Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper Proceedings 1960-10-19 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege - Cincinnati Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper Recommended Citation Edgecliff oC llege - Cincinnati, "Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper" (1960). Edgecliff College Newspaper. Book 149. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper/149 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Edgecliff Volume XXVI Our Lady of Cincinnati College, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 19, 1960 No. 2 Latin America High School Delegations Interest Due For Upsurge Convene At Edgecliff's UNA One hundred and three dele­ tee" includes Jane t Davis, Phyllis Inte rest in the Latin Americas gations will participate in the Edge­ Bach, Joyce May, Virginia Powers, on the part of the United States cliff United Nations Assembly, Oct. Joyce Hugenberg, Nancy McKen­ a nd its peop!e is due for an up­ 28 and 29. zie and Geraldine McCullagh. s urge, the R ev. John Francis Ban· The college's history department, The General Assembly Friday non, S.J ., told an Edgecliff Assem­ attempting to promote a better un­ will be welcomed by Sister Mary bly today . His topic was: "Mode rn derstanding of the organization and Virginia, president, a nd the R ev. Latin Americas in Tran3ition." function of the United Nations, is Alfred G. Stritch, chairman of the inaugurating the small-scale As­ Director of the history depart­ college's department of history. ment of St. Loui s U niversity, sembly for parochial and private high school students in this area. Committee meetings include polit­ Father Bannon said that "we must ical and security, economic and so­ It is believed to be the first of its become better acquainted with our cial trusteeships. William M essne r, Latin neighbors. The fifteen-year kind ever held by any college. Both the United States and executive director of the Cincinnati s pan of 'taking them for granted ' Council on World Affairs, will ad­ must be ended - and quickly." Israel will be represented by stu­ dents from Mother of M ercy High dress the dinne r. School. Boys of D e Porres High Judge William J . Dammarell will School will personify the Union of preside at Saturday's session s. flags of many nations border the entrance to Brennan Me­ South Africa. Othe r delegations in­ morial Library in preparation for EUNA, Oct. 27-28. Virginia clude Seton, Congo Leopoldville; A departure from the usual UN Powers and Geraldine McCullagh discuss a problem of inter­ Roger Bacon, Russia; Summit, procedure will be a "coke break" national importance. United Arab Republic; St. Mary's, each morning. Cuba and Ghana; Notre Dame, The Edgecliff UNA will be part (Covington) , Hungary; Reg i n a, of the annual United Nations Ob­ Edgecliff Dramatists Enact Chile, to mention a few. Several servance sponsored by the Cincin­ of the groups plan to come in cos­ nati Council on World Affairs. tume. Delegates have been "boning Abbey Play, Far Off Hills up" on the policies of their "coun­ try," and on the UN charter and A journey will be taken into the Pierce Hogarty, who promises to laws and all types of parliamen­ Mothers Club Far Off H ills of Dublin, Ireland help her run the town. tary procedure. by the Edgecliff Playe rs Friday Others in the cast include Mary Students at Our Lady of Cincin­ and Sunday nights, Nov. 18 and Ader, Brenda Brooks, Joan D enne­ nati College have written the am­ Raffles $100 20. man and Norah Edelmann. Male bassadors of the various nations The "Pot-of-Gold," a $100 cash roles will be played by Joe Bauer, asking for the flags of their coun­ Written by Lennox Robinson, award, will go to the holder of the Jr., Tom Cahill, Ronald Goyette, tries, and have acquired a colorful Far Off Hills is considered one of winning ticket Nov. 3 at the Rev. John F. Bannon. S.J. the finest of the Abbey Plays. Ollie Hie rs and Anthony King. display. The college's "steering commit- Mothers Club Autumn D essert William Butler Yeats and Lady Mary Louise M erryman and Card Party in Emery Ballroom. H e commented that Guatemalan Gregory we re two of the inspira­ Sister Mary Hildegarde, both of <l evelopments of a few years back Mrs. Charles Russell , general tions of this literary movement. the speech department, are di­ chairman, said dessert will be tended to focus our attention south­ The lite rary movement was mani­ recting the play, the first major ward - "but there was no real Helmut Roehrig served at 1 p .m., and that door fested in a dramatic manne r when production of the year. follow-up." Developments in Cuba, prizes, combination table, bakery a g roup of Dublin actors, the bar and ham tray will be added have shaken us from our lethargy, Directs Chorale Abbey Players, first toured Amer­ attractions. She added that any Father Bannon noted, expressing ica in 1911 to try their success in Journalists Outline Our Lady of Cincinnati College contributions for the combination the hope that this time we will be bringing the culture of Ireland in has added to its music department more responsive." raffle or bake ry bar would be a p· the form of folk drama to the Autumn Activities a new choral director, Mr. Helmut preciated. American stage. Roehrig. On Nov. 2, the students of Our The Ohio Newspaper Women's Mr. Roehrig is from Wiesbaden, Working with Mrs. Russell is Lady of Cincinnati College will Sophomores Bonnie Wade and Association convention will be held Germany. H e was g raduated from Mrs. Neil O'Connor as gene ral co­ have the privilege of hearing about Claire Arling will alte rnate in the Oct. 28-30 in the Sheraton-Gibson St a at Ii ch e Musikhochschule in chainnan. W hi 1 e students are the FBI and its work in a n address leading role of M a rion Clancy, a Hotel. Our Lady of Cincinnati Col­ Frankfurt with degrees in conduct­ distributing the tickets, m a n y by Mr. Edmund Mason, who is the dominating woman who unsuccess­ lege will give two door prizes, one ing, piano and organ. H e studied mothers of Edgecliff students will special agent in charge of the Cin­ fully tries to ma nage he r father's from the Press Club, the other from organ with Helmut Wacha. His be busy with final preparations. cinnati division of the Federal Bu· household. Eventually she marries Pi Delta Epsilon. J ournalism stu­ primary work while in Germany Chairmen of other committees in­ reau of Investigation. Mr. Mason dents, Press Club and Pi D elta was with choral groups, specializ­ clude Mrs. Joseph Bartlett, com­ admits that he n ever prepares a members have been invited to at­ ing in oratorical work. bination raffle; Mrs. Ra lph Wil­ written speech but plans to talk Delegates Gather tend a panel discussion, "The Law In the three years that he has kens, special raffle; Mrs. Richard "from the cuff" on the FBl's place and the Press," at the ONWA been in America he has been or­ Pflaum, ham tray; Mrs. Joseph in government unde r law. The Convention, Saturday morning. At Fall Congress ganist at St. Aloysius Church in Koch, bake ry; Mrs. E ugene N ei­ official title of his speech is "The Members of Pi D elta and the Coll egiate leade rs of the Na­ Covington, Kentucky, a nd at pres­ heisel, hospitality; Mrs. Lawrence FBI and American Freedom." Press Club will be hostesses at a tional Federation of Catholic Col­ ent is the organist at St. Gertrude's Devanney, bingo; Mrs. Leonard Mr. Mason was born and edu­ Thanksgiving buffet for the press, lege Students from Ohio and K e n­ parish in Cincinnati. This p as t Gruber, door prize; Mrs. Carl cated in Washington, D .C., al­ Thursday, Nov. 10, from 4: 30 to tucky will gather in Dayton fo r summer Mr. R oehrig filled the Froehle, table prizes and Mrs. though his real home is in Falls 6: 30. R epresentatives from the two their annual fall congress Oct. 28· capacity of assistant director at the Robert Dreidame, telephone com­ Church, Virginia. H e became in­ daily pape rs, radio and TV sta­ 30. At this time, all phases of the Cincinnati Summer Opera. mittee. terested in the FBI upon grad­ tions, the Catholic Telegraph R eg­ NFCCS progra m will be discusged uation from the Naval Academy ister and suburba n papers will re­ in detail , a nd pla ns for conducting because it offered an "opportunity ceive invitations. for public service in a respected the year's activities will be form­ line." Since joining the Bureau in ulated. 1940, he has served in many areas, Specia l attention wi ll be given Alumnae Inducts including Los Angeles, Philadel­ to the national program: "An Un­ phia, Savannah a nd Miami. He was de rstanding of Our Times - Cath­ Graduating Class in charge of the latter two offices olic Responsibility in a Pluralistic Edgecliff seniors will become until Aug. 27, 1956, when he took Society." The literary project to m embers of the Alumnae Associa­ charge of the Cincinnati office be conducted by schools in the tion Oct.
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