his list of the most common birds of Montezuma √ Common name A H S √ Common name A H S Castle National Monument is based on previous DUCKS AND GEESE red-naped sapsucker C Ri W documentation of abundance (A). In suitable habi- T wood duck C Ri,We Y ladder-backed woodpecker A Ri,D Y tat and season, birds on this list are likely to be seen daily. Birds classified as abundant (A) are likely to be counted in mallard C Ri,We Y northern flicker A Ri,D Y larger numbers than those classified as common (C). common merganser C Ri,We Y red-shafted flicker A Ri,D Y Habitats (H) are separated into three categories. Ripari- QUAIL FALCONS an (Ri) habitats are characterized by riparian vegetation, Gambel's quail A D Y American kestrel C Ri,D Y such as Arizona sycamore and green ash. Desert scrub HERONS TYRANT FLYCATCHERS (D) habitats include vegetation native to a drier setting, such as mesquite, creosote, and crucifixion thorn. Wet- great blue heron C Ri,We Y western wood-pewee C Ri S land (W) habitats are found in or near the rush-filled VULTURES Hammond's flycatcher C Ri,D M marsh edges of Montezuma Well. turkey vulture A Ri,D S gray flycatcher C Ri,D M The varied habitats of Montezuma Castle National RAPTORS dusky flycatcher C Ri,D M Monument make it a vital site for many birds. Birds that Cooper's hawk C Ri,D Y Pacific-slope flycatcher C Ri M do not migrate are considered to be year-round (Y) resi- common black-hawk C Ri S black phoebe C Ri,We Y dents and can be seen at any time of year. Summer (S) zone-tailed hawk C Ri S Say's phoebe C Ri Y residents are at the monument roughly during June–Au- gust, while Winter (W) residents occur during colder red-tailed hawk A Ri,D Y vermilion flycatcher C Ri S times of year. Migratory (M) birds may be seen from SANDPIPERS ash-throated flycatcher A Ri,D S March to May and September to October as they brief- spotted sandpiper C Ri,We Y brown-crested flycatcher A Ri,D S ly pass through the mounument on their way to other DOVES Cassin's kingbird A Ri S habitats. Year-round and summer residents are typically breeding birds. white-winged dove A Ri,D S western kingbird A Ri S mourning dove A Ri,D Y SHRIKES Key CUCKOOS AND ALLIES loggerhead shrike C D Y Abundance (A) A—Abundant yellow-billed cuckoo C Ri S VIREOS C—Common greater roadrunner C D Y Bell's vireo C Ri S Habitat (H) D—Desert Scrub OWLS plumbeous vireo C Ri,D M Ri—Riparian western screech-owl C Ri,D Y Cassin's vireo C Ri,D M We—Wetlands great horned owl C Ri,D Y Hutton's vireo C Ri M Season (S) Y—Year-round GOATSUCKERS warbling vireo C Ri M S—Summer lesser nighthawk C D S CORVIDS W—Winter common nighthawk C D S common raven A Ri,D Y M—Migratory common poorwill C D S SWALLOWS SWIFTS tree swallow C Ri,We M Photos clockwise from top left: cactus wren, verdin, Gila woodpecker, white-throated swift C Ri,D Y violet-green swallow C Ri,We M red-tailed hawk, greater roadrunner. All photos ©Robert Shantz HUMMINGBIRDS except cactus wren, ©Greg Lavaty. northern rough-winged swallow A Ri,D S This checklist was produced by the National Park Service, Sonoran black-chinned hummingbird A Ri,D S bank swallow C Ri,We M Desert Network. Anna's hummingbird C Ri,D Y cliff swallow A Ri,D S The information in this list is based on bird observations, inventories, and surveys at Montezuma Castle National Monument. However, broad-tailed hummingbird C Ri,D M barn swallow C Ri,D,We M especially with changing land use and climate, bird lists are always WOODPECKERS AND ALLIES TITMICE works in progress. The list is arranged in order by family with common names following the American Ornithologists’ Union’s Check-list of Gila woodpecker A Ri,D Y bridled titmouse C Ri Y North American Birds, 7th edition, and its supplements to 2013. √ Common name A H S √ Common name A H S VERDINS AND BUSHTITS EMBERIZINES National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior verdin A Ri,D Y green-tailed towhee C Ri,D W bushtit A Ri Y spotted towhee C Ri W Montezuma Castle National Monument Camp Verde, Arizona NUTHATCHES rufous-crowned sparrow A D Y white-breasted nuthatch C Ri Y canyon towhee A D Y WRENS Abert's towhee A Ri Y Bird Checklist rock wren C D Y chipping sparrow A Ri,D Y canyon wren C D Y Brewer's sparrow A Ri,D W house wren C Ri W black-chinned sparrow C D Y Bewick's wren A Ri,D Y lark sparrow C Ri,D Y cactus wren C D Y black-throated sparrow C D Y KINGLETS AND GNATCATCHERS song sparrow C Ri Y blue-gray gnatcatcher C Ri,D S Lincoln's sparrow C Ri W black-tailed gnatcatcher C D Y white-crowned sparrow A Ri,D W ruby-crowned kinglet A Ri,D W dark-eyed junco C Ri,D W THRUSHES TANAGERS hermit thrush C Ri W hepatic tanager C Ri S American robin C Ri,D M summer tanager A Ri S THRASHERS western tanager C Ri,D M northern mockingbird A Ri,D Y CARDINALS AND ALLIES curve-billed thrasher C D Y northern cardinal A Ri,D Y crissal thrasher C Ri,D Y black-headed grosbeak C Ri M STARLINGS blue grosbeak C Ri,D S European starling C Ri,D Y lazuli bunting C Ri,D S SILKY FLYCATCHERS ICTERIDS phainopepla A Ri,D Y red-winged blackbird C Ri M WARBLERS Brewer's blackbird C Ri,We Y orange-crowned warbler C Ri,D M great-tailed grackle A Ri,D Y Lucy's warbler A Ri,D S bronzed cowbird C Ri,D S Nashville warbler C Ri,D M brown-headed cowbird A Ri,D Y Virginia's warbler C Ri,D M hooded oriole A Ri,D S Macgillivray's warbler C Ri,D M Bullock's oriole A Ri,D S yellow warbler A Ri S Scott's oriole C Ri,D S Audubon's warbler A Ri W FINCHES AND ALLIES black-throated gray warbler C Ri M house finch A Ri,D Y Townsend's warbler C Ri,D M pine siskin C Ri W Wilson's warbler C Ri,D M lesser goldfinch A Ri,D Y yellow-breasted chat C Ri S.
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