January 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H171 faces difficulty. We cannot claim jus- Pope Francis promoted universal mended him for that because he raised tice for all when we throw away the in- human values, the importance of soci- it in the State of the Union, as I recall, nocent unborn life. ety, the primacy of the family, the dig- about 2 years ago. Mr. Speaker, I want to delve for a nity of work, the responsibility of peo- Finally, I think we should channel moment into the deeper reasons for ple to properly steward the natural en- money from the abortion facilities these divisions over abortion and the vironment, and the sanctity of all life, which are receiving America’s tax- deeper reasons why we have such a especially the poor, the elderly, those payer dollars, which most Americans caustic debate. who are marginalized, and the unborn. disagree with, by the way, toward nur- For those of us who are pro-life, it This holistic approach of Pope turing pregnancy health centers, and can be hard, frankly, to understand Francis does not fit our political class there are many beautiful examples of why everyone just doesn’t see our per- distinctions, which rage all around us this all around the country. spective. But I believe that much of the in this body. So this is not a Democrat By pursuing these policy proposals, ugliness surrounding the abortion de- or Republican issue, it is about the pro- maybe we shift the cultural under- bate hinges upon the competing values tection of persons and how we build a standing that it is not a choice be- of personal autonomy versus relational truly healthy society. tween radical autonomy—I can only responsibility, once again, personal au- Children in the womb are vulnerable, find strength in myself, me, as an indi- tonomy versus relational responsi- precious members of their families. We vidual, I am alone, abandoned, no mat- bility. must defend them, not in isolation, but ter how much I need others—and a re- Of course, working hard, making as a part of the social fabric upon lational responsibility that we all have something of yourself, refusing to let which our shared future as a people de- for one another. difficult circumstances overcome you, pends. Let’s elevate this idea of that rela- are all hallmarks of a well-ordered life Now, some abortion advocates charge tional responsibility of interdepend- essential to an individual’s progress as that defenders of the unborn are pro- ency within community because we are a person. life only until birth of the child; that living in a shattered society. But, Mr. Speaker, rugged individ- the pro-life position is a part of a gro- Nothing else is working, Mr. Speak- ualism can lead to rugged isolationism, tesque fiction called the war on er. We are in an age of anxiety and a crushing the vitality of the human women. That is a very painful accusa- time of growing threat to the family, heart and leading to loneliness, hope- tion. the very basis of the strength of this lessness, and ultimately despair. In the end, I wish we could rise above great Nation. And could it be, Mr. Speaker, that this, because I believe everyone should Now, more than ever, compassion the confusion surrounding abortion is agree that the choice between radical should be our first principle. the loss of an understanding of the dig- autonomy as a justification for abor- Abortion is violence. Abortion is not nity of each person as they are set in tion, versus relational responsibility, is health care. Abortion is a false choice the environment of a community? a false choice. To be pro-life is to be that no one should ever be forced to On this deeply painful topic of abor- genuinely pro-child, pro-woman, and make. Let’s elevate the ideal of mother- tion, the primary community in ques- pro-family. hood, protect it, nurture it, respect it, tion is, first and foremost, the unique No matter how hard the cir- provide for it, celebrate it, the genius bond between a mother and her child, cumstances, we should all be loving of the feminine, and the beauty of all followed by the bond of the extended enough, caring enough, and we cer- life. family and extended community. tainly have resources enough to pro- All politics—all life—Mr. Speaker, is Mr. Speaker, in a few short weeks, tect both the mother and her child. ultimately founded on relationships. these young people who will, by the Now, Mr. Speaker, I would like to Happiness depends upon social life, on thousands, tens of thousands, crowd look for ways to reframe this entire de- interdependency. A healthy society de- around this Capitol, they are really bate, to look for some light. Maybe pends upon stable and healthy relation- telling us one simple truth: Love them there will continue to be deep philo- ships for promoting sustainable values both, just love them both. sophical differences over the question, and our greater ideals. I yield back the balance of my time. but maybe there is some common But because of cultural confusion, we ground. f establish a false choice. Is it a woman’s A spectrum of policy proposals could PROTECTING OUR SECOND right to choose or is it a child’s right more effectively build wider coalitions, AMENDMENT RIGHTS to life? This should not be a consider- I believe, in the pro-life debate, ad- ation in the broader community that is The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under vancing cultural conversion instead of committed to bonds of solidarity. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- Sadly, I believe, we have lost sight of cultural war. Initiatives could include uary 6, 2015, the Chair recognizes the the degree to which the logic of radical an assault on the scourge of coercion, gentleman from Oklahoma (Mr. RUS- autonomy, severed from foundational which forces many women, including SELL) for 30 minutes. principles that order human relations, young girls, to have an abortion at the Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. Speaker, it was namely, in charity, have created the hands of an uncaring boyfriend or un- New Year’s Eve in Blanchard, Okla- circumstances in which we now find scrupulous doctor. homa. Eighteen-year-old mother Sarah Can’t we find it in ourselves to at- ourselves. McKinley, alone with her 3-month-old Individuals who are alone so often be- tack this injustice? I would like to be- son, heard a ruckus at the door. Two come disassociated from mutuality and lieve we can. men were outside trying to break it community. Decades upon decades of What about incentives for businesses down. Grabbing her baby and barri- this cultural conditioning leaves us to provide better pregnancy and new cading the door with her sofa, she im- with an aggregate understanding that parenthood assistance, including ma- mediately called 911. our strength is only found in ourselves. ternity and paternity leave? Some of In the frantic and desperate situation No wonder a young woman, scared, my colleagues speaking before me men- that followed, it became clear that law alone, or abandoned feels such pressure tioned some of these proposals. No enforcement would not arrive in time to abort. woman should be forced to choose be- to prevent the assault by armed intrud- Mr. Speaker, during last year’s his- tween a paycheck and her child. ers. She informed the dispatcher that toric papal visit to the United States, Other ideas could be adoption, en- she had a shotgun, and asked if it was Pope Francis highlighted the need for hanced adoption facilities, counter- all right to shoot the intruders, should what I call social conservation. measures against workplace pregnancy they make their way inside. discrimination, classifying pregnancy Wisely, the dispatcher told Sarah: ‘‘I b 2000 as a qualifying event for health insur- can’t tell you to do that, but you do At its root, social conservation is the ance, initiatives for responsible father- what you have to do to protect that answer to the widespread longing in all hood. baby.’’ of our hearts, that longing for a cul- That is not my idea, that is Presi- Sarah already knew what she might ture of meaning, of purposefulness. dent Obama’s idea. In fact, I com- have to do, and hoped against hope VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 08, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K07JA7.120 H07JAPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 7, 2016 that law enforcement, while responding stitution. While he may be a constitu- Still, while these incidents are trag- quickly, would arrive in time. tional scholar, he needs to be schooled ic, and many beyond the scope of civ- When the armed intruders broke on constitutional history. From Madi- ilized thinking, we cannot substitute down the door, 24-year-old Justin Mar- son, Hamilton, Jefferson, and Adams, emotion for examination. Contrary to tin climbed over the couch and was all the way to the Supreme Court deci- those most vocal—and most funded— greeted with a shotgun blast to the sions with Heller and McDonald, this voices on this issue, we are not the chest. While his accomplice ran for his inalienable right has been affirmed in most violent civilized country on the life, Sarah had saved hers and her defense of its articulation in the Bill of planet. In fact, according to data com- baby’s. Rights. piled from the United Nations Office on Eight weeks ago, 88-year-old Arlene While the President complains of Drugs and Crime, the United States Orms was at home alone in Miami, congressional inaction on the right to ranks in the bottom half of homicides Florida, when an intruder kicked in keep and bear arms, it can no more worldwide among civilized or uncivi- her door.
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