mm jai:ilia''qiii^ sbbviiigVflraternlty,f' Is alwaya welooine ,to Dry Oooils.—Bnrnham & Company. Legal. Two WMk)B (h>m '.to-day Preatdent Mrs. Race Is very slok. iKDBR OP PUBLICATION.-8TATK OP WlUetta of the Agricultural college A. D. Bnirdsley's father la visiting _ MlohlaaMichiganu, ..In. th.u Circuit Court for tho Thursdnjr, April 1, W hlriri. County of Initham-Iiam-IIIi CliancoryCliancory,. will addriesis the ol lib on "Moslems Mrs. A. O. Walker of Detroit Is Lillian Oamblo, Complainant,'Complainant,)) &nd Mormons." As this will probably VB, Fanners* Club. ipuoh better. Kll Oamblo, Dofondant. be the laafr regular meeting for.some It satlaraclorily appearing to thin court by Miss Luclna Beardsley was home affidavit on fllo that tlio dcfondant, £11 aambto, . dtUB BooMB, March 27, ISSis. weeks thiere will be a large attendance. over Sunday. ia not > roaldent of this atato, hut retidoa at the • The oluti^^^^^^^ full up UKlay. Ladles eapeoially Invited. village or Nunda,iu thoHtatool Now York, on. .1 Chas. McKuigbt Is going to Holly moUon of K. D, Lewia, compltlnant'a aollcltor. Nothlhpnew In inarket.reporta. Quite L. H. Ivjiss, Secretary. for treatment. It la ordered that tho aald dulCndant, £11 Gamble, Claude and Etta West have returned Display of Spring Novelties excels that of any cause hla appoaranco to bo entorod horcln wltbln a quantity of seeds graced the tables four montha from tho data of thla order, and in For neuralgia, rbeumatism,'lumbago, from their visit at Manistee. and the meeting was one of much li> previous season, in point of elegance and var­ caao of hla appoaranco that ho cauae his anawer gout,' Bwellinga, burns, wounds, etc., There will be a mum social at Mrs. to tho complnlnnnt's hill of complaint to ho iUod, VOL. XXVIII.~NO. 14. • tere'st and will result in profit. ; thebestremedylsSalvattonOll. Price and a copy Ihcroor to bq acrved on <aid com- T. J. Webb's next Tuesday evening. iety of assortment. By having a resident buy­ MASON, MICH.. TKUESDAY, APRIL 8,1886. President Wood called upon B. J. 25 cents a bottle. pioinant'B aollcltor within twenty days after aor- WHOLE NO. 1432. A people's caucus will be held on vlcoon hlraof a copy of aald hill and notice ol Bullen. to open the dtscussloii of the er in New York we are prepared to furnish this order; ond that In dofauH thereof, aald bill NORTH 'aVBELIDS. Friday: The Prohlbltlonisto held their he talcon aa confoaaod by tho said non-realdent. hour. Mr. Bullen did not come in caucus Wednesday. dofondaut. And it ia lurthor ordered that.witbln Cash for all kinds of Produce nt all new and desirable goods in their season, twenty daya aner the date horoof tho aald com­ the Election Wblapera. expecting to talk to-day. Gave his An Easter Sunday concert will bo Bee Hive. MIXED RESULTS. Thme "Bwanp Ancela" S. Drummnnd's liouse burned to the plainant cause a notice of this order lo ho pnb- Two of the aupervisora who voted experience. Formerly waa very frlend- held at the Baptist church on the even­ besides enabling us to meet competition Arom llBlied in tlio iNoiiAM CouHTV NBW8,.KnowBpa- The residence of M; P. Marvin, Lan­ or Aurelius have oholoe Potato Seed for sale I ground Sunday, March 28. per printed, puhllaliod and circuiatlug In said to divide tho county north and south, ing of the 25th of April. XmT.WlTED EVSBY THUaSDAT, BV sing, was burglarized the middle of cheap. Early Sunrise, Olark'a No. 1, Late ly to eight-rowed corn; recent exper- Walter Wright is putting up a half- any part of the U. S. While we display many county, and that auch pubilcaUon be contlnncd thus giving Lansing the privilege of thorein at least once In each week for six weeke last Wednesday afternoon. The prop­ The Bcpublicsns Make a Splendid FlgUtj Beauty ofHebron, Ontario, and others. • lence brought him 'to view dent with mile of slat and wire fence. The registration board of the towii- two membereof the legislature from in BUCcoBslon, or thnt aho cause a copy of ,thli» T. J. TEPPT. erty taken was $20 in money, Mr. Mar­ WlxsoN Bnos,, ship of Ingham will meet at the store new attractions in all departmentef we still order to bo poraonally served on said non-real­ Tie the Mayoralty, Elect Clerk and the northern end of the county, came much favor; thought it required very Jefferson Craig has gone to Jackson For Sale Only nt Ford'a Baaaar vin's gold watch, worth $125, Mrs. 1122w4p. or Aurelius Swamp. ^ of L. K. Strong on Saturday, April 3. dent defendant at least twenty dnya before tho up for re-election. Mr. Parkhurst, in hot weather to mature early, but would county to siiend the summer. offer some of the same above time prcsuribud for hie appearance. raar, 11.50; aU monlhs, 7S easts; ami Jewelry Store. Marvin's gold watch and chain worth One Supervisor, and Bediice the Ihraa a fusion ward, was beaten by 41,.and Cnrm for Bale. Charles Webb of Kansas is visiting Born, Mar^Bh 26,.to Mr. and Mrs. Bated March 1st, 1880. • aioalks, 40 eanIa—hi idvasea. $120, and considerable other jewelry. , stand a drouth better than eight-rowed; Fusion Majorities on the Mr. Shafer saw his majority of 53 one I offer my farm of 50 acres for sale, situated relatives and friends In this vicinity. Slayton, a boy; also, March 28, to Mr. New Bnslneaa l,oeaIa. believed the stalks equally good for and Mrs. B. D. Glynn, n boy, weight 'HlOwT Circuit Judge. KDVEntltlNQ RATES. Burton Lefarge of tbesecond ward year ago, cut down to one. one mile north of tbo village of Stookbrldgo, Bert Wilson was home from the agri­ Grocpilos-A.Ir. Vandercook. Average, from 10 to 50. all Improved, good buildings, orchard, and • fodder. 10 pounds. K. D. LawtB, Solicitor for Complainant. Our adyertlBlnc rates made known at offlee. got drunk last Monday and rushing at cultural college last week, sick. Ernest Baaineai cards ll« line per year. Ford's Bazaar Local. six acresof nice wheat Inolude'd. a^rma easy. Form for Sole-Froderick Reason. his wife threatened to kill her in a There is everything in the city elec­ Mr. Qllliesple—The corn crop is my Bullen has also been at home for a few Tho place of holding tho republican ORTGAOE SALE.-DEFAULT IIAVINO ButaesB loeaUflve cents per line eoch.and For price call at residence. caucus has been changed from Union M •very Insertion. Wanted to Purchase—C, 8. Curry. minute. She ran down cellar, and A GOOD DAIT'H WORK. tion to encourage republicans. With weeks quite sick, but at present is As heretofore. Recent purchases of Black and M been made In the payment of eighteen Marriage, birth, and death notices tree. 14'22wl Fbedbbiok Bkason. ! favorite crop. I like to work In corn ; Hotel hall to Grange ball, Dansvllle, hundred fourtoon dollars and twonty-lhreo cents escaped through the cellar door. Since no organization and no canvas, the better. now claimed to bo due and unpaid upon a certain OMtuary notices, resolutions' of respect, then she has not dared to go home, have studied the nature of it some­ over Dr. L. D. Dean's store. The date, Colored Dress Silks enables us to place before aardaof tbanks. eto., live oenta a line. party went Into a flght supposed to be iranted to Pnrcbnse. mortgaco hcarinR date tho fourth day of October. NEWS NOTES. but has had her husband arrested, what. Eight-rowed contains more however, remains the same, Friday, A. D. IteO, executed by Edgar JS, Hnntand Sarah Election day this spring, unlike its hopeless, and elected two candidates, A second bond Secretary at a reason able April 2, at 2 o'clock P. M. our patrons a splendid Black Silk at 60c. per Uunt to Charles A.Hunt and recorded in tho- charged with threatening her life. rainy line of predecessors, was fair and tied another and reduced the opposi­ price. Inquire of O. S. Curry, O. C. Itolfo, or. acid in stalks than dent; dent much ollico of the Itcglsterof Boeds for Inuham Coun­ XMB NEWS JOB BOOM Insurance. Trial next Wednesda.y before Justice pleasant. The sun slione and the tion majority at least 45 over one year Mrs. H. J. Bond, who was sick last ty, MichlKan,-upon tho fourth day of October. S. M. Bolfe, Mason. 1422tf. drier aud less liable to mold; contains | yard, also more of the same number at $1.00 IBXO, in Liber 53 of mortgagoB on page 652, and Im supplied with the beat machinery that The German Insurance Company of Hammond. earth was fairly dry, aa were also the ago. Disintegration In the Pan-elec- week, is now convalescent. WEST AURELIUS. A Complete Uaie more saccharine; thought stock would duly asBlKned by sold CharlcB A, Uunt to Emma •umay oan buy, fltted for ateam power, a large Freeport, Illhiois, has now commenced Mrs. Truman Madison, sister of Mrs. thirsty politicians who viewed with trie, Dan.-Mannlng iiarty has already Bev. Littell occupied tbe Presbyter­ per yard, 23 inches wide and every thread O. Keed, up6ii tho nineleenth lioy of Juno, ISftJ. sorrow and regret the closed front commenced, and the grand old party Of Spring Dress Goods, at tho very lowest cat itifiill better than smaller varieties, Mr. S. Eckhart is in poor health. wlilch aaid aBBlf;nment was recorded in tlie ]<e'g- •Murtmentof tbe latest styles of Type, Bor- doing business in this state.
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