, . - - 7 ' ~ ’ ‘J4ciJi&^s^argest EvenitiglWeivspaper ■ 68th year, 199th issue TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 19‘7) e n d power to border war NEW DELHI (UPD-^Pres- reports said. earlier Indian commanders lud pends Ident Nixon sent personal Four civilians were killed and authority to take broad steps In messages to India, Pakistan 14 wounded in a Pakistani ar­ protecting their defensive posi­ and the Soviet Union today tillery attack on the town of tions. WASHINGTON (UPI) -T h e urging an end to fighting along Bfllurghat, ahmit__18(L_inik“s _AU-India fiadlQ_sald-Qne-hour. Senate today considers a bill to the Indla-Pakistan border. nortlrtf Calcutta, Sunday. blacltdul exercises would be give President Nixon control U.S. Amba^'d^r to India Fighting, which started In the held tonight in the New Delhi over the economy for 17 more Kenneth B. i^ating delivered brea Saturday, still was going' area. months —power so va^ some Nixon's m esjige to Prime on today. On the political front, Indian Democrats warned that Con­ Minister Indira G^dhi In a 30- India, claiming Pakistan Prune Mmlsler Indira Gandhi gress would rue voting for it. minute meeting. troops threatened their defen­ reportedly rejected a proposal Sen. William Proxmire, D- Following the meeting with sive positions, moved Into to bring the Indian-Paklstan Wis., said he would fight the Keating, Mrs. Gandhi met for 20 Pakistan in the Dlnajpur area dispute before the U.N. Sei;urity bill. He predicted consumers minutes with her senior cabinet and desb-oyed three Pakistani Council .-the 15-member body and workers alike would be up advisers. She also held a secohd tanks. In chdt'ge of p^ac in arms before the 17 months meeting with her armed forces Government sources said duties for. the WorldMjody. are over and, presumably, chiefs and senior officials from would be ready to retaliate the foreign and defense against President and Congress ministries. It was not known If alike. they discussed Nixon's note. But the mood of the Keating declined to discuss Jordanian Democratic majority seemed to the contents of the message but be to give Nbcon all he sought In sources said Nixon asked for an economic controls so that he end to the fighting and a with­ could riot blame the Democrats drawal of troops froip the if inflation and unemployment border areas of thehe-4wo-CQim- ( still were headaches in 1972. aide named tries. Republicans, for their part, ■nie notes were drafted at the ^ ^MMAN (UPI) - Jordanian Palestine guerrillas in the Arab showed little appetite for trying Western White House in San premiei-Wasfl Tel . assassinated world. to strike from the bill a section aemente, Calif., by NUon over synday In Cairo by four Khalifa raised his hand In the inserted by the Senate Banking the holiday weekend, the Palestinian g u erilla s, was V tor victory sign and said, “We Committee' over the White NO PICNIC for drivers and highway crews, sourcM said. buri^ today to the sound of a 21 have taken our revenge on a House's objections. heavy snow as illustrated by that covering a . EarUer news refwrts said gu„ salute. King Hussein named traitor.'' He said he had drunk It would restore to workers picnic table at the Magic Mountain ski area was It’s piling up IndiajL Defense Minister Jagji- ^ moderate to succeed him but Tel’s blood after the shooting to back pay for negotiated raises enjoyed by these two youngsters. Jerry, left, and brought in a tough line oHlclal emphasize his hatred pf the prevented from taking 'effect Jeff Olson found the 20 inches of snow to' their been ordered to move Into East as his national security adviser. man. '■ during the 90-day wage-price lUdng. Pakistan as far as necessary to Husslen named Deputy Pre­ freeze unless such raises are Tel, 51, hated by the stop Pakiistani artillery attacks. mier Ahmed Al-Lawzi, 50, as “ unreasonably Inconsistent" guerrillas for ordering the Ram said the order was prime minister to succeed Tel with the Pay Board’s guideli­ Jordanian army to crush their Issued after Pakistan Increased and gave him the portfoUo of revolt last summer, was kOled nes. Its shelling of ^rder areas, the defense minister, a job also held Forecast by four bullets as he stepped The Pay Board has voted by Tel. Political sources said Al- froip his car at a Cairo hotel on twice over labor’s objections to US vows allied l<awzi was considered unbiased the banks of the Nile following a refuse to allow retroactive pay and -neutral on Palestinian East Coast lundieon with Abdel Khalek raises to take affect across-th^ guerrilla matters. i Hassuna, secretary general of board. The sources said Al-Lawzi the Arab League. Raises worth $2 billion to $6 dock crews was not known for his strong biUiop -rja relative drop in the unity Munzl Solelman Khalifa, 28, . character and suggested his r^jverall 'economic bucket — Detaih, P. 12 leader on the four man death new cabinet may be merely a would be restored by the bill. work today WASHINGTON (U P I) — lalks with heads of state was Thanksgiving holiday at his San squad, told UPI correspondent caretaker one. Like Tel, Al- Proxmire, chairman of the President Nixon \vill assure disclosed as the White House Clemente,- Calif., villa, the-. Maurice Guindl in Cairo that Lawzi is a Bedouin. Houst^-^nate Economic Com­ NEW YORK (UPD-Long- Free World leaders at -ilve confirmed that Canada’s Prime President also ^announced his Tel's death was only the first of Hussein named former Inter­ mittee, said he would offer an shoremen at major Atlantic and Campaign summit sessions that "we are Minister Pierre Trudeau will revolving door i isesdlons with a series of murders intended to ior Minister Mohammed Rasoul amendment limiting the exten­ ■ ' ^ Gulf Coast ports, complying not going to sacrifice allied travel to Washington at the end allied leaders wilT include West eliminate everyone who has Al-Kllani as his adviser on sion of presidential authority to with federal courts orders, were unity to a relaxation of ten- of December to meet with German Chancellpr Willy opposed the cause of the national security affairs. April 30, 1972, instead of April reforms back on the docks In force slons” during his historic visits Nixon, "nie date has not been Brandt in Key Biscayne, Fla. 30, 1973, the date Nixon wants. today, catching up With the to Peking and Moscow, a White^lfet. Dec. 28-29. “ ■nils program is so complex, work that had accumulated M- JT' vote due House official said today. — Before flying back to Wash- Press Secretary Ronald L. unworkable and unenforceable during their 5S-day strike. The purpose of the blitz of ington Sunday from a four-day Ziegler said “ no other meetings A tentative end to the lengthy that it is bound to engender WASHINGTON (UPI) -A fter 33 GI’ s missing are being planned or discussed” strike was ordered by the courts hostility by consimiers and i repeated delays, the House was with other leaders In advance of Friday and Saturday and It workers alike throughout the ready to begin voting today on SAIGON (U PD -The U.S. headquarters of the U.S. 101st Nixon’s travels to Chlnp and the appeared today that the 45,000 Airborne Division at Phu Bai, country and the serious eco­ legislation to reform campaign command said 33 American Soviet Union. mernbers 0f the International was being led by a Navy nomic cbnfusion is likely to slow spending. A major fight was Panel rejects servicemen are missing aboard ' Nixon was expected to an­ destroyer, the USS Epperson, the economy and aggravate expected over whether the Longshoremen’s Association a big U.S. Army CH47 Chinook nounce the drite of his trip (I’lLA) were complying with the helicopter along the upper coast and Included dozens of helicop­ unemployment.’^^ ‘ •equal tim e" provision of Peklng, possibly Tuesday. ten^porary 10-day restit'aining of South Vietnam and that a ters and planes* federal broadcast law should t>e ordfer. f massive air and sea search repealed. packer’s hike U.S. spokesmen also reported R. Blidge^ The equal time law requires The orders were part of .the today had failed to find afty trace of the aircraft. ein American A37 Dragonfly Jet radio and tel.evislon broadcast­ WASHINGTON (UPI- - En­ margin already is higher In 197L government's plan to impose the Taft-Hartley Act requiring The search for the big twin- shot down In Cambodia today ers to grant all candidates for forcing its ban'..on price In­ than the base period. Russ test retired rolored Chinpok. believed to with Its American pilot slighUy the same office equal air time creases that boost recent profit The commission also an­ an 80<lay “ cooling ofT' period have gone dow^ at sea Sunday wounded, and said four other once one of those candidates has margins, the Price Commission nounced It had received 70 more during which negotiations joltn<5led on a 40 mile flight from the helicopters had been lost in been granted free air time. rejected today a request by a price Increase applications would continue' .between the coach, dies shippers and Uw |ILA. n(frthem city of Da Nang to the Indochina in the last four days. Critics of the proviso.claim It, big meat packer, Oscar Mayer frorii 49 firms. UPPSALA, Sv^eden (U P f)- BURLEY - Rulon R. Budge, Inhibits broadcast debates, par­ Co., for a 1.31 per cent price L.
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