6448 CON<iRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JUNE 29, United States bonds, which were lost on the Cunard steamship free-delivery system in all of the cities of the United States to a Oregon, sunk at sea March 14, 1886-to the Committee on Ways number not exceeding four deliveries per day-to the Committee and Means. on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. BRUCKER: A bill (H. R. 10836) for the relief of H. E. By Mr. OSBORNE: Resolutions adopted by the Brotherhoods Monroe, Company E, Eleventh Michigan Infantry-to the Com­ of Locomotive Engineers, Firemen, and Trainmen, and Orders of mittee on Invalid Pensions. Railway Conductors and Telegraphers, in favor of the passage of By Mr. CAPRON: A bill (H. R. 10837) grantinti an increase of the anti-scalping bill-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign pension to George W. Wakefield, of Pawtucket, R. I.-to the Commerce. Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. COUSINS: A bill (H. R. 10838) granting a pension to Mrs. Rebecca .T. Jones-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. SENATE, By Mr. DORR: A bill (H. R. 10839) g1·anting a pension to John F. Dorsey-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. WEDNESDAY, June 29, 1898. By Mr. HAMILTON: A bill (H. R. 10840) granting a pension The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. _ to Mary Forward-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. By Mr. PAYNE: A bill (H. R. 10841) granting a pension to The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ Libbie B. Fries-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ceedings, when, on motion of Mr. GALLINGER, and by unanimous By Mr. HOOKER: A bill (H. R. 10843) granting a pension to consent, the further reading was dispensed with. Samuel A. Lownsbery-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. MIERS of Indiana: A bill (H. R. 10844) granting a pen­ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. sion to Mary Lundy-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. FRYE. I present the petition of Governor Powers, of Maine, and a large number of other very distinguished citizens of the United States, addressed to the Committee on Foreign Re­ PETITIONS, ETC. lations of the Senate, asking for legislation to provide for arbitra­ Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and papers tion, the arbitrators to be the highest courts of the various conn· were laid on the Clerk's desk, and referred as follows: tries. I move that the petition be referred to the Committee on By Mr. BAKER of Illinois: Resolutions of brotherhoods of Lo­ Foreign Relations. comotive Engineers, Locomotive Firemen, Railroad Trainmen, The motion was agreed to. orders of Railway Conductors and Railway Telegraphers, in favor Mr. HOAR presented the petition of Henry Howerter and sundry of the passage of the anti-scalping bill-to the Committee on In­ other citizens of the United States, representing the Brotherhoods terstate and Foreign Commerce. of Locomotive Engineers, Firemen, Conductors, and Telegraphers, By Mr. BARHAM: Petitions of the Woman's Christian Temper­ praying for the passage of the so-called anti-scalping ticket bill; ance Union of Calistoga and the Methodist Episcopal Church of which was ordered to lie on the table. , Sierraville, State of California, favoring legislation providing that Mr. PASCO presented a petition of the Democratic coupty con­ cigarettes imported in original packages on entering any State vention of Hamilton County, Fla., praying for the imposition of shall become subject to its laws-to the Committee on the Judi­ an import duty on long-staple cotton; which was referred to the ciary. Committee on Finance. By Mr. BARTHOLDT: Papers to accompany House bill for the REPORTS OF A COMMITTEE. relief of William G. Miller-to the Committee on War Claims. Mr. GALLINGER, from ·the Committee on Pensions, to whom .Also, papers to accompany House bill to con·ect the military rec­ were referred the following bills, reported them severally with ord of Julius H. Rogge-to the Committee on Military Affairs. amendments, and submitted reports thereon: · Also, papers to accompany House bill for correction of the mili­ A bill (S. 4382) granting an increase of pension to Eliza M. Mil· tary record and granting an honorable discharge to Charles Stier- ler; and lin-to the Committee on Military Affairs. · A bill (H. R. 10316) for the relief of Georgie Smiley. By Mr. DALZELL: Resolutions of the Brotherhood of Locomo­ Mr. GALLINGER, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom tive Engineers, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, Order of Rail­ were referred the following bills, reported them severally without way Conductors, Brother~ood of Railway Trainmen, and. Order amendment, and submitted reports thereon: of Railway Telegraphers, m favor of the passage of the anti-scalp­ A bill (H. R. 4283) granting an increase of pension to William ing bill-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. B. Murray; · By Mr. DORR: Affidavits to accompany House bill No. 3912, A bill (H. R. 4200) granting an increase of pension to Ellen to grant a pension to James M. Bryant-to the Committee on In­ Stack; and valid Pensions. A bill (H. R. 7293) granting a pension to Della E. Spaulding. Also, petition of John F. Dorsey, of Nicholas Colmty, W.Va., to accompany House bill for a pension-to the Committee on In­ FRANK H. NEWCOMB AND DANIEL B. HODGSDON. valid Pensions. Mr. FRYE. I report favorably from the Committee on Com­ By Mr. HENDERSON: Resolutions of brotherhoods of railroad merce Senate joint resolution 178, a joint resolution to carry out men, representing a membership of 126,000, favoring the anti­ the recommendations of the President of the United States touch­ scalping bill-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ ing certain officers of the Revenue-Cutter Service, and I am in­ merce. structed by that committee to ask for its pre-sent consideration. · By Mr. HULL: Resolutions of a joint meeting of brotherhoods There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the of railway engineers, firemen, and trainmen, and orders of rail­ Whole, proceeded to consider the joint resolution (S. R. 178) way conductors and telegraphers, in favor of the passage of the recognizing the gallantry of Frank H. Newcomb, commanding anti-scalping bill-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign the revenue cutter Hudson; of his officers and men; also retiring Commerce. Capt. Daniel B. Hodgsdon, of the Revenue-Cutter Service, for effi­ By Mr. KNOX: Petition of Alfred Reno, late of Company K, cient and meritorious services in command of the cutter Hugh Seventh Regiment Infantry Vermont Vohmteers, to accompany McCulloch at Manila. House bill for the removal of the charge of desertion-to the Com­ The joint resolution was read, as follows: mittee on Military Affairs. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Also, evidence in support of the claim of Emma C. Nudd for a America in Congress assenwled, That the thanks of Congress be, and are hereby, extended to First Lieut. Frank H. Newcomb, of the Revenue-Cutter pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Service, commanding the revenue cutter Hudson, his officers and the men of By Mr. KULP: Resolutions of a union meeting of the Brother­ his command, for their intrepid and heroic ·gallantry in the n.ction at Car­ hood of Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of Firemen, Order of denas, Cuba. on the lith day of Ma.y,l898, when the Hudson rescued the U. S. naval torpedo boat Winslow, in the face of a most galling fire from the ene­ Railway Conductors, Railway Trainmen ~· and Telegraphers, held my's guns, the Wimlow being disabled, her captain wounded, her only other in Philadelphia, Pa., June 5, 1898, favoring the passage of the officer and half her crew killed. The commander of the Hud on kept his ves· anti-scalping bill-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign sel in the very center of the hottest fire of the action, although in constant danger of going ashore on account of the shallow water, until finally he got Commerce. a line made fast to the Winslow and towed that vessel out of range of the Also, memorial of the American Federation of Musicians, Cin­ enemy's guns; that, in commemoration of this signal act of heroism, First cinnati, Ohio, for legislation restraining the :Marine Band from Lieut. Frank H. Newcomb, Revenue-Cutter Service, bo given a gold medal of competing with musical organizations outside the District of honor, each of his officers a. silver medal, and each member of his crew a of bronze medal, of such appropriate design as may be approved by the Secre­ Columbia-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. tary of the Treasury. By Mr. LIVINGSTON: Resolutions of a joint meeting of loco­ That in recognition of the efficient and meritorious services of Capt. Dan­ motive engineers and firemen and railway conductors, trainmen, iel B. Hodgsdon, United States Revenue-Cutter Service, while in command of the U.S. revenue cutter Hugh Mc0ulloch under the orders a.nd in coop­ a.nd telegraphers, held in Philadelphia, Pa., in favor of the anti­ eration with the fieet commanded by Rear-Admira1 l George Dewey, United scalping bill-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ States Navy a.tthebattleof Manila, on May 1,1898, and said officer being now merce. in the sixty-brird year of his age, and having served continuously for thirty­ seven years as an officer of the Revenue-On tter Service, he be placed on the By Mr.
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