The Chemours Company, TT 302-761-2219 o Chemours™ Titanium Technologies chemours.com Edge Moor Plant 104 Hay Road Wilmington, DE ,19809 February 22, 2017 Dennis Lawyer U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Region 1 2100 Renaissance Blvd~, Suite 100 King of Prussia, PA 19406-2713 Subject: Termination of NRC license number 07-35285-01 for the Chemours Edge Moor facility. The Chemours Company F.C., LL.C. 104 Hay Road Wilmington, Delaware 19809 Dear Mr. Lawyer: This letter is to inform the NRC that we have shut down our production facility and would like to terminate our NRC License. Attached are the required documents as required by NRC FORM 314. All installed and stored sources have been removed from our facility. During the leak testing of our sources before shipment we had a Ni-63 with a reading > .0.005uCi. This was discussed with the NRC and a Report issued. Best Regards, ~v~ Michelle Witulski Site Manager Chemours Edge Moor srJo~; NMSS/RGN1 MATERIALSg002 REC'D IN LATal,.. JJ-17 ~-~-tAA.1.'i /).~ NRC FORM314 -e.lkRAEGGr U.S. NUCLEAR REGULA TORY COMMISSION APPROVED BY OMB: NO. 3150-0028 EXPIRES: 02128/2017 ~c,'- <'1.>o (02-2014) 6) ., ,,,,~ Estimated burden per response lo comply willl lhis m/B\dalory rolleciion request 30 milutes. This submittal is 10 CFR 30.36(j)(1 ); I! "0 used by NRC as port of the basis for its determination that the !adily is released fur unresbic:ted use. Send 40.420)(1); 70.380)(1); :: comment> regarding bunion estimate to lhe FOIA. Privacy. and lnformalioo Colledions Brancli {T-6 F53), U.S. and 72.54{k){5)(1)(1) ~ .. " i1" CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSITION Nucl>ar Regulatory Commission, Washilgton, DC 20555-0001, or by int.met e-mail to lnfooollects. ~."> <t(.Q!! [email protected], and to 1!10 Desi< Officer, Ollire of Information and Regulalory Aftainl, NEOB-10202. **•• ... OF MATERIALS (3150-0028), Office of Management and Budget Washington, DC 20503. ~a means used to Impose an information collection does not display a currently valid OMS control number, the NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, 1he information collection. LICENSEE NAME AND ADDRESS LICENSE NUMBER DOCKET NUMBER 030-38889 07-35285-01 The Chemours Company F.C., L.L.C. Ref07-00455-29/030-03861 104 Hay Road LICENSE EXPIRATION DATE Wilmington Delaware 19809 June 30, 2025 A. LICENSE STATUS (Check the appropriate box) 0 This license has expired. [{]This license has not yet expired; please terminate it. B. DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL (Check the appropriate boxes and complete as necessaty'. If additional space is needed, provide attachments) The licensee, or any individual executing this certificate on behalf of the licensee, certifies that: 0 1. No radioactive materials have ever been procured or possessed by the licensee under this license. [{] 2. All activities authorized by this license have ceased, and all radioactive materials procured and/or possessed by the licensee under this license number cited above have been disposed of in the following manner. [{] a. Transfer of radioactive materials to the licensee listed below: QSA Global and Alaron Nuclear Services ob. Disposal of radioactive materials: 0 1. Directly by the licensee: 0 2. By licensed disposal site: [{] 3. By waste contractor: We contracted Vegas Americas to package and ship Qty. 55 Cs-137 sealed sources to QSA Global. The remainder of our sources Qty. (7) Ni-63, (1) Am241 and (l) Gdl53we contracted to Chase Enviromental to Alaron Nuclear Services [{] c. Alf radioactive materials have been removed such that any remaining residual radioactivity is within the limits of 10 CFR Part 20, Subpart E, and is ALARA C. SURVEYS PERFORMED AND REPORTED 0 1. A radiation survey was conducted by the licensee. The survey confirms: oa. the absence of licensed radioactive materials ob. that any remaining residual radioactivity is within the limits of 10 CFR 20, Subpart E, and is ALARA. 0 2. A copy of the radiation survey results: 0 a. is attached; or D b. is not attached (Provide explanation); or O c. was forwarded to NRC on: 02/22/2017 Date [{] 3. A radiation survey is not required as only sealed sources were ever possessed under this license, and [{] a. The results of the latest leak test are attached; and/or 0 b. No leaking sources have ever been identified. The person to be contacted regarding the information provided on this form: NAME TITLE TELEPHONE (Include Arna Code) E-MAIL ADDRESS GaryCBrown Radiation Safety Officer 302-528-5910 [email protected] Mail all Mure correspondence regarding this Ticense to: [email protected] Mail: EHS Dept. 3076-2 PO Box 2047 1007 19801Market Street Wilmington Delaware phone: 1-302-773-2609 C. CERTIFYING OFFICIAL I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT PRINTED NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE DATE Michelle Witulski Site Manager 1r)d: 0~_g_1J~~ 0212212017 WARNING: FALSE STATEMENTS IN THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE SUBJECT TO CflllL ANO/OR CRIMINAL PENALTIES. NRC REGULATIONS REQUIRE THAT SUBMISSIONS TO THE NRC BE COMPLETE ANO ACCURATE IN ALL MATERIAL RESPECT. 18 U.S.C. SECTION 1001 MAKES IT A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO MAKE A WILLFULLY FALSE STATEMENT OR REPRESENTATION TO ANY DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY OF THE UNITED STATES AS TO ANY MATTER WITHIN ITS JURISDICTION. NRG FORM 314 (02-2014) ---------- ·-··-~·-----··--------------- Leak Test Report ~}(;_/,::~ 4241 Allendorf Drive Customer ID: 1059 ~ Cincinnati, OH 45209 Phone (5'13) 272-0131 Fax (513) 272-0133 Email: [email protected] Customer Information: Gary Brown Analyzed By: Mark Madden Chemours - Edge Moor Plant Equipment No. NS-0095 104 Hay Road Calibration Due: 09/12/2016 Wilmington, DE 19809 Analysis Date: 05/20/2016 Sources Analyzed: 8 Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) - 3701 :1-38-24 ( E) A sealed source shall be considered to be leaking if the presence of one hundred eighty-five becquerels (0.005 microcurie) or more of removable contamination on any test sample is identified. r::;"i;L.. l Test Next Test Serial# Isotope mCi Source Holder Customer Tag# Test Result Test Date Interval Date ~ 1215AN 13194 Ni-63 10 PMS Cl2 Analyzer > 0.005µCi 05/08/2016 - -- " "" 092 Gd-153 1000 HM-8 Storage < 0.005µCi 05/08/2016 6 Months 1110812016 138 Ni-63 15 HM-8 Storage < 0.005µCi 05/08/2016 6 Months 11/08/2016 . -- - ~ 109 Ni-63 15 HM-8 Storage < 0.005µCi 05/0812016 6 Months 11/0812016 48 Ni-63 15 HM-8 Storage < 0.005µCi 0510812016 6 Months 11/08/2016 036 Ni-63 15 HM-8 Storage < 0.005µCi 05/08/2016 6 Months 11108/2016 ' .... ' ' , ~ " - - ~ . 1213AN I 3176 Ni-63 10 PMS Storage < 0.005µCi 05/08/2016 6 Months 11106/2016 .. 1214AN / 3175 Ni-63 10 PMS Storage < 0.005µCi 05108/2016 6 Months 1110812016 Ot;/z,.-0 / z,..,f (,.. r1r-4---ri a..;l. .P-~ G1rr.U11 J-r;:r-& UtA ;:;/.31 /201L Analyzed By Analyzed Date ~-v t.'Jevre'wed By~~~-.. Reviewed Date Page 1of 1 Kc s.T Leak Test Report 4241 Allendort Drive Customer ID: 1059 Cincinnati, OH 45209 Phone (513) 272-0131 Fax (513) 272-0133 Email: [email protected] Customer Information: Gary Brown Analyzed By: Mark Madden Chernours - Edge Moor Plant Equipment No. NS-0095 104 Hay Road Calibration Due: 09/12/2016 Wilmington, DE 19809 Analysis Date: 05/05/2016 Sources Analyzed: 64 Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) - 3701 :1-38-24 ( E) A sealed source shall be considered to be leaking if the presence of one hundred eighty-five becquerels (0.005 microcurie) or more of removable contamination on any test sample is identified. Test Next Test Serial# Isotope mCi Source Holder Customer Tag# Test Result Test Date Interval Date 1215AN I 3194 Ni-63 10 PMS Cl2 Analyzer > 0.005µCi 04/2912016 ,. ~ ~· .. ~ . .... .. 1213AN / 3176 Ni-63 10 PMS l:)lorage < 0.005µCi 04/2912016 6 Months 10129/2016 1214AN / 3175 Ni-63 10 PMS Storage < O.OOSµCi 0412912016 6 Months 10/2912016 ,,, ~ ~ ... ~ .. ~.· ~ . ,. 109 Ni-63 15 HM-8 Storage < 0.005µCi 04/2912016 6 Months 1012912016 .. -.. 48 Ni-63 15 HM-8 Storage < 0.005µCi 0412912016 6 Months 10/29/2016 ... ' ~ 036 Ni-63 15 HM-8 Storage < O.OOSµCi 04/2912016 6 Months 10/29/2016 . ' . , - ... 138 Ni-63 15 HM-8 Storage < 0.005µCi 0412912016 6 Months 10129/2016 29QiGN Cs-137 2000 SA1-F37 Storage < 0.005µCi 04/2912016 1 Year 04/2912017 ' .. '" ... ,.. ' ~ ., 7715GG Cs-137 100 SH-F1B-60 Storage < O.OOSµCi 04/2912016 1 Year 0412912017 ~ , _,, . - , -·· .. 4i24GG Cs-137 200 SA1-F37 Storage < O.OOSµCi 0412912016 1 Year 04/2912017 d~~ {)t;/oS/Zol(o Analyzed By Analyzed Date Reviewed By Reviewed Date Page 1of 6 Leak Test Report 4241 Allendorf Drive Customer ID: 1059 Cincinnati, OH 45209 Phone (513) 272-0131 Fax (513) 272-0133 Email: [email protected] Customer Information: Gary Brown Analyzed By: Mark Madden Chemours - Edge Moor Plant Equipment No. NS-0095 104 Hay Road Calibration Due: 09/12/2016 Wilmington, DE 19809 Analysis Date: 05/05/2016 Sources Analyzed: 64 Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) - 3701:1-38-24 ( E) A sealed source shall be considered to be leaking if the presence of one hundred eighty-five becquerels (0.005 microcurie) or more of removable contamination on any test sample is identified. 68236 Cs-137 500 SH-F2-45 Storage < O.OOSµCi 04129/2016 1 Year 0412912017 GG-379 Cs-137 100 SA1-C5 Storage < 0.005µCi 04129/2016 1 Year 0412912017 64925 Cs-137 3000 SR-2 Storage < 0.005µCi 04129/2016 1 Year 0412912017 .
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