Jet Black Alikat SI 81

Jet Black Alikat SI 81

Hip No. Con signed by Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 144 -HW%ODFN$OLNDW6, 144 Jan u ary 3, 2011 Brown Gelding *DPH3DWULRW6, ^&KLFNV%HGXLQR6, -HW%ODFN3DWULRW6, )LUH$QG1LFH6, ^)LUVW'RZQ+HPS6, )LUVW'RZQ-HZHO6, -HW%ODFN$OLNDW6, ^-RHV+HPS-HW6, 6WROL6, )LUVW'RZQ'DVK6, 6WROL$OLNDW6, ^6WUDZEHUU\6LON6, ^:LQQLQJ)ODLU6, 5XQDZD\:LQQHU6, ^/DOHOL6, By JET BLACK PATRIOT SI 110 (2006). Stakes win ner of 7 races in 9 starts, $$876,921, LQHBA Fut. [RG1], 2nd All Amer i can Fut. [G1]. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2013; sire of 93 ROM, $1,943,109, incl. DASHING JET RIO SI 96 (3 wins at 2, 2013, $154,169, LA Bdrs’ Lassie Fut [RG2]), JET- BLACK GOLD MO MENT SI 109 (5 wins, $147,623, Fire cracker Derby), MI ANGELA SI 97 ($76,853, IQHRAI Derby), Bare Na ked Mar tini SI 101 [RG2]. 1st dam STOLI ALIKAT SI 93, by Stoli. Placed to 3, $9,108. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Winning Flair SI 91, by Run away Win ner. 2 wins to 3, $14,484, 2nd San Jacinto S. [R], fi nal ist in the Long horn Fu tu rity [G3], qual i fied to TQHA Breeders’ Fu tu rity [R] [G1]. Sis ter to RACING WINNER SI 106. Dam of 14 foals to race, 13 ROM, includ ing– FIRST PLACE WIN SI 111 (g. by First Place Dash). 4 wins to 10, $133,149, East Ju ve nile Challenge [G3], 3rd Soph o more Show- down S., fi nal ist Texas Clas sic Fut. [G1], Juv. Chlg. Champ. [G1]. GALION SI 95 (g. by Shazoom). 4 wins to 3, $53,133, Mile High Derby. STREAKIN FLAIR SI 97 (f. by Streakin Sixes). 5 wins to 4, $44,264, La Villita S., 3rd East Distaff Challenge, fi nal ist Manor Derby [G2]. Shazoomer SI 105 (g. by Shazoom). 6 wins to 8, $113,188, 2nd East Ju ve nile Chlg. [G3], El Moro De Cumpas S., Lexington Chlg. Sprint S., 3rd Harrah’s Dash S., fi nal ist Sam Houston Fu tu rity [G1]. Fa vored SI 97 (f. by Teller Car tel). 3 wins to 4, $92,488, 2nd Hobbs Amer ica Fu tu rity [G2], fi nal ist in the Ruidoso Derby [G1]. Catchin Win nings SI 95 (g. by Relagate TB). 4 wins to 7, $61,523, 2nd Manor Downs Fu turity [G2]. 3rd dam LALELI SI 97, by Special Ef fort. Win ner at 3, $12,582, fi nal ist Kan sas Derby [G1]. Half sis ter to Cashs Lil Peach SI 85 (dam of CO RONA CAP TAIN SI 101, $114,196 [G3]). Dam of 15 foals to race, 14 ROM, incl.– VI TAL TIME SI 112 (Vi tal Sign). 9 wins in 16 starts to 4, $259,300, AQHA Derby Chal lenge Champ. [G1], AQHA Ju ve nile Challenge Champ. [G1], Manor Downs Lassie Fu tu rity [G2], etc. Set NTR 350y. RACING WINNER SI 106 (Run away Win ner). 5 wins to 5, $66,864, Cen tral Derby Chal lenge [G3], Hertz Rent-A-Car S., 2nd Altoona Derby [G3], 3rd Cen tral Dis taff Chal lenge [G3], Kool Kue Baby S. Dam of RACING STREAK SI 101 ($64,484), Hawking SI 94 ($128,759, 3rd Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1]), Shazee SI 91 ($25,247), Winners Car tel SI 99 (5 wins to 5, $145,292, fi nal ist in the All Amer i can Fu tu rity [G1], qual i fied to Rain bow Fu tu rity [G1]). La Lalique SI 96 (Co rona Car tel). 3 wins to 3, $70,674, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G1], qual i fied to Rain bow Derby [G1]. Winning Flair SI 91 (Run away Winner). Stakes placed win ner, above. Racing Rezooms SI 124. 3 wins, $14,246, 2nd Mani toba Bred Derby. RACE RE CORD: At 2, 2013, un placed. EARNED $510. EN GAGE MENTS: AQHA Chal lenge. RGP 9/13 Hip No. Con signed by Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Hip No. 145 -H]HEHO*RQH 145 2010 Bay Filly )LUVW'RZQ'DVK6, ^'DVK)RU&DVK6, :DON7KUX)LUH6, )LUVW3UL]H5RVH6, ^6ZHHW%HGXLQR6, %HGXLQR7% -H]HEHO*RQH ^6ZHHW*DPH6, 6WUDZIO\6SHFLDO6, 6SHFLDO(IIRUW6, 659HQXV'HOLJKW6, ^)O\,Q7KH3LH6, ^$UWHVLDV%HGXLQR6, %HGXLQR7% ^$UWHVLD6, By WALK THRU FIRE SI 92 (1997). 2 wins, $94,280; fnl. [G1]. Sire of 374 ROM, 41 stakes winners, $16,231,022, in clud ing HIGHER FIRE SI 103 (champion 2-year-old, $1,314,742, Ed Burke Mil lion Fut. [G1]), SEP A RATE FIRE SI 96 (cham pion, 5 wins, $631,250, Ed Burke Mil lion Fut. [G1]), FLAME N FLASH SI 94 (cham pion, $420,926 [G1]), PINK BOOTS RM SI 105 (cham pion, $139,345 [G2]), LAST TO FIRE SI 97 ($662,545 [G1]), THE PARTYS ON FIRE 1st dam SR VE NUS DE LIGHT SI 81, by Strawfly Spe cial. Placed in 1 start at 2. Sis- ter to Ve nus Flight SI 93. Dam of 2 other foals of rac ing age, 1 to race– Miss Gold Creek SI 83 (f. by Voghts Gold). Winner to 4, 2013, $7,043. 2nd dam ARTESIAS BEDUINO SI 81, by *Beduino TB. Un placed. Sis ter to ARTESIAS SPE CIAL GAL SI 97. Dam of 20 starters, 17 ROM, incl.– CHIV ALRY SR SI 106 (Walk Thru Fire). 8 wins to 5, $349,356, Los Alamitos Champ. [G1], Ca lif. Brdrs’ Champ. H. [R] [G1]-NTR, Vandy’s Flash H. [G3], 2nd Ves sels Mat. [G1], 3rd Champ. of Cham pions [G1], etc. SE REN ITY DASH SI 95 (First Down Dash). 5 wins, $50,527, Wine Coun try Derby, fi nal ist [G1]. Dam of In sep a ra ble Dash SI 100. Cham pion Ways SI 105 (f. by Sepa rat ist). 4 wins to 3, $51,034, 2nd Cy- press Soph o more S., Lassie H. Ve nus Flight SI 93 (Strawfly Special). 2 wins to 3, $49,472, 3rd Her i - tage Place Derby [G1]; fi nal ist in the Her i tage Place Fu tu rity [G1]. Shona Tova SI 89 (f. by Stoli). Winner to 3, 3rd Oneida County Fair Fut. Separtesia (f. by Sepa rat ist). Un placed. Dam of Bel ve dere SR SI 96. 3rd dam ARTESIA SI 97, by Timeto Thinkrich. Broodmare of the Year in 1998, 8 wins, $361,716, La Primera Del Ano Derby [G1], Lassie H. [G2], Ca lif. Brdrs Champ. [R] [G3], etc. Dam of 14 foals to race, 13 ROM, incl.– ARTESIAS SPECIALCHIC SI 99 (Chicks Beduino). Cham pion 2-Year-Old Gelding, 8 wins to 3, $511,866, Golden State Fu tu rity [G1], El Primero Del Ano Derby [G2], Indio S., 2nd Los Alamitos Mil- lion Fut. [G1], 3rd Los Alamitos Derby [G1], Golden State Derby [G1]. ARTESIAS FIRST DOWN SI 103 (First Down Dash). 6 wins to 4, $109,505, Pomona Champ. H. [G3], 2nd Ves sels Ma tu rity [G1], etc. ARTESIAS SPE CIAL GAL SI 97 (*Beduino TB). 9 wins in 18 starts to 3, $108,892, SoCal Derby [G1], Town Policy H. [G3], Amer i can Air lines Chlg. Dam of A Gals First Down SI 101 ($111,157 [G1]). Artesias Super Chic SI 96 (Chicks Beduino). 4 wins to 5, $83,062, 2nd Jet Deck S., Na ples S., 3rd Gover nor’s Cup Derby [R] [G1]. Artesias Merridoc SI 95 (Merridoc). 2 wins to 4, $38,056, 2nd La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], etc. Dam of MERRIDOC HAWK SI 101 ($219,912 [G1]), LETTY BAIL REGIS OUT SI 89 ($25,560), Chicky Do Run Run SI 98 ($106,463 [R] [G1]). RACE RE CORD: Has not started. EN GAGE MENTS: AQHA Chal lenge. Em bryo trans fer. RGP 9/13 Hip No. Con signed by Bobby Capps Hip No. 146 7UHDVXUHV-HW6, 146 2010 Bay Gelding &RURQD&DUWHO6, ^+ROODQG(DVH6, -HW&DUWHO &RURQD&KLFN6, ^/LO%LW5XVW\6, (DVLO\6PDVKHG6, 7UHDVXUHV-HW6, ^5XVW\5RFNHWWH6, &RURQD&DUWHO6, +ROODQG(DVH6, 7UHDVXUHV)RUHYHU6, ^&RURQD&KLFN6, ^7UHDVXUH*ODVV6, 5DLVH<RXU*ODVV7% ^.DWK\¶V)RRO6, By JET CAR TEL (2005). Unraced. Brother to CO RONAS LEAVING YOU SI 103; half brother to WHOSLEAVINGWHO SI 105 (cham pion), BEDUINOS RUSTY SI 106. Out of LIL BIT RUSTY SI 103. Sire of 39 ROM, in clud ing PINK CAR TEL SI 103 (2 wins, $28,219, Dash for Cash Juv.), Sa rah Must SI 109 (3 wins, $121,433, 2nd Texas Clsc. Derby [G1]), Sheaintcrynrealtears SI 101 ($51,952, 2nd Retama Park Juv. Chlg.), Kiawah Jet SI 95 ($21,994). 1st dam TREA SURES FOR EVER SI 94, by Co rona Car tel. Win ner to 3, $6,375. Dam of 5 foals (1 APHA, 1 AQHA/APHA), all ROM, includ ing– For ever Chrome (AQHA/APHA) SI 85 (g. by Awe some Chrome [Q/P]). Win ner at 2, $35,318, 4th Speedhorse Paint & App Futu rity [G1], fi- nal ist in the Gra ham Paint & App Futu rity [G1], Amer i can Paint Clas - sic Fu tu rity [R] [G1]. Chromes Treasure (APHA) SI 85 (g. by Awe some Chrome [Q/P]). Win - ner at 2, 2013, $3,853. Trea sures Gate SI 84 (g. by Relagate TB). Winner at 2, $3,537. 2nd dam Trea sure Glass SI 100, by Raise Your Glass TB. 4 wins at 2 and 4, $12,902, 3rd Beulah Fu tu rity. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 ROM, includ ing– Trea sured Dash SI 93 (g. by Mr Eye Opener). 2 wins to 6, $8,986, in U.S.

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