. 7 : 164 NETTLETO='f. WILTSHIRE. [KELLY S A little north of the village is the line constructed by the is stone brash; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are Great Western Railway Co. from Wootton Bassett to wheat and barley, with pasture land. The area is I,9II Bristol and the Severn Tunnel. The church of St. Mary acres; rate~ble value, £I,829; the population in I90l is an ancient edifice of stone, in the Norman style, con- wa• 433· sisting of chancel, nave of five bays, north aisle, north Parish CltJrk, R. Steele esq. deputy, Richard Strange. and south porches and an embattled western tower, Post Office, Burton.-Thornas James, sub-postmaster. with pinnacles, containing 6 bells; there are several Letter• arrive through Ohippenham, delivered at 7 stained windows and a reredos in stone and terra cotta, a.rn. & 4 p.m. & dispatched Io.s a.m. & 8.40 p.m.; rel"'esenting the Last Supper; the ch•uch affords about sunday, dispatched at 8.40 p.m. The nearest money 250 sittings. The register dates from the year I556. order office is at .A.cton Turville & telegraph office at The living is a redory, net yearly value £220, including Badminton, 3 miles distant n acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mi.s Wall Letter Box, Nettleton, cleared at 7·45 p.m.; sun- Woodman, and held since I899 hy the Rev. William dny, 8.25 a. •n Ferguson Steele B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, El8mentary School (mixed), built in I8So, for 70 chil­ Edward Chaddock Lo...-ndes esq. of Castle Combe, is .rr~n; averaae attendance, so; Miss Barclay, mistress lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil. Carrier.--Joseph England, to Bath, sat Anstee Mrs. Locks tone, Gib Eddolls Waiter, farmer :O.ioore .A.nnie L. (Mrs.), Plume of Steele Rev. William Ferguson B.A. England Joseph, Codrington Arms P.H Feathers P.H. Burton (rector), Rectory Flint Thomas, shopkeeper Scott Jn. & Co. grcrs. & drprs.Burton Flookes John, farmer, Foss farm Wallop George, Old House at Homo COMMERCIAL. Greenland George, farmer P.R. Burton Chappell Daniel, miller (water) Hammond Arth. blacksmith, Burton 1 Ward Alfred J. assistant overseer <Jlarke James, farmer, Burton Hammond Jacob, farmer • Ward Alfred W. farmer Clarke John, co"keeper & haulier !Hulbeort Willimm, hurd:e maker I Wright Isaac, carpenter <look John, farmer, ~Vestfield farm La timer Frederick, beer retailer .' Wright James, farmer Daniels Alfred, farmer, Burton ,Marsh Thoma•, farmer, Priory farm 1 ·LONG NEWNTON is a village and parish, divided amount to £6I yearly, £4I of which is applied to educa­ ·from the parish of Ship ton Moyne, in Gloucestershire by a tion and apprenticing. There is a Cottage Hospital, small stream, I! miles from Tetbury terminal station built by the late Right Hon. T. H. Sotheron-Estcourt, on a branch of the Great Western railway, in the North and supported by voluntary contributions. Lord Est­ We~ tern division of the county, Malmesbury hundred, court D.L., J.P. of Estcourt, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, petty se ..ional division and county court district, Tet- is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is bury uniun, and in Ilialmesbury rural deanery, ~orth various; subsoil, clay and stone. The chief crops are Wilts arch<leaconry, and Bristol diocese. The church of wl:eat, barley and roots. The area is 2,286 acres; rate­ th~ Holy Trinity is a building of stone in the Early English able value, £2,366; the population in I90I was 293· style, consisting of chancel, nave of two bays, aisles. Great and Little Larkhill are ,, miles north. eouth porch, and a western tower containing six Sexton, Joseph Smart. bells; it was restored and partially rebuilt, with the Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & .A.. & I. Office.-Edward addition of the north aisle, in I87o, and has a stained Griffin Brown, sub-postmaster. Letters through Tet- east window, and memorial windows to the late rector bury, arrive at 7 a. m. & 3.30 p.m.; dispatched at and others; there are sittings for 270 persons. The regis- 8.45 a.m. & 4· IS & 6-45 p.m. Tetbury, 2 miles dis- ·te.r dates from the year I648. The living is a rectory, tant, is the nearest teler;-raph office ;net yearly value £z8o, including IS acres of glebe, with Letter Box cleared 6.45 p.m residence, in the gift of Geo. T. J. Sotheron-Estcourt Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1863, for 100 chil- . esq. and b.eld since I90I by the Rev. Francis Wrangham dren; average attendance, 52; Frank Harborne, mas- M.A. of Selwyn C<Jllege, Cambridge. The charities ter; l'.l.iss Isabelle Harborne, infants' mistress Cardwell Thos. Holme, Nevmton ho Brown James, farmer & wheelwright Hinder Frederick, head keeper to Taylor Col. Pierce Thomas Henry & smith Lord Estcourt (late R. (Ben.) A.), The Priory Cottage Hospital (Stafford Mellish Rich George, farmer, Lark hill · Wrangham Rev. Francis )[ . .A..(rector), M.R.C.S.Eng. Desborough Brodie Robertson John, head gardener to T. Rectory M.B. & Thomas Warburton Walker H. Cardwell esq )i.B. medical officers; Miss Keble, Smart Joseph, farmer COMMERCIAL. matron) Steer Henry, h€'ad gardener to Col. Branston Jn. farmer, Merchants frm Gardener Alice (Miss), dress maker P. T. H. Taylor .Brown Edward Griffin, beer retailer, Garlick Thomas, farmer, Slads farm Tucker George, farmer, Church farm & post office Glastonbury Charles, haulier Witchell Arthur, farmer Hodges Robt. ()l:rs.), frmr.Folly frm ·NORTH NEWNTON (or Newington) is a parish, 2 Th<l arNI is I,I05 acres; rateable value, £I,2I6; th<l ·miles south-east from Woodborough station on the Berks population in 190t was 321. and Hants Extension branch of the Great Western rail- Hilcott is a hamlet, I mile north-west from the church, way, 9 south-east from Devizes and 3~ south-west from and Bottlesfvrd, another hamlet, about I! miles north­ Pewsey, in the Eastern division of the county, hundred w<>st. Divine service is held in the school chapel at uof Swanborongh, Lndgershall and Pewsey petty sessional Hikott, which has been licensed. <livision, Pewsey union, Devizes county court district, Rainscombe, situated on the Downs, on the )[arlborough :A.vebnry rural deanery (Cannings portion), archdeaconry road, 6 miles north-east, formerly a detached tithing of ·of Wilts and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. this parish was, in I885, by a Local Government Board .Tames is a building of stone in the Early English sty~e, Order, attached to Wilcot, and in I892 was added to the · eonsisting of chancel, nave, south porch, and a western ecclesiastical parish of Oare. "tower containing 4 bells; the east and west windows are Sexton, William Carpenter stained : tbe church was restored in 1862, and has I40 Post Office, Bottlesford (All letters for Bottlesford should sittings. The register dates from the year I754. and be addressed Bottlesford, Pewsey 8.0.).-Miss Eliza- >there are churchwardens' accounts from 1576 to r646. beth A. Warren, sub-postmistress. Letters aiTive ·The living is a rectory and vicarage, net. yearly from Pewsey S.O. at 7.30 a. m. & 3·55 p.m.; sunday, value £245, with zo! acres of glebe, in the gift of the 8.5 a. m.; dispatched at Io.3o a. m. & 6.35 p.m.; sun- Earl of Pembroke, and held since I898 by the Rev. Edward day, 10.30 a. m. Woodborough, r mile distant, is Geo. Alfred Sutton. The Earl of Normanton, who is lord the nearest money order & telegraph office of the manor, and Richard Hayward esq. are the prin- Wall Letter Box, Hilcott, cleared at IO.I5 a.m. & 6.25 cipal landowners. The soil is greensand and clay; sub- p.m.; sundays, 10-45 a.m soil, chalky. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The children of this place attend the school at Woodboro' NORTH NE IV NTON. 'Palmer Tom, farm bailiff to Messrs. Ford Frederick, corn merchant J ones Miss, The Laurels F. Stratton & Co. Hilcott Giddings Fredk. Prince of Wales inn Sutton Rev. Edward George Alfred Plank Alfred George, farmer, Hilcott Harris William, pork butcher (rector), Hilcott Potter George, miller (water) Mortimer Sidney, job master Vialls Miss, Embrook Rose William, shopkeeper, Hilcott :l{ortimer Thomas, shopkeeper COMMERCIAL. Simper & Sons, carpenters, wheel- Till'ey HaiTy, t-ailor Bennett Wltr.Woodbridge inn &haulr wrights & blacksmiths, Hilcott Warren Elizabeth .A.. (~Iiss), shop- Blackman Wm.cowkeeper & castrator BOTTLESFORD. ~e~per, & P?st office Wilhams Dav1d, harness maker Maggs Frederick J ames, farm bailiff COMli!ERCI.!L. to F. Stratton & Co Draper Brothers, bricklayers .
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