VOL XXII NO 121 TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1989 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S House Ethics charges Wright Associated Press that Wright is presumed inno­ cent until the charges are WASHINGTON- The House proven, and he underscored ethics committee, with that proving them requires a Democrats and Republicans much higher weight of united, formally charged evidence than the step taken Speaker Jim Wright Monday Monday, whichTs the panel's with 69 violations of the cham­ equivalent of an indictment. ber's rules including what the The move set in motion a se­ panel's chairman called "a ries of steps in which Wright scheme to evade" limits on out­ can defend himself and the side earnings. panel must prove with "clear After a 10-month, $1.5 million and convincing" evidence that I investigation, the committee of the violations occurred. That is six Democrats and six likely ultimately to throw the Republicans voted unani­ matter before the full House, I mously to issue a report finding where Wright's position as the "reason to believe" the Texas nation's highest elected Demo­ Democrat had run afoul of crat, or even his House seat, Hou~e rules requiring report­ could be on the line. f ing of gifts, barring acceptance Wright immediately began of gifts from persons with a his defense in earnest, operat­ direct interest in legislation ing what one supporter, Rep. and limiting outside earned in­ Charles Wilson, D-Texas, come. called "a war room" out of his "I know in my heart I have office. "At some point we've not violated any of the rules of got to start figuring out who's that institution,'' Wright said in on our side and who's on the a speech to a labor meeting other side," Wilson said. shortly after the ethics report Wilson predicted Wright was released. would win on the floor, "losing He said he had asked "very a few cowardly Democrats and urgently, very earnestly" for a picking up some brave quick meeting with the the Republicans." committee "to confront them, The most serious allegation Chicago destruction AP Photo to confront the allegations against Wright, that he ac­ head-on, face-to-face." cepted some $145,000 in gifts Chicago firefighters douse still-smouldering embers Sunday following a fire that swept through a At a news conference, com­ over a 10-year period from century-old building housing art galleries. The blaze destroyed the building and art works with a mittee chairman Rep. Julian combined value of as much as $50 million. Officials have labeled the fire suspicious and are investigating. Dixon, D-Calif., emphasized see WRIGHT I page 3 Frosh Advisory Council nixed Walesa quickly moves to reorganize Solidarity By JEFF SWANSON next year. President of the of vans to bring luggage to Staff Reporter class of '91 Rob Pasin moved the Main Circle. for unanimous consent of the Associated Press democratic restructuring of The Student Senate also the state," he said. The Constitution of the constitution. As no objec­ passed a resolution which tions were raised, the consti­ WARSAW, Poland- Lech The Warsaw provincial court Freshman Class Council begins the terms of the Stu­ Walesa on Monday called on registered the reborn was approved by the Student tution was passed. dent Union Board Executive Senate, Monday. In other business, District Poles to rebuild Solidarity Solidarity in the same room Council, Commissioners and "skillfully and quickly" just The Constitution calls for Four Senator Sigi Loya re­ Assistant Commissioners on where its original charter was the organization of a Fresh- . ported that he was trying to April1 as of next year. Raja hours after a court declared the approved in November 1980. man Class Council under the convince United Limo to add Singh, Student Union Board independent union legal again "We've just returned to the control of the student gov­ stops on campus for students manager, put forth the and ended seven years of gov­ road of democracy and ernment to replace the who wish to take the bus resolution to change the ernment suppression. freedom," Walesa said from Freshman Advisory Council shuttle to Chicago before beginning of the term from "I appeal to all workers and tlis home in Gdansk, where he which was under the author­ breaks. Currently, the May 1. supporters of our union to form was recovering from a bad factory organizations as soon ity of the Freshman Year of shuttle stops only at the Student Body Vice Presi­ cold. Studies. Main Circle. as possible where they still Onyszkiewicz said Walesa dent Dave Kinkopf an­ don't exist and to report their nounced the selection of John stayed away in part because Theresa Murphy, a mem­ Loya said that many stu­ membership in Solidarity or to the union always regarded it­ Hamill for chief of staff and join it," said Walesa, in a state­ ber of the 1988-89 Freshman dents have complained to Deanna Dobrowolski for sec­ self as legal, so the session had Advisory Council, was cho­ him about the difficulty of ment read in Warsaw by union "a technical rather than sym­ retary. He also presented spokesman Janusz sen last week by the Fresh­ carrying luggage to the the three new hall presi­ bolic nature." man Advisory Council to Main Circle. He said that the Onyszkiewicz. Nevertheless, there was dents. They are Sean Brown, Onyszkiewicz said an inde­ serve as advisor to the other option that he was Mick Meyer and Christina thunderous applause when the Freshman Class Council for looking into involved the use Quiong. pendent union press should verdict was complete, sealing begin operating by the end of an about-face approved earlier the month, and that Solidarity by Communist Party leaders. should get new national Polish leader Gen. Wojciech German bombing like Pan Am flight's headquarters in Gdansk by Jaruzelski tried to dissolve Tuesday. Solidarity in a December 1981 Associated Press the bomo onto the jet that ex­ but the manner in which it was "Our effort, devotion and suf­ martial-law crackdown, but ploded over Scotland on Dec. disguised was said to be fering have not been in vain," now seeks the movement's help WIESBADEN, West 21. All 259 people on the plane similar. Walesa said in his statement. to pull Poland out of economic Germany- A bomb similar to and 11 on the ground were Asked how police obtained "We defended our workers' crisis. the one that destroyed Pan Am killed. the radio-bomb that exploded rights, together we are paving Senior Solidarity sources Flight 103 exploded while being Another officer was criti­ on Monday, Falk replied: a road to a fully democratic hinted a meeting might take examined Monday, killing an cally wounded in the explosion "This is in connection with our and sovereign Poland." place Tuesday between investigator in a case involving Monday at federal police previous investigation, but we But he cautioned the "day of Jaruzelski and Walesa- the Palestinians suspected of ter­ headquarters, said spokesman cannot say more than that." success" came in hard eco­ army general and the union rorism. Arno Falk of Bun­ His reference was to raids in nomic times. electrician who are now part of The federal prosecutor's of­ deskriminalamt, the police October on hangouts of alleged "The Polish nation is facing an unlikely alliance for reform. fice reported evidence con­ bureau. Palestinian terrorists in tasks which are much more It would be their first meeting tradicting U.S. media reports It was not clear whether the Frankfurt and Neuss, a Dues- complex than in 1980. Now we since before martial law. that a Lebanese-American pas­ bomb was seized in connection must undertake a trial of real senger inadvertently carried with the Pan Am investigation, see BOMB 1 page 4 and deep economic reform and see WALESA I p~e 3 • ~---------------~---- ~- r page 2 The Observer Tuesday, April 18, 1989. ' WORLD BRIEFS Freshman Year classes The first contingent of Soviet soldiers and military hardware to be withdrawn from East Germany under a plan announced by President Mikhail Gorbachev will leave May 11, the Tass news agency said Tuesday. Gorbachev announced the uniformly uninspiring unilateral troop cuts at the United Nations on Dec. 7. The withdrawal is expected to be completed by Aug. 15, the official My freshman year here was academically so awful that I didn't want to come back. news agency said. Gorbachev said there would be an overall 'In the classroom, troop reduction of 500,000 men, or 12 percent of the total Soviet I wasn't having a difficult time adjusting, cer­ troop strength, and the military budget would be cut by 14 per­ tainly not to being away from home because freshman year was a cent. home is only five minutes away. mediocre replica of Rather, in the classroom my freshman year senior year of high was a mediocre replica of senior year of high Israeli Prime Minister Shamirmade an unannounced visit school. .' to Hungary, and Israel radio reported the two countries ap­ school, with nearly identical classes but teach­ parently planned to renew diplomatic ties. A one-sentence an­ ers of lesser quality than those across the street nouncement by the official Hungarian news agency MTI said at St. Joe. Sara Marley Shamir arrived in Budapest. It did not specify whether the visit I entered my Composition and Literature News Editor was private or official and gave no other details. In Jerusalem, course and was dismayed to read the syllabus. a Shamir aide confirmed the rare unannnounced trip and said Most of the books, well actually stories, I had in high school to get through my first year of the prime minister is due back on Tuesday.
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