: Tipografiia Tovarishchestva “Narodnaia pol’za”, Rare Book Collection Mstislav Dobuzhinskii “The October Idyll” Zhupel No. 1 St. Petersburg: Tovarishchestvo R. Golike i A. Vil’borg, 1905 Rare Book Collection Ivan Bilibin “Once the Great and Glorious Tsar Dodon” Zhupel No. 2 St. Petersburg: Tovarishchestvo R. Golike i A. Vil’borg, 1905 Rare Book Collection Mstislav Dobuzhinskii Reconciliation Zhupel No. 2 St. Petersburg: Tovarishchestvo R. Golike i A. Vil’borg, 1905 Rare Book Collection 7 Young Worker HX1f.Y8 Vol 1. No. 3. 1922 c.2 The Young Worker Vol.1, No.3 New York: National Organization Committee for the Young Workers League of America, 1922 Rare Book Collection Reproduction “Blow Heard ‘Round the World” The Young Worker Vol.1, No.3 New York: National Organization Committee for the Young Workers League of America, 1922 Rare Book Collection HX1f.Y8 Vol 1. No. 4. 1922 c.2 The Young Worker Vol.1, No.4 Chicago: National Executive Committee of the Young Workers League of America, 1922 Rare Book Collection Reproduction “Brains, Brawn and Bone-Heads” The Young Worker Vol.1, No.4 Chicago: National Executive Committee of the Young Workers League of America, 1922 Rare Book Collection HX1f.Y8 Vol 2. No. 1. 1923 c.2 The Young Worker Vol. 2, No.1 Chicago: National Executive Committee of the Young Workers League of America, 1923 Rare Book Collection HX1f.Y8 Vol 2. No. 2. 1923 c.2 “Risen from the Ranks” The Young Worker Vol. 2, No.1 Chicago: The Young Workers League of America, 1923 Rare Book Collection HX1f.Y8 Vol 2. No. 6. 1923 c.2 The Young Worker Vol. 2, No.6 Chicago: The Young Workers League of America, 1923 Rare Book Collection HX1f.Y8 Vol 2. No. 11. 1923 c.2 The Young Worker Vol. 2, No.11 8 Chicago: The Young Workers League of America, 1923 Rare Book Collection Max Shachtman “The Sixth Anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution” The Young Worker Vol. 2, No.11 Chicago: The Young Workers League of America, 1923 Rare Book Collection International Press: The Revolution Resonates Alexander Trachtenberg (1884-1966) The History of May Day New York: International Pamphlets,
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