Otomotiv Sanayii Automotive Industry

Otomotiv Sanayii Automotive Industry

OTOMOTİV SANAYİİ DERNEĞİ OTOMOTİV SANAYİİ AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY ÜRETİM/PRODUCTION SATIŞ/SALES İTHALAT/IMPORTS İHRACAT/EXPORTS Aralõk / December 2006 2006 Aralõk Ayõ Özeti / 2006 December Summary AYLIK/MONTHLY YILLIK/YEARLY KONULA R/MA TTERS 2005 2006 2006/2005 (%) 2005 2006 2006/2005 (%) Toplam/Total 78.362 84.852 8,3 879.452 987.580 12,3 Ür e t im/ Pr oduct ion Otomobil/P.Cars 37.755 45.519 20,6 453.663 545.682 20,3 Toplam/Total 111.613 83.129 -25,5 763.186 669.604 -12,3 Pazar/Market Otomobil/P.Cars 65.447 46.351 -29,2 438.597 373.219-14,9 Toplam/Total 64.625 44.469 -31,2 438.114 384.322 -12,3 İthalat/Import Otomobil/P.Cars 44.977 29.914 -33,5 301.889 255.494 -15,4 Toplam/Total 50.586 68.151 34,7 552.838 696.688 26,0 İhracat/Export Otomobil/P.Cars 31.388 45.411 44,7 319.825 430.420 34,6 Toplam/Total ** 1.201.312.585 1.547.641.314 28,8 11.539.565.743 14.350.824.949 24,4 İhracat / export ($) Otomobil/P.Cars 456.557.476 612.096.495 34,1 4.368.734.982 5.683.246.431 30,1 AYLIK/MONTHLY YILLIK/YEARLY PARAMETRELER / PARAMETERS 2005 2006 2006/2005 (%) 2005 2006 2006/2005 (%) ÜFE/PPI -0,04 -0,12** 2,66 11,58 ** TÜFE/CPI 0,42 0,23 ** 7,72 9,65 ** Sanayi Endeksi/Industry Index 0,58 0,06 ** 3,15 12,33 ** $ (*) 1,3483 1,4124 4,8 1,3436 1,4333 6,7 EURO (*) 1,5952 1,8502 16,0 1,6643 1,8134 9,0 Japon Yeni/Japanase Yen (*) 1,1476 1,1875 3,5 1,2186 1,23511,4 (*) Ortalama Değerler / Average Values (**) Toplam Sanayi / Total Industry Including Components 2005/2006 Yõllarõ Üretim (2005/2006 Production) Toplam Üretim ve Otomobil Üretimi (x1000) Total & P.Cars Production (x1000) K.KAMYON : AYA 3.5-12 Ton (L.Truck:GVW 3.5-12 Ton) B.KAMYON : AYA 12 Ton’dan Büyük (M.Truck:GVW 12 Ton And Up) 1.200 ARALIK AYI ÜRETİMİ 12 AYLIK ÜRETİM DEĞİŞİM % December Production 12 Months Production Percent Change % P.Cars Total TİPLER 988 ARALIK 12 AY 2005 YILI 2006 YILI 2005 YILI 2006 YILI December 12 Months 879 900 OTOMOBİL - Pass.Car 37.755 45.519 453.663 545.682 21 20 823 TİCARİ ARAÇLAR - Commercial Vehicles 40.607 39.333 425.789 441.898 -3 4 * B. KAMYON - M. Truck 2.773 1 .856 30.047 29.83 1 -33 -1 * K. KAMYON - L. Truck 923 634 7.180 7. 195 -31 0 * KAMYONET - Pick Up 33.511 33.3 18 349.885 369.862 -1 6 * OTOBÜS - Bus 57 1 535 5.406 6.0 19 -6 11 600 534 * MİNİBÜS - Minibus 2.171 2.395 26.162 20.728 10-21 431 * MİDİBÜS - Midibus 658 595 7.109 8.263 -10 16 546 TAŞIT ARAÇLARI TOPLAM - MV Total 78.362 84.852 879.452 987.580 8 12 344 345 347 TRAKTÖR - F.Tractor 2.739 2.660 34.907 37.407 -3 7 447 454 277 298 271 GENEL TOPLAM - Grand Total 81.101 87.5 12 9 14.359 1.024.987 812 300 2006 Yõlõ Üretimi (2006 Production) 297 294 243 240 222 204 FİRMALAR OTOMOBİL K.KAMYON B.KAMYON KAMYONET OTOBÜS MİNİBÜS MİDİBÜS TRAKTÖR TOPLAM 208 % % % % % % % % Companies Pass.Car L.Truck Mid.Truck Pick Up Bus Mini-Bus Midi-Bus F.Tractor Totals 175 AIOS 0 0 3.055 42 0 0 2.398 1 00 00 1.992 24 0 0 7.445 0 ASKAM 00 00 1.1164 185 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 1.309 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 BMC 00 00 6.628223.5661 565 9 629 3 291 40011.679 FORD OTOSAN 0 0 0 0 7.825 26 233.580 63 0 0 16.721 81 00 00258.126 HONDA TÜRKİYE 18.3223 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18.322 HYUNDAI ASSAN 42.350 8 0 0 0 0 17.3655 00 1.180 6 0 0 0 0 60.895 KARSAN 00 00 00 8.9542 00 1.735 8 1.835 22 0 0 12.524 Otomobil Üretimi ve İhracat (x1000) M BENZ TÜRK 00 00 13.00944 00 2.20037 00 00 00 15.209 MAN TÜRKİYE 00 00 150 1 00 2.351 39 00 00 00 2.501 P.Cars Production & Exports (x1000) OTOKAR 00 00 00 1.385 0 0 0 455 2 935 11 00 2.775 OTOYOL 00 1.092 15 1.103 4 61 000001.909 23 0 0 4.165 800 OYAK RENAULT 228.5934200000000000000228.593 TEMSA 0 0 3.048 42 0 0 3.663 1 903 15001.30116008.915 Total Production for Local Market TOFAŞ 79.729 15000098.7052700000000178.434 TOYOTA 176.68832 00 00 00 00 00 00 00176.688 TÜRK TRAKTÖR 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 17.257 46 17.257 UZEL 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20.150 54 20.150 600 TOPLAM 545.682 100 7.195 100 29.831100 369.862 100 6.019 100 20.728 100 8.263 100 37.407 100 1.024.987 546 454 Aralõk Ayõ Üretimi (December Production) 447 FİRMALAR OTOMOBİL K.KAMYON B.KAMYON KAMYONET OTOBÜS MİNİBÜS MİDİBÜS TRAKTÖR TOPLAM % % % % % % % % 400 Companies Pass.Car L.Truck Mid.Truck Pick Up Bus Mini-Bus Midi-Bus F.Tractor Totals A.I.O.S. 0 0 263 41 00 2741 00 00 162 27 0 0 699 297 ASKAM 00 00 61 3 340 00 50 00 00 100 294 B.M.C. 00 00 361192481 49 9 61 30000719 243 240 208 222 Exports FORD OTOSAN 00 00 4802621.399 64 0 0 2.009 84 0 0 0 0 23.888 175 204 HONDA TÜRKİYE 1.7734000000000000001.773 HYUNDAI ASSAN 4.605 1000001.3654 00 442 00 006.014 200 KARSAN 00 00 00 4321 00 2269 102 1700760 220 215 M. BENZ TÜRK 00 00 78342 00 22241 00 00 001.005 176 216 MAN TÜRKİYE 00 00 372 00 171 32 00 00 00 208 145 OTOKAR 00 00 00 590 00 502 6511 00 174 142 134 115 OTOYOL 00 589 134 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 160 27 0 0 352 33 81 OYAK RENAULT 16.88237 00 00 00 00 00 00 0016.882 34 TEMSA 00 31349 0 0 386 1 93 1700106 1800898 0 TOFAŞ 6.430 1400009.121 27 00 00 00 0015.551 TOYOTA 15.82935 00 00 00 00 00 00 9473616.776 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 TÜRK TRAKTÖR 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1.71364 1.713 UZEL 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 TOPLAM 45.519 100 634 100 1.856 100 33.318 100 535 100 2.395 100 595 100 2.660 100 87.512 Ticari Araç Üretimi (x1000) (AYA >12 Ton) Büyük Kamyon Üretimi Commercial Vehicle Production (x1000) (GVW >12 Ton) Heavy Truck Production (x1000) 600 40 30 442 30 450 426 30 28 25 376 18 300 20 17 17 240 14 142 133 6 150 102 105 95 10 8 69 76 4 0 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Otobüs Üretimi (x100) Traktör Üretimi (x1000) Bus Production (x100) F. Tractor Production (x1000) 80 80 60 61 56 60 54 60 48 49 45 42 37 39 37 40 34 40 35 30 27 29 25 27 25 23 20 20 15 11 0 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Toplam Pazar (x1000) Toplam Pazarõn Analizi (x1000) Total Market (x1000) Total Market Analysis (x1000) 120 120 2006 2005 10 Yõl Ort/10 Yrs Avr 2006 2005 2004 90 80 1 6 60 45 45 43 42 42 37 38 39 36 40 25 30 7 1 2 1 1 30 23 45 38 65 65 69 6 84 72 59 65 40 64 48 69 50 67 40 6 56 66 83 11 0 0 1 2345678910 11 12 1 23456 78910 11 12 10 Yõl Ort. 1 2345678910 11 12Total Aylar/ 2006 10 Yrs Avr. % 1994 44.418 27.441 21.96116.18117.494 10.141 21.95113.219 24.407 21.001 22.734 28.530 269.478 Months (x1000) 1995 12.266 19.226 22.259 18.417 17.960 23.434 23.129 22.393 26.022 27.631 30.959 36.542 280.238 (x1000) 1996 12.344 21.581 22.827 25.642 28.107 25.422 28.266 26.624 27.269 32.869 37.240 48.981 337.172 1 1730771997 16.418 28.365 37.264 37.480 47.647 45.432 41.968 40.308 47.823 53.681 56.256 72.600 525.242 2 25 45 80 1998 21.318 36.244 43.477 35.978 50.066 44.808 41.196 39.032 44.503 39.462 39.368 50.674 486.126 1999 10.539 19.219 29.342 34.544 36.781 40.476 30.654 25.788 35.804 36.025 47.345 60.767 407.284 3 36 65 84 2000 18.751 35.749 48.520 52.660 67.168 67.853 57.112 60.905 67.156 70.978 71.532 41.693 660.077 4 37 69 86 2001 14.413 13.68111.483 14.75119.028 20.165 19.042 17.458 12.332 11.611 16.833 24.629 195.426 5 45 84 86 2002 2.240 4.308 8.082 12.206 16.816 15.684 16.574 14.925 16.216 18.472 18.556 30.967 175.046 2003 12.620 11.574 17.148 20.496 27.769 30.686 32.425 29.182 40.765 50.407 44.523 83.116 400.711 6 42 59 40 2004 38.937 39.782 72.355 77.435 84.918 63.554 57.823 57.033 59.952 56.335 52.364 85.324 745.812 7 39 40 4 2005 22.833 38.466 64.730 61.127 71.735 64.781 64.086 69.389 67.144 61.170 66.112 111.613 763.186 8 38 48 26 2006 30.119 44.920 65.380 69.138 83.601 58.550 40.415 47.872 50.217 40.089 56.174 83.129 669.604 9 42 50 20 10 43 40 -7 11 45 56 25 12 61 83 36 Total 470 670 43 Otomobil PazarõnõnAnalizi(x1000) Otomobil Pazarõ (x1000) P.Cars Market Analysis (x1000) P.Cars Market (x1000) 80 80 2006 2005 10 Yõl Ort/10 Yrs Avr 2006 2005 2004 60 60 40 40 40 29 29 27 27 24 26 25 23 5 23 1 20 20 0 1 7 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 25 2 37 38 40 36 49 38 33 4 23 39 25 39 28 36 2 35 30 38 46 65 0 1 2345678910 11 12 1 2 3456 78910 11 12 10 Yõl Ort.

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