Caymanian Thursday, February 13, 2020 Issue No 498 www.caymaniantimes.ky Complimentary INSIDE THIS ISSUE ORIA Airport reopened COMMUNITY NOTICES — A2 Tuesday morning Online AML Learning Platform Now Available for Industry Members LOCAL NEWS — A5 Enterprise Cayman Workforce Development Initiative Expands Programme Full story on page A8 >> LAW ENFORCEMENT — A6 CAYMAN RAMPS UP CORONAVIRUS PREVENTION Cayman nationals and returning resi- dents who have recently returned from visiting mainland China, or are planning Fatal Jet Ski Collision off Seven Mile to return will now be placed in quaran- Beach tine for up to fourteen days since count- ing from the date they left departing mainland China. LOCAL SPORTS — A7 With the immediate effect, the govern- ment of the Cayman Islands is stepping up measures to safeguard the territory against the spread of the Novel Corona- virus by placing restrictions on persons who have been to China recently. Cabinet has approved that the 2019 novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) be add- es of the Public Health Law (2002 Revi- sion).ed to the Schedule of Noti�iable Diseas- ... Continued story on page A3 BREXIT’S NEXT STEPS: McTaggart Rides Toward CAC Goal CARIBBEAN OTs PERSPECTIVES REAL ESTATE — B7 By Michael Jarvis, UK Correspondent Brexit continues to occupy the at- tention of the British Overseas Territo- ries(OTs) to varying degrees depending on local priorities; ranging from possi- bilities of opportunity, uncertainty…and to little effect if any. The Cayman Islands, for example, sees opportunity amongst the challeng- es, while at the other end of the spec- trum, some others are concerned about the uncertainty it brings. Homes for sale ... Continued story on page A4 UK Overseas Territories map Caymanian FRONT PAGE BANNERS NOW AVAILABLE Contact 916 2000 for rate and to book this space COMMUNITY NOTICES PAGE A2 Thursday, February 13, 2020 | Issue No 498 C�������� T���� COMMUNITY NOTICES Online AML Learning Platform Now Available for Industry Members The Cayman Islands Government, with support from Cayman Finance, has developed online learning modules re- lating to anti-money laundering, coun- CPF).tering terrorist �inancing, and counter- ingThese proliferation free, self-paced, �inancing (AML/CTF/on-demand lessons are available for persons in the fessions,�inancial servicessuch as industrylawyers and inrealtors. desig- Thenated objective non-�inancial is to businessesreinforce Cayman’s and pro- "The modules allow industry to fur- sations, and dealers in precious metals ther enhance their compliance with anding andGovernment narrating Information these short Services, videos,” cial services businesses. effective practice of the FATF (Financial he said. “I also thank Cayman Finance; and“Industry stones; andmembers the obligations can choose of �inan- the Action Task Force) global standards, by General,Cayman’s the framework, Hon. Samuel which Bulgin, is based QC. on offacilitating industry. the cascading of knowledge theEach FATF module standards,” is followed said the by Attorney a short Communicationwhich produced theand bulk Public of the Relations videos.” of AML/CTF/CPF throughout all levels quiz to solidify the Added Ben Meade, Cayman Finance’s modules that best �it with their respon- learnings. have our eLearning platform used a ve- sibilities, or complete them all,” said Jus- hicleManager, to disseminate “We are pleased this important to be able in-to thetine modules’ Plenkiewicz, production. Deputy National Coor- ment’s National Co- dinator“The aimfor the of AMLSG,the online who learning coordinated plat- ordination“I thank Team Govern- that committed to maintaining and enhanc- ingformation. the Cayman Like Government, Islands’ position industry as isa form was to make information easily ac- ingis assistingSteering the Group An- The modules provide an overview of cessible to anyone who works with the ti-Money Launder- leading international �inancial centre.” Cayman Islands’ AML/CFT/CPF frame- competent author- work, whether they are based here or ities(AMLSG), who superviseand the �inancial crime, including Government’s overseas.” various sectors of our instructure the Cayman and CFATF Islands (Caribbean for lawyers, Finan- ac- modulesAs more are content added tois Caymandeveloped, Finance’s indus- industry, for prepar- cial Action Task Force) process; risks e-learningtry members platform. will be noti�ied when new countants, realtors, non-pro�it organi- CUC ANNOUNCES DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND ON CLASS A ORDINARY SHARES CARIBBEAN UTILITIES COMPANY, LTD. CLASS A ORDINARY SHARES ARE LISTED FOR TRADING IN UNITED EDITORIAL | COMMUNITYSTATES NOTICES FUNDSEDITORIAL ON THE | COMMUNITY TORONTO NOTICES STOCK EXCHANGE PAGE 2 Wednesday, October 18, 2017 | Issue No 132 Caymanian Times PAGE 2 Wednesday, OctoberCaribbean 18, 2017 Utilities | IssueCompany, No Ltd. 132 (TSX:CUP.U) Caymanian Times (“CUC” or “the Company”) announced today that the Board ofOTIC Directors hasE declaredS a dividend of US$0.175 NOTICES EDITORIAL Nper Class A Ordinary Share, or an annualized dividendEDITORIAL 2020.of US$0.70 per share. The dividend will be payable on MarchCUC Customs15,provides 2020 toelectricity shareholders to GrandRegistration of record Cayman, on MarchCayman 1, of ImportersCustoms begins Registration of Importers begins Islands, under a non-exclusive Electricity Generation To help importers start using a system for entry declaration, the Department will To help importers start using a system for entry declaration, the Department will Licence expiring in 2039 and an exclusive Electric- start registering importers starting Monday, 16 October 2017. start registering importers starting Monday, 16 October 2017. The registration is required by the implementation of a new online electronic The registration is required by the implementation of a new online electronic in 2028. Further information is available at www. system for entry declaration. Effective 1 November 2017, the Cayman Islands system for entry declaration. Effective 1 November 2017, the Cayman Islands cuc-cayman.com.ity Transmission and Distribution Licence expiring Customs Department will implement the new system. This will require importers Customs Department will implement the new system. This will require importers Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. (“CUC” or “the Com- to complete and submit entries electronically to Customs using the new gateway to complete and submit entries electronically to Customs using the new gateway pany”), on occasion, includes forward-looking state- portal COLS (Customs Online System). Importers will be able to access the portal mentsportal in COLS its media (Customs releases, Online Canadian System). securities Importers regu- will be able to access the portal through the website www.customs.gov.ky. latorythrough authorities the website �ilings, www.customs.gov.ky. shareholder reports and other Tips of the Week For individuals who have not yet received training in the use of the system, Customs will provide in-house training. Tips of the Week communications.For individuals Forward-looking who have not yet statements received training include in the use of the system, Customs will provide in-house training. statements that are predictive in nature, dependMotivational upon Tip However, before they can use COLS, importers will have to be formally registered and recognised as an importer by Customs. Motivational Tip However, before they can use COLS, importers will have to be formally registered and recognised as an importer by Customs. future events or conditions, or include words such asThe Power of Music This will require each individual to come in and provide Customs with relevant information including a government-issued The Power of Music This will require each individual to come in and provide Customs with relevant information including a government-issued “expects”, “anticipates”, “plan”, “believes”, “estimates”,Do not underestimate the power Do not underestimate the power “intends”, “targets”, “projects”, “forecasts”, “schedule”,of music. Music can heal the sick, their business licence and/or companies registration including directorship. of music. Music can heal the sick, their business licence and/or companies registration including directorship. or negative versions thereof and other similarmend expres- the broken heart, relieve stress identification, e.g., driver’s licence or passport. Additionally, it will be necessary for companies and businesses to provide mend the broken heart, relieve stress identification, e.g., driver’s licence or passport. Additionally, it will be necessary for companiesAs a result, and Customs businesses will beginto provide the registration process starting Monday, 16 October through 27 October 2017, from 8:30am sions,As ora result, future Customs or conditional will begin verbs the such registration as “may”,and “will”, evenprocess help starting you to Monday, live longer. 16 OctoberJust through 27 October 2017, from 8:30am and even help you to live longer. Just “should”, “would” and “could”. Forwardlookingask state-some of our seniors who are still ask some of our seniors who are still Roberts Drive (locally known as Airport Road). mentsRoberts are Drive based (locally on underlying known as assumptions Airport Road). andplaying man- music and CUC dancing. headquarters They will playing music and dancing. They will to 4:00pm Monday to Friday. Registration will take place on the 1st floor of Customs Headquarters, located at #42 Owens agement’sto 4:00pm beliefs, Monday estimates to Friday.
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