Putnam_Cover 2020.indd1 BUREAU OF EMERGENCY SERVICES COUNTY OF PUTNAM 112 Old Route Six Carmel, New York 10512 BUREAU OF EMERGENCY SERVICES COUNTY OF PUTNAM 112 Old Route Six Carmel, New York 10512 Made in New York 6/12/20 4:31 AM Putnam_Cover 2020.indd2 What isRadiation? man-made sources. theother50%comesfrom naturalsources; comes from toradiation intheU.S. 50%ofexposure About per year. isabout600millirems inthisarea radiation exposure background The average in unitscalledmillirems. ofradiationonthehumanbodyismeasured The effect plants. power andelectric ovens microwave other medicalprocedures, such asX-rays, sources radiationcomesfrom Man-made radiation. of whatiscalledbackground part These naturalformsofradiationare natural sources. use tobuildourhomesallcomefrom and materialswe eat elementsinthefoods we radioactive bedrock, from thesunandstars,radon Radiationfrom made sources. manynaturalandcommonman- Radiation comesfrom damage livingcells. amounts,radiationcan large very instruments. In usingspecialized can beeasilydetectedandmeasured spaceormatterathighspeed.It through which moves suchasheat,lightorradiowaves, Radiation isenergy, Sources ofR updated information. for below App orthe www.putnamcountyny.gov Visit The informationinthisbookletisupdatedperiodically. (Soil) T Source: NCRP Report No. 160(2009) No. Report NCRP Source: errestrial- 3% Internal- 5% Keyword: RU Ready orIndianPoint (Sp Cosmic- 5% Natural Sources-50% a ce) adiation E Procedures- 36% Medic al T Radon an xposure intheUnitedStates horon- 37% d Man-Made Sources-50% Nuclear Medicine-12% R UReady Consumer Products-2% Occup Industrial and a tional- 0.1% power plantsclassified? How areemergenciesatnuclear public actionisnecessary. the operationofplant.Officialsarenotified,butno > the leasttomostserious,theyare: for emergenciesatnuclearpowerplants.Inorderfrom The federalgovernmentestablishedfourclassifications the situationontelevision,radio,orinternet. fraction ofthefederalguidelines.Residentsshouldmonitor Anyreleaseofradioactivitywouldbeasmall level ofsafety. > situation ontelevision,radio,ortheinternet. to exceedfederalguidelines.Residentsshouldmonitorthe of radioactivityoutsidetheplantsitewouldnotbeexpected Releases levelofsafety. substantially reducestheplant’s > radio, ortheinternet. areas. Residentsshouldmonitor thesituationontelevision, the plant.Protectiveactionsmaybeorderedforsome radiation thatwouldexceedthefederalguidelinesoutside safety systemsintheplantthatcouldleadtoareleaseof > EasyReaderBooklet ©2020 Central Graphics Group, Inc. EasyReaderBooklet ©2020 CentralGraphicsGroup, An A A An SITE GENERAL EMERGENCY ALERT UNUSUAL EVENT AREA indicates an event that could reduce the plant’s indicatesaneventthatcouldreducetheplant’s EMERGENCY indicatesapotentialproblemwith indicates aproblemaffecting indicatesaproblemthat Advance Registration Card for People with Special Needs - 2020-2021 If you require assistance in an emergency, please fill out this questionnaire and mail it back to us. Your cooperation will help us in making proper arrangements if it becomes necessary for you to be evacuated during an emergency of any kind. If you have any questions please contact the Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services office at 845-808-4000. Please print Name J Mr. J Mrs. J Miss/Ms. Date of Birth Address, including apartment number, building, floor City, ZIP+4 Telephone (Home) Cell Phone Primary Disability(ies) Name and phone number of a local relative or person who lives near you who should be contacted in an emergency: Name J Mr. J Mrs. J Miss/Ms. FOLD HERE FOLD Address HERE FOLD City Telephone Relationship: J Family J Neighbor J Friend TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS: SPECIAL NEEDS AND TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS: Will you require transportation for an emergency that will Are you J Blind or J Partially sighted? require evacuation? J Yes J No Are you deaf or hearing impaired? J Yes J No Can you obtain a ride with a nearby person J Yes J No If yes, do you have TTD/TTY? J Yes J No If yes, check all that apply J Workday J Nights J Weekends Are you completely bedridden? J Yes J No if no, can you get from your house to your bus stop unassisted? J Yes J No ASSISTIVE EQUIPMENT USED: J Please send additional cards for other persons with J Cane(s) J Walker J Oxygen J Other special needs in my household. J Crutches J Guide dog J Respirator This information is released for emergency planning only. J Wheelchair J Hospital Bed J Electric wheelchair Signature _________________________________________________ 6/12/20 4:31 AM Please detach and mail this card. This questionnaire must be completed each time you receive a booklet on emergency planning to assure that we have up-to-date information on your needs. HoW WouLD I BE NoTIFIED? My Emergency Plan Emergency Supplies Checklist How would I be notified Keep a copy of your emergency plan information in your car, briefcase or of an emergency at H purse. Photocopy as needed for additional family members. O W Indian Point? Review the checklist for items you may want to have on hand if you are instructed to Shelter-In-Place or WHAT SHouLD I Do? What if my children are WhatEm eargbenocy uAletrt Spysteemt (sEA Sa) sntatdion sl: i vestock? W Evacuate. Check the items you may need, and add any special items that are not listed. If you need help Special emergency sirens that produce a OULD I BE N in school? If you aAreM draidreioc_t_e_d__ _to__ _e_v_a__c_u_a_t_e_,_ _y_o__u_ _w__il_l_ w__a__n_t_ _to__ _t_a_k_e_ _y_o__u_r_____________ finding a place to stay during an evacuation, people staffing the Reception Centers will help you. continuous, four-minute tone would alert FM radio_____________________________________________________________ people within 10 miles of Indian Point pets with you. Pets would not be permitted in Reception TV__________________________________________________________________ to tune to an Emergency Alert System Officials may relocate children in schools to a Centers or temporary shelters (except for service animals, (EAS) station for information about an school reception center at South Junior High such as seeing-eye dogs). Pet owners are encouraged to MEDICAL ITEMS PERSONAL HYGIENE ITEMS BEDDING emergency at Indian Point. School in Newburgh as a precautionary measure, Reception Center______________________________________________________ WHAT IS PoTASSIuM IoDIDE (KI)? explore alternatives for their pets, such as boarding If you hear the continuous, four minute even if there is no evacuation of the general K Medicines K Shaving items K Two blankets per person or tone, listen to one of the EAS stations kennels, friends or relatives outside the 10 mile area. O public. Teachers and staff have been trained and Recommended route to get to my Reception Center is sleeping bags listed in this booklet for official K Prescription information K Soaps TIFIED will travel with students to this school reception information on what you should do. If you h_a_v_e_ _l_i_v_e_s_t_o__c_k_ _o_r_ _a_g_r_i_c_u_l_t_u_r_a_l_ _p_r_o__d_u_c_t_s_,_ _u_s__e_f_u_l___________________ (doctor, name of medicine, K _________________________ K Toothbrush/toothpaste These sirens are tested periodically center. Parents and guardians can pick up their informat_i_o_n__ _is_ _a__v_a_i_la__b_l_e_ _f_ro__m__ _t_h_e_ _N__e_w__ _Y_o_r_k_ _S_t_a__te________________________ name of pharmacy) K throughout the year. Siren tests are _________________________ children from this school reception center. Please Departm_e__n_t_ _o_f_ _A_g__ri_c_u_l_t_u_r_e_ _W__e__b_ _s_i_te__ _w_w__w__.a__g_m__k_t_._s_t_a_t_e_._n_y_._u_s_____________ K Sanitary items announced in advance through local check with your child’s school to learn more about K Eyeglasses or contacts ? or call 1-800-554-4501 or call your local Cooperative MISCELLANEOUS SCHooLSnews AN media.D SuMMER CAMPS relocation planning and parental pick-up plans. ____________________________________________________________________ K _________________________ Extension Office. K Dentures ____________________________________________________________________ K Portable radio with In addition to the sirens, a high-speed K _________________________ telephone service, an e-mail alerting • Students who reside within the EPZ but attend The county is developing limited emergency kennel space K Special diet foods spare batteries schools located outside the EPZ, will remain in service or web-based services such as at RecepEmtieornge nCceyn btuesr st.o pT hisi lso ciast ebde aitn _g__ d__o_n__e_ _t_o_ _a_c_c_o__m__m__o_d__a_t_e_____________ K _________________________ those schools until picked up by their families, K _________________________ K Flashlights with NY-Alert could be used to notify and people _w_h__o_ _c_a_n__n_o__t _m__a__k_e_ _o_t_h__e_r_ _a_r_r_a_n_g__e_m__e_n__ts__ f_o__r _t_h_e__ir_________________ extra batteries inform the public. whether or not they are evacuating. K No students will be transported into the EPZ. pets beforehand. Pet owners should plan to bring their _________________________ MONEY WESTCHESTER CouNTy EvACuATIoN K KI-potassium iodide tablets own supCphillide’ss n, aimnec l u d i n g f o o d , l eSachsohoel sRe, cceapgtioens C aentder carriers K Cash BuS RouTESAnyone can sign up for Schools in the EPZ: _________________________ ________________ __________________________ BABY SUPPLIES K Important phone numbers NY-Alert online at etc. Trained volunteers may be available to assist owners K Checkbook https://alert.ny.gov K Baby food James I. O’Neill High School with pet_ _c_a_r_e__ a__n_d__ f_e_e__d_i_n_g__.
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