E1490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 2, 2017 dedication has made a difference in health TRIBUTE TO MARK HILLENBRAND PERSONAL EXPLANATION education and quality of life for thousands of students and their families. HON. SEAN P. DUFFY After retiring from her many years of service HON. DAVID YOUNG OF WISCONSIN to Glenn County, Mrs. Holzapfel decided to OF IOWA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES continue her public services. She ran for a po- Thursday, November 2, 2017 sition on the Glenn County Board of Edu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. DUFFY. Mr. Speaker, I am not recorded cation, and won by an overwhelming majority. Thursday, November 2, 2017 because I was absent. Had I been present, I Mrs. Holzapfel is an active member of many would have voted YEA on Roll Call No. 591. community service organizations throughout Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise f the county and devotes her time to helping today to recognize and congratulate Mark youth, veterans, and the impoverished. Above Hillenbrand of West Des Moines, Iowa for CLIMATE SOLUTIONS CAUCUS all, as a mother, grandmother, community ac- being named one of West Des Moines Cham- SPEECH OF tivist, and veteran; Mrs. Holzapfel is pas- ber’s Citizens of the Year for 2017. sionate and dedicated to upholding the values The West Des Moines Chamber every year HON. DON BACON of her family, and of her country. recognizes a Citizen of the Year, a community OF NEBRASKA member who ‘‘demonstrates an unparalleled IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f dedication to service and general betterment Wednesday, November 1, 2017 175TH ANNIVERSARY OF FOLEY & of the community.’’ Mark is a Clinical Social Mr. BACON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with LARDNER LLP Worker who owns a private practice in Des my colleagues in the Climate Solutions Cau- Moines. Over the past year, Mark, along with cus in recognition of a problem that concerns Valley High School Associate Principal David many of us—climate change. HON. MARK POCAN Maxwell, helped to organize several West Des It is hard to deny that our climate is chang- OF WISCONSIN Moines equity, diversity and multicultural dis- ing. Whether caused by cyclical weather IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cussions, bringing together the community and changes or impacted by man’s role, it is clear students to tackle educational inequality and we are seeing changes in the polar ice and a Thursday, November 2, 2017 ensure that all students have equal opportuni- rise in temperatures. It is one of my goals in Mr. POCAN. Mr. Speaker, I include in the ties for a quality education. Congress to keep the momentum we have seen in previous decades of continuing im- RECORD the following Proclamation in honor of Mr. Speaker, I am honored to represent provement in our environment. We all want to the 175th Anniversary of Foley & Lardner LLP: community leaders like Mark in the United leave our planet cleaner for our children and Whereas, Foley & Lardner LLP is cele- States Congress and it is with great pride that brating its 175th anniversary and has made a grandchildren. I recognize him today. I ask that my col- It is my hope to advance the dialogue and distinct impact in the state of Wisconsin leagues in the United States House of Rep- advocate for more renewable and diverse en- through economic investment and community resentatives join me in congratulating Mark for ergy sources. Top defense authorities, such engagement; and this outstanding recognition and in wishing him as Secretary Mattis, have been vocal on how Whereas, Foley & Lardner traces its roots in nothing but continued success. climate change has affected the DoD’s threat Wisconsin to 1842 when Asahel Finch and assessments, resources, and operation readi- William Pitt Lynde opened the doors to their f ness, but Congress must do more to combat law firm in Milwaukee six years prior to Wis- this threat. consin gaining its statehood; and 2017 WOMAN OF THE YEAR AWARD As an incoming freshman in the 115th Con- Whereas, the firm, from its humble begin- WINNER—CHRISTINE IVORY gress, I have made it my mission to get things nings, has grown along with the state of Wis- accomplished. I have joined the Bipartisan Cli- consin, expanding to the city of Madison, and mate Solutions Caucus, and have advocated becoming the state’s largest law firm; and HON. JOHN GARAMENDI for an incremental improvements approach to Whereas, Foley & Lardner opened an office OF CALIFORNIA address climate change, while recognizing that in Washington, DC, in 1971, becoming the first the issue is a matter of national security. Dur- Wisconsin law firm to open an office outside IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing the FY18 National Defense Authorization the state; Thursday, November 2, 2017 Act debate, I as well as some of my other Whereas, the firm has since expanded to in- House colleagues, led the charge to ensure clude 19 offices in the United States, Belgium, Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today adoption of Section 336, which recognizes cli- and Japan; and to recognize Ms. Christine Ivory of Live Oak, mate change as a national security issue, and Whereas, Foley & Lardner attorneys and California, who has dedicated herself to serv- allows the DOD to assess its risks and deter- staff have helped Wisconsin industries grow ing her community by advocating for its agri- mine next steps to mitigate such threats. This and thrive locally, nationally, and internation- cultural industry. After serving on the Board of section ensures that the Armed Forces are ally; and Directors for the Yuba-Sutter Farm Bureau for prepared to handle the effects of a changing Whereas, the firm’s attorneys have served six years, she is to become its President. She climate as it relates to military operations. By the state and its communities by providing has immersed herself in the issues of the agri- conducting studies within the Services and leadership in elected offices and helping cultural community by serving on eleven of the Combat Commands, DoD will be able to better shape public policy; and farm bureau’s committees. In her work at the understand the problem. Congress has a duty to ensure that the DoD is resilient and pre- Whereas, Foley & Lardner has played a sig- Yuba Sutter Farm Bureau, Ms. Ivory takes pared for anything that may threaten its mis- nificant role at critical times in our nation’s his- particular pride in educating youth on the im- sion and operations and I hope to see the text tory, including during the Civil War, the Great portance of agriculture. She has been instru- mental in maintaining and growing her com- of Section 336 in the final NDAA bill. Depression, the New Deal; and It is in America’s best interest to improve munity’s agriculture education programs, such Whereas, Foley & Lardner attorneys and clean energy technology and expand produc- as FFA and 4-H. staff are a pillar in the community, providing tion of renewable energies. Environmental many hours of pro bono and volunteer efforts; Ms. Ivory is also committed to the preserva- practices do not need to come at the expense now, therefore, I, U.S. Representative MARK tion of agricultural lands and serves in many of economic growth though. We must encour- POCAN, do hereby proclaim Foley & Lardner organizations working towards this goal. She age greater environmental stewardship on this special 175th anniversary, a leading dedicates her time to many community organi- amongst the private sector and foster eco- Wisconsin business, as well as a keystone to zations providing for economic development nomic success. Omaha now has 30 percent of the ongoing growth and development in our and community improvement. Through her ex- energy from wind and it’s growing. I support congressional district. tensive involvement in the agricultural industry continued use of solar, ethanol, and sources On behalf of the Second Congressional Dis- and many service organizations, Ms. Ivory has of hydrothermal. trict of Wisconsin, I wish Foley & Lardner con- demonstrated that she is invested in the Yuba As members of the Bipartisan Climate Solu- tinued growth and success in the years ahead. and Sutter county communities. tions Caucus, we proactively seek pragmatic VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:47 Nov 03, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K02NO8.003 E02NOPT1 November 2, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1491 solutions to address environmental concerns. Maxwell of West Des Moines, Iowa for being PERSONAL EXPLANATION It is a priority of mine to have all members named one of West Des Moines Chamber’s recognize the impacts of climate change and Citizens of the Year for 2017. HON. ANTHONY G. BROWN our role to leave a cleaner planet for our chil- The West Des Moines Chamber every year OF MARYLAND dren and grandchildren. I am committed to en- recognizes a Citizen of the Year, a community IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES suring energy independence for our country member who ‘‘demonstrates an unparalleled Thursday, November 2, 2017 and North America and ensuring that the use dedication to service and general betterment of renewable energy gains a larger share of of the community.’’ David is the Associate Mr. BROWN of Maryland. Mr. Speaker, I re- our overall energy production. Principal at Valley High School in West Des grettably voted incorrectly on November 1, f Moines, a role he has served in since 2005. 2017 during Roll Call No. 596, the Pearce Over the past year, David, along with Clinical Amendment No. 7 to H.R. 2936. 2017 WOMAN OF THE YEAR AWARD I inadvertently voted AYE when I meant to WINNER—JEANNIE KLEVER Social Worker Mark Hillenbrand, helped to or- ganize several West Des Moines equity, diver- vote NAY on Roll Call No.
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