Letter Dangers of Sensationalizing Conservation Biology The global biodiversity crisis that before witnessed in conservation cir- a safari-hunting proposal posed no spawned the discipline of conserva- cles. His popularity was undeniable, threat to population viability (Brad- tion biology is closer to the forefront but his reckless style of advocacy was shaw et al. 2006). of the average person’s thoughts than a two-edged sword. His often uncon- Irwin’s opinions about sustainable it has ever been. The shift in popular ventional antics, while entertaining, use of wildlife in general (e.g., the thinking about conservation issues is did not necessarily lead the viewer use of wild kangaroos for pet meat in no small way due to the impressive to adopt a greater respect and un- and human consumption) are well and relevant work of conservation derstanding for the species on show. known, even though all available ev- scientists worldwide, many of whom One only needs to cite the point- idence suggests that in an increas- have published their work and opin- less and abhorrent killing and mutila- ingly drought-prone continent such ions in this journal. It is good science tion of stingrays along Queensland’s as Australia, a reduced reliance on that provides the focus for the conser- coast (BBC 2006) in the weeks fol- traditional hard-hoofed pastoralism vation spotlight, which continues to lowing his death (acts which were, would have remarkable benefits for gain in intensity with problems such quite rightly, summarily condemned the country’s economy, threatened as anthropogenically driven climate by Irwin’s organization) to question biotas, and fragile soils (Grigg 1989; change. That said, acknowledgment at least some of his fans’ true empa- Flannery 1998; Archer 2002; Thom- must be given to the power of ad- thy with conservation issues. sen & Davies 2005). In this light it vocacy wielded by people who have Irwin’s misunderstanding of fun- is somewhat disconcerting that even been successful in promoting aware- damental ecological processes such the academic sector was prepared ness of conservation matters in the as forest fragmentation, how invasive to bestow upon him the title of ad- mass media (Paquette 2007) and domestic species can damage junct professor, an academic laurel The power of media, such as tele- biodiversity values, and the sustain- normally recognizing years of schol- vision, to influence public thought able use of wildlife (Simpson 2001) arly endeavor (AAP 2006), despite his on conservation issues is, however, were particularly dangerous because rudimentary understanding of and of- both a blessing and a curse. Its great of his ability to sway the public’s ten incorrect statements about eco- benefit is that it promotes aware- (and their elected politicians’) opin- logical processes. ness of the natural world among the ions (Campbell 2005). With such The dangers of Irwin-style advo- urbanized citizenry who are discon- vast influence comes great respon- cacy strike deeper than just the rel- nected from the plight of biodiver- sibility. One particularly ironic ex- ative costs and benefits of sensation- sity. Modern “nature celebrities” such ample is that the Crocodile Hunter alist media and political sway. His as Sir David Attenborough, Jacques vehemently opposed any notion of legacy was built predominantly on Cousteau, Al Gore, and Steve Irwin sustainable harvest of crocodiles capturing, handling, and therefore have fostered and promoted an ap- (Crocodylus porosus) in Australia, stressing normally reclusive and clan- preciation and fascination of natural convincing many Australians (includ- destine species for the benefit of systems by people who would never ing politicians) likewise. Yet harvest public entertainment. The increas- otherwise have the opportunity to as a management tool was in this case ing scrutiny of field biologists by an- observe them. The curse, however, almost certainly responsible for sav- imal ethics committees (McMahon is subtler and insidious. The overarch- ing saltwater crocodiles from near ex- et al. 2007) stands in stark contrast ing requirement of popular entertain- tinction. The highly controlled mar- to the brazen and sometimes ethi- ment is that it be eye-catching, sensa- ket for farmed skins essentially re- cally questionable methods Irwin em- tional, and even eccentric if it is to moved all incentive for illegal har- ployed to invigorate typically quies- attract sufficient attention to survive. vest (Webb & Manolis 1993). Further- cent species—eventually to his undo- The recent death of celebrity nat- more, harvest models grounded in ing. Although never formally charged uralist Steve Irwin has resulted in a more than 20 years of painstakingly with ethical wrongdoing, even in cir- perceived martyrdom at a scale never collected monitoring data show that cumstances requiring investigation 570 Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 3, 570–571 C 2007 Society for Conservation Biology DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2007.00698.x Letter 571 (Department of the Environment and †Research Institute for Climate Change and environment.gov.au/minister/env/2005/ Water Resources 2004), it is highly Sustainability, School of Earth and Environmen- mr06oct05.html(accessed February 2007). tal Sciences, University of Adelaide, South Aus- implausible that any academic or gov- Department of the Environment and Water tralia 5005, Australia Resources. 2004. Investigation finalised. ernmental animal ethics committee Media release. Australian Government, would have sanctioned such behav- Canberra, Australia. Available from http:// ‡email [email protected] ior by their own researchers. www.environment.gov.au/media/dept- An excessive dumbing down of co- mr/dp15jul04.html (accessed February nservation science for the masses is, 2007). Literature Cited Flannery, T. F. 1998. The future eaters: an eco- in our opinion, na¨ıve because it risks logical history of the Australian lands and further distancing lay people from people. Reed, New Holland, Australia. the real and often harsh natural world AAP (Australian Associated Press). 2006. Irwin Grigg, G. 1989. Kangaroo harvesting and the ecologists work to understand. Ad- was set to be academic. AAP, Sydney, Aus- conservation of arid and semi-arid range- vocacy in conservation biology des- tralia, 20 September. Available from http:// lands. Conservation Biology 3:194–197. www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,20445606- McMahon, C. R., C. J. A. Bradshaw, and G. C. perately needs charismatic champi- 1702,00.html (accessed February 2007). Hays. 2007. Applying the heat to research ons, but it does not need more overt Archer, M. 2002. Confronting crises in conser- techniques for species conservation. Con- sensationalism—we have no short- vation: a talk on the wild side. Pages 12–52 servation Biology 21:271–273. age of television programs and doc- in D. Lunney and C. Dickman, editors. Zo- Paquette, S. R. 2007. Importance of the umentaries highlighting the dangers, ological revolution: using native fauna to “Crocodile Hunter” phenomenon. Conser- assist in its own survival. Royal Zoological vation Biology 21:6. curiosities, and bizarre aspects of an- Society of New South Wales and Australian Simpson, S. 2001. Interview with Crocodile imal and plant life. What we need are Museum, Mossman, Australia. Hunter Steve Irwin. Scientific American, intelligent, informed, and respectful BBC (British Broadcasting Company). 2006. Ir- New York. Available from http://www. champions (we cite some above) that win fans in ‘revenge attacks’. BBC News sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=0000462F- responsibly promote understanding Online, 12 September. BBC, London. Avail- 9484-1C75-9B81809EC588EF21 (accessed able from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia- February 2007). and respect of the natural world, a pacific/5338118.stm (accessed February Thomsen, D. A., and J. Davies. 2005. Social realm from which the majority of our 2007). and cultural dimensions of commercial 6.5-billion-strong population has be- Bradshaw, C. J. A., Y. Fukuda, M. I. Letnic, and kangaroo harvest in South Australia. Aus- come largely dispossessed. B. W. Brook. 2006. Incorporating known tralian Journal of Experimental Agriculture sources of uncertainty to determine pre- 45:1239–1243. cautionary harvests of saltwater crocodiles. Webb, G. J. W., and S. C. Manolis. 1993. Con- Corey J. A. Bradshaw,∗‡ Barry W. Brook,† ∗ Ecological Applications 16:1436–1448. serving Australia’s crocodiles through com- and Clive R. McMahon Campbell, I. 2005. Crocodile safari hunting mercial incentives. Pages 250–256 in D. ∗School for Environmental Research, Institute proposal rejected—crocodile culls to Lunney and D. Ayers, editors. Herpetology of Advanced Studies, Charles Darwin Univer- continue. Media release, Minister for in Australia–a diverse discipline. Transac- sity, Darwin, Northern Territory 0909, Aus- the Environment and Water Resources, tions of the Royal Zoological Society of tralia Canberra, Australia. Available from www. New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Conservation Biology Volume 21, No. 3, June 2007.
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