\ F r i d a y , j u l y bo, loefr; Lrersfo Dallr Not Press Run Ths Weathir lian(I|f«ater Stt^nins ralh f o t Um Wssk IM *e 1 M U. a. Weenm M y S4, IN S gWIEHr. I SUMMER SOHEDULE Revenue Office Drugs Found Teen Group MARLOW’S OPEN Tnsa- 13 ,7 00 Town Givon Deed Open Tomorrow day OMTO Batiirday9i80 to r o f Um A udit ilm u rtetpr lEuptiitm llpralh m MmmU Meets Toflay 1 6 i80| Thursday till tlOO o f OIWBlaUcR In Hockanum km. Closed M ondays dor- Afanehester—v4 City #/ Vfttmgm Charm Th* tax coHsotor's offto* A ngnst. To Old Nike Site Th* -member steering com­ In the Municipal BuHdlng Fifty botU** of drugs wsr* 80 wUl be open tom orrow, (C lkM Itod Ml P h t* IS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS found In th* Hockanum R lv*r mittee, representing the 17-21 YOL. L x x x rv , NO. 256 (TWELVB PAGB8—TV BICHON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY SI, 196* TiM U.9S-9CM Nik* Sit* oftf and Welfare (HKW) to *how from 8:80 a.m. to noon, for age group. Is mseting at 8 to­ the collection of taxes. naar N*w S lat* Rd. In Buck- K*Mi*y St, *ppr*l*«l at 1220, that the site is *o being used. night In th* Senior CltUen* Club In the event that the town. Monday is th* deadline land at noon yosUrday by two TOO, b«caine Uie prop«rty a t the In any of the 20 years, fails to for th* payment of the first boys, polio* report. on School 8t. to dlsbus* the pM- T o m a t Nanche*t*r, at no ooit, comply with the educational half of the iMfi-M assess­ Trooper William Carroll of slbillty of Immediate use of the Just Cause ment and for the full pay- the State Polio* believe* th* Keeney Annex. PEACHES with the mine of a deed today designation, the property will Park and Rec Superintendent revert to the Federal Govern­ • ment o f all tax blHa under drugs *r* more than half of th* BunrouRo, V*. ( a p )— In the town clerk’* office. Horace Murphey yesterday ap­ The term* of the transfer ment and the town will be re­ $50. supply of narcotics stolen In th* AND <*Wh*n you’ve g o t fir * In quired to reimburse the govern­ All due tax** unpaid af­ Pidgeon Drug Store break In proved us* of the facilities for a your pant* you don’t think from the Federal Government East Wlndaor several days ago, seU-ruled esnter for tesn-ager* Viet War Planes ■peclfy that the property la to ment for the decreased value of ter Monday will make th* •bout Moodtailn _ g ." Richard « entire tax bill subject to in­ which h* 1s Investigating. H* and young adults, but said that Tarry K**a*e, of M artin*- be utiliaed continuously, for 20 the site. says hs will hsv* the druggist they probably would Miv* to year*, for educational purposes terest of on* half of on* CREAM vill*, Va., told Campb«U Should the town obtain the per cent per month, dating St the store identify the drugs wait until lats Septembdr. i and for none other, a* atlpulated consent of the HKW Depart­ County Court Judg* VV, H, back to J\riy 1, the legal and determine what kind they Before th* facility can be North End Fire DtpL OvariMy. in the town’* Feb. 1, 1006 ap­ ment to abrogate the agree­ are this afternoon as th* Isbels plication. due date. used, th* board of director* Ke**a*, 96, *(>p«ar*d in ment and to use the property were rem oved In the river w a­ must vote an appropriation for 8th District The town will be required to for any purpose other than edu­ ter. oourt Friday to aiww*r a file annual reports with the De­ cation, the town will be required renovation and extension of the oharg* of driving 64 mll*a Trooper Carroll says thit, .parking area, the widening of an Pound Many Targets Watch For The Dats partm ent a t Health, Education to purchase the property at the Public Records slhoe nearly half of the stolen an hour In a 88 m .p.h. zon* existing driveway on the south July 8. rate of five per cent of the dniga ar* still not recovered, aide of the building, and the con $220,700 appraised price for Warrantee Deeds the supply the two boys found' structlon of an additional drive "I waa Juat driving along each year that it is not so used. Morris Kriwltsky, attomey-ln- Is probably not usable by drug way on the north side. In add! whan a apark from my clg- Another condition of the deed fact for George L. WtUd amd adolcts. They might have only tlon, th* town will seek a right- arett* aet my pant* afire," grants the U.S. Government Esther-Lee Wald, to Beauford thrown away what they didn't of-way from the Hartford Elec­ he told the Judge. N o Major full, unrestricted possession and R Dake and Eleanor H. Dake, want But he says he won’t tric Oo. for widening the exist "I waa tiytng to put the WHY ^ control of the property during property at 51 Arcellla Dr, know for sure until after the ing driveway. fire out and didn’t realize any period of national emergen­ Thomas Moore and Lena L. drugs are Identified by the that at the aame time I warn cy declared by the President or druggist. The steering committee when hitting the gaa pedal. Infantry Moore to Richard A. Twlble and it meets tonight, will draft a re­ APPLIANCE PA IN H the U.S. Congress. Barbara B. Twlble, property at Trooper Carroll has also been ‘T believe you’ve got The board of directors have checking the bottles for pos­ quest for permission to paint 3 40$ Burnham St. and do minor renovations to the •omethlng there," *ald scheduled a public hearing for sible fingerprint*. Jerry G. Poasum and Bar­ building, even before the out­ REPAIR Judge Overbey, and dU- Movement Thiesday night at 8 to consider bara A. Possum to Frederick Det. John Krinjak said the an appropriation of $4,000 for door work Is planned and begun. miaaed the caae. INSTAU P. Bussieri and Dorothy E. drugs.might have been thrown SAIGON, South Viet hiring an architect to draw Buasleri, property at 14-16 from a car «s It passed over preliminary plana for convert­ SERVICE Nam (AP) — U.S. and Proctor Rd. th* 4ver on New State Rd. be­ ing the Nike Site for use by cause police were feared to be State News Vietnamese war, p 1 a n e b the Manchester Community Col­ Adoption of Trade Name ALUMINUM Anthony Grabowski, Augus­ negr. He said the boys could Police Arrests A l l " pounded Ckimmunist tar­ lege. see the bottles because the riv­ A L L Miiiii I In the eveht the college 1* tine Grsbowaki, Donald Zaroskl gets in both North and and John Adamlek, all of New­ er Is running slow and the More Police taken over by the state, imder banks are low. M adelalne Janlckl o f 18 W il­ INSTANT South Viet Nam today, but SIDING recently-pass^ legislation, the ington, d-b-a Sunset Service (On liam St. iwas arrested on Adams there was an apparent 0 property will also be taken over The Green), 566 E. Middle Tpke. St. last night and charged with SFRVICF lull in major ground ac' by the state, which will then Building Permits operating a motor vehicle In Hartford pay all costa of renovation and To Bartlett - Bratnard Pro­ Hehron while intoxicated. Court appear­ tion. CALL addition. ducts Co. for Fred BUsh, addi­ ance has been set for Aug. 16 Call 646-0111 (AP FhoMax) A U.8. military *poke*man Dean Frederick Lowe has tions to 2-family dwelling at 5 In the Manchester Seeelon of Fight Area reported no significant ground said several times that no prob­ Laurel St., $1,900. Circuit Court 12. fighting although Viet Cong Police Name Shakespearean Singers Serenade Jfickie guerrillas latmched several at­ 649-3406 lems of transfer will arise To Everett Smith for RTG Adele Hartsteln of Laiwton HARTFORD (AP) — should the state take over. Inc., additions to industrial Rd. was arrested on E. Middle Singers in Shakespearean garb serenade Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy and other tack* on government positions— building at 219 Adams St., $16,- Hebron Man Tpke. yesterday afternoon and NORMAN'S guesb during a picnic last night at the American Shakespeare Festival Thea­ Extra police have been as- including some at the doorstep emOKEN TIME HALVED 400. charged with driving an unreg­ ter in Stratford. TTie outing preceded a performance of "King Lear.” siRned to the Bedfon o f Saigon. a TURNPIKE DES MOINES. Iowa — Chick­ To Add-A-Level Dormer Oo. istered motor vehicle. She was MANCHtSlI R The spokesman gave this de­ Street area this weekeni scription of the war action; ens go from egg to drumstick for Frank E. Yeomans, altera­ reportedly using expired plates to prevent a recurrence ol' rH o iiM ImprovMiMnt in three months now, half as tions to dwelling at 57 Kensing­ As Resident Court is Aug. 16. A government force killed long as It used to take, and on ton St., $800. Pdstulfis Mark 25th Wedding Run fisrhting that broke two Viet Cong on a sweep oper­ little more than half the feed.
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