S'.'. ■■-■n * i - I- l- TTOimxyTFEEBimT^IS^W eto You TomorroWr ................. .■■.■T-.-—rewjewYrioJu n man j >ju.*j^ .r ••Iter-' t scr. .vjLwt MtiaweVifl ww . Mr. and Mrs. John Hill of Spen­ AT«Phff« Dhlly N»t Press Raa cer street and Mr. and Mrs. Jamaa lor the Week Ending AboutTown" Ragan of West H artford-l^ >yt«- Firemen Extinguish Fhunes in Death Car R esearch Firm Fthraary IS Tits WsBtlisr^.,,-'^’^ terday .morning via auto - for , a FiiataM ef P. B^yssiiss Bastss Gibbona AMcmbly. Catholic La- month's trip to Florida and New 41aa at Oohmabua, will meet tomor- Orleans and other points of inter­ In Operation TOW Bl(ht at 8 o'clock at the 10,510 ZIllluU iH FBIFr ILU Fn lltn M F ra ln est. s>^'‘ .. __ 9 S . Knlfhta of Oolumbui Heme. Rev. ....y.. • • Member of the AndK Feh^-f'taMer. Mlaha^m BarmT at Otreatettoao Jto^atoay, eloady, light eaew. John F. Hannon, the chaplain of .ThTe Grand Council of the Order C n iy Cg.* ' Cbmplisli^ the aaaethbly, 'Wilt be the gueat 'of DcMolay will hold a meeting . Manche$ter— of ViUagm Charm ‘ .. ___ tonight at 7:30 at the Masonic M o v b of Productioin Temple. •> • SLIGHT IRREGULARS Activity on Week Ea^ VOL. LXXI, NO. 119 (CIsmifM AavwtMsg M Fag* U) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESOAJ, FEBRUARY 19, 195? . The regular nwetihg of the (FOURTEEN. P A ^ ) PRICE FIVE CENTS SouthrU«thodi|it'W8CS eciieduled Si, Anne's Mothers CSrcle will OF 49c loir tohii^t hha been poetpon^ un- meet Wednesday evening at 8 at " All but the offiep,^d engineer­ h i 4i, :,M negt Monday at 7:45. the home of Mrs. W. J. Klnlry,^7 ing departnuptf'^ the Gray Re- Center street. Rev. Robert J. <5ar- Tanker Survivors Come Ashore roll of St. Bridget's Church-will, aearchaM-Mvelepment Co., Inc., ' The monthly meeting of the Tn- oM M raerd wera moved Into the aamuch Class of the Church of the speak on Lent. Naaarene will be held tomorrow ifm'a new location at the Hilliard night ot 7:45 in the parish house. Frank J. Miller of the,Ravings Mill over the week end. It was Members are Invited to bring tn Bank of Manchester attended the learned this morning from John J. 33 Seamen favoritr'recipes. Fourth Annual Savings Bank Con­ Bottlroli, plant ayperlntendent. ference on Opera^ns. Audit and The research company started the John Ldmenao,.director. Control at the-Commodore Hotel Rlq>’a Yrqm.Ua locaUennst M A flw 'Block Warden section of Manches­ in New-'Tork-dast wdeV^^ .... 'a t r ^ in Hirtford on 'Friday and ..■■'T'"" ter Civil Defense, stated, today has reSuinfd production activities that the following men have |>een Psrty''W. Roberts of Sullivan today. appointed captains of the four avetnl'e, Wspplng, employed in the The office, and engineering de­ tones into which Manchester la Ijfg department of 'Travelers In­ partments will be moved to Man­ divided: Zone 1. Henry Madde^X^adde surance Company. Hartford, will chester next week,' Bottlroli said. Zone 3. Joseph Sylvesterr; Zor>^ mark his 25th anniversary with The Gray (>ompan)^,x|Ln affiliate William Roscoe; and Zoneoe 4, -Paul that company on ^Thursday. erf the Gray Manufacturing Com­ Willhlde. ■—X pany of Hartford,, has leaied the The Washington PTA will meet entire second floor, 23,000 sqhare tomorrow evening at S in the feet, from the Old Oelony Furni­ HAND AND white building. Children from the ture Company. Chicago U. school will participate in the pro­ The research firm presently has FACE SIZE Big 3 Rescue 32, FRESH CANDY gram which is built around the.ac­ shout 60 employes and more will tivities at the school. probably be added within tha next Whllntan, Schraft, P. t S. few weeks. The company's staff Is Cited in Kepi In Refrigerated Cases Mr, and Mrs. Albert Dewey of has increased by over 25 per cent Fear for 19 Robert road are spending a mid­ in the past year. ArUiiir Drug Storis winter vacation at the Vlnoy Park "Beride’s being 'engaged ’ in re­ Ships D eal Hotel. St. Petersburg, Fla. search work for the Navy and On 2 Strips^ electronic work for Hamilton Pro­ peller, dray research also manu­ London, beb. 19-—<A’)—The^ French relations, open the way for , and’ thereby prevent any poMlble !------- -------- -------- Rev. W. Ralph Ward. Jr., of Cannon Washington, Feb. 19—(/P) foreign m inisters oiof them e threem ree vreayon of «a r-uropeanEuropean army min uermanGerman withdrawal from EDC tolto l rh a lh a m MnaaMaas FoH - Mount Lebanon Church.’ Pitts- factures transcription arms and Two Aremen from the Manchester (Ire 4epartment finish putting out flames under {he^4a5?Wrd television apparatus. The name of Newbold Mor- western .nowerspowers and-a n iCCUumcel^— h a iic e li„ ''’b*‘!*l_9At!rAt}._5pd French_armed.embark ._*!5ka.r.H_q.n on ,aic...aggT*»aiYe...an ..aggr* poUcy ...n ____•’____ ________ ,hurgh,.''Pa., formerly of 4he local PriSMdt*W'Trufnan’8~'cor- W unified, and pave once she ia.rearmed. , t«>^K rm srn seaS of i:h r A t? South Methodist Church, has been of the-car in which Charles R; 'Merriman,- 8n.-of flT Main streeP Io if Jils Rfe.'* '■'Firemen ' police‘ in d ■RlcKard ■£.' Matbes la' general lor Konrad Adenauer of neighbors wprked for three-quarten if an hour to extinguiah the flames early -yesterday’ morning at manager of the firm. fuptioiL __investigator.__ was. lor Konmd Adenauer of j the way for a "peace contract" be-he, ; The aevenseven poinUDoinu in the fn„r.,fmir. lantic boiled anew todavtoday un-un -appomted-grand- chaplain^ of—the- Main street and Middle tnmptke-wesMn an-attempt-t-r rescue Merrlman.----HrrTWSn7~wborBad^be^en Western GermaTiy“Tiaid~today Tween Cveatern Germany and the power statement were: der freshenmg wind? as. the Grand Lodge of Masons of under treatment for a heart condition skidded Into a parking lot and struck a car. (Story on Page 4 ) brought into a Senate investi­ the.v have removed obstacles occupation powers !• The.v have decided to aet up That Interpret The Wiahen Pennsylvania. He baa been Invited gation of ship deals today a aeries of meetings to deal with Coast Guard cutter Eastwind to deliver the George Washington to Germany’s entrance into! ^ Prelude to Uabon Talks moved toward the stem of the Of The Family Manchester Lodge No. 73, A.F. Members of Emanuel Lutheran S**wv ef Hm* 32 aarvIvoM of tlio Rlrirkni (anker Pendleton (hat eraeked up and nank lx a north­ with testimony that his law- _The foreign ministers cumcr-confer- the piuuirinproblem u,of rr-esiaDiisningre-eatabliahing memorial address on Feb. 22 at Girl Scout Troop No. 12. which the European community. - encea here were a prelude to a full- armament production in Germany, severed tanker Fort Mercer Heins Memorial Chapel on the and A.M., will hold a special com­ Brotherhood and other men of the meets on Mondays at 8:.30 p. m. at MATTRESSES east Mnrm otf the New Bngiand const eome aohore a t (batham , Maiw., from the Cnoot Guard' veooel firm figured in negotiations United States------- -Secretary-------- of munication at the Masonic-Temple church will be guests of Temple that reoeued them. drc.ss meeting of the North They did not go into any greater which has 33 survivors campus of the University of Pitts­ the Second Congregational which wound up with a Wash­ state Dean Achcaon, British For­ Atlantic Treaty 'Organization ' fletail but said they were sure of JOHN B. BURKE burgh. Mr. Ward was raised In tomorrow evening at 7:30. The Beth Sholom tomorrow evening at Church, will omit its meeting to­ It is better to have a good TOWELS ington group reaping $450,- eign Secretary Anthony Eden and aboard. Master Mason degree will he ex­ 8. Brotherhood me m b e r s will rebuilt mattress than a (NATO) in Lisbon. Portugal. "speedy results." MsnrheSter Lo<lge. No. -53. A.P.“ night. The next meeting will be 000 profit from a $1,000 in­ g-rench Foreign Minister Robert In a separate communique E<ien. 2. Have agreed on methoda for Nine men were believed and A M., while he lived in towm. emplified by members of the meet at Emanuel Church shortly held on Monday evening, Feb. 25, cheap new one. We re­ Schumann listed In a communique lost from the tanker Pendle­ FUNERAL HOME Travelers Squsre Cluh of the before 8 and proceed to the temple. when the Scouts will have their vestment. seven i>olnta whirh they said as­ Schuman and Acheson declared dealing with war criminals now Trsvelers Ihsursnce Compsny. ' At make and sterilize ail tjrpes "abiding interest in the establlsh- held tq the Federal ~Republlc of ton, which .suffered the same •7 F.aat Center SI. Tel. 65M The rfbly Innocents Mothers party as planned. Miss Emily of mattresses. Two Points sured a successful conclusion' of ^ ing and Integrity of the European Germany. Circle will meet Wednesday eve­ the conrliufiOn of the degree work, Sun.'et Rebekah I-orige will can­ Kissmanh! former Girl Scout Com- 6 for $1.69 Don H Drop Shovel! Washington, Feb. 19—(/P) tsiks now going on in Bonn and fate as the Fort Mercer in there will be a social hour and re­ cel Its meeting tonight in Odd Fel­ ml.ssioner, is leader of this troop. Paris. Defense Community (EDO", and Get Harriman Report .vestertla.v's blinding snow­ A.MBILANCI1 8RRVTCR ning St S at the home of Mrs.
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