November 5, 2017-Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Louis Catholic Church Sunday Mass Clergy Parish Office Hours 7:00AM At the Poor Clares Rev. Keith O’Hare, Pastor Monday-Friday 9:30AM-12:30PM 7:30AM 8:45AM Rev. Paul L. Dudzinski, Parochial Vicar 1:30pM-7:30PM Saturday 9:30AM-3:30PM 10:30AM 12:30PM Rev. Dort A. Bigg, Parochial Vicar Rev. Bryan Duggan, In Residence Sunday 10:00AM-2:00PM 5:00PM (Spanish) Saturday mass Confessions Saint Louis School 7:00AM At the Poor Clares Monday-Friday 9:15AM 703.768.7732 8:45AM Wednesday 6:30PM Stlouisschool.org 5:30PM Vigil Mass Saturday 9:15AM Kathleen McNutt, Principal Monday-Friday Mass 4:30PM Sunday 8:20-9:20AM Montessori Atrium 7:00AM At the Poor Clares 6:30AM 8:45AM 703.660.9270 Misa en Español Maria Blazevich, Coordinator Domingos 5:00 PM Poor Clare Monastery Confesiones en Español St. Vincent De Paul 703.768.4918 Domingos 4:15 2505 Stone Hedge Drive Helpline San Vicente De Paul- Ayuda Alexandria, VA 22306 703.765.0050 703-765-0050 St. Louis Catholic School will be hosting Open Houses, Sunday, Nov. 12, 10am-1pm and Tuesday, Nov. 14, 9am-noon. St. Louis offers several half-day preschool options and full-day Kindergarten through 8th Grade. K-8th Grade applications for the 2018- 19 school year will be accepted beginning November 12th. Preschool registration will take place in February. For more information, please contact the school office 703-768-7732 or visit stlouisschool.org. Saturday, November 11, Father O'Hare will be leading a Morning of Recollection for ALL Lectors and EMHC's. Begins with Mass at 8:45am, followed by Continental Breakfast, reflection, discussion, and a "Holy Half Hour," concluding at 12 noon. The Annual St. Louis Parish Seniors Lunch will be on December 13. More Details to come. Dear Friends, If you are still discerning your vocation, then make visits to the Blessed Sacrament in the parish adoration The most important decision that one makes in one's life is the decision to accept (or not accept) one's chapel. His voice speaks most clearly when one is vocation. Your vocation, from the Latin word before Him there. Pray and then say yes to whatever he "vocare" (to call) is a calling from God. tells you. God is the Master Artist who has a plan for your This weekend we welcome Seminarian Tony Bennett, a life. He has created you to love Him and love others in this world in a way that only you can! The calling to seminarian of the Diocese of Arlington who is studying marriage, to the single life, to the religious life, and to at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary. Be encouraged by his the priesthood - these are the calls that he issues - and visit, and pray for him and all 45 seminarians of the then each must say "yes" with faith and trust. Diocese of Arlington. Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever! This week is Vocations Week. If you are already living your vocation then take this week to renew your commitment and love of the calling that God has given Your Pastor, you. (Every vocation has its joys and sorrows.) Father O'Hare “Let us help and commemorate them. If Job's sons were purified by their father's sacrifice [Job l:5), why would we doubt that our offerings for the dead bring them some consolation? Let us not hesitate to help those who have died and to offer our prayers for them (Homilies on First Corinthians 41:5 (A.D. 392)).” St. John Chrysostom (regarding prayers for the souls in Purgatory) Register for 2017-2018 Calling all couples, all widows and widowers! WE Catechesis of NEED YOU! There is a monthly gathering for all the Good Shepherd of us to pray the Rosary and discuss various topics Montessori Atrium focusing on faith and marriage. Gatherings take We are still accepting New children for place on a Saturday night from 7:30 to 9:00pm . level 2 and level 3 Please RSVP to Leo and Tanti McCormick, at: [email protected] Level II Atrium (6-9 year olds) Mondays 4:15-6:15pm Place your orders on the Knights of Columbus Level III Atrium (9-12+ year olds) Council website kofc5998.org by Sunday, Nov. 19, Tuesdays 4-6pm 9 pm. For your HoneyBaked Ham, Whole Tur- Registration forms are in the back of the church, the rec- keys or Breasts or Gourmet Cakes. Pickup your tory offices, the atrium, and the atrium website: orders at our hall at 8592 Richmond Hwy http://saintlouisparish.org/atrium on Wednesday, Nov. 22, from 9 to noon. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected], 703-660-9270. Come join the St Louis School Community for a Spirit Dinner! It will be held at Noodles on November 8-9, 2017 from 5-9PM. Lots of choices even for those who do not eat pasta. Come help the PTO raise funds for Thanks to hardworking planning committees, an in- needed school projects. We will receive 20% of the credible volunteer turnout, support from St. Louis sales to our supporters. families and beautiful weather, Hawks Day was a spec- tacular event. The Hawks 5K and Fun Run is an im- portant PTO fundraiser and we’d like to extend our appreciation to all the sponsors. This communal approach allows you to do the full Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. You will pray for all the graces that are offered while The St. Louis Mothers' Group meets Wednesdays, experiencing the direction of the Holy Spirit from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. The Mothers' Group pro- through weekly Faith Sharing on your daily prayer. vides a great opportunity to make new friends for you This 30 week program is facilitated in a group set- and your children, learn more about topics relating to ting, meets for 2 hours once a week, and requires our faith and vocations as mothers and wives, and thirty to forty-five minutes of daily prayer on as- share your own ideas with other moms. All mothers signed scriptures. (Part 1 is a prerequisite.) Contact and children are welcome. For more information or to the office 703-765-4421 or [email protected] join our email list, please contact Theresa Talavera at 703-313-8782 or [email protected]. Knights of Columbus Mt Vernon Council invites Saint Louis boys and girls ages 5 through 14 to participate in The Knights of Columbus will serve a pancake break- the international 2017 “Keep Christ in Christmas” fast Sunday, Nov. 12, after the 7:30, 8:45, and 10:30 poster contest. Posters are due to Parish Office mass in the School Cafeteria. The breakfast includes by Dec. 15. For more info go to kofc5998.org/ pancakes, sausage, and scramble eggs. Donations will youth.html contribute with this ministry’s activities. Emergency Assistance Receptionist on Tuesday; Thrift Bread for Our Brothers is a food gleaning ministry shop volunteers for Monday to Saturday; Food pantry of St. Louis Parish and Mt. Vernon KofC . We are volunteers for Monday,Tuesday or Wednesday. Please looking for volunteers for different pick-up activi- contact Sr. Annie Juan at 703-548-4227 extension ties. Contact Jim McCracken: 703-593- 101 & [email protected], 131 S. West St. Alexan- 4546 [email protected] dria,VA223l4 Children from St. Louis Parish who are in grades 3 -8 are eligible to play CYO basketball on St. Louis Parish team. In particular, we are hoping to find more 3rd grade girls, but all teams are open for participation. If you are interested in playing or De lunes a las 7 am learning more, please contact Judy Conti hasta el sábado a las 4 pm. [email protected]. The society is a direct way to fulfill Christ’s teach- Las clases pre bautismales, para los padres ing to remember the poor among us. We operate que deseen bautizar sus niños menores de the St. Vincent de Paul phone helpline and pro- 7 años son el primer domingo de cada vide direct assistance to families who live within mes a las 2 de la tarde. Llame al Sr. Moisés our parish boundaries and are struggling to afford Cruz, 571-435-7518, para inscribirse. Fa- food, rent or utilities. We meet the 2nd and 4th vor de llenar la hoja de registro en la ofici- Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Walsh na antes de asistir a la clase. Hall. We need volunteers to help us respond to those in need. Training is provided which enables volunteers to understand both the spiritual and Domingos a las 10 am, o los miércoles a practical aspects of our work. Contact Keith las 6:45 pm. Snider, [email protected] or 703-980-0726 St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers brings together Catholic men, single or married, to grow in the image of Christ and to strengthen our families. We Sábado, 6:30 pm en el gimnasio. are studying “The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation.” We meet Saturday mornings from 6:30 -8:00am in Walsh Hall. For more information con- Viernes, 7 pm en Walsh Hall. tact Leo McCormick: 202-213-1789. Our adult Bible Study takes place Miércoles, 7 pm en la rectoría. every Wednesday, at 7:00 PM in the school library. Para información, It is still open for new participants. The topic llame a Marina, 703-569-0614. is: Matthew: The King and His Kingdom.Contact John & Lina Gray at [email protected] Los jóvenes de la intermedia se reúnen los At your request, the Legion of Mary will bring the viernes a las 6:30 pm, y de la secundaria, Pilgrim Virgin Mary Statue into your home for los domingos a las 6 pm, después de Misa.
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