20150622-NEWS--1-NAT-CCI-CL_-- 6/19/2015 2:35 PM Page 1 $2.00/JUNE 22 - 28, 2015 A sure sign of good times for the local apartment industry: Owners are reinvesting millions — P. 3 Police reform is going to be very costly for Cleveland, but business leaders are willing to help — P. 3 Parker could be cracking Clinic believes posting ratings case on mysterious crash of physicians is Mayfield Heights manufacturer believes its search for answers a healthy step to Earhart’s death is on point MetroHealth and UH also plan to post By DAN SHINGLER their docs’ scores in coming months [email protected] By TIMOTHY MAGAW Talk about a great quarter — Parker Hannifin had one [email protected] that might even be historic. Increase net income, check. Increase earnings per Cleveland Clinic docs are seeing stars, and hopefully share, check. Find Amelia Earhart’s crash site, check. five of them. Well, probably. Company executives think so, and The regional health care giant recently joined a hand- we’ll probably know soon if they’re right. ful of hospitals around the country that are posting physi- The Mayfield Heights-based maker of motion control cian ratings — the good, bad and the ugly — on their own products says an expedition led by veteran Earhart re- websites. Doc reviews aren’t necessarily a new thing, but searchers Mike Harris and Dick Spink, which Parker with the limited number of writeups on websites such as sponsored and participated in, has struck gold. Or some Vitals.com or Healthgrades.com, health systems like the of the world’s most sought-after aluminum, at least. Clinic believe they can offer prospective patients a more “We’re looking, really, for the technical compositions accurate picture of what’s happening with their caregivers. of the (aircraft) pieces we found,” said John Jeffery, di- And soon the Clinic won’t be alone in Northeast Ohio, rector of Parker Aerospace technology and business de- as University Hospitals and MetroHealth plan to do the velopment, who participated in the search. same in the coming months. “Also, one has some paint that we think might be a “We believe that what’s out there isn’t data that’s valid match to her airplane,” he said. “I have good confidence or of reasonable numbers to truly reflect the care people we’re going to have some success here.” Executives at are getting,” said Dr. Adrienne Boissy, the Clinic’s chief So how did Jeffery, a California-based engineer and Parker Hannifin experience officer. “We can provide more meaningful executive of an Ohio-based company, end up halfway believe they data for patients. Transparency isn’t just posting good around the world in the remote Pacific Ocean, looking found the crash stuff. When I say we mean it, we mean it.” for a famous plane that crashed in 1937? And why does site of Amelia The Clinic’s scores, which can be accessed through its Parker even care? Earhart. Below, online Find a Doctor tool, are an average of all responses The answer to the second question is fairly simple. parts they found to the system’s outpatient and inpatient surveys, which Parker found out that it made parts for Earhart’s Lock- that are being are administered by a third-party vendor. To ensure heed Electra 10E plane, including the fuel gauges and tested for validitiy. they’re accurate, ratings are displayed only for those other parts of the plane’s fuel system, which had been providers with at least 30 returned surveys. heavily modified to enable the pilot to cross the Pacific Clinic officials insist the anonymous comments aren’t in her attempt to circle the globe. cherry picked and are monitored only to ensure protect- As for how the company got involved, that’s a longer ed health information or vulgarity doesn’t make it onto and better story. It began last year when Jeffery’s broth- the site. Moreover, the Clinic is posting data gleaned from er, Jim, heard from an old friend who was a profession- surveys sent directly to patients, so not just anyone can al explorer and Earhart researcher. post a negative review. The surveys are administered by “Just before Christmas, my brother called me, he had Press Ganey, an independent patient satisfaction compa- a friend, that I know also, who has been a professional ny that works with roughly half of all U.S. hospitals. explorer all his life. Mike Harris,” John Jeffery recalled. Boissy, a neurologist, doesn’t have much to hide, as she “He said he had an exploration and knew Parker was an carries a perfect five-star rating (“Nothing bad to say,” one aerospace company and wanted to know if we wanted patient said). On average, the Clinic’s docs boast 4.8 stars to be involved.” out of five, but if you dig deep enough, you’ll find some Harris had been looking for Earhart’s plane for less-than-flattering comments. For example, despite a See CRASH, page 11 GETTY IMAGES (2), CONTRIBUTED PHOTO See CLINIC, page 22 25 7 ALSO INSIDE: WHO TO WATCH NEWSPAPER Crain’s looks at some of the people who are Entire contents © 2015 74470 83781 making their mark in the Northeast Ohio by Crain Communications Inc. ■ Vol. 36, No. 25 0 technology sector Pages 13-18 20150622-NEWS--2-NAT-CCI-CL_-- 6/18/2015 12:53 PM Page 1 Small Business Matters i Want more information and resources on this week's topics, ideas and events? Go to www.cose.org/smallbizmatters. PRESENTED BY ASK THE EXPERT IT in the Sky: Is the Cloud Right for Your Business? What is the “cloud” phenomenon all about? that will work with you on a Proof of Concept You hear it constantly, but what does it mean 76*HUKPUWOHZLZÄ[`V\PU[V[OLJSV\K( and how can it be used to help small business POC will determine the feasibility of moving to June 22 owners? the cloud; it can also be a useful tool to see The cloud has been a buzzword for several how well you and the vendor work together. years, and with good reason. The cloud is rap- Look for a cloud provider capable of mov- PKS`YLK\JPUNJVZ[ZHUKPTWYV]PUNLɉJPLUJPLZ ing you to a global economy. An important By The Numbers for businesses globally. In its simplest form, business consideration in today’s fast-paced the cloud consists of services and software and ever-changing technology landscape is that are accessed through the Internet instead leveraging IT ecosystems. It’s important to of your local network. Cloud environments are partner with groups that can understand your housed in highly available, fully redundant and business and collaborate to meet and exceed 40% compliant third-party audited data centers and your objectives. of business owners say 2L]PU.VVKTHU are built on enterprise hardware. It’s safe to By virtualizing your IT applications and in- bookkeeping & taxes are )S\L)YPKNL5L[^VYRZ return to an old business axiom: When trans- frastructure, your company can create oppor- the worst part of owning a formation occurs it brings new challenges; it [\UP[PLZ[VILJVTLTVYLLɉJPLU[HUKYLK\JL small business also brings opportunity. Small and mid-size drive and grow your business. You may want your overall IT footprint. As you move toward 6SHFLðFDOO\ businesses must become comfortable under- to beef up your disaster recovery and busi- the cloud, be sure to leverage the umbrella of standing the cloud infrastructure and all they ness continuity strategies or be prepared to your provider’s audits and compliance to laws 47%GLVOLNHWKHðQDQFLDOFRVW can gain from utilization. Careful due diligence scale your IT to meet varying customer de- and best practices. By entering the cloud lay- 13% dislike administrative ^PSSOLSWI\ZPULZZLZTHRLJVUÄKLU[KLJPZPVUZ mands. Connecting your mission critical apps ers, you will reduce and eliminate single points headaches & time PU ÄUKPUN [OL YPNO[ WYV]PKLYZ [V SH\UJO [OLT into facilities that have faster performance of failure, and bring your company to the out- 13% dislike the complexity of into this space. and higher security than your own makes side world in a highly reliable and secure way. compliance Reasons to move to a cloud platform are good business sense. 10% dislike changing many. Perhaps you are facing a hardware re- The idea that the cloud is only for larger KEVIN GOODMAN is managing director and regulations & confusion fresh, new levels of compliance requirements, companies is inaccurate. There are many bud- partner with Blue Bridge Networks, a cloud 8% dislike all the paperwork security and /or law, or your company may get-friendly cloud options for small and medi- data center and managed services business wish to move toward applications that can um-sized businesses. Find a cloud company headquartered in downtown Cleveland. 8% dislike inequity of the tax code SOURCE: SCORE Owner Resources ,HYU \W [V MV\YWLYJLU[ VɈ `V\Y^VYRLYZ» JVTWLUZH[PVU WYLTP\TZ Q\Z[ I` QVPUPUN [OL Connection Calendar Northeast Ohio Safety Council (NEOSC) and attending its monthly breakfast meetings. THINK SPOT KEYNOTE SERIES The NEOSC is a great resource for business owners looking to create and maintain a FEATURING FRANS JOHANSSON, ZHML^VYRPUNLU]PYVUTLU[-YVTWLY[PULU[ZHML[`PUMVYTH[PVU[VX\HSPÄLKHUKL_WLYPLUJLK AUTHOR OF THE MEDICI EFFECT speakers, NEOSC can provide your organization with the tools and knowledge you need In today’s fast-changing and unpredictable to improve the safety culture within your workplace. The deadline to enroll is July 31. Visit world, the rules are changing so fast that the tried-and-true formulas for success are www.neosafetycouncil.com or call (216) 592-2340 for more information.
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