1 Upton & Coppingford Parish Council Minutes of meeting held on Monday 13th July 2020 at 7:30pm Present: Cllrs P Gamwell (Chairman), L Akhurst, P Dugmore, M King, N Woolliscroft, Clerk (L Ellis) and County Councillor Ian Gardener Members of the public: 3 Key: CCC = Cambridgeshire County Council HDC = Huntingdon District Council PC = Parish Council 1 Chairman’s welcome The Chairman welcomed everyone and explained the procedures required to comply with the COVID-19 secure guidelines for the meeting. 2 To receive apologies and reason for None. absence 3 Member’s declaration of Disclosable None. Pecuniary Interests 4 Public and press participation A resident suggested that the Village Hall Cmt may wish to session with respect to items on the consider joining ACRE as they are able to provide help and agenda advice on numerous matters especially during the pandemic. 5 To confirm and accept minutes of To take the minutes as read and approve them as a true the meeting held on 24th February and accurate record. The minutes were then duly signed 2020 by the Chairman. 6 Matters arising from the minutes Garden Gate: It was reported that publication is on hold for the time being. Village Hall update: Cllr Dugmore reported that HDC had offered the Cmt the opportunity of applying for a grant which was gratefully received. HDC have also advised that no business rates will be applied to the building this year. The year-end accounts are now available for audit, the Clerk to make the necessary arrangements. Village pond: Cllr Akhurst reported that the pond was in a healthy condition however a working party was required to keep it in check. The work to be carried out in mid-August. A suggestion was made to remove the ivy from around the trees at the Milton Estates pond. Glebe Farm: It was noted that a new occupant of the Care Home had entered the village pond however he was Signed…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Dated……………………………………… 2 being supervised at the time and restraint is not applied to occupants. The Care Home Manager has agreed to attend the October PC meeting. Traffic issues: A speed limit of 15mph appears to be being followed voluntarily by Care Home workers driving through the village. A number of vehicles have been seen exceeding this limit but they were visiting a private address in the village. The PC’s LHI bid was submitted by the due deadline with good input from residents. A PC representative will need to attend the meeting at which all submissions will be considered. 7 Communications from Councillors C.Cllr Gardener reported that as we are coming out of lockdown and into the recovery phase CCC has set up an outbreak control plan. CCC are at the forefront in the Eastern Region and possibly nationally. Prevention is better than the cure so much emphasis is being put into this. The Cambs & Peterborough local outbreak Control Plan was published on 30th June and is available on the CCC website:- https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/asset- library/Cambridgeshire-and-Peterborough-Local-Outbreak- Control-Plan-v12.pdf At 28th May the COVID-19 rate of infections was 178.4 per 100,000 population which is comparatively lower than the overall rate in England of 269.6 per 100,000 population. A Local Plan for support to Care Homes has been produced outlining our health and care system response to support care homes to imbed infection prevention and control to minimise the rise of COVID-19 outbreaks in homes:- https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/asset- library/Peterborough-and-Cambridgeshire-Care-Home- Support-Plan.pdf Work is progressing well on the new Alconbury Weald headquarters building however the hub is only part of an overall plan for which the spokes model has already begun. Officers and staff are moving to their new sites in the community. Huntingdon Recycling Centres have reopened however due to traffic management issues CCC is moving to an online booking system for residents wanting to take waste to one of the centres. Alconbury and St Neots are already using this system. These measures were introduced to help manage queueing vehicles and minimise the impact on local businesses, residents or traffic flows. Ian reported that he now sits on the following committees: CCC: . Environment & Sustainability . Planning & Pensions (Vice Chairman) . Fire Authority . Green Projects Investment Internal Advisory Group Signed…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Dated……………………………………… 3 HDC: . Development Management (Vice Chairman) . Overview & Scrutiny – Performance & Growth . Alconbury & Ellington Drainage Board . Section 106 Advisory Panel Ian reported that he has also been elected as the HDC representative to the Board of Governors of Kimbolton School. This year’s LHI bids date for submissions was extended due to COVID-19. As soon as the date of the meeting to review the submissions is known Ian will update the Clerk. Ian advised that if a PC decides to object to a planning application it is always advisable to attend the HDC Development Control meeting to support their objection. Councillor King reported that birds were being scared off crops at daybreak by farmers and he agreed to attempt to locate the relevant fields that this was taking place. 8 Planning applications . 20/00991/FUL Top Farm, Coppingford Road, Coppingford – Change of use and conversion of agricultural building to dwelling (C3) No objection . 18/01217/FUL Building 252 RAF Alconbury, Ermine Street, Little Stukeley – Erection of a building to accommodate the headquarters and Air Ambulance station for Magpas. Councillors ratified the no objection decision taken in April. Upton Spinney, Upton Hill – It was reported that dwellings have been built and TPOs ignored. HDC have been aware of these actions since October 2019 and are leading on enforcement. It was agreed that Cllr Woolliscroft would forward all correspondence to D.Cllr Gardener in order for him to pursue the matter with the relevant HDC Planning Officer. 4 Public and press participation The Chairman welcomed the Rector to the meeting. cont’d session with respect to items on the Rector Mandy Flaherty thanked the Council for the agenda opportunity to speak to them regarding the current crisis at the Church with the knowledge that it is not Parish Council business however the Church is a community asset. The Church is governed by the PCC which requires a Secretary, Treasurer and two Church Wardens. Resignations have been received from the current incumbents who are also Trustees. An AGM will be held on 3rd September and unless people come forward there will be no serving PCC. The four Rectors in the benefice would not be able to do all the work required. Church services have already been reduced using only the Festival model. A sub-committee could be set up but this would not be a legal office. For example the Treasurer would still be controlled by the Rector but the work undertaken by the sub-committee member. Income from weddings, christenings and funerals and Signed…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Dated……………………………………… 4 regular giving is dwindling. There is a national ‘giving scheme’ available, voluntary contributions can be adjusted up/down at any time. The Church requires an income of £5,000 to stay afloat to cover general running costs, insurance and the parish share. A quinquennial is required every 5 years; an Architect reviews the fabric of the building. The Church is organising an outdoor picnic on 13th September which will be promoted in the Garden Gate, face-book page, posters and leaflets. Currently on-line Services are being held. C.Cllr Gardener and the Rector left the meeting at this juncture (8:50pm) 9 To review the Freedom of The Chairman reported that a request had been received Information request from a resident under the Freedom of Information Act. The PC was accused of not being compliant with the Equality Act 2010 but NALC and qualified solicitors did not agree as the issue fell outside the PC remit. All documents relating to the matter are published on the PC website. 10 To review the Parish Council Councillors reviewed the policies submitted by the Clerk. policies The Equal Opportunity Policy & Procedures and the Equality and Diversity Policy were adopted. The Chairman reported that he would circulate an Equality Act 2010 Policy to Councillors for consideration and adoption at the October meeting. 11 Correspondence The correspondence received was duly noted. 12 a)Payment of accounts: All payments were approved and signed by two signatories. Approval of the following: Apr/May/June/July: . £166.79 (546) CAPALC . £256.49 (547) Apr/May Clerk’s salary & expenses . £60.00 (548) Accountancy & Book-Keeping . £333.00 (549) Moore Brighter Gdn Services . £20.00 (550) Milton Estates . £122.18 (551) Jun Clerk’s salary & expenses . £277.00 (552) Moore Brighter Gdn Services . £20.00 (553) Upton Village Hall . £277.00 (554) Moore Brighter Gdn Services . £124.27 (555) Clerk’s Jul salary & expenses . £247.56 (556) Zurich Municipal Signed…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Dated……………………………………… 5 b)To ratify the decision to re-join Council ratified the decision taken in April to re-join CAPALC CAPALC. c)To approve the 2019/20 annual Council unanimously agreed that the 2019/20 annual governance statement governance statement should be signed. The Chairman and the Clerk duly signed the statement. d)To approve the 2019/20 audit Council reviewed the 2019/20 year-end accounts and return and exemption certificate unanimously agreed that the annual audit return and the exemption certificate should be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. 13 Items for discussion at the next . Garden Gate meeting – Monday 5th October 2020 . Village Hall update including Xmas fete . Village pond . Traffic issues . LHI bid . Upton Hill Woods update . Glebe Farm Meeting closed The Chairman closed the meeting at 9:30pm Signed…………………………………………………………………………………………….
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