.11^1 f^Ae boak is cot %@ ha • PlV tun <• T >^ ar *• •>» f >• •? V, . - ^•.-•'"' CUT' •s^'^v 's h£ ^- ^''=-*..,^ _.»'•-•'* January 14, 1944 Vol. 80. No. 8 IN THIS ISSUE; • V-12 BallTonisht • 100th Charter Year for Notre Dame •V-12 Show Every Other Tuesday • Basketball Team Beats Marquette • Track Meet Here Tomorrow ! v-12 SEAMEN AND MARINES GET READY FOR TONIGHT'S BALL %he S^otre ^ame Scholastic Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus SERVICE MEN, you are always FOUNDED 1867 WELCOME at the NAVy CANTEEN THE STAFF F. J. Pequigney Editor-in-chief Ralph Abell Associate Editor Editorial Staff REGULATION Robert OTooie Managing Editor HABERDASHERY Harold Berliner and John McKeon....Asst. Managing Editors Jack Carson and Bill Byrne _ .."The Week" CIGARETTES Bill Waddington Splinters Lieut. S. L Beatty Observations COCA-COLA Jim Casey and Buzz Hassett The Green Banner Dick Murphy College Parade CIGARS Al Lesmez Man About Campus CANDY Nejvs Staff Frank Keenan News Editor GUM Al Lesmez Campus Editor Edward Madden Administration Editor John Keleher Vernon Mikkelson Joe Plante J. D. Usina R. L. Marske James McCarthy Jim Regan H. G. Gilligan Bill Thompson Paul Wood Leiand James Frank Gleason Steve Loyaceno John Locke Mike Canair Features Make the Navy Canteen Your Club Al Broten ..Editor Al Bisbee Palmer Amundsen H. F. Ziegler James Paris Leonard Hogan Sam Miller 1^ • • Art Wagner Harry Tanner Charles Veenstra Sports Staff Bill Carey Editor Zero Deck of the Dining Hall James H. Howard Jim Fennelly Jack Houghteling Joe Murnane Paul Brennan David Scheider John Power Jim Regan Joe Fahey Staff Photographers GLASSES CORRECTLY FITTED Al Shaefer Charles Renaud Joe Haller Circulation Est. H 1900 John Matmiller... Manager Reverend Charles M. Carey, C.S.C, Faculty Advisor Member of Catliolic School Press Association, Associated Collegiate J. BURKE Press, Distributor of Collegiate Digest. Represented for national advertis­ ing by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New W. G. BOGARDUS — E. C. BEERY York City—Chicago—^Boston—Los Angeles—San Francisco. THE SCHO­ LASTIC is published forty times during the school year at the Tlniver- Optometrists and Mfg. Opt icians sity of Notre Dame. Address all manuscript to the Editor, 305 Sorin Hall or lai Administration BIdg., Notre Dame, Indiana. Staff meetings in the Editorial Booms, Old Ave Maria Building: 228 S. Michigan St. Evenings by Appointment Sunday thiraueh Wednesday at 7: IS p.m. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-cIasE matter at Notre Dame, India&a. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized Jtme 25, 1918. VOL. 80 JANUARY 14. 1944 NO. 8 900 Couples Await V-12 Ball Tonight New Unit Insignia Features Unique Deco­ ration Scheme; Long's Men Provide Music. BY PVT. JOHN CONHON Weeks of feverish preparation and anticipation will reach a climax tonight ecutive Officer as you hove used for the as Johnny Long and his crew start "send­ Rules of Military Courtesy Captain, except that the word "Com­ ing" for 900 V-12 trainees and their mander" is used in place of "Captain." This week a special bulletin covering guests in the Navy drill hall. The down­ Under no circumstances are the girls to the courtesies to be exchanged at to­ beat will come at 2100 and dancing will curtsey. night's ball was distributed. Below are continue until 0100. excerpts which especially interest the Neither you nor your guest should Although everything possible has been couples attending. A knowledge of them touch any of the equipment in or about done to make the evening's schedule run will prevent any embarrassment tonight. the drill hall nor go behind curtains at as smoothly as possible, committee mem­ As you enter the receiving line your the rear of the bandstand. bers ask trainees to double or triple date "date" should be on your left side with Trainees are advised to attend the Ball so that the facilities available will not be her arm through yours. Upon reaching the with another friend in order that the one over-taxed. Those attending will find that Captain's side tell him your "date's" boy may be with the girls when the such a course of action will add to their name clearly ond distinctly. At this point clothing is checked and punch is served. enjoyment of the Ball. you both face the Captain at an oblique Powder Room for the ladies is in the angle. Your date should use the normal upper left hand side of the drill hall as Prior to taking their places on the civilian salutation, "I am delighted to you come in, almost directly on the side dance floor, couples will pass through meet you. Captain." or "Good evening. of the stage on the same deck. the reception line where they will be Captain Barry." You will abide by mil­ Do not loiter about the entrance of the greeted by Capt. and Mrs. J. E. Barry, itary courtesy rules and are to say, "Good drill hall. There will be plenty of seating TJSN, commanding, and Lt. Com. and evening. Captain." Do not stand at atten­ space. Mrs. A. R. Pierson, USN, executive of­ tion but remain erect and allow all re- Be sure to introduce your "date" to the ficer of the Notre Dame V-12 training morks to be initiated by the Captain. Do various officers attending the Ball. Sayi program. not bow to the Captain but you should "Captain Finney, may I present B4is8 bow to Mrs. Barry and Mrs. Pierson. The Acting'as aides to the captain will be Smith," or "Lieutenant Beatty. may I pre­ same salutations are in order for the Ex­ Marine Pvt. Bob Curley, Milwaukee, sent Miss Jones." Wis. and Seaman Harry Strom of Chi­ cago. Seaman Dick Bevington, chairman of the decorations committee, has an­ nounced that the new V-12 seal will highlight the colorful decoration scheme. Flanking the seal will be the Marine and Navy insignias. Background for the bandstand will be a blue and gold color scheme. To add to the nautical air, pen­ nants will be strung from the ceiling. Possibly the toughest of all committee jobs fell to Seaman Joe O'Keefe who is in charge of transportation. Trainees are assured however, that adequate ar­ rangements have been made. In addi­ tion to the special Navy bus trips to St. Mary's, there will be several busses from down town which will run direct­ ly to the drill hall. Cab company offi­ cials have assured Seaman O'Keefe that • :.', -(Continued on Page 14) Captain's Aides Curley and Strom, and Chairman Davis 3E=zs: a:s soa :sjz a[E :xxz 2S a:K so: Thursday: The work is tough. The tests are rough. Will fifty do? The Week (I made a two). Saturday: ZE: sr: =cc: =zz: 3ES as as: as I've got a knack. You seem to lack. BY JACK CARSON AND BILL BYRNE For here I see A shapely three. Tuesday: TOP OF WEEK REACTIONS: Studied all night We'll just see who's here. Lyjin Bryan (Zahm): "The best news By candlelight. I've heard since the Gipper was declared Then studied more— eligible." And missed all four! Bill Cassidy (Alumni): The S.B.S.D.P. SHORE LEAVE AT "ROCK" can be considered an addition to South Bend—and should be a welcome one; it Three weeks they were gone. will give the old place something dis­ CONTRAST DEPARTMENT For three weeks the seats at the Oliver tinctive well, something, anyhow." (Hacksaw Division) theatre lacked the usual wads of guin; Mr. J. Bird (South Bend Plumber) : "I no booths were broken at George's; no think it was a wise move. The need A shy, dowTiy-cheeked freshman bar­ terrific Central High school lettermen for a sewage-disposal plant has been reled into one of the booths at the Zero sought temporary refuge in the Men's rather noticeable of late." Deck the other day, did the nickel-and- Room at the La Salle Hotel; no semi- Joshua Zombroski: "I dunno. I never dial trick, and blurted, "Hello Joyce, this soiled Kleenexes dropped coyly on Colfax had no problem." is your little jailbird." Avenue; no picket lines in front of the Harry Broslc (Zahm) : "Well—." Service Center; and the local sales of Thanks, Harry. Bull Durham had fallen off 94%. • CHARACTERS ON CAMPUS We couldn't figure it—the roller skat­ INTELLIGENCE TEST (or) We give you James Patrick O'Carnall, ing rink at Playland was still open; it the lad who spends his entire Metallurgj'^ was too early for spring plowing. Bafiled, "Are You Officer Material?" Lab period cutting down pennies to fit we consulted our pi'ivate oracle, one John 1. How many dorsal vertebrae has a the coin boxes in N.I.T. Co. Busses. Jim's Wellington Jones (booth 3) at the Heid­ doodlebug? lab gTades aren't too hot, but he's doing elberg. His response was a cowardly at­ 2. How bright is a braid on an En­ a lot of travelling. tack on the King's English and so we sign's sleeve? translate: 3. How long is a hair on a rabbit's "They went home to see if Santa back? HOME-COMING DAY would come through. You see, they told •J- 17. Jan. 1944 vnW be a momentous the old boj'^ that all they wanted was a day. Classes will go on as usual; mail man old or young, dead or alive." LAUGH OF THE WEEK will be distributed at two musters; and From the preface of Henry Perkin's We left J.
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