1880, ley are. like His lecture - we only re­ i none could ' . ight conscious of L indee'dwere erse. singing, fol- ennle B. Ila- jf . M. Peebles, ■ . 1 we all wor- iwtirof our . spark of dl- :o benefit liu- isOn, and Im- glvensynop- i been an ex- and Instruct- , eIds lectures ' iquest, a brief >rn in Lowell, accomplished her own pow- ( COLBY ft RICH, ) I 93,00 Per Annum, , under whose VOL. XLVII. ( Publishers and Proprietor«, f BOSTON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1880. I Postage Free. NO. 24. o early child- is on the mo- 3, are remark- CONTENTS. Truth, however, being ancient ns God; who is who mistake a form for a spirit, a form for a plc of Christ will have been revealed to the [he one which " First Page.—T/ie nostrum: Tho Christ Principle. Splr- from eternity, is never discouraged. Truth, soul, and deny a truth because the shadow of it world. And tho present coming being but the Spiritual ^Ibcnomcnn. > most touch- itual Phenomena: Independent Splrlt-Wrltlng. however, being personal as man, and infinite does'not appeal to them. Remember, the world sixth in tho cyclo of the earth's unfoldment, >y singing, Second Page.—A pivlntty-Shapcd End. Poetry: The as Deity, possesses itself. Jn all patience and has never followed a Christ that was not worthy, will bo a significant illustration, a significant Better Day. Tho Throe Great Problems of tho Nlno- INDEPENDENT SPIRIT-WHITING. n to nine was in the ultimate, of the following. Moses or teentli Century. Now Publications. bides its time. Every truthteller understands victory, because tho world will have half com­ at 2000 people his fate when he comes, knows what awaits Jesus, Buddha or tho seers of,the East, have pleted tho solution for which it sighs. One- To tlio Editor of tliü Bauni’r of Light : s. Tho meet- Third Page.—Poetry: Forgot and Forglvo. Banner Cor- reepondenee: Letters from Illinois, Maine, California, him here, fulfills his work and passes on. Every been worthy of the following. “ The imitations half redeemed; one-half glorified. Only the Probably ntitliing In the phenomena of Spirit­ sB. Lynn and and Massachusetts. Michigan—Second Annual Meeting. expression of inspiration given to mankind is only are unworthy, and these only are what other half remains to be accomplished. And ualism has so staggered tlio scientist;, the phi- . speakers for T, W. Higginson’s Estimate of Garrison. ToMediums. certain of response, which response will bear it tho mind rejects. Tlio world has never reject­ this is why tlie old fabrics are fading and tlie losoplior and tho theologian, ns spirit-writing Obituary Notice. Spiritualist Meetings. : ' down to the ages, make its mark there, fill the ed Olivet, never scorned tlio Sermon on the old dynasties are being wrought over, and tlie upon slates without human contact. Slade’s. FOURTH PAGE, •Tlio Rev. Joseph Cook, Spirit Materiali* worlij with its light, and receive appreciation Mount. The Golden Rule is held high above all spirit of life is evidoncing.itsolf through all tho powers have been tested with universal success Ing. zutlon, etc. somewhat when the next dispensation is ready human persecution. What wo reject is tlio cato- old avenues of human thought. Tho dispensa­ in every part of tlie civilized world. Recently Fifth page.- •Brief Paragraphs. New Advertisements, lave .been pro­ otc. to be born. ' ■ . chism of Westminster, and St. Paul and Rome, tions of ancient time are being restored, and some accounts have been published in the Ban­ portion of the There are those who consider that truth is an but not the spirit of Christ. Born anew unto you arc discovering, not only through’ science ner of Lltiht in regard to phenomena occurring of the grounds Sixth Page. — Menage Department: Spirit Messages glventhroughtlioModlumshlpof MlssM.T. Shelliamer; ultimate principle —is without individuality; its kingdom, revealed to us from within, its and scholarship and invention, but also by tlie through Alex. Phillips, at i:i:i West :i(ith street, ble workers in • Questions and Answers through tho Mediumship of W. that it requires no form of expression, mani­ light is made glorious through countless ages. bonds of intuition, that link you witli tlie past, New York City. 1 have recently liad two sit­ 3 first meetings J. Colville, Verification ot a Message. A Sad Occur- festing itself in all forms and persons, accord­ The spirit of it is ours. Its evidence is upon us; that every birth of truth, designated by that tings witli Mr. P., and they were most satis­ 13th—the clos­ fence. ing to their growth, as an atmosphere, as a sol­ wo could not-reject it if wo would; wo would name upon earth, has been a birth of the Christ factory in every respect. 1 found him quiet ’ : McCormick, a SEVENTH PAGE. ‘Mediums In Boston," Book audMls- 3 courtesy, has collaneous Advertisements. vent. I am not of those who believe this. So not if we could. For is not the same spirit hero principle, an impersonation of tliat divine prin­ and unassuming, ami of nervous temperament. a meetings can Eighth Page.—Lake Pleasant Camp-Meeting. Cai» Cod real and personal is truth to me that it comes to-day, and are you not possessed of its pres­ ciple that ultimately, in its completeness, will .1 told him that I had come (or independent recognize the Camp-hleetlng. Cassadaga Lake Free Association to me in the form of Christ; it comes to me in the ence and its power? Do you not recognize its redeem the world. 1 slate-writing, and had brought my own slates ; s thrown out to Camp-Meeting. form of each teacher; it comes to me in every signs and tokens ? Are they not abroad in tlie Those who are tho first fruits of tlie kingdoms he said that lie could guarantee nothing, but if ileli have daily shape and image of individual life in the uni­ world, fulfilling their work? and are you not, of Christ tliat come to the world; those who I wished a seance lie would do all lie could by irinclpal speak- verse. There are but few Christs; there are as the Hebraic nation, waiting your prophet, are ready to bo ripened in tlie harvest, must being passive. I litul to wait some time, as lie •n and very pop- many teachers. There are but few seers; there your king, your Saviour? Ho comes silently, have had beginnings other than on earth ; must was occupied with a visitor. Ou sitting down yman C. Howe, are very many followers. You and I are in the as one in the night; he conies unannounced, have been born in other planets, and freighted at a small table his own slates were washed . dge McCormick talent the meet- THE CHRISTJRINCIPLE. ‘ following. Christ to, us has appeared, or is to perchance, taking his place in your hearts and with some breath of promise tliat afterwards clean in my presence, and I placed my hand dly. come; but what the time or place may be we becoming one with your lives. That truth that brought them nearer to the Christ than those upon thorn, tlio medium not touching them in s every evening A» Insplrntlonnl Dbcoune by Spirit William may not name. Others have received their has revealed to you life triumphant over death; who follow after. New dispensations will have any way. Soon tlio raps signified that I was to by a'scientific ■ Ellery Channing, through tlie Medlumihlp or Christ; the kingdom of truth has come to them; that emancipation that has disenthralled you to come to gather up the old fragments of ages open tlio slates, and there was a short commit­ eologlcal course MRS. CORA L. V. RICHMOND, the divine, personified or impersonal has been from bondage to creed, making truth one in past, and twice will a complete circuit of the ideation : “No doubt you thinkjhis easily ac- ' Instructive, and Delivered in Boston, Sunday Afternoon, Feb. realized, and the spirit has been baptized in every age; that light that has really set your world have to be made ere yet all tho nations complishcd. You just try it, and you will find lavobeenavery IBth, ISSO. -... the ultimate recognition. You do not believe feet, not upon Calvary but upon tho Mount of are drawn together in tlie completeness of this out.” This was written without a pencil or nan has a wide (Reported for the Banner of Light. ], this ? Then what have we to do with the great Transfiguration; that glory that has illumi­ principle. But who is not aware tliat at some crumb of any visible aid. rand a vocalist; ft! masters of poesy, of art, of science, of litera­ nated tlie future life with conscious existence, moments of life you can stand upon some height My next experiment was to place a small anecdotes with INVOCATION. ' ’ ’inbelllshed can- ture? Do we ignore Galileo because the school­ and the pathway of prophets and martyrs with of human salvation, and point to those who are piece of paper between tlio small slates of the Infinite God 1 Thou spirit of all life ; thou giver ot medium, and holding them under tlio table— every gift ; thou who president alike in darkness and boy understands somewhat of his method ? Do the light of an ever-present truth; that which allied to the saviours of tlie hour? You have : es of any of the in light, In joy and In sorrow, in life and that other we say that Michael Angelo was not a genius be­ bridges over all human strivings and conten­ scon them within the last half century waging the medium holding one end of tlio slate a part ridious to tnstl- ' life that men call death ; thou who art the source ot cause in the toyshops are tho imitations of his tions, tlie bitterness of kings, tho warfare of war with utmost endeavor for the freedom of of the time—in a few moments it was signalled vo been warmly l‘ the winter and summer of the spirit, bringing to every sculptures ? Do we declare that Dante did not princes who sought not for Christ but for man, and you have seen them striking home to by raps to look at tho slates, and on- opening plrlt of harmony heart that which shall answer Its need, baptizing every feel the fire and fervor of sublime inspiration crowns—this brings you nearer and nearer to tlie great central wrongs of the earth, and plead­ them there was found written : “This is very ring; music and spirit with fire or with the calm ot the spirit, filling because the poetasters and rhymesters of tlie the living hour, to the present, to to-day.
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