Piano Scales

Piano Scales

HAMSA MUSIC INSTITUTE #896/1/3, 1STST FLOOR, 1 ‘A’ MHIN ROAD, MAHALAKSHMI LAYOUT ENTUANCE MAHALASHMIPURAM, BANGALORE-86. Mob:9945169825. www.hamsamusic.wordpress.com [email protected] PIANO SCALES Name…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………... C D E F G A B C Major Scale intervals: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 half-steps: 2-2-1-2-2-2-1 notes: C,D,E,F,G,A,B Eb Ab C D F G B C Harmonic Minor Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,4,5,b6,7 half-steps: 2-1-2-2-1-3-1 notes: C,D,Eb,F,G,Ab,B Eb C D F G A B C Melodic Minor (Ascending) Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,4,5,6,7 half-steps: 2-1-2-2-2-2-1 notes: C,D,Eb,F,G,A,B Eb Ab Bb C D F G C Melodic Minor (Descending) Scale a.k.a.: C Natural Minor, C Relative Minor intervals: 1,2,b3,4,5,b6,b7 half-steps: 2-1-2-2-1-2-2 notes: C,D,Eb,F,G,Ab,Bb F# G# Bb C D E C Whole Tone Scale intervals: 1,2,3,#4,#5,b7 half-steps: 2-2-2-2-2-2 notes: C,D,E,F#,G#,Bb C D E G A C Pentatonic Major Scale intervals: 1,2,3,5,6 half-steps: 2-2-3-2-3 notes: C,D,E,G,A Eb Bb C F G C Pentatonic Minor Scale intervals: 1,b3,4,5,b7 half-steps: 3-2-2-3-2 notes: C,Eb,F,G,Bb Eb Gb Bb C F G C Pentatonic Blues Scale intervals: 1,b3,4,b5,5,b7 half-steps: 3-2-1-1-3-2 notes: C,Eb,F,Gb,G,Bb Bb C D F G C Pentatonic Neutral Scale intervals: 1,2,4,5,b7 half-steps: 2-3-2-3-2 notes: C,D,F,G,Bb Db Eb Gb Bb C E G A C Octatonic (H-W) Scale intervals: 1,b2,b3,3,b5,5,6,b7 half-steps: 1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2 notes: C,Db,Eb,E,Gb,G,A,Bb Eb Gb Ab C D F A B C Octatonic (W-H) Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,4,b5,b6,6,7 half-steps: 2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1 notes: C,D,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,A,B Eb Bb C D F G A C Dorian Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,4,5,6,b7 half-steps: 2-1-2-2-2-1-2 notes: C,D,Eb,F,G,A,Bb Db Eb Ab Bb C F G C Phrygian Scale intervals: 1,b2,b3,4,5,b6,b7 half-steps: 1-2-2-2-1-2-2 notes: C,Db,Eb,F,G,Ab,Bb F# C D E G A B C Lydian Scale intervals: 1,2,3,#4,5,6,7 half-steps: 2-2-2-1-2-2-1 notes: C,D,E,F#,G,A,B Bb C D E F G A C Mixolydian Scale intervals: 1,2,3,4,5,6,b7 half-steps: 2-2-1-2-2-1-2 notes: C,D,E,F,G,A,Bb Eb Ab Bb C D F G C Aeolian Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,4,5,b6,b7 half-steps: 2-1-2-2-1-2-2 notes: C,D,Eb,F,G,Ab,Bb Db Eb Gb Ab Bb C F C Locrian Scale intervals: 1,b2,b3,4,b5,b6,b7 half-steps: 1-2-2-1-2-2-2 notes: C,Db,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,Bb Eb F# Ab C D F G B C Algerian Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,4,#4,5,b6,7 half-steps: 2-1-2-1-1-1-3-1 notes: C,D,Eb,F,F#,G,Ab,B Eb F# G# C D F A B C Arabian (a) Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,4,#4,#5,6,7 half-steps: 2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1 notes: C,D,Eb,F,F#,G#,A,B F# G# Bb C D E F C Arabian (b) Scale intervals: 1,2,3,4,#4,#5,b7 half-steps: 2-2-1-1-2-2-2 notes: C,D,E,F,F#,G#,Bb D# F# G# C E B C Augmented Scale intervals: 1,#2,3,#4,#5,7 half-steps: 3-1-2-2-3-1 notes: C,D#,E,F#,G#,B Eb F# G# C D F A B C Auxiliary Diminished Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,4,#4,#5,6,7 half-steps: 2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1 notes: C,D,Eb,F,F#,G#,A,B F# G# A# C D E C Auxiliary Augmented Scale intervals: 1,2,3,#4,#5,#6 half-steps: 2-2-2-2-2-2 notes: C,D,E,F#,G#,A# Db Eb Gb Bb C E G A C Auxiliary Diminished Blues Scale intervals: 1,b2,b3,3,b5,5,6,b7 half-steps: 1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2 notes: C,Db,Eb,E,Gb,G,A,Bb Db Eb Ab C G C Balinese Scale intervals: 1,b2,b3,5,b6 half-steps: 1-2-4-1-4 notes: C,Db,Eb,G,Ab Eb F# Bb C F G C Blues Scale intervals: 1,b3,4,#4,5,b7 half-steps: 3-2-1-1-3-2 notes: C,Eb,F,F#,G,Bb Db Ab C E F G B C Byzantine Scale intervals: 1,b2,3,4,5,b6,7 half-steps: 1-3-1-2-1-3-1 notes: C,Db,E,F,G,Ab,B F# C E G B C Chinese Scale intervals: 1,3,#4,5,7 half-steps: 4-2-1-4-1 notes: C,E,F#,G,B C D E G A C Chinese Mongolian Scale intervals: 1,2,3,5,6 half-steps: 2-2-3-2-3 notes: C,D,E,G,A C D E G A C Diatonic Scale intervals: 1,2,3,5,6 half-steps: 2-2-3-2-3 notes: C,D,E,G,A Eb Gb Ab C D F A B C Diminished Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,4,b5,b6,6,7 half-steps: 2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1 notes: C,D,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,A,B Db Eb Gb Bb C E G A C Diminished, Half Scale intervals: 1,b2,b3,3,b5,5,6,b7 half-steps: 1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2 notes: C,Db,Eb,E,Gb,G,A,Bb Eb Gb Ab C D F A B C Diminished, Whole Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,4,b5,b6,6,7 half-steps: 2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1 notes: C,D,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,A,B Db Eb Gb Ab Bb C E C Diminished Whole Tone Scale intervals: 1,b2,b3,3,b5,b6,b7 half-steps: 1-2-1-2-2-2-2 notes: C,Db,Eb,E,Gb,Ab,Bb Bb C D E F G A C Dominant 7th Scale intervals: 1,2,3,4,5,6,b7 half-steps: 2-2-1-2-2-1-2 notes: C,D,E,F,G,A,Bb Db Ab C E F G B C Double Harmonic Scale intervals: 1,b2,3,4,5,b6,7 half-steps: 1-3-1-2-1-3-1 notes: C,Db,E,F,G,Ab,B Bb C D F G C Egyptian Scale intervals: 1,2,4,5,b7 half-steps: 2-3-2-3-2 notes: C,D,F,G,Bb Db D# Gb Ab Bb C E F C Eight Tone Spanish Scale intervals: 1,b2,#2,3,4,b5,b6,b7 half-steps: 1-2-1-1-1-2-2-2 notes: C,Db,D#,E,F,Gb,Ab,Bb Db F# G# A# C E B C Enigmatic Scale intervals: 1,b2,3,#4,#5,#6,7 half-steps: 1-3-2-2-2-1-1 notes: C,Db,E,F#,G#,A#,B C D E F G A B C Ethiopian (A raray) Scale intervals: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 half-steps: 2-2-1-2-2-2-1 notes: C,D,E,F,G,A,B Eb Ab Bb C D F G C Ethiopian (Geez & Ezel) Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,4,5,b6,b7 half-steps: 2-1-2-2-1-2-2 notes: C,D,Eb,F,G,Ab,Bb Db Eb Gb Ab Bb C F C Half Diminished (Locrian) Scale intervals: 1,b2,b3,4,b5,b6,b7 half-steps: 1-2-2-1-2-2-2 notes: C,Db,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,Bb Eb Gb Ab Bb C D F C Half Diminished #2 (Locrian #2) Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,4,b5,b6,b7 half-steps: 2-1-2-1-2-2-2 notes: C,D,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,Bb Eb C D F G A B C Hawaiian Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,4,5,6,7 half-steps: 2-1-2-2-2-2-1 notes: C,D,Eb,F,G,A,B Ab Bb C D E F G C Hindu Scale intervals: 1,2,3,4,5,b6,b7 half-steps: 2-2-1-2-1-2-2 notes: C,D,E,F,G,Ab,Bb Ab Bb C D E F G C Hindustan Scale intervals: 1,2,3,4,5,b6,b7 half-steps: 2-2-1-2-1-2-2 notes: C,D,E,F,G,Ab,Bb Eb Ab C D G C Hirajoshi Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,5,b6 half-steps: 2-1-4-1-4 notes: C,D,Eb,G,Ab D# F# Bb C E G A C Hungarian Major Scale intervals: 1,#2,3,#4,5,6,b7 half-steps: 3-1-2-1-2-1-2 notes: C,D#,E,F#,G,A,Bb Eb F# Ab C D G B C Hungarian Gypsy Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,#4,5,b6,7 half-steps: 2-1-3-1-1-3-1 notes: C,D,Eb,F#,G,Ab,B Db Ab C E F G B C Hungarian Gypsy Persian Scale intervals: 1,b2,3,4,5,b6,7 half-steps: 1-3-1-2-1-3-1 notes: C,Db,E,F,G,Ab,B Eb F# Ab C D G B C Hungarian Minor Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,#4,5,b6,7 half-steps: 2-1-3-1-1-3-1 notes: C,D,Eb,F#,G,Ab,B Db Ab C F G C Japanese (A) Scale intervals: 1,b2,4,5,b6 half-steps: 1-4-2-1-4 notes: C,Db,F,G,Ab Ab C D F G C Japanese (B) Scale intervals: 1,2,4,5,b6 half-steps: 2-3-2-1-4 notes: C,D,F,G,Ab F# C D E F G A B C Japanese (Ichikosucho) Scale intervals: 1,2,3,4,#4,5,6,7 half-steps: 2-2-1-1-1-2-2-1 notes: C,D,E,F,F#,G,A,B F# A# C D E F G A B C Japanese (Taishikicho) Scale intervals: 1,2,3,4,#4,5,6,#6,7 half-steps: 2-2-1-1-1-2-1-1-1 notes: C,D,E,F,F#,G,A,A#,B Db Eb Bb C F G A C Javaneese Scale intervals: 1,b2,b3,4,5,6,b7 half-steps: 1-2-2-2-2-1-2 notes: C,Db,Eb,F,G,A,Bb Db Eb Bb C D F G A C Jewish (Adonai Malakh) Scale intervals: 1,b2,2,b3,4,5,6,b7 half-steps: 1-1-1-2-2-2-1-2 notes: C,Db,D,Eb,F,G,A,Bb Db Ab Bb C E F G C Jewish (Ahaba Rabba) Scale intervals: 1,b2,3,4,5,b6,b7 half-steps: 1-3-1-2-1-2-2 notes: C,Db,E,F,G,Ab,Bb Db D# F# G# A# C E B C Jewish (Magen Abot) Scale intervals: 1,b2,#2,3,#4,#5,#6,7 half-steps: 1-2-1-2-2-2-1-1 notes: C,Db,D#,E,F#,G#,A#,B Eb C D G A C Kumoi Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,5,6 half-steps: 2-1-4-2-3 notes: C,D,Eb,G,A F# G# A# C D E B C Leading Whole Tone Scale intervals: 1,2,3,#4,#5,#6,7 half-steps: 2-2-2-2-2-1-1 notes: C,D,E,F#,G#,A#,B F# G# C D E A B C Lydian Augmented Scale intervals: 1,2,3,#4,#5,6,7 half-steps: 2-2-2-2-1-2-1 notes: C,D,E,F#,G#,A,B F# Ab Bb C D E G C Lydian Minor Scale intervals: 1,2,3,#4,5,b6,b7 half-steps: 2-2-2-1-1-2-2 notes: C,D,E,F#,G,Ab,Bb Eb F# C D G A B C Lydian Diminished Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,#4,5,6,7 half-steps: 2-1-3-1-2-2-1 notes: C,D,Eb,F#,G,A,B Gb Ab Bb C D E F C Major Locrian Scale intervals: 1,2,3,4,b5,b6,b7 half-steps: 2-2-1-1-2-2-2 notes: C,D,E,F,Gb,Ab,Bb Db G# C D F G A C Mela Bhavapriya (44) Scale intervals: 1,b2,2,4,5,#5,6 half-steps: 1-1-3-2-1-1-3 notes: C,Db,D,F,G,G#,A Db Bb C E F G A C Mela Chakravakam (16) Scale intervals: 1,b2,3,4,5,6,b7 half-steps: 1-3-1-2-2-1-2 notes: C,Db,E,F,G,A,Bb D# A# C E F G B C Mela Chalanata (36) Scale intervals: 1,#2,3,4,5,#6,7 half-steps: 3-1-1-2-3-1-1 notes: C,D#,E,F,G,A#,B Ab Bb C D E F G C Mela Charukesi (26) Scale intervals: 1,2,3,4,5,b6,b7 half-steps: 2-2-1-2-1-2-2 notes: C,D,E,F,G,Ab,Bb F# A# C D E G B C Mela Chitrambari (66) Scale intervals: 1,2,3,#4,5,#6,7 half-steps: 2-2-2-1-3-1-1 notes: C,D,E,F#,G,A#,B Eb F# C D G A B C Mela Dharmavati (59) Scale intervals: 1,2,b3,#4,5,6,7 half-steps: 2-1-3-1-2-2-1 notes: C,D,Eb,F#,G,A,B D# F# Ab C E G B C Mela Dhatuvardhani (69) Scale intervals: 1,#2,3,#4,5,b6,7 half-steps: 3-1-2-1-1-3-1 notes: C,D#,E,F#,G,Ab,B Db F# G# C E G A C Mela Dhavalambari (49) Scale intervals: 1,b2,3,#4,5,#5,6 half-steps: 1-3-2-1-1-1-3 notes: C,Db,E,F#,G,G#,A Db Eb Ab C F G B C Mela Dhenuka (9) Scale intervals: 1,b2,b3,4,5,b6,7 half-steps: 1-2-2-2-1-3-1 notes: C,Db,Eb,F,G,Ab,B C D E F G A B C Mela Dhirasankarabharana (29) Scale intervals: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 half-steps: 2-2-1-2-2-2-1 notes: C,D,E,F,G,A,B Db Eb F# A# C G B C Mela Divyamani (48) Scale intervals: 1,b2,b3,#4,5,#6,7 half-steps: 1-2-3-1-3-1-1 notes: C,Db,Eb,F#,G,A#,B Db F# C E G A B C Mela Gamanasrama (53) Scale intervals: 1,b2,3,#4,5,6,7 half-steps: 1-3-2-1-2-2-1 notes: C,Db,E,F#,G,A,B Db Ab C D F G B C Mela Ganamurti (3) Scale intervals: 1,b2,2,4,5,b6,7 half-steps: 1-1-3-2-1-3-1 notes: C,Db,D,F,G,Ab,B D# Ab C E F G B C Mela Gangeyabhusani (33) Scale intervals: 1,#2,3,4,5,b6,7 half-steps: 3-1-1-2-1-3-1 notes: C,D#,E,F,G,Ab,B Eb C D F G A B C Mela Gaurimanohari (23)

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