$HUN$H HgU$ An IndependentPublication of OrthodoxChurch Opinion April,2002 Vol.13,#3(104) Supportedby the voluntary contributions of its readers. Republicationpermitted upon acknowledgment of source. CORRECTIONS: We apologizefor several typos in thelast issue... the date and issue numbers were incorrect and in thearticle on "Defenseof BishopVarnava" several typos occurred... lt shouldhave been designated: March 2002, Vol. 13 # 2 (103)and some proper names were incorrectly spelled due to toohasty use of thecomputer spell check feature. Veranda shouldread Varnava, Ridge should read Ridiger, Tsarina should read Starina, Lena should read Lesna. Alsothe previous issue should be designated January-February 2002,Vol. 13 # 1 (1021. GONTENTS: THENADIR OF BETRAYALAND MEANNESS THELATEST DISHONESTY OF ARCHBISHOP MARK PARISHIN RIMAN LEAVESROCOR AND JOINS METROPOLITAN VALENTIN THEDIOCESAN COUNCIL OF THE LATVIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH IN DEFENSE OF METROPOLITAN VALENTIN FROMTHE UNPUBLISHED WORKS ABOUTTHE WESTERN EUROPE CLERGY "ASSISI"IN ATHENS ECUMENICALPATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW IN AMERICA A NEWVERSTON OF THE PENTATEUCH (TORAH) FOR CONTEMPORARY JEWS EXPLOSIONWITHIN CATHOLICISM ABOUTTHE "RELIGIOUS REVIVAL'' IN RUSSIA PUTINAND THE CHIEF RABBI IN RUSSIA FEWWORDS ABOUT INN NEWTEACHING ON CHRISTOLOGY CHURGHNEWS 639Center St. Oradell,NJ 07649 Tel./Fax120'll 967 -7 684 Findus at: http://www. russianorthodoxch urch. org THENADIR OF BETRAYALAND MEANNESS TheSynod of Bishopsof ROCOR(Laurus) via the Internet has published one of itsmost disgraceful documents called: \--/ t' TheSvnod of Bishops: Willwaivethe restraining orders against Mrs. Rosniansky in Canadaand the US. Willremove Mrs. Rosniansky as a co-defendantin the Canadian litigation concerning property registered in thename of MetropolitanVitaly. Willprocure living arrangements for MetropolitanVitaly suitable to hisposition and forward specifically to the personof MetropolitanVitaly his personalproperty. Willprovide Mrs. Rosniansky with living quarters in proximityto MetropolitanVitaly. Willsend Metropolitan Vitaly his automobile for his use. Willprovide health insurance coverage for Mrs. Rosniansky. Willprovide a secretaryfor the Metropolitan. In return.Mrs. Rosnianskv: Willin goodfaith attempt to persuadeMetropolitan Vitaly to moveto NovoDiveevo. Willbe responsiblefor the daily care of MetropolitanVitaly. Willnot involve herself in ecclesiasticalaffairs. Will not removeMetropolitan Vitaly from NovoDiveevo without first providing simple notice to the Synod.The Synod reservesthe right to appealto MetropolitanVitaly directly should it feelnecessary. Willnot allow visitors to MetropolitanVitaly who may be objectionable to the Synod for any reason. Willnot restrict access to theMetropolitan by members or representativesof the Synod. Willnot participate in anysecretarial functions for MetropolitanVitaly. Willmaintain a detailedaccounting of MetropolitanVitaly's expenditures and a detailedlist of medicationsprescribed to MetropolitanVitaly and provide both to theSynod upon request. ln addition: MetropolitanVitaly's primary physician will be the physicianof the NovoDiveevo Old Age Home.No Metropolitan physiciansmay examine or prescribemedication to MetropolitanVitaly without approval from his doctor. ---t Signed: + MetropolitanLaurus Date:March 2no,2OO2 Signed: L. Rosiansky Date: 310512002 Alsoon the Internet(in English)the adherentsof MetropolitanVitaly, who did not signtheir names to the published explanation,stated that so farthe Synod of Bishopshas already spent more than $150,000 in theeffort to makethe aged MetropolitanVitaly return to NewYork. Afternot succeedingin attainingthe resultsdesired, nevertheless Metropolitan Laurus decided to get the necessary resultsby bribingthe womanwho had swornher loyaltyto MetropolitanVitaly and who, accordingto the Synodof Bishops'opinion stated in court,was keeping him under the influenceof drugsand was dangerous to hiswell being. As is clearfrom the publisheddocument, this treachery did indeedhappen. Mr. Paganuzzi,who recently blocked the roadin Mansonvilleto preventthe abduction of theMetropolltan, took upon himself the role of go-between.Rosniansky agreed to lurethe Metropolitaninto a trapand to becomean actualhouse jailer under the supervision of BishopGabriel. According to the detailsof the agreement,Metropolitan Vitaly will neverneed to use his car and,even less - a secretarylMrs. Rosniansky,for herbetrayal would get free living quarters and medical insurance. Nothing is saidabout a salary,but it is a commonknowledge, that one gets medical insurance in additionto a salary! Accordingto informationfrom Canada,so far MetropolitanVitaly flatly has refusedto go to New York evendespite permissionof thecourt issued to Mrs.Rosniansky to visithim. She did show up to seethe Metropolitan being escorted by twopolice officers! lt seemsMrs. Rosniansky still hopes to lurethe Metropolitan into the trap in the USA,despite the fact thatsome of thebishops in Mansonvilletold her that she is notwelcome there. Fromthis agreement it is notclear what will happen to Mrs.Rosniansky nor whether she will succeed in herefforts "in goodfaith" to capturethe agedMetropolitanl THELATEST DISHONESTY OF ARCHBISHOP MARK It has beenknown for sometime that the formerAbbess Juliania of Mt. OlivesConvent in Jerusalem,after being removedfrom the Holy City by the ROCORSynod of Bishopsbecause she so bravelydefended the church property there .-. frombeing seized by the MP is awarehow much the whole course of the ROCORhas changed. The Councilof Bishops of 2001confirmed her apprehensions and when it becamequite clear that a schismwithin the ROCORhad materialized, AbbessJuliania and her convent left the newlyelected Metropolitan Laurus and joined the new jurisdiction of Metropolitan Vitaly.The Abbess Juliania on severaloccasions publicly sharply criticized the new policy of theChurch Abroad. 2 'Thoughts Accordingto theagency Vetrograd.Razsylka #233 of March19th, an Internetpublication, aboutRussia' has publisheda denial,signed by the AbbessJuliania, of disinformationgiven by ArchbishopMark. In this refutationit is reportedthat the Archbishoprefused to forwardto AbbessJuliania a donationfrom the Fuenerfamily, and without his memo,they cannot receive a "taxexemption." Trusting Archbishop Mark, Alexander and KyraFuener wished Mother '--l Julianiafind "spiritual and moral support" from the MoscowPatriarchate. The donation of thisfamily is the mainsource of incomefor Abbess Juliania's convent and orphanage in Chile. Thisis not the firsttime that the treacherousinterference of ArchbishopMark has preventeda possibledonation of fundsto ecclesiasticalinstitutions that do not acceptthe MoscowPatriarchate. Once he managedto stopan almost completedagreement with a Germanconstruction company that was ready, almost free of charge,to fix theroof of theSt. AlexanderNevsky Church and the buildingsin the "RussianExcavations" in Jerusalem,which belong to the Orthodox PalestineSociety. He slanderouslydeclared to the ownerof thiscompany that the OrthodoxPalestine Society is illegal and its President,Bishop Anthony (Grabbe), is a morethan dubious person. Due to this lie of ArchbishopMark, the agreementwas not completedand, ever since, the roofof the Excavationshas beenin such poorcondition that no pilgrimsare allowed inside for fear that it mightfall in. PARISHIN RIAZANLEAVES ROCOR AND JOINS METROPOLITAN VALENTIN Accordingto Vertograd.Razsylka#233,at the end of CheeseFare Week, Metropolitan Valentin, First Hierarch of the RussianAutonomous Church, visited a parishin the cityof Riazan,which left the ROCORand joined him about a year ago. MetropolitanValentin served in the HolyEpiphany Church with the rectorPriest Serge Yevchik. After the service, Vladykamet with the parishionerswhom he praisedfor standingfirm in the truthand recommendedthey speed up the processof the newregistration of the parish.This parish has leftthe ChurchAbroad, considering the decisionsof the Councilof Bishopsof 2000to be unacceptable. Originallythis church was builtin 1673and functioned normally until 1930, when the priest,Fr. John, was martyred. At the beginningof 1992this church was handedover to the parishof St. Basilof Riazanby a decisionof the Riazanlocal administrationand until 2001 was in thejurisdiction of ROCOR. THEDIOCESAN COUNCIL OF THE LATVIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH IN DEFENSEOF METROPOLITANVALENTIN 'J Accordingto theagency Vertograd.Razsylka # 231 of March14tn, the Diocesan Council of theLatvian Orthodox Church withinthe Russian Autonomous Church, on March4'n sent to theProsecutor of thecity of Vladimirthe following letter: DearMr. Prosecutor; The Orthodoxworld diaspora is concernedby the prolongedlitigation regarding the case of the Most Reverend Valentin(Rousantsov), Metropolitan on Suzdaland Vladimir, President of theRussian Orthodox Autonomous Church. Someinternational agencies report what we believeto be a judicialfarce, inspired by interestedpeople under the influenceof the MoscowPatriarchate. The saidcourt litlgation discredits the honorof the Orthodoxdiaspora in Latvia, whichis underthe spiritual omophorion of MetropolitanValentin. We believethat the accusationsagainst Metropolitan Valentin, a steadfastpreserver of theOrthodoxy and the follower of thelast canonical Patriarch of Moscowand All RussiaSt. Tikhon, are a judicialabsurdity. The provocateursof thisenterprise are definitelynon-believing people. A. Osetrov,H. Shipounova,D. Krasovskyand S. Morozovahave even the physicalsymptoms of theirsickness and uttermoral downfall. The negativepsychological
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