小笼包、家常菜 HuTong Dumpling Bar / / / / / AUTHENTIC CHINA FLAVOR 尊敬的顾客 Dear Customer: 往事已逝,岁月留痕。胡同,见证着中国由 古到今的历史演变,而在胡同中出现的寻常百 姓菜肴,如今也成为了当代人向往的美味。 不必漂洋过海,在我们这个小楼里,就能品 尝到这些脍炙人口的地道家常菜,也能体验到 胡同这个中国传统文化载体的变迁过程。 一杯清茶,几个小菜, 若干知己,让我们一 起来开始这一段美食和文化之旅吧。 Bygones have already gone and age has left its traces. HuTong witnesses the historical evolution of China from the ancient time till today. In addition, the dishes for ordinary people occurred in HuTong, have become the delicious foods which the contemporary people are desperate for. You don't need to go overseas. In our building, you can try these authentic home-style dishes which enjoy great popularity, and you can also experience the change of HuTong, this carrier of China's traditional culture. With a cup of tea, a few dishes and some friends, let us start the trip of cate and culture. Jeff Xu Managing Director 2017.05 Fresh Homemade Dim Sum All our dumplings are freshly made in the house from the Chinese traditional recipe $12.80 $10.80 1. 小笼汤包 (8个) 2. 红油抄手 (8个) Shao-long Bao (8 Pieces) (East China) Wantons with Hot Chilli Sauce (8 Pieces)(Szechuan) $9.80 $8.00 / $14.20 3. 港式虾饺 (4个) 4. 鲜肉水饺 (6个) (12个) Prawn Dumpling (Prawn, Minced Pork) Boiled Pork Dumplings (6 Pieces) (4 Pieces) (12 Pieces) (North China) $8.00 / $14.20 $14.80 5. 菠菜素水饺 (6个) (12个) 6. 生煎锅贴 (8个) Boiled Dumpling Stuffed with Pan-fried Dumplings (8 Pieces) Spinach(6 Pieces) (12 Pieces)(North China) (Shanghai) 此标记为胡同招牌菜 6人或以上订位,最低消费每人$25. Minimun Charge 25 Dollars Per Head for Booking Table for 6 People or More. means our signature dish 7. 萝卜丝饼 (3条) $7.80 8. 菠菜蟹肉饺 (4个) $10.50 Shredded Turnip Pastries (3 Pieces) Crab Meat Dumpling (Prawn, Spinach, (Shanghai) Bamboo Shoot, Carrot) (4 Pieces) 9. 白玉春卷 (3条) $7.80 10. 香菇虾饺 (4个) $9.80 Silky Beancurd Spring Rolls (3 Pieces) Mushroom Prawn Dumpling with Diced Water Chestnut (4 Pieces) New11. Dish 水晶粉果 (4个) $9.50 12. 蟹肉水晶包(4个) $9.80 Crystal Prawn Dumpling (4 Pieces) Steamed Crab Meat Dim Sim (4 Pieces) 13. 香炸春卷 (猪肉/素) (3条) $7.50 Spring Rolls (Pork/Vegetarian) (3 Pieces) 14. 椒盐鱿鱼块 $10.80 Squid in Salt & Pepper 此标记为胡同招牌菜 6人或以上订位,最低消费每人$25. Minimun Charge 25 Dollars Per Head for Booking Table for 6 People or More. means our signature dish 15. 粟米饺 (4个) $9.80 Prawn and Corn Dumplings (4 Pieces) 16. 鸭肉饺 (4个) $9.80 Duck Meat Dumplings (4 Pieces) 17. 蒸素菜包 (3个) $7.50 Steamed Vegetable Buns (3 Pieces) 18. 韭菜饺 (4个) $9.80 Steamed Garlic Chive Dumplings with Minced Prawn (4 Pieces) 19. 素什锦饺 (4个) $7.50 Mixed Vegetables Dumpling (4 Pieces) 20. 葱油饼 $7.50 Spring Onion Pancake Soup The Chinese have used traditional tonic soup for hundreds of years. The soup is also well known increase longevity and beauty of complexion and anti aging. 1. 四川酸辣汤 $6.00 Szechuan Hot and Sour Soup (Szechuan) 2. 鸡肉粟米汤 $7.00 Sweet Corn with Minced Chicken Soup 3. 海鲜粟米汤 $8.00 Sweet Corn with Seafood Soup 4. 蟹肉鱼翅汤 $10.00 Braised Shark Fin Soup with Crab Meat 5. 砂锅鱼头汤 Braised Fish Head Soup in Claypot (Shanghai) -小号(两位用) Small Size (For 2 persons) $13.80 -大号(四至六位用) Large Size (For 4 to 6 persons) $23.80 此标记为胡同招牌菜 6人或以上订位,最低消费每人$25. Minimun Charge 25 Dollars Per Head for Booking Table for 6 People or More. means our signature dish Typical Local Dishes All our dishes are carefully selected by the master chef from different province in China. They are all the most popular signature dishes in their area. We are very proud to bring these to you. $28.80 $24.80 1. 沸腾水煮鱼 2. 大漠风沙鸡 Fish Fillet in Hot Chilli Oil (Chongqing) Crispy Spring Chicken with Garlic $24.80 $32.80 3. 大千辣子鸡 4. 大千虾球 Dry Chicken in Hot Chilli (Szechuan) Deep Fried Prawn with Chilli (Szechuan) $33.80 $27.80 5. 黑椒牛柳粒 6. 新派咸烧白 Sauteed Beef Fillet in Black Pepper Salted Braised Pork in New Style Sauce (Shanghai) 此标记为胡同招牌菜 6人或以上订位,最低消费每人$25. Minimun Charge 25 Dollars Per Head for Booking Table for 6 People or More. means our signature dish $9.80 $24.80 7. 秘制东坡肉(一块) 8. 喇沙鸡丁 Dong Po Square Soft Pork (One Piece) Laksa Chicken Fillet (Hangzhou) $24.80 $32.80 New9.柠檬鸡 Dish 10. 奶油虾球 Lemon Chicken Deep Fried King Prawn with Creamy Butter Sauce $24.80 $24.50 11. 蜜椒鸡中翅 12. 国饺牛腩煲 Honey and Pepper Chicken Wings State Dumplings and Braised Beef Brisket in Claypot (Shanghai) $28.80 $24.80 13. 水煮鸡 14. 辣子不辣鸡中翅 Diced Chicken Breast in Hot Chili Oil Chicken Wings in Chilli (Szechuan) 此标记为胡同招牌菜 6人或以上订位,最低消费每人$25. Minimun Charge 25 Dollars Per Head for Booking Table for 6 People or More. means our signature dish $30.80 16. 砂锅鱼头汤 $13.80 $23.80 15. 香酥鸭 Braised Fish Head Soup in Crispy Fragrant Duck (Shanghai) Claypot (Shanghai) -小号(两位用) Small Size (For 2 persons) -大号(四至六位用) Large Size (For 4 to 6 persons) $30.80 $25.50 17. 渔乡茄子带子煲 18. 干煸牛肉丝 Scallop with Eggplant in Claypot Pan Fried Shredded Beef in in Szechuan Chilli Sauce (Szechuan) Szechuan Style $15.80 $38.80 19. 麻婆豆腐 (含肉末) 20. 家乡豆瓣盲曹/ Szechuan Bean Curd with Minced 干烧盲曹 Pork (Szechuan) Barramundi with Bean Sauce or Stir Fried Barramundi (Szechuan) $16.80 $27.80 21. 红松蒸茄子 New22.无锡酱排骨 Dish Steamed Eggplant with Minced Wuxi Style Braised Pork Ribs Pork in Chilli Sauce 此标记为胡同招牌菜 6人或以上订位,最低消费每人$25. Minimun Charge 25 Dollars Per Head for Booking Table for 6 People or More. means our signature dish Seafood 1. 沸腾水煮鱼 $28.80 Fish Fillet in Hot Chilli Oil (Chongqing) 2. 大千辣子虾球 $32.80 Deep Fried Prawn with Chilli (Szechuan) 3. 渔乡虾球 $32.80 Prawns in Szechuan Chilli Sauce 4. 姜葱虾球 $32.80 Prawn in Ginger and Spring Onion Sauce 5. 蜜糖虾球 $32.80 Honey Prawns 6. 椒盐虾球 $32.80 Deep Fried Prawns in Salt and Pepper 7. 时菜虾球 $32.80 Prawns with Vegetables 8. 奶油虾球 $32.80 Deep Fried King Prawn with Creamy Butter Sauce 9. 渔乡带子 $32.80 Scallops in Szechuan Chilli Sauce 10. 姜葱带子 $32.80 Scallops in Ginger and Spring Onion Sauce 11. 椒盐带子 $32.80 Scallops in Salt and Pepper 12. 时菜带子 $32.80 Scallops with Vegetables 13. 椒盐鱿鱼 $25.80 Deep Fried Squid in Salt and Pepper 此标记为胡同招牌菜 6人或以上订位,最低消费每人$25. Minimun Charge 25 Dollars Per Head for Booking Table for 6 People or More. means our signature dish 14. 盲曹 (清蒸,糖醋,干烧,红烧) $38.80 Barramundi (Steamed, Sweet and Sour Sauce, Stir Fried, Brown Sauce) 15. 原只蠔鲍鱼 $30.00/只Each Braised Whole Abalone in Oyster Sauce 16. 姜葱鲍鱼片 $60.00/份Portion Sauteed Slice Abalone in Ginger & Spring Onion Sauce with Chinese Mushroom Meat 1. 宫保鸡丁 $24.80 Diced Chicken Fillet with Dry Chilli, Peanuts and Szechuan Vinegar Sauce 2. 喇沙鸡丁 $24.80 Laksa Chicken Fillet New3.豉汁鸡丁 Dish $24.80 Diced Chicken with Black Bean Sauce 4. 大漠风沙鸡 $24.80 Crispy Spring Chicken with Garlic New5.柠檬鸡 Dish $24.80 Lemon Chicken 6. 大千辣子鸡 $24.80 Dry Chicken in Hot Chilli (Szechuan) 7. 蜜糖鸡 $24.80 Honey Chicken 8. 时菜鸡球 $24.80 Chicken with Vegetables 9. 蜜椒鸡中翅 $24.80 Honey and Pepper Chicken Wings 10. 辣子不辣鸡中翅 $24.80 Chicken Wings in Chilli (Szechuan) 此标记为胡同招牌菜 6人或以上订位,最低消费每人$25. Minimun Charge 25 Dollars Per Head for Booking Table for 6 People or More. means our signature dish 11. 椒盐鸡扒 $24.80 Deep Fried Chicken Ribs with Salt & Pepper 12. 咖哩鸡丁 $24.80 Diced Curry Chicken 13. 香酥鸭 $30.80 Crispy Fragrant Duck (Shanghai) New14. Dish 无锡酱排骨 $27.80 Wuxi Style Braised Pork Ribs 15. 沪式椒盐骨 $27.80 Pork Spare Ribs in Salt and Pepper (Shanghai) 16. 蜜椒排骨 $27.80 Pork Spare Ribs with Honey and Pepper 17. 糖醋排骨 $27.80 Pork Spare Ribs in Sweet and Vinegar Sauce (Shanghai) 18. 新派咸烧白 $27.80 Salted Braised Pork in New Style (Shanghai) 19. 秘制东坡肉 (一块) $9.80 Dong Po Square Soft Pork (One Piece) (Hangzhou) 20. 干煸牛肉丝 $25.50 Pan Fried Shredded Beef in Szechuan Style 21. 烧汁牛柳粒 $33.80 Sauteed Beef Fillet in Teriyaki Sauce 22. 蚝油牛柳粒 $33.80 Beef in Oyster Sauce 23. 黑椒牛柳粒 $33.80 Sauteed Beef Fillet in Black Pepper Sauce 24. 葱爆羊肉 $26.80 Sliced Lamb with Ginger 25. 川味羊肉 $26.80 Stir Fried Lamb in Szechuan Chilli Sauce 此标记为胡同招牌菜 6人或以上订位,最低消费每人$25. Minimun Charge 25 Dollars Per Head for Booking Table for 6 People or More. means our signature dish Claypot Dishes 1. 渔乡茄子煲 $16.80 Eggplant in Claypot in Szechuan Chilli Sauce 2. 国饺牛腩煲 $24.50 State Dumplings and Braised Beef Brisket in Claypot (Shanghai) 3. 渔乡茄子带子煲 $30.80 Scallop with Eggplant in Claypot in Szechuan Chilli Sauce 4. 渔乡茄子虾球煲 $30.80 Prawns with Eggplant in Claypot in Szechuan Chilli Sauce 5. 什锦海鲜煲 $30.80 Mixed Seafood Hot Pot Vegetable 1. 菜心香菇 $15.80 Stir Fried Shanghai Bok Choy with Mushroom 2. 蚝油芥兰 $15.80 Chinese Broccoli in Oyster Sauce 3. 蒜香芥兰 $15.80 Chinese Broccoli in Garlic 4. 清炒菠菜 $15.80 Stir Fried Spinach 5. 上汤菠菜 $15.80 Poach Spinach with Shrimp and Ham in Soup 6. 清炒豆苗 $18.80 Sauteed Snow Pea Shoot 此标记为胡同招牌菜 6人或以上订位,最低消费每人$25. Minimun Charge 25 Dollars Per Head for Booking Table for 6 People or More. means our signature dish 7. 蒜茸豆苗 $18.80 Sauteed Snow Pea Shoot in Garlic 8. 清炒四季豆 $15.80 Sauteed String Beans 9. 干煸四季豆 (含肉末) $15.80 Stir Fried String Beans with Minced Pork in Chilli Sauce (Szechuan) 10. 麻婆豆腐 (含肉末) $15.80 Szechuan Bean Curd with Minced Pork (Szechuan) New11.双菇扒豆腐 Dish $16.80 Assorted Mushroom with Beancurd 12. 酸辣土豆丝 $15.80 Shredded Potato in Hot and Sour Sauce 13.
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