Agricultural Innovation Program for Pakistan (AIP) Semi-annual report: April 01, 2015 to September 30, 2015 Submitted to USAID on November 5, 2015 aip.cimmyt.org 1 DSCLAIMER The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. ACRONYMS AARI Ayub Agriculture Research Institute AAUR Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi AI Artificial Insemination AIP Agricultural Innovation Program AJK Azad Jammu And Kashmir AR Farms Adaptive Research Farms AR4D Agricultural Research for Development ARI Agriculture Research Institute ARS Agronomic Research Station ASI Animal Science Training Institute ASLP Australian Sector Linkages Project ATI Agriculture Training Institute AVRDC The World Vegetable Center AWD Alternate Wetting And Drying AZRI Arid Zone Research Institute BARDC Baluchistan Agricultural Research and Development Center BARI Barani Agricultural Research Institute BLB Bacterial Leaf Blight BUITEMS Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences CA Conservation Agriculture CCRI Cereal Crops Research Institute CGIAR Cumulative Group of International Agricultural Research CGS Competitive Grants System CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center COs Community Organizations CRI Citrus Research Institute DAP Diammonium Phosphate DAR Directorate of Agriculture Research DG Director General DSR Direct Seeding of Rice DSS Decision Support System DVC Dairy Value Chain ETV Enterotoxaemia Vaccine FAO Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FEAST Feed Assessment FGDs Focus Group Discussions FMD Foot and Mouth Disease FSC&RD Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department GB Gilgit Baltistan GS Green Seeker Ha Hectares 2 HEC Higher Education Commission HRD Human Resource Development HS Hemorrhagic Septicemia ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas ICI Imperial Chemical Industry ICT Information and Communication Technology IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture ILRI International Livestock Research Institute IPM Integrated Pest Management IRD Informal Research and Development IRRI International Rice Research Institute IRS Internationally Recruited Staff KP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KSK Kala Shah Kaku L&DDD Livestock & Dairy Development Department LCC Leaf Color Chart LDDDB Livestock and Dairy Development Department of Balochistan LSOs Local Support Organizations M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MEW Mega Environment for Wheat MMRI Maize And Millet Research Institute MR Moderately Resistant MS Moderately Susceptible MSF Mission Strategic Framework NAC National Advisory Committee NARC National Agriculture Research Center NARS National Agricultural Research Scientist NE Nutrient Experttm NRS National Recruited Staff NRSP National Rural Support Program NSTHRI National Sugar and Tropical Horticulture Research Institute NUYT National Uniformity Yield Trial ODK Open Data Kit OPV Open Pollinated Variety PARB Pakistan Agricultural Research Board PARC Pakistan Agricultural Research Council PARD Pakistan Academy for Rural Development PAU Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana, India PIASA PARC Institute for Advanced Studies In Agriculture PPR Peste-Des-Petits Ruminants PVS Participatory Varietal Selection QAARI Quaid-E-Awam Agriculture Research Institute QPM Quality Protein Maize RA Research Associate RCA Roberts Cotton Associates Ltd. RCBD Randomized Complete Block Design RRI Rice Research Institute SARS Summer Agricultural Research Station 3 SB Super Basmati SDS Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate SEP Socio Economics Program, CIMMYT SOP Sulfate of Potash SS Sorghum Sudan SSNM Site Specific Nutrient Management SSRI Social Sciences Research Institute t / ha tons / hectare TAC Technical Advisory Committee TEVTA Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority TMK Tando Muhammad Khan Seed Corporation UAF University Of Agriculture, Faisalabad UC Union Council UC Davis University of California, Davis USAID U.S. Agency for International Development USDA United States Department of Agriculture VG Vegetable Growers VO Village Organizations WRI Wheat Research Institute WRIS Wheat Research Institute Sindh ZT Zero Tillage ZTHS Zero Tillage Happy Seeder 4 Contents SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 16 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................. 18 1. TECHNICAL AND WORKPLAN UPDATE .................................................................... 19 1.1. COMMISSIONED PROJECTS .............................................................................................. 19 1.1.1. Livestock ....................................................................................................................... 19 Dairy Value Chain ................................................................................................................... 19 Farmer’s Field Day to Improve Milk Productivity .............................................................. 19 Farmer’s days on the importance of adlib water availability and balanced feeding on milk production in District Bahawalnagar .................................................................................................... 19 Volunteer Farmer Dairy Model Training Farms established for sustainable livestock production 21 Improved Forage Seed Distribution to Ensure Fodder Availability ................................... 22 Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD) – Awareness and Prevention Campaign ........................... 22 Baseline Survey to assess the challenges and opportunities in the dairy sector .............. 23 Small Ruminant Value Chain Development ............................................................................ 24 Multi-stakeholder meetings to discuss the findings of Small Ruminant Value Chain Rapid Assessment and to explore the possible interventions ........................................................................ 24 Training on Livestock Management Practices for extension workers from Balochistan ... 24 Construction of Model Farms ........................................................................................... 25 Lambs/ kids fattening for higher economic return ............................................................. 25 Peste des-Petits Ruminants (PPR) Awareness and Control in Pakistan in Collaboration with FAO 26 Manual for Nachi goat breed in Pakistan .......................................................................... 27 Caprice Mastitis ................................................................................................................ 27 Capacity Building Training ................................................................................................ 27 Snapshot Survey to identify the challenges by dairy farmers in Balochistan, Sindh, AJK and Gilgit Baltistan ...................................................................................................................................... 28 Range, Fodder and Feed ....................................................................................................... 29 Farmers field day on improved varieties of fodder at Dhulli in Punjab province ............... 29 Demonstrations of Improved Maize Varieties Under Irrigated and Rainfed Conditions in Chakwal District of Punjab Province .................................................................................................... 30 Introduction of Alfalfa and Mott grass to provide green fodder in lean periods ................. 31 Promotion of improved cereal varieties with increased nutritional value of residues through Village Based Seed Enterprises .......................................................................................................... 32 Effect of rotational grazing on rangeland and livestock productivity in the arid/ semi-arid areas of Pakistan. ................................................................................................................................ 33 Impact of rotational grazing on animal weight in Chakwal ................................................ 34 Cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) Plantations ......................................................................... 35 Conservation of Rangeland Resources in Balochistan Province ...................................... 35 Establishment of Stock Water Pond in Balochistan Province ........................................... 35 Seminar on Rangeland Management in Pakistan .......................................................... 36 1.1.2. Vegetables .................................................................................................................... 37 Protected Cultivation of Vegetables ........................................................................................ 37 Identify and Promote the Best Varieties of Crops Commonly Grown under Protected Cultivation 37 Improved Insect and Disease Management to Reduce Pesticide Use in Protected Cultivation
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