MINIT-ED Anybody naive enough to think that New York's Offtrack Betting would sop up the illegal gambling must fft'l have received a shock when Nassau County detectives raided a Long Island gambling den. Twenty four metro­ politan bookmakers had placed SI 1.3 million of bets on D/A the Super bowl football game. And another $36,000 m illion had beeh wagered on professional basketball & games in a single hour at the same place. And all this (Eotmttercial Heahcr was done on a mere two telephones. To collect $1 and SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW TEN CENTS Per Copy million of bets daily on the OTB races in New York 30 yean hall* with over 1,000 personnel are used. And nobody ever heard of a strike in the gamblers' set-up. Maybe T E L E P H O N E G E N E V A 8- 8 7 0 0 New York ought to let the Mafia run its O TB Vol. 51, No. 26 Lyndhurst, Thursday, January 27,1972 Second-Class postage paid at Rutherford. N.J. Gas Station Center For Mob Arsenal? A North Arlington man dered as he was awaiting trial they found 4,000 rounds of bribery charges. who is accused of using his on charges of loansharking. ammunition in the automo­ The raiders said they dis­ Lyndhurst gas station as a bile which was suspended on covered in Paskas's posses­ gun drop for mobsters is un­ Carbone’s wife, also the service station lift. sion two pounds of plastic ex­ charged in the case, recently der federal indictment for plosives, six electrical and won a fight to have her tele­ possession and illegal sale of non-electrical blasting caps, a guns. phone service restored. John L. Kase, an attorney with the federal strike force, pound of smokeless powder, The accused man, Charles declared Paskas, now oper­ 100 feet of red safety fuse, M. Paskes, 35, of 60 Noel Paskas, said by police to be ating his own trucking busi­ nine pistols, four rifles, a ma­ Drive, formerly operated the the father of seven children, is ness, is known to be familiar chine gun and other weapons. Sunrise Service Station at free in bail of $20,000. He with some of the most no­ One of the guns was a .22 Orient Way and Rutherford was arrested Sept. 8 after torious crime figures in the calibre derringer. Avenue, Lyndhurst. U.S. treasury agents, posing area. as illicit gun buyers, seized Paskas originally was ar­ According to federal au­ his automobile at the rested Sept. 8. If convicted he thorities Paskas was an asso­ Lyndhurst gas station. One of them is said to be could get a maximum of 105 ciate of Sam Carbone of East Bayonne Joe Zicarelli of years in jail and fines up to Rutherford— who was mur- The federal men declared Cliffside Park, now in jail on $105.000- or both Carucci Studies Ree Resources How much unused recrea­ the facilities for them? They tion potential is there in a need play fields. In the past all modem community? emphasis has been placed on This is the question Mayor fields for Little Leagues. But C A P T U R E D R A IN B O W ? A t the Nutley IT & T plant on River Road, Nutley, this great arc is causfaig comment from motorists Joseph Carucci of Lyndhurst how about the girls? Where aad North Aitiaftoa, Rutherford and Lyndhurst folks who live on the west side of the Passaic River. W hat is it? It is hush, hush for today asks himself more and do we find the space for Urn prissat Csaspaay wBlteUaU — soon Speculation is it’s a huge antenna that may be used for televising President Nixon’s trip more frequently. them?” to Ike O ik *. As head of Lyndhurst’s Carucci has been deeply in­ park and playgrounds and terested in the possibility of public buildings, the question using make-shift facilities un­ has had urgency for Carucci til permanent fields can be Monaco Sees for the last six and a half developed. Hollenbeck Groomed Parking Area years. On a recent tour in the His appointment last week meadowland area he was im­ There would be more traf­ to a five-year term on the pressed by the amount of ma­ For Bigger Things fic on the Erie Lackawanna if Bergen County Park Com­ cadamized acreage which in­ there were more parking mission put a new sense of dustry has prepared for itself. space for automobiles. urgency into the query. During the weekdays the The biggest prim ary fight If the Jobs carry out their Republicans last November, Lyndhurst, like the rest of areas are used for parking in recent Republican party threat to fight in the prima­ would seem to fit the bill. This has been a long stand­ South Bergen and, indeed, and delivery. But on week­ history may project South ry— and the Republican or­ Hollenbeck is not exactly ing complaint. Benea’snawaoaator, H arold most of New Jersey, is con­ ends the area is unused. ganization accepts the chal­ frightened of the assignment. And it is borne out at N EW RECREATIO N AREA? Congestion must lead to HoBenbeck o f East Ruther­ gested. The new population “ W e might solicit use of lenge— the Ninth District I ndeed, his followers have or­ Kingsland Station, innovative ideas for future recreation centers. Touring the ford into one of the hottest statistics shows that there is these broad areas,” said Ca­ congressional district nomi­ ganized and are making Lyndhurst. Cars fill up the developing east end meadowlands M ayor Joseph Carucci fights of Ms young political less land per resident in New rucci. “ They could be used as nation will take on a new sig­ strong noises for Harold’s available parking space in a surveyed more than an acre of macadamized surface near career. Possibility Sheriff nificance. prospects. Jersey than in most of the centers for activities. Or even very short time every morn­ the J.C . Penny Warehouse just off Valley Brook Joseph Job and his brother, They look at it this way: congested areas on earth. games. It is a possibility that The organization would ing. Surrogate Gilbert Job, may The South Bergen picture has to be studied. As the Avenue. Just appointed to the Bergen County Park want a strong South Bergen By running Hollenbeck can This week former Fire seek Republican nominations is even more serious because amount of land available for Commission, Carucci is trying to determine if industrial figure to anchor the ticket in lose nothing. Commissioner Frank Mo­ over the wishes of the Re­ much of the land which is play and recreation shrinks parking lots, often unused week-ends, could not be of that vote-heavy area. Should he help the Re­ naco pointed out that there is publican hierarchy has cast now open is in the meadows, And Hollenbeck, never a publican ticket prevail in the sufficient parking space for (Continued on Page 10) value in providing recreation sites at the unused hours. new light upon the prospects loser in a political campaign previously considered either only for industrial devel­ of Hollenbeck. and the high vote getter of all (Continued on Page 10) (Continued on Page 10) opment or a wasteland. However, Carucci is con­ vinced that the future must Impasse! Teachers, consider the meadows as Adivari Puts New Look one of the most valuable re­ sources the recreation pro­ grams have going for them. Board Can’t Agree There are now grandiose plans for converting many of Lyndhurst teachers have article, and movement until case to the mediator and to Into East End of Town the meadowland acres into declared an impasse in their this time has been very min­ the factfinder if that becomes recreation facilities. But Ca­ salary negotiations with the imal. We have reached no necessary. We have had at all There is a new look in the rucci wonders if enough em­ Board of Education. agreement on salary and have times the assistance of rapidly developing east end of phasis has been placed on the very few areas of agreement Lyndhurst. This means that the teach­ N.J.E.A. and they will con­ recreational needs. in any of the other 39 articles tinue to assist us in any way And it is chiefly due to a ers, aroused over inability to “ As the country continues of our proposal. Your com­ possible. new spirit of the Board of come to terms on new con­ to develop and the population tract provisions, have asked mittee has made every effort Commissioners and the work I . Please sup­ grows,” said Carucci, “ the for appointment of a negotia­ to reach an agreement with of a zealous policeman — need for open space becomes the Board, but negotiations port your Negotiations Com­ Sergeant Anthony Adivari. tor. Teachers were urged to mittee in any action re­ more and more urgent.” keep January 25 and January cannot be one-sided. W e had quested by the Negotiations With the acquisition of a “ There is need for more no option but to declare im­ G M C all-purpose carry-all. 26 open for a possible general or Action Committee than mere parks and meeting. passe to protect your inter­ Public Safety Commissioner playgrounds. There is need ests. 2. Please turn in the names Peter Russo got the new pa­ for open space— an area in At such meetings the criti­ requested by your Action trol on Polito Road into ac­ which man can find peace cal issues usually are dis­ Papers will be filed with Committee.
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