October 5, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1771 COMMENDING J. OSCAR WARD AND captured at the Battle of Kettle Creek, the Brit- SALUTING MR. LOUIS E. JAMES, MEMBERS OF THE GREATER IR- ish condemned him to die. But on the eve of PRESIDENT AND CEO SOLUTIONS VING REPUBLICAN CLUB Heard’s execution, Mammy Kate and Daddy FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY LOGIS- Jack rescued him from the British prison at TICS (SEEL) HON. KENNY MARCHANT Fort Cornwallis, and for their heroic deeds, OF TEXAS Heard awarded them their freedom. HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES All six of these Revolutionary War patriots OF MISSISSIPPI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, October 5, 2011 are buried in what is currently Elbert County, Georgia. On October 15, 2011, the community Wednesday, October 5, 2011 Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today will honor the memory of these patriots with a Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- to commend Mr. J. Oscar Ward of Irving, grave marking dedication conducted by the Texas, President of the Greater Irving Repub- er, I rise today to recognize Mr. Louis E. Stephen Heard and Kettle Creek Chapters of James, President and Chief Executive Officer lican Club, and its members for their concern the National Society Daughters of the Amer- and respect for our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, of Solutions for Energy Efficient Logistics ican Revolution, and the Samuel Elbert, But- (SEEL), recipient of the 2011 Andromeda Star Marines, and Coast Guardsmen that are serv- ton Gwinnett, and Washington-Wilkes Chap- ing in harm’s way. I appreciate their efforts in of Energy Efficiency Award. Louis James has ters of the Georgia Society Sons of the Amer- done Mississippi and his Alma Mater, Mis- calling attention to the unfortunate extra chal- ican Revolution. lenges faced by the surviving family of Chief sissippi Valley State University in Itta Bena, Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to pay tribute to Warrant Officer Bradley Gaudet of Mississippi, proud. these six brave heroes, who with countless SEEL, a Detroit-based minority owned en- Gladewater, Texas. terprise was recognized by the Washington, Chief Warrant Officer Gaudet was killed other patriots, successfully achieved for us DC-based organization, Alliance to Save En- from injuries sustained in a helicopter crash on American liberty and made way for our nation ergy, for advancing energy efficiency. SEEL June 5, 2011 in Afghanistan. His surviving to stand as a beacon of freedom and hope to was selected for the award based upon its un- family faced significant hurdles and resistance the rest of the world. precedented commitment to provide energy-ef- from the military in transferring his body from f ficiency services to residents in the city of De- Ft. Drum, New York to its final resting place in troit, its surrounding communities and through- Gladewater, Texas. These are challenges that PERSONAL EXPLANATION out the state of Michigan. Specifically, SEEL is should never be a concern to a grieving fam- responsible for transitioning Detroit jobs from ily. I appreciate President J. Oscar Ward and ‘‘blue’’ collar to ‘‘green’’ collar and successfully the members of the Greater Irving Republican HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON implementing energy efficiency programs for Club for their firm resolve in calling attention to OF TEXAS DTE Energy Neighborhood Energy Savings the burial of Chief Warrant Officer Gaudet. Outreach (NESO) program. As the facilitator of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I would like to further recognize the assist- these programs, SEEL has increased effi- ance and kindness of Southwest Airlines for Wednesday, October 5, 2011 ciency at more than 25,000 properties and flying the body of this fallen hero from New helped to boost neighborhood morale in its York to Texas for his final resting place. With- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. service areas and customer satisfaction for its out their assistance, this situation could have Mr. Speaker, on Monday, October 3, I re- client, DTE Energy. More significant is that been even worse for all of Chief Warrant Offi- quested and received a leave of absence for Louis James created job opportunities in his cer Gaudet’s surviving family and loved ones. October 3 and 4 to attend official business in area—hiring more than 75 new employees to We should never allow a situation similar to my congressional district. The President of the implement the programs for which SEEL re- what happened to Chief Warrant Officer United States came to my district on Tuesday, ceived the award. Gaudet to ever be experienced again by a October 4, 2011. Again, I ask that my colleagues congratulate grieving family. I call on my colleagues to help For the information of our colleagues and Mr. Louis E. James and SEEL for receiving ensure that every possible consideration is my constituents, below is how I would have the prestigious ‘‘Star of Energy of Efficiency made for every surviving family. I am request- voted on the following votes I missed during Awards’’ and for its outstanding achievements ing that any rules and regulations that may this time period. in energy efficiency and savings. preclude the proper burial at the location of f the surviving family’s choosing of a brave On rollcall No. 742, to require the convey- American hero be promptly changed. We must ance of certain public land within the bound- PERSONAL EXPLANATION avoid anything similar to this ever occurring aries of Camp Williams, Utah, to support the again. training and readiness of the Utah National HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN Guard, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ f OF MARYLAND On rollcall No. 743, to amend the National IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING THE SERVICE AND Forest Ski Area Permit Act of 1986 to clarify Wednesday, October 5, 2011 MEMORY OF REVOLUTIONARY the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture re- WAR PATRIOTS STEPHEN garding additional recreational uses of Na- Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall HEARD, JOHN DARDEN, MAMMY tional Forest System land that is subject to ski No. 745, I was unavoidably detained. Had I KATE, DADDY JACK, DIONYSUS area permits, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ OLIVER, AND PETER OLIVER f On rollcall No. 744, to convey certain sub- merged lands to the Commonwealth of the A CONGRESSIONAL RESOLUTION HON. PAUL C. BROUN Northern Mariana Islands in order to give that RECOGNIZING SANDY SKINN ON OF GEORGIA territory the same benefits in its submerged HER INDUCTION INTO THE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lands as Guam, the Virgin Islands, and Amer- GREENE COUNTY WOMEN’S HALL Wednesday, October 5, 2011 ican Samoa have in their submerged lands, I OF FAME would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the memory of Governor Ste- On rollcall No. 745, Continuing Appropria- HON. STEVE AUSTRIA OF OHIO phen Heard, Captain John Darden, Mammy tions Act, 2012 (Small Business Program Ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kate, Daddy Jack, Captain Dionysus Oliver, tension and Reform Act of 2011), I would have and Peter Oliver for their patriotic service ac- voted ‘‘yes.’’ Wednesday, October 5, 2011 complished during the American Revolution. On rollcall No. 746, providing for consider- Mr. AUSTRIA. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Stephen Heard, who served as Governor of ation of H.R. 2681, to provide additional time people of Ohio’s Seventh Congressional Dis- Georgia in 1781, Captain John Darden, Cap- for the EPA to issue standards for cement trict, I rise today to recognize Ms. Sandy Skinn tain Dionysus Oliver, and Peter Oliver all manufacturing facilities, and for consideration for her induction into the Greene County fought courageously in the American War of of H.R. 2250, to provide additional time for the Women’s Hall of Fame. Independence. Mammy Kate and Daddy Jack, EPA to issue standards for industrial, commer- Ms. Sandy Skinn, along with five other can- who were slaves at the time, played a pivotal cial, and institutional boilers, process heaters, didates, was selected from a pool of many role as well. When their master, Heard, was and incinerators, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ worthy women to receive this honor, and thus, VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:54 Oct 06, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05OC8.004 E05OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1772 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 5, 2011 she was nominated for her great endeavors in New Jersey and has held this position since congratulations to The Republic of China (Tai- Girl Scouting. 1995. wan) on the 100th anniversary of the origins of Ms. Skinn has worked closely with co-leader In addition to his work with the ministry, Fa- their Democracy on October 10, 2011. and fellow inductee Jan Dobo. Sandy has ther Dan provides spiritual guidance to various Taiwan is a true democracy and a beacon worked for over 30 years to promote the posi- Christian organizations, specifically the An- of freedom in a part of the world where it is tive qualities of leadership skills, strong val- cient Order of Hibemians (AOH). He served as notably needed. A true strategic ally of the ues, confidence and conviction about self- the New Jersey State AOH Chaplain for nine- U.S., Taiwan has led the fight for freedom, worth to young women. The troop led by Ms. teen years during which time his outstanding equal education and advancement of human Skinn and Ms. Dobo have maintained an open spiritual leadership assisted the organization in rights in many areas across the globe. troop, reaching out to girls interested in joining fulfill their motto of Friendship, Unity and Taiwan is also a willing partner in helping to the Girl Scouts from beyond their North Christian Charity.
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