CONSEIL EUROPEEN DE LA EUROPEAN COUNCIL OF THE FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF DES LUTTES ASSOCIEES • FILA ASSOCIATED WRESTLING STYLES • FILA Bulgarie, 1040 Sofia, 75 bld. „Vassil Levski” tel.: (+359 2) 930 05 19; tel./fax: (+359 2) 988 27 16; www.cela-wrestling.com, e-mail: [email protected] MINUTES CELA Annual Conference Dortmund, Germany, 28.03.2011 Delegates from 35 national federations are present: Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kossovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, The following members of the Executive commission of CELA are present : Alexandr Medved, Tzeno Tzenov, Nenad Lalovic, Theodoros Hamakos, Agnieszka Gozdan, Georgy Bryusov, David Marinetti, Georgui Brussov and Andrjei Griboedov The following members of the FILA Bureau are present : Raphael Martinetti, President, Michel Dusson, Gen. Secretary, Matteo Pellicone, vice‐president, Mikhail Mamiachvili, Csaba Hegedus, Ik‐Jong Kim, Akhroldjan Ruziev. Officials present: Ulrich Sierau, mayor of Dortmund, Manfred Werner, President of the German Wrestling Federation, Karl‐Martin Dittmann, Gen. Secretary of the Federation. OPENING OF THE CONFERENCE Mr. Tzeno Tzenov ‐opens the 34th annual conference of the European wrestling council calling to mind that already for 3 decades FILA and CELA are working hand in hand for the promotion of wrestling in Europe and expressing his conviction that their cooperation will remain so fruitful in future, too; ‐thanks all present delegates of the national federations and wishes them success during the championships; ‐invites the conference to a minute’s silence in standing in commemoration of Milan Ercegan, president of honour of FILA, of Prof. R.Petrov, vice‐president of honour of FILA, of the legendary champion Imre Polyak, of John Dupont, member of honour of FILA’s Bureau, of the famous coach V. Krumov and of the judge of honour of FILA Vincent Zuaro who left us after the last CELA conference in Baku in 2010; ‐moves to take a vote on the agenda as published on the CELA site and distributed on site before the opening of the conference. No remarks are made and the agenda is passed unanimously. Mr. Tzenov further proposes Mr. Patrice Pegaule to keep the record. No remarks are made and the proposal is confirmed unanimously. He then gives the floor to Mr. Ulrich Sierau, mayor of Dortmund, who welcomes sincerely all officials and delegates present and thanks all European federations. Mr. Tzeno Tzenov thanks Mr. Sierau and gives the floor to Mr. Manfred Werner, President of the German Wrestling Federation. Mr. Manfred Werner ‐welcomes to the CELA conference the president Martinetti, all members of the Bureau of FILA and of the EC of CELA, all delegates of the national federations and the mayor of Dortmund Mr. Sierau; ‐expresses his satisfaction to be able to organize the European wrestling championships for men and women what did not happen in Germany for more than 20 years and states that the German federation will do everything in their power to stage the championships in the best possible way. ‐welcomes the 43 national federations and the 500 athletes who have come to Dortmund – a record sui generis of participation – and adds that a decisive factor for that has been the fact that Germany is situated in the centre of Europe and Dortmund is a city with long sporting traditions, especially in wrestling; ‐wishes success of the CELA congress. Mr. Tzeno Tzenov ‐thanks Mr. Werner and the German federation for the excellent conditions created, for the friendly atmosphere and for the care and attention everybody has been offered. He wishes a big success to the hosts as well as to the participants; ‐calls to min the importance of the coordination between FILA and CELA at the start of the season in order to achieve a solidarity in decisions to apply the priorities and responsibilities as well as in useful initiatives for the future of wrestling; ‐adds that the presence of Mr. Martinetti is not an act of protocol. With his presence and personal support the Bureau of FILA has delegated to CELA various competences related to its financial activity, to the carrying‐out of the FILA calendar and of other important projects such as the FILA/CELA centre in Sofia. Mr. Martinetti knows well the problems of each national federation and contributes to their solution; ‐informs that he is expecting with interest the position and points of view of the president regarding the priorities in our common work and gives the floor to president Martinetti. Mr. Raphael Martinetti ‐thanks all – delegates, friends and organizers – for the excellent conditions created in this hall as well as in the hotels; ‐reminds that the first president of CELA, Mr. Schwindling, was German. His successor is Mr. Tzenov and this guarantees the stability of the European council; ‐underlines that FILA and CELA have always been in excellent relations. He congratulates everybody with the fact that over 90 percent of the European national federations are taking part in this continental championships; ‐expresses his satisfaction with the success of the Centre in Sofia that last year hosted wrestlers from 7‐8 European countries in their preparation for the European championships; ‐encourages all European countries to seize the opportunity to train together with the Bulgarian national team; ‐thanks the federations for using the email thus facilitating their mutual connections; ‐calls to mind the eligibility rules for participation in the World championships. For this purpose each national federation has to take part in the continental championships with athletes in the same categories and age groups. The regulations will be applied strictly without exception. In order to qualify for the London Olympics at the world championships, the athletes must have participated in the continental championships. Wrestlers who did not qualify for the OG can do so at the qualification tournaments where already qualified athletes are not eligible; ‐wishes good luck to all those who will compete for participation in the OG in London; ‐calls to mind the participation of FILA in the promotion of non‐Olympic wrestling and asks the federations for support. The federations can choose whether to manage such kind of wrestling or to specify a national federation to deal with beach wrestling, grappling, pancrace etc; ‐mentions that the sale of licenses is another income source; ‐invites all federations to visit Corsier for the opening of the museum exposition of Russia. Bulgaria was the first country to arrange a magnificent exposition in the museum of wrestling at the castle in Corsier. This year FILA will celebrate wrestling with the Russian federation and he invites everybody to visit the exposition in order to listen to Russian music, to eat and drink the Russian way... Opening is in June. He informs that at Corsier a meeting of FILA Bureau will take place in order to prepare the extraordinary congress in Istanbul in September during the world championships. He thanks for the attention to the congress. Mr. Tzeno Tzenov thanks president Martinetti and expresses the wish of all national federations affiliated to CELA to continue in their efforts as an auxiliary organ of FILA. The aim is to achieve an excellent cooperation in order to improve the promotion of wrestling. FILA can count on the full loyalty and goodwill on the part of CELA for participation in all its initiatives. MINUTES from. Baku Mr. Tzenov puts confirmation of the minutes of CELA’s Annual conference in Baku 2010 to vote . No remarks have been made and the minutes of the CELA conference in Baku are passed unanimously CELA ACTIVITY IN 2010 Mr. Tzeno Tzenov ‐accentuates the FILA calendar of the competitions in Europe that is quite busy. Although the indices in the report show an increase of nearly 87 percent, the EC of CELA considers that there are opportunities for a wider participation in women and Freestyle wrestling. To this purpose CELA will work out a programme to stimulate participation in the European championships for juniors and cadets. It will be soon at the disposal of all national federations for approval. As to the European champions’ cups, the problem lies in their organization: on the one hand CELA is not persistent enough, on the other – the levels of discipline and attitude of the federations are very low for such kind of competitions. This is the only way to explain the behaviour of counries like Poland, Azerbaijan, Hungary, Lithuania, Belarus, etc. In the end they could not take the advantage of participating in very contested competition staged after the world championships. ‐informs that Mr. Nenad Lalovic, in his quality of manager of these cups will explain the details. ‐launches the idea a part of these competitions to be for teams in order to reduce the expenses for the hosts as well as for the participants. CELA expects specific suggestions from its affiliated countries for the calendar that will be worked out by FILA in September during the world championships. FILA/SELA CENTRE IN SOFIA Mr. Tzeno Tzenov ‐estimates as optimistic and positive the results of the Centre in Sofia, although its potential is much higher. There are at least a dozen of federations that need qualified coaches, partners, exchange of experience… ‐informs that agreements have been signed between FILA and “Olympic solidarity”. CELA is prepared to help each federation wishing to avail themselves of the chances offered by this programme. The centre is working throughout the year and the federations could get information from FILA or CELA about its capacity.. This year it will enlarge its activity in the seaside and high mountain bases in the country that are very well equipped.
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