Briefl y 1 Volume 8,7, Issue Issue 13 | |February December, 2017, 2018 EldersYFN members honour Presidentattended theLes offi cial Doiron in Blanket ground breaking for Fraser River Ceremony Warrior Program Very Popular the Traverse Trail...Page 3 Sockeye is Page 3 Withours! Young Yuułu ił at Men ast November, the ʔ ʔ ḥ Maa-nulth people Lespect.received greatResponsibility. news when the courtsDiscipline. ruled they will have ongoingThat’s access whatto Fraser the River cre - RSockeyeators of Salmon. the Warrior program wantedLarry Johnsonto see instilled,, NCNNCN SeafoodSeafood in the youngDevelopment people participatingCorporation in thePresident, program, says thewhich ruling started not fouronly yearsgives ago Maa-nulth in Ucluelet First First Nation.Nation access to fish outside of It’sits working.traditional territory, but Janice Webster is “It’s at home where people itit setssets thethe stagestage forfor thethe secondsecond keeping busy at are noticing a change in their LEO Network inin aa two-parttwo-part disputedispute thatthat demeanour, how they act. the Nation’s satel- concerns the underage of over launched in British That’sconcerns the the positive underage feedback of over I 15,000 Fraser River Sockeye. liteColumbia... office in Port get from the program,” says Two Hitacu citzens enrolled Alberni Mentor“In 2014 Jay the Millar most, Fraserwho Riverleads Page 4 theSockeye program came backwith moreElder than Ray Page 4 Haipeeanyone .ever “I hopethought that would, with whatand theI’m teachingMaa-nulth them, people they in university programs willwere be denied the next access leaders.” because theWarrior Sockeye participants decided to divert meet here are currently two challenging and rewarding. growing and changing as new oneto the night inside each of week,Vancouver and Ucluelet First Nation This program off ersers aa dynamicdynamic generations assume responsi- spendIslandIsland andand one notnot thetheweekend WestWest Coast,”Coast,” per Tmembers enrolled in learninglearning experienceexperience thatthat willwill bility for moving forward. monthJohnson learning explains. skills “We like asked cedar university programs, and the make a profound impact in one’s The program includes the barktwice harvesting,offi ciallycially andand drum werewere making,denieddenied knowledge they are obtaining is career, their community and core concepts and knowledge carving,twice offi cially,firecially, starting, andand allall requestsrequests tracking, expected to benefi tt allall citizens.citizens. their business. The curriculum includedincluded inin mostmost MBAMBA programs,programs, hunting,were said archery, to be sent wood forward chop - Gordon Taylor Jr.,, aa YGYG integratesintegrates corecore businessbusiness disci-disci- but recognizes that tradi- pingto the and Minister navigation. of Fisheries They inalso a Legislator and the Operations plines with practical experience tional knowledge also plays a coverbriefi ngng cultural note.”note.” activities and Manager of YG businesses, and leadership development, significant role in Aboriginal communityInIn 2015,2015, MFNMFNwork, askedasked and are againagain cur - isis currentlycurrently enrolledenrolled inin thethe customized with specific leadershipleadership andand decisiondecision making.making. andrently were working denied on again fixing and the University of British Colum- Aboriginal content. The five ItIt isis designeddesigned forfor AboriginalAboriginal andand YFN Levana thetrail Maa-nulthto Hitacu LakeTreaty so Society people bia’s’s Sauder School of Business month program allows students non-Aboriginal students working triggeredcan walk the there Dispute much Resolution easier. inin theirtheir AboriginalAboriginal ManagementManagement to add a globally recognized within this context. MeetMastrangelo our people excelled ClauseParks in Canada the Chapter conducted 25 of the a Certifi catecate –– Ch’nookCh’nook Program.Program. university to their resume and Business and economic devel- whoin the workUniversity for of workshop with the Warrior Max McCarthy waiting to grab the next prawn trap Maa-nulth Final Agreement and Another YG citizen, Suzanne LinkedIn profi lele withoutwithout givinggiving opment education are increas- youth, teaching them how UclueletVictoria’s cultureFirst also fi led a claim for compen- Williams,, isis inin herher secondsecond up their day job. inglyingly importantimportant toto FirstFirst Nations,Nations, Victoria’s culture to makes trails properly and sation through the courts. semester of the Executive MBA in The program integrates Metis and Inuit in terms of estab- Nation! makesation throughthem last. the courts. honoursemester and of the dignity, Executive and MBA self in haveThe a goodprogram cooking integrates base,” IndigenousMetis and Inuit Leadership in terms ofthrough estab- program... “The Department of Fisheries Aboriginal Business Leadership Page 5-7 Jay,“The who Department is also Junior of Fisheries Lands care,”Aboriginal he says,Business adding Leadership they heleadingleading says. edgeedge“With knowledgeknowledge duck, I prefer fromfrom Royallishinglishing Roads independentindependent University. sourcessourcesRicardo Page 7 &and Resources Oceans (DFO) Officer has contin- for the alsoat Simon get direction Fraser University from par’s’s- alder,Canada’s because foremost it gives research it a spentof income 15 of andhis 18control years asover a Nation,ually been says minimizing the youths our are entsBeedie and School elders ofabout Business sug-.. distinctivebusiness school flavour.” with practical, seniortraditional officer territories. in the Business Canadian agedTreaty 9-18Fishing years, Right andby inter- that gestingShe recently topics returned and skills. from “We an relevantRicardo management Manmohan training is the militaryskills and training knowledge junior areleaders. also therepretation are of theconsistently exact words in18 talkintensiveintensive about two-weektwo-week how to speakresidencyresidency to encouragerand brings diff who erenterent started subjectssubjects andtheand importantimportant“We’re finding inin protectingprotecting things to andand do, Inside: Yuułuʔiłʔaththe Treaty, (while) youth the MFNparticipat have - peopleat the Indigenousin the community.” Governance programAboriginal in contexts 2014. The together program to andgrowing learning resources skills as availablethey do ingbeen in interpreting the program. it as food There for ProgramRecently, at the they’ve Native Nations been startedcreate aa complete,couple years integrated prior, thethrough course,” impact says benefit Ricardo. agree- areour 68people. in total, Chapter including 10 is allthe teachingInstitute Warriors atat thethe University how to hunt of butlearninglearning had experience.experience. little success. With mentsRay Haipee or revenue is the lead sharing elder Director of Operations otherabout feedingtwo groups our people that withhave ducksArizona and inin Tucson,Tucson,harbour Arizona.Arizona. seals, and Ricardo’sSuzanne leadership, is enrolled the citin- involvedarrangements in the with program. governments. Reportof Operations ...................... ...... 22 subsequentlytraditional foods.” started in two harvestThe Ch’nook clams and Program oysters. that izensthe Executive were immediately MBA in Aboriginal en- HeOn saidan whenindividual he first level, got otherJohnson First notesNations, that Ahousahtthe next GordonOnce theyis enrolled catch inducks, combines Ray gagedBusiness and and with Leadership advice from that involved,Aboriginal friendspeople askedare increas- him: President’sFinancial Message ....5 negotiationand Tla-o-qui-aht will beFirst on Nation, the andthe Jayvery teach best themin teaching, how to ourexplores elders, contemporary the program business took “’Whatinglyingly turningturning the heck toto entrepreneurialentrepreneurial are you guys EconomicReport ............ 6 underageinspired by of whatover 15,000they’ve Fraser seen skinbusiness them research and andcook Aboriginal them offissuesissues with andand a newknowledgeknowledge approach whilewhile and doing?’activities ‘We’re as a waygoing to camp build- Riverfrom SockeyeYuułuʔiłʔath. from 2014 and overcontent an thatopen is personalized flame. His and se- arecognizing new name that – thethe Warriors.traditional ing’,security I’d say.for their families and DevelopmentPresident’s ............. 6 “I teach them aspects of cretfocuses recipe? on the student’s career protocolsRicardo holdsand ways a PhD of under-in So- asHe a meansis enjoying of expressing it immensely. their Continued on page 7 BriefsReport ...................... ............. 106 how to Continuedcarry themselves on page 5 with progression.“The wood. The . .you program have tois cialstanding Sciences, the and world Doctorate are also in independenceindependence andand creativity.creativity. From Our Office 2 Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ Umacuk |December, 2018 University program is a great learning experience and Leadership (EMBA IBL). The SFU website describes the pro- all together. It’s an exciting time for It has been a great learning experi- gram this way: “The EMBA in Indigen- us, as we watch the builders create ence, and very rewarding, and it has ous Business and Leadership (IBL) a new home for our young children. really helped me here in my position provides the EMBA cohort experience • You will see an ad in this paper as Director of Operations. I would for Indigenous community leaders, for a position in Communications, and recommend this experience and op- those working in Indigenous businesses
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