MOUNT BARKER DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 2 MARCH 2020 1 MINUTES OF THE MEETING of the Mount Barker District Council held in the Council Chambers of the Local Government Centre, Mount Barker on Monday 2 March 2020 at 7.00pm. PRESENT Mayor Ferguson, Councillors Bailey, Jones, Grosser, Hardingham, Leach, Minett, Morrison, Orr, Seager and Westwood. IN ATTENDANCE: Chief Executive Officer (A. Stuart), Deputy CEO/General Manager – Governance, Strategic Projects and Wastewater/Recycled Water (B. Clancey) General Manager Community Services (G. Parker), General Manager Infrastructure (P. Burton), A/g General Manager Planning & Development (L. Gray), Chief Financial Officer (A. Oulianoff), Manager Health & Public Safety (J. Tann), A/g Manager Revenue, Property & Records (M. Moyle), Revenue & Property Officer (M. Willox), Strategic Planner (K. Wohlstadt) and the Minute Secretary (S. Miller) The meeting opened with an Expression of Faith Acknowledgement of Land 1. APOLOGIES/LEAVE OF ABSENCE NIL 2. QUESTIONS FROM THE GALLERY (15 MINUTES) 2.1 Ms Emma Martin asked a question regarding Nairne West sign status. A/g General Manager Planning & Development Mr Luke Gray took the question on notice for response to be provided by staff. 3. CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES 3.1 Moved Councillor Orr that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 February 2020 date as circulated to members be confirmed as a true and accurate record of proceedings Seconded Councillor Westwood CARRIED OM20200302.01 4. CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATION NIL MOUNT BARKER DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 2 MARCH 2020 2 5. DEPUTATIONS 5.1 Ms Tereza Dickeson – Dog Park, Nairne 7.02pm to 7.07pm 5.2 Ms Christie Gordon – Venables Street Improvement Project 7.08pm to 7.11pm 5.3 Ms Christie Gordon – Macclesfield Township Plan 7.11pm to 7.13pm 6. QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE NIL 7. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE NIL 8. MOTIONS ON NOTICE NIL 9. MOTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE NIL 10. PETITIONS 10.1 REPORT TITLE: RECEIVE PETITION: REDUCTION OF SPEED LIMIT BALD HILLS ROAD FROM SPRINGS ROAD ROUNDABOUT TO HARTMAN ROAD, MOUNT BARKER DATE OF MEETING: 2 MARCH 2020 FILE NUMBER: DOC/20/23186 Moved Councillor Jones that Council: 1. receives the petition; and 2. note that Council staff will respond to the petitioner, and if so determined by staff, a further report may be prepared for consideration at a future Council meeting. Seconded Councillor Orr CARRIED OM20200302.02 MOUNT BARKER DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 2 MARCH 2020 3 11. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM ADVISORY COMMITTEES 11.1 STRATEGIC PLANNING DEVELOPMENT & POLICY COMMITTEE – 17 February 2020 REPORT TITLE: KANMANTOO COPPER MINE DPA DATE OF MEETING: 2 MARCH 2020 FILE NUMBER: DOC/20/14736 Moved Councillor Seager that Council, as per the recommendation of the Strategic Planning and Development Policy Committee at their meeting held 17 February 2020, note the verbal representations from persons with an interest in the Kanmantoo Copper Mine DPA will be considered along with all representations and submissions when Council makes their final determination on the DPA. Seconded Councillor Morrison CARRIED OM20200302.03 12. REPORTS 12.1 REPORT TITLE: LIMITED TITLE DEBT PROPERTIES - PUBLIC CONSULTATION TO DECLARE AS PUBLIC ROADS DATE OF MEETING: 2 MARCH 2020 FILE NUMBER: DOC/20/18796 ATTACHMENTS: 1. DOC/20/18808 -AERIAL PHOTO – HANDKE ROAD 2. DOC/20/18806 – AERIAL PHOTO – SHAKES ROAD 3. DOC/20/18809 – AERIAL PHOTO – DARBY ROAD 4. DOC/20/18812 – AERIAL PHOTO – PAECHTOWN ROAD Moved Councillor Minett that Council approve the commencement of public consultation regarding declaring the properties detailed below as public roads: (a) Assessment # 86268 – CT 6148/879 – Handke Road Macclesfield (b) Assessment # 52332 – CT 5746/971 – Shakes Road Nairne (c) Assessment # 86017 – CT 5598/764 & CT 5598/764 – Darby Road Paechtown (d) Assessment # 142992 – CT 5598/762 – Paechtown Road Paechtown Seconded Councillor Jones CARRIED OM20200302.04 MOUNT BARKER DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 2 MARCH 2020 4 12.2 REPORT TITLE: NAIRNE RECREATION GROUND – COMMUNITY LAND REVOCATION (LAND EXCHANGE) DATE OF MEETING: 2 MARCH 2020 FILE NUMBER: DOC/20/16747 ATTACHMENTS: 1. DOC/19/145972 – AERIAL PLAN NAIRNE REC GROUND 2. DOC/19/145980 – SURVEY PLAN 3. DOC/19/146033 – PROPOSAL TO THE MINISTER TO REVOKE COMMUNITY LAND Moved Councillor Westwood that Council: 1. note that no submissions opposing the revocation of the proposed Community Land Classification Revocation were received for the portions of land at the Nairne Recreation Ground; 2. authorises the Mayor to write to the Minister requesting approval for Council to revoke the classification of the portions of Community Land within Lot 6 FP16123 CR 5445/698; and 3. note following the response from the Minister a further report will be prepared for Council. Seconded Councillor Minett CARRIED OM20200302.05 12.3 REPORT TITLE: RATE RELIEF FOR BUSHFIRE AFFECTED PROPERTIES DATE OF MEETING: 2 MARCH 2020 FILE NUMBER: DOC/20/16062 ATTACHMENTS: DOC/20/16496 - CUDLEE CREEK FIRE RATES INFORMATION LETTER Moved Councillor Leach that Council: 1. provides additional support to those residents affected by the fire. Request the suspension of debt collection processes, other than issue rate notices, on any property in the Harrogate, Brukunga and Mount Torrens locality for six (6) months from the date of the Cudlee Creek bushfire 20 December 2019; 2. suspend debt collection processes other than the issue of rate notices, on the 16 identified properties as being destroyed for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of the Cudlee Creek bushfire 20 December 2019 and prevent the application of late payment penalties during this period. MOUNT BARKER DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 2 MARCH 2020 5 3. request to send, to the 16 identified properties as being destroyed by the fire, a letter notifying each resident of the decision made by Council from the Recommendation in paragraph 2. Seconded Councillor Orr CARRIED OM20200302.06 12.4 REPORT TITLE: GRANT FUNDING – OPEN SPACE AND PLACES FOR PEOPLE DATE OF MEETING: 2 MARCH 2020 FILE NUMBER: DOC/20/16988 ATTACHMENTS: 1 Meadows Recreation Ground Expansion DOC/20/25026 Moved Councillor Westwood that Council: 1. authorise the Chief Executive Officer or nominee to finalise and submit the following applications for grant funding to the State Government for the amounts shown, being 50% of the estimated total cost of each project: Places for People Greening Littlehampton $400,000.00 (The Glebe Land and Miels Park); and Venables Street $250,000.00, Macclesfield Main Street Upgrade. Open Space Harrogate Playspace and Reserve Upgrade $85,000.00 South Eastern Freeway to Anembo Park Shared Trail (via Childs Rd) $150,000.00 2. note that a further report will be presented to Council regarding the potential purchase of land adjoining the Meadows Recreation Ground. The timing of this report will be influenced by the nature and progression of the land sales process. Seconded Councillor Orr CARRIED OM20200302.07 MOUNT BARKER DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 2 MARCH 2020 6 12.5 REPORT TITLE: CAT REGISTRATION FEES AND CAT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE DATE OF MEETING: 2 MARCH 2020 FILE NUMBER: DOC/19/135245 ATTACHMENTS: A1: CAT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE – DOC/19/135244 Moved Councillor Westwood that Council endorse the proposed cat registration fees set out in Table 1 below. Cat registration fees would come into place for the 2020/21 financial year. Cat Classification Proposed Per Cent fees for Rebate 2020/21 Non Standard cat $40 Nil (not microchipped and/or not desexed) Standard cat $20 50% (microchipped and desexed) Concession Card Holders $20/$10 50% Late Registration Fee $10 Nil Kitten Registration (under 6 months of Free Nil age) Seconded Councillor Leach CARRIED OM20200302.08 12.6 REPORT TITLE: PROPOSED NEW RECYCLED WATER SUPPLY AGREEMENT - W & A LEGGAT DATE OF MEETING: 2 MARCH 2020 FILE NUMBER: DOC/20/3071 ATTACHMENTS: NIL Moved Councillor Grosser that Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer (or his delegate) to finalise and execute a Non-Residential Recycled Water Supply Agreement for recycled water between Council and W & A Leggat for a 3 year term commencing 1 March 2020 for 1MegaLitre per annum, rebated at 70% off the base price (Base Price as determined annually by Council minus 70%). Seconded Councillor Seager CARRIED OM20200302.09 12.7 REPORT TITLE: WATERCOURSE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR MOUNT BARKER DATE OF MEETING: 2 MARCH 2020 FILE NUMBER: DOC/19/159783 ATTACHMENTS: DOC/20/8681 Draft Watercourse Management Plan for Mount Barker MOUNT BARKER DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 2 MARCH 2020 7 Moved Councillor Grosser that Council: 1. supports public consultation on the Draft Watercourse Management Plan for Mount Barker, and; 2. notes a further report will be brought to Council to endorse the plan after public consultation has concluded. Seconded Councillor Minett CARRIED OM20200302.10 12.8 REPORT TITLE: UNDERGROUNDING POWER LINES (PLEC) IN LITTLEHAMPTON DATE OF MEETING: 2 MARCH 2020 FILE NUMBER: DOC/20/16832 ATTACHMENTS: DOC/20/20380. ATTACHMENT A - MAPS Moved Councillor Westwood that Council: 1. note the status of the undergrounding project in Littlehampton and the difficulties in securing a switchboard cabinet location on private land and the implications of finding contaminated soil along the proposed trench alignment, and; 2. approve a reduction to the original scope of the project by reducing the length of undergrounding by approximately 90 metres on the Eastern end (to terminate at the border of Petra Motors and the Medical Centre) to ensure the project budget is not exceeded. Seconded Councillor Leach CARRIED OM20200302.11 12.9 REPORT TITLE: LARATINGA TRAIL EXTENSION TO REGIONAL SPORTS HUB DATE OF MEETING: 2 MARCH 2020 FILE NUMBER: DOC/20/11522 ATTACHMENTS: NIL Moved Councillor Orr that Council endorse the underpass option as the most preferred method to cross Bald Hills Road along the regional sports hub trail, noting that further design will be undertaken on the endorsed option with construction to commence in 20/21.
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