Dlrtctorp. 1\fAIDENHEAD, &c. and enjoys some immnnities and privileges, among 'Berkshire i and on the river is a considerable paper which 1s exemption from toll in the adjacent market Diill. In tne parish church of Saint Nicholil8 lie the of Maidenhead. remains of Sarah Milton, the mother of the great and TAPLOW is a parish iu the hundred of Burnham, pions poet, who resided here for some years. The county of Bucks-the village is about one mile east of living of Taplow is a rectory in the patrona~e of the Maidenhead. The Thames separates this parish from Crown. Population of the parish in 1841, 744. POST OFFICE, Park road, MAIDENHEAD, John Higgs, Poat Master.-Letters from_ LoNDON and and various places beyond, also fromiWINDSOR and all parts of theN ORTH OF ENGLAN o arrive rvery forenoon al half-pas' eleven, and night at half-past ten 1 and are despatched at a quarter past eleven in the forenoon, and night at nine. Letters from ABINGDON, FARINGDON, READING, WANTAGE, OxFORD, BRISTOL, GLOUCESTER and the WEST OF ENGLAND arrive at four in the moruing and half-past twelve at noon, and are det!patched at ten in the morning and eight in the evening. Letters from MARLOW, WvcOMBE and their neighbourhoods arrive ac half-past seven in the evening, and are despatched at a quarter before one at noon. - Receifling Houaes, at Charles Jones', BRAY; Anna Young's, CooKHAM, and Charles Gu1ney's, TAPLOW.­ Letters connected with these places are received from and forwarded, through the Maidenhead Omce, daily. NOBILITY1 GENTRY AND Langton Mr. John Edward!, North ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. CLERGY. town road Not otherwiae described are Day ScboDII Adams Miss Mary, Bray Laws Mrs. Elizabeth, Cannon hill BRITISH ScHooL, Back lane-e-­ Ashlev Mrs. Sarah, Bullock's Hatch Leake Henry, Esq. Oldfield Lorlge Samuel Henry C!ark, master; Atkinson Miss -, tbe Cottage, Levett Rev. Waiter, Vicarage, Bray Sarah Nash, mistress North town Leycester Henry H. Esq. White INFANTs' ScHooL, South street­ !3arlow .Mr. Edward, Folly hill place, Cookham Jane Barratt, mistress Bell Rev. John R. Cookham Lock William, Esq. Oldfield lane Mantle Fanny (boarding), 1\faiden­ Bergman John Geo. Esq. Formosa, Neate .Mr. S. W, Folly hill head Thicket Cookham [st N eisbet J ames, Esq. Clarefield Micklem John Henry (boarding and Birch ReY. James Alexander, High House, Pinkney's !\'teen day), Norrh town Villa Bird Robert, E~q. Taplow hill Nevill Henry, Esq. Bridge Villa NATIONAL ScuooL, Folly hilli-­ Uoston th~ Right Honble. Lord, Newell George Wm. Esq. Holyport Jeremiah Mays, master; Frances Hed~nr House Newel! Henry, Esq. Holyport E. Mays, mistress Brand Major James, Holyport Noel Thomas, Esq, Boyne Cottage NATIONAL ScHOOL, Braywick:-­ Brooks Mr. William, Bndge st Orkney the Earl of, Taplow Court Mary A. Vickery, mistress Bulkeley J. J. Esq. Lindeu hill, Palm er Philip, Fsq. Bullock's Hatch NATIONAL SCHOOL, Holyporr.t-­ Hare Hatch Parkinson Mrs. Elizh. Ives Cottage John Mackrell, master Bullivaut .l\Irs. Frances,. High st Parry Miss-, Hawthorn hill Pearce James D. (classical & corn• Clark Joseph. Esq. Bridge st ayn Mist~ Mary, Waterloo Cottage mercial boarding), Craufnrd Hse Coates Mr. Charles Jame~, Bray Peto · Mrs. Sophia, Grosvenor Rowley & Hardy (ladies' boarding), (.;oney John J eane,Esq. (magistrate), Cottage, North town Marketstreet • Braywick grove Pile Mrs. Elizabeth, Cookham Strange Mary An ne (boarding), Daeby the Misses Ann and Julia, Pocock Mrs. Louisa, Ray Lodge Maidenhead Thicket Cook ham Pole Rev. Henry, Waltbam place Such Frederick Parker, Bridge st Darby Mrs. Ann, Cookham ' Powis Hrnry Samuel, Esq. M. n. Darl>y Mrs. Elizabeth, North town Cookham _ [port ATTORNEYS. Doyue Burry, Esq. White Waltham Proctor Robert Grorge, Esq. Holy Micklem Thomas, Park road Driver Edward, Esq. Woolly Hall Robert Lawrence Rubert, Esq. Smith James (and town clerk, and East Sir George Clayton East, Bart. Woolly Lodge corn mission er for taking ack now­ Hall place Subine Mr. William, North town ledgements of deeds by marrkd Eedes Mr. Robert, Holypol1 Sartoris Charles, Esq. TaplowLodge -women), Kidwells Fitzma~rlce Capt. -, Downs Place SawyerCharles,E~q. H eywood Lodge Taylor Gustavus, Cookham l'leet Thomas, Esq. Tittle row Shipton Joseph, Esq. New Lodge Ward William James, High st F!emiug Miss lsabella, Cookham Skrine Henry, Esq. Stubbing Hoose AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS Lod~e Smith Henry, Esq. Holyport Florence Thomas Young, Esq. Shot- Smith Mr. James, Kidwells AND ESTATE AGENTS. te~brook Park Smith Thomas, Esq. North town Cooper & Sons ( & surveyors ),Ea8t st }'ulton M r~. Sarab, Folly hill SpongFrancisMallet,Esq. Northtilds Hussey Abraham, High st Good man Mrs. -. Market st Stephen!! l'flr. Audrew, .Market st Preece Samuel, Bridge st GrantJohrr,E5q.Cookham Stephens William, Esq. Ives place Preece Samuel Motfatt, High st GranthamRrv.Jno. Foster,Cookham Ste\·eus Mrs. Hannah, Braywtck G reeufell Ri\·ersdale, Esq. Ray Lodge Taylor Mr. James, Br;~ywick road BAKERS, Green fell Charles William, Esq.M.P. Terry John, Esq. High st Barnett Jonathao, Cookham Kimbers Trefry Mrs. Mary An ne, Market st Barneu Michael, Bridge st Harman Rev. Thomas, Woolly firs Tnnno Mrs.-, Taplow Lodge Corby Thomas, Bridge st Hercy Juhn, Esq. Hawthorn bill Tvr~ Mr. Harry, Taplow Cottage Green Edwin, Cookharu Hibbert John, E!!q. Braywick Lodge Vansittart Lieutenant-Colonel -, Green John, Cookham Hitchcock 1\lr. Harry Wm. Folly hill Ray Cottage Gurney Charles, Taplow Horlson Rev. George Hewitte, M.A., Vamittar~ ReT. Charles, White Hawker John, High 5' Cookham Dean Waltbam Hohbs John, High st Hunter 1\1 rll. C. Folly hill V enables Mr. Charles, Taplow Hoghes Thoma~, Taplow lrby the Right Honble. George, Hill Wallis l\1 r. John, Holypor& Jones Charle!!, Bray House, Tapley Ward Mr. William James, South 11t Lane Edwin, High st hery \1.r. John, Oak Villa, Folly hill Weller Mr. Richard, Tittle row Plumridge & Oshorn, High st Jowers 1''. W. E. Esq. Hall's corner, Wellford Rev. George, Bray Wells George, High st Cookham LPenn WheatleyRev. Cha!!. TaplowRectory BANKERS, Kuollis Rev. James, Parsona~e and Whitlaw Charles, Esq. Taplow Lancaster l\1r. -, Moor Cottage, Williams Mrs. Isabdla. Chantry Srephens, Blandy & Co. High st­ Norrh town House, Bray (draw on Willis, Perch·al & Co. Lang Henry, Esq. l\Ielmoth Lodge, Willsl\lr.I~a<~c, Bath VIlla, Folly hill London) l:ookham Winslow Edward, Esq. Taplow SAVINGs' BANK, High st-(open on Langford Capt. Thomil8 N etherton, Young Lady Susan, the Fishery, the fi1·st & third T11esdays in erery R. 1".1 Filbert Hou5e, Ho!ypor& Cook haw mouth, Frederick Ward, manager 19 .
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