Amblyopsidae Bonaparte, 1845 - Cavefishes, Blindfishes, Swampfishes [=Heteropygii, Hypsaeidae] Notes: Heteropygii Tellkampf, 1844:392 [Ref

Amblyopsidae Bonaparte, 1845 - Cavefishes, Blindfishes, Swampfishes [=Heteropygii, Hypsaeidae] Notes: Heteropygii Tellkampf, 1844:392 [Ref

FAMILY Amblyopsidae Bonaparte, 1845 - cavefishes, blindfishes, swampfishes [=Heteropygii, Hypsaeidae] Notes: Heteropygii Tellkampf, 1844:392 [ref. 27512] (family) Amblyopsis [also Tellkampf 1845 [ref. 27515] and Müller 1845:136 [ref. 32591]; no stem of the type genus, not available, Article] Amblyopsidae Bonaparte, 1845:388 [ref. 32998] (family) Amblyopsis [genus inferred from the stem, Article; also as subfamily Amblyopsini; Bonaparte 1850b [ref. 32551] used Amblyopidae] Hypsaeidae Storer, 1846:435 [ref. 18840] (family) Amblyopsis [on p. 258 misprinted as Hypsocidae; no stem of the type genus, not available, Article GENUS Amblyopsis DeKay, 1842 - cavefishes [=Amblyopsis DeKay [J. E.], 1842:187, Poecilosomus Swainson [W.], 1839:183] Notes: [ref. 1098]. Fem. Amblyopsis spelaeus DeKay, 1842. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Amblyopsis DeKay, 1842 -- (Poly & Proudlove 2004:2 [ref. 27586], Proudlove 2006:161 [ref. 28992], Scharpf 2006:35 [ref. 30386], Chakrabarry et al. 2014:41 [ref. 33338]). Current status: Valid as Amblyopsis DeKay, 1842. Amblyopsidae. (Peocilosomus) [ref. 4303]. Masc. Apparently not available, description not diagnostic; evidently Amblyopus Valenciennes used instead of Poecilosomus by Swainson on p. 278. •In the synonymy of Amblyopsis Valenciennes, 1837. Current status: Synonym of Amblyopsis Valenciennes, 1837. Amblyopsidae. Species Amblyopsis hoosieri Niemiller et al., in Chakrabarty et al., 2014 - Hoosier cavefish [=Amblyopsis hoosieri Niemiller [M. L.], Prejean [ J. A. ] & Chakrabarty [P.], in Chakrabarty, Prejean & Niemiller, 2014:47, Figs. 4A, 5-7] Notes: [ZooKeys 412; ref. 33338] Bronson’s Cave (White River Dr.) Spring Mill State Park, Lawrence County, Indiana, USA, 38°44'N, 86°25'W. Current status: Valid as Amblyopsis hoosieri Niemiller, Prejean & Chakrabarty, 2014. Amblyopsidae. Distribution: In caves and springs of Lower White, Lower East Fork White, Patoka and Blue-Sinking watersheds, southern Indiana, U.S.A. Habitat: freshwater. Species Amblyopsis spelaea DeKay, 1842 - northern cavefish [=Amblyopsis spelaeus DeKay [J. E.], 1842:187] Notes: [Zoology of New-York; ref. 1098] Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, U.S.A. Current status: Valid as Amblyopsis spelaea DeKay, 1842. Amblyopsidae. Distribution: Indiana and Kentucky, U.S.A. (in caves). Habitat: freshwater. GENUS Chologaster Agassiz, 1853 - swampfishes [=Chologaster Agassiz [L.], 1853:135] Notes: [ref. 67]. Fem. Chologaster cornutus Agassiz, 1853. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Chologaster Agassiz, 1853 -- (Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:598 [ref. 21581], Poly & Proudlove 2004:3 [ref. 27586], Scharpf 2006:35 [ref. 30386]). Current status: Valid as Chologaster Agassiz, 1853. Amblyopsidae. Species Chologaster cornuta Agassiz, 1853 - swampfish, ricefish or riceditch killfish [=Chologaster cornutus Agassiz [L.], 1853:135, Chologaster avitus Jordan [D. S.] & Jenkins [O. P.], in Jordan, 1889:356, Pl. 44 (fig. 8)] Notes: [American Journal of Science and Arts (Series 2) v. 16 (no. 46); ref. 67] Ditches of rice fields, Waccamaw, South Carolina, U.S.A. Current status: Valid as Chologaster cornuta Agassiz, 1853. Amblyopsidae. Distribution: Southeastern U.S.A.: Atlantic coastal drainages from Virginia to Georgia. Habitat: freshwater. (avitus) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 11 (no. 723); ref. 10478] Outlet of Lake Drummond, Dismal Swamp, near Suffolk, Virginia, U.S.A. Current status: Synonym of Chologaster cornuta Agassiz, 1853. Amblyopsidae. Habitat: freshwater. GENUS Forbesichthys Jordan, 1929 - spring cavefishes [=Forbesichthys Jordan [D. S.], 1929:68, Forbesella Jordan [D. S.] & Evermann [B. W.], 1927:503] Notes: [ref. 2431]. Masc. Chologaster papilliferus Forbes, 1882. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Forbesella Jordan & Evermann, 1927, preoccupied in tunicates. •Valid as Forbesichthys Jordan, 1929 -- (Poly & Proudlove 2004:3 [ref. 27586], Scharpf 2006:35 [ref. 30386]). Current status: Valid as Forbesichthys Jordan, 1929. Amblyopsidae. (Forbesella) [ref. 2453]. Fem. Chologaster papilliferus Forbes, 1882. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Forbesella Herdman, 1891 in tunicates (Herdman 1891:578 [ref. 27496]), replaced by Forbesichthys Jordan, 1929. •Synonym of Forbesichthys Jordan, 1929 -- (Poly & Proudlove 2004:3 [ref. 27586]). Current status: Synonym of Forbesichthys Jordan, 1929. Amblyopsidae. Species Forbesichthys agassizii (Putnam, 1872) - spring cavefish [=Chologaster agassizii Putnam [F. W.], 1872:23, 30, Pl. 2 (figs. 4-4a)] Notes: [American Naturalist v. 6 (no. 1); ref. 14135] From a well in Lebanon, Tennessee, U.S.A. Current status: Valid as Forbesichthys agassizii (Putnam, 1872). Amblyopsidae. Distribution: Eastern U.S.A.: portions of Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri. Habitat: freshwater. Species Forbesichthys papilliferus (Forbes, 1882) - Union cavefish (author) [=Chologaster papilliferus Forbes [S. A.], 1882:2] Notes: [American Naturalist v. 16 (no. 1); ref. 14293] Spring in Union County, Pine Hills, Union County, southern Illinois, U.S.A. Current status: Valid as Forbesichthys papilliferus (Forbes, 1882). Amblyopsidae. Distribution: Spring in Union County, Pine Hills, Union County, southern Illinois, U.S.A. Habitat: freshwater. GENUS Speoplatyrhinus Cooper & Kuehne, 1974 - Alabama cavefishes [=Speoplatyrhinus Cooper [J. E.] & Kuehne [R. A.], 1974:487] Notes: [ref. 904]. Masc. Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni Cooper & Kuehne, 1974. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Speoplatyrhinus Cooper & Kuehne, 1974 -- (Kuhajda & Mayden 2001:215 [ref. 27518], Poly & Proudlove 2004:4 [ref. 27586], Proudlove 2006:167 [ref. 28992], Scharpf 2006:36 [ref. 30386]). Current status: Valid as Speoplatyrhinus Cooper & Kuehne, 1974. Amblyopsidae. Species Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni Cooper & Kuehne, 1974 - Alabama cavefish [=Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni Cooper [J. E.] & Kuehne [R. A.], 1974:491, Figs. 1a-b, 2a-c, 3a, 4, 5a] Notes: [Copeia 1974 (no. 2); ref. 904] Key Cave, Lauderdale County, Alabama, U.S.A. Current status: Valid as Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni Cooper & Kuehne, 1974. Amblyopsidae. Distribution: Key Cave, Alabama, U.S.A. (in caves). Habitat: freshwater. GENUS Troglichthys Eigenmann, 1899 - cavefishes [=Troglichthys Eigenmann [C. H.], 1899:282 [3]] Notes: [ref. 27378]. Masc. Typhlichthys rosae Eigenmann, 1898. Type by monotypy. The name Troglichthys appeared in many papers by Eigenmann in 1898-1899; see Poly & Proudlove 2004:2 [ref. 27586] for history of this name. On p. 3 of separate. •Synonym of Amblyopsis DeKay, 1842 -- (Poly & Proudlove 2004:2 [ref. 27586]). •Valid as Troglichthys Eigenmann, 1899 -- (Page & Burr 2011:420 [ref. 31215]). Current status: Valid as Troglichthys Eigenmann, 1899. Amblyopsidae. Species Troglichthys rosae (Eigenmann, 1898) - rose cavefish [=Typhilichthys rosae Eigenmann [C. H.], 1898:227, Amblyopsis rosae arkansasus Romero [A.], 1998:434, Amblyopsis rosae whitae Romero [A.], 1998:434] Notes: [Science (new series) v. 7 (no. 164); ref. 21218] Subterranean streams, Sarcoxie, Jasper County, Missouri, U.S.A. Current status: Valid as Troglichthys rosae (Eigenmann, 1898). Amblyopsidae. Distribution: Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas, and possibly also Kansas, U.S.A. (in caves). Habitat: freshwater. (arkansasus) [Environmental Biology of Fishes v. 52 (no. 4); ref. 26048] Current status: Synonym of Troglichthys rosae (Eigenmann, 1898). Amblyopsidae. (whitae) [Environmental Biology of Fishes v. 52 (no. 4); ref. 26048] Current status: Synonym of Troglichthys rosae (Eigenmann, 1898). Amblyopsidae. GENUS Typhlichthys Girard, 1859 - cavefishes [=Typhlichthys Girard [C. F.], 1859:63] Notes: [ref. 1821]. Masc. Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard, 1859. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Typhlichthys Girard, 1859 -- (Mayden & Cross 1983 [ref. 6632], Poly & Proudlove 2004:4 [ref. 27586], Parenti 2006:58 [ref. 28881], Proudlove 2006:165 [ref. 28992], Scharpf 2006:36 [ref. 30386]). Current status: Valid as Typhlichthys Girard, 1859. Amblyopsidae. Species Typhlichthys eigenmanni Charlton, 1933 - Eigenmann's karst cavefish (author) [=Typhlichthys eigenmanni Charlton [H. H.], 1933:285 et seq., Fig. 1] Notes: [Journal of Comparative Neurology; ref. 28882] Cave on property of Robert M. Snyder [Ha Ha Castle], Camden County, Missouri, U.S.A. Current status: Valid as Typhlichthys eigenmanni Charlton, 1933. Amblyopsidae. Distribution: Cave in Camden County, Missouri, U.S.A. Habitat: freshwater. Species Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard, 1859 - subterranean cavefish (author) [=Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard [C. F.], 1859:63, Typhlichthys eigenmanni Hubbs [C. L.], 1938:265, Typhlichthys osborni Eigenmann [C. H.], 1905:65, Figs. 3-4, Typhlichthys wyandotte Eigenmann [C. H.], 1905:63] Notes: [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 11; ref. 1821] From a well near Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky, U.S.A. Current status: Valid as Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard, 1859. Amblyopsidae. Distribution: Eastern U.S.A.: Aabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Missouri and Arkansas. Habitat: freshwater. (eigenmanni) [Carnegie Institution of Washington Publications No. 491 (art. 21); ref. 2248] Current status: Synonym of Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard, 1859. Amblyopsidae. (osborni) [Biological Bulletin Woods Hole v. 8 (no. 2); ref. 11106] Horse Cave, Kentucky, U.S.A. Current status: Synonym of Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard, 1859. Amblyopsidae. Habitat: freshwater. (wyandotte) [Biological Bulletin Woods Hole v. 8 (no. 2); ref. 11106] From a well near Corydon, north of Ohio River, Indiana, U.S.A. Current status: Synonym of Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard, 1859. Amblyopsidae. Habitat: freshwater.

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