2018.04 1981 Fashion & Restaurant33 Follow us on Wechat! 22 A glimpse of Recreating Shangri-La Hotel Tianjin Executive Chinese Chef the Cantonese Oliver Lai Culinary Palate Authentic Cantonese 上佳食材,全新手法 gastronomy with a 香宫重塑粤式美味 contemporary spirit InterMediaChina www.tianjinplus.com IST offers your children a welcoming, inclusive international school experience, where skilled and committed teachers deliver an outstanding IB education in an environment of quality learning resources and world-class facilities. 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THAI MASSAGE Sandy Moore [email protected] He is well-known for pushing culinary boundaries with his delectable, authentic and masterfully presented Cantonese dishes, which are regarded as an authority in terms of traditional Cantonese, Advertising Agency combined with the new Tianjin cuisine. The most discerning of these tastes will always find 泰享阁足道会馆 InterMediaChina [email protected] comfort with Chef Oliver Lai, the renowned Executive Chinese Chef of Shangri-La Hotel, Tianjin. He is responsible for the hotel’s signature Chinese restaurant, Shang Palace, and the Chinese banquet Aocheng Plaza Tianxi 22-23/132, Publishing Date kitchen. April 2018 Nankai District, Tianjin Do food and fashion run parallel to each other? Delights of fare and the desire for high-end couture 南开区奥城商业广场天玺22-23132 Tianjin Plus is a Lifestyle Magazine. fashion seem like diametric opposites. 1981 fashion and restaurant has cross-pollinated two of life’s For Members ONLY greatest pleasures. This marriage has given us the best of both worlds and it is no longer a concept +86 22 8137 2222 www. tianjinplus. com for the future giving rise to a new retail niche. ISSN 2076-3743 We recommend to you this month to plan a visit to Cuandixia, a village in the vicinity of China’s grandiose capital city that remains humble and true to its origins. And when it comes to beautiful 纯正泰人泰式按摩&SPA views, Beijing will not let you down. Any corner or alley of the city can be picturesque, including the impressive architecture the city boasts of, be it historical or modern. In our Beijing Beat section 会员持续招募中 we recommend to you some places that can provide a memorable dining experience. Don’t forget to visit our website www.tianjinplus.com and follow us on our official Wechat account (ID: tianjin_plus) for more articles and information. Best wishes, Sandy Moore Managing Editor | Tianjin Plus Magazine 天津香格里拉大酒店荟萃东西方美食精华,从香宫的正宗粤菜和津门名菜,到韵咖啡的国际豪华自 助餐以及大堂酒廊的经典下午茶,这里的美食一定另您目不暇接。美味餐饮的背后离不开优秀的主厨。 赖建辉师傅做为香宫中餐厅行政总厨,负责中式宴会厨房的日常运营与菜品的品质。技艺高超的他已有 34年中餐烹饪的丰富经验。翻开封面故事,了解香宫中餐厅和赖师傅带来的更多惊喜吧!开在教堂门外 的餐厅会给你什么样的特别体验呢?不妨走进1981时尚餐吧去一探究竟。这家餐厅是天津首个提供时 尚美学商品与时尚社交主题活动的概念餐吧。整个空间包含酒水自选超市、餐厅、轻酒吧与时尚美学空 间。本期还将为您推介可以观览京城美景的餐厅、阁楼装饰小妙招。如想获取更多精彩内容,欢迎关注 我们的网站www.tianjinplus.com和公众微信号tianjin_plus,更多有趣资讯在这里等着你! Address: Olympic Tower No.104, Chengdu Road Heping District, Tianjin 和平区成都道126号 奥林匹克大厦1楼104 Tel: +86 22 2334 5716 Opening: 7:00 - 22:00 GANG GANG Bread & Wine 冈冈葡萄酒 & 面包店 DELIVERY It's Free over 100RMB! 点餐超过100元免配送费! Delivery can be made everyday Order one day earlier until 14:00am We accept orders by e-mail or Wechat E-mail: [email protected] Wechat: yushengsensen 2018 2018 40 CONTENTS 04 CONTENTS 04 14 Calendar 10 Interior Design 43 43 Creative Ways to Use the Attic (But not for storage) Partner Promotion 12 Education Art & Culture 14 The Best Time to Study 46 International School of Tianjin 48 Trésors d’Ingres a Montauban Wellington College International Tianjin 49 Relationship 17 Teda International School 50 Past Events 51 Feature Story 18 Telling Stories through the Beat HEALTH WATCH 54 Yves V, DJ and Producer talks EDM Tomorrowland and Touring Understanding Your Good (HDL) and Bad (LDL) Cholesterol 22 Cover Story 22 Entertainment 57 Recreating the Cantonese Culinary Palate 60 Fitness & Gym 58 Beijing Beat 28 The Many Benefits of Yoga and Meditation Best Places to Eat With a View Nightlife 60 Top 30 Tianjin after Dark at 33XS Lounge Top 10 Things to Do in Zhengzhou, Henan Future 62 Slang Bang! 32 The Future of Cooking: Meet Robo, The Cook Hold your horses Restaurant 33 Tianjin Listing Index 64 1981 Fashion & Restaurant TEDA Listing Index 75 33 Fashion 36 The Art of Minimalist Fashion 62 China Travel 78 Beauty 38 Cuandixia Village Top 5 Facial Care Tips For Men Global Travel 80 Nutrition 40 Dublin Glycemic Index and How to Read It 38 80 To include your event, email: 2018 April Calendar [email protected] Drama: The Three Sisters Waiting for Godot James Blunt “Afterlove Asia Tour 2018” Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra Concert Harp concert with Xavier de Maistre Noa, Israel Unplugged Concert German Chamber 话剧《三姐妹•等待戈多》 詹姆斯布朗特北京演唱会 莱比锡布商大厦管弦乐团童声合唱团音乐会 法国竖琴大师梅斯特独奏音乐会 以色列国宝级歌星诺雅•不插电演唱会 Kammerstammtisch Tianjin 03 Time: 19:30 06 Time: 19:30 07 Time: 19:30 22 Time: 19:30 24 Time: 20:00 25 Time: 19:00 - 22:00 Venue: Opera Hall, Tianjin Grand Venue: Beijing LeSports Center Venue: Concert Hall, Tianjin Grand Sun Venue: Beijing Concert Hall Tue Venue: Concert Hall, Tianjin Wed Venue: DK1308 Brauhaus Tianjin Tue Theatre 天津大剧院歌剧厅 Fri 凯迪拉克中心(原五棵松体育馆) Sat Theatre 天津大剧院音乐厅 北京音乐厅 Grand Theatre 天津大剧院音乐厅 路德维格1308啤酒坊 Price: 80 - 480 Price: 480 -1500 Price: 50 - 380 Price: 180 - 680 Price: 80 - 280 Price: Pay 'a la carte'. Tel: +86 22 8388 2000 Tel: +86 10 8822 8066 Tel: +86 22 8388 2000 Tel: +86 10 6605 7006 Tel: + 86 22 8388 2000 Tel: + 86 22 8787 9249 Time: 20:30 Time: 19:30 Time: 19:30 Time: 19:30 Time: 14:00 08 19 Time: 19:30 19 27 Venue: Vision Hill Liuli Theater Venue: Long Fu Theater, Beijing (19 - 21) 26 Venue: Concert Hall, Tianjin Venue: Beijing Exhibition Center Venue: Changyang Music Theme Park Venue: Concert Hall, Tianjin Grand 30 Sun 智慧山•琉璃剧场 Thu Jin Wan Grand Theater, Tianjin (22) Grand Theatre 30 北京展览馆剧场 北京长阳音乐主题公园 Theatre 天津大剧院音乐厅 22 Thu Mon Price: 120 Pre-sale; 隆福剧场 (19 - 21日) 天津大剧院音乐厅 Price: 200 - 800 Price: 580 Pre-sale; Price: 80 - 280 Fri 150 Door Price Thu 天津津湾大剧院 (22日) Price: 50 - 380 Tel: + 86 10 5128 7320 880 Door Price Tel: + 86 22 8388 2000 Tel: +86 5835 7315 Sun Price: 180-380 Tel: + 86 22 8388 2000 Mon Tel: + 86 21 5456 2471 ® Wan Xiaoli China Tour 2018 Polish LA MORRA Concert Julius Caesar by TNT Theatre Britain Philharmonix Concert Lord of the Dance: Dangerous Games GRAMMY Festival Beijing 2018 2018“天秤之舟”全国巡游 波兰拉莫拉古乐团音乐会 英国TNT剧院《凯撒大帝》 维也纳-柏林爱乐音乐家合奏团音乐会 迈克尔•弗莱利《王者之舞•危险游戏》 2018格莱美音乐节北京站 SPECIAL DAYS 过了烟花三月,春光一泻千 里,四月的脚步就迫不及待地 来了。这是一个满载生机的季 节,四月是春天中的春天。在 这个生机勃勃的月份中,带着 如春风一般欢快的心情在愚人 节这天与朋友开个无伤大雅的 玩笑吧。通过小小的恶作剧, 01 01 05 20 27 收获大大的快乐。今年的复活 节恰巧也在4月1日,虔诚的教 April Fool’s Day Easter Qingming Festival Grain Rain Babe Ruth Day 徒们不要忘记在这一天亲吻你 的上帝,感谢他为我们带来重 The exact origins of this fun-filled day This year Easter is the same day as April Qingming is an opportunity for people The day of grain rain is also a great This is a day which is dedicated to 生于希望。清明时节,风和日 of pranks and gags remain unknown- Fool’s Day. By now most Chinese people to honour their ancestors. Young and day to pick and cook tea leaves. "Grain arguably the best and most iconic 丽,莺飞草长,桃红柳绿,大 although some historians claim that the will know about the traditions of the old burn fake money, sweep the tombs Rain Tea" is the name for tea which is player ever to grace the sport of 地一片清净明洁。清明节也是 April fooling tradition goes as far back as Easter festival. Those devilishly addictive and offer pastries, white spirit to the made around the time of grain rain. baseball. If you like baseball, then this 重要的祭祀节日,人们在清明 the Roman era. Anyway, be sure to play chocolate eggs that are synonymous grave sites. Also on that day, people go In water, the one with one sprout and will probably be a special day on your 祭拜祖先,悼念已故亲人,既有 a few pranks on those around you and with this time of year now transcend outside to enjoy the greenery of spring one tender leaf looks like an ancient calendar. If you don’t like the sport 生离死别的辛酸,又有踏青游玩 remember: the crazier the better! national borders. But aside from all the time. Another popular thing to do is spear with a flag. Therefore, it is called whatsoever, then maybe it’s best to just 的欢笑! “清明断雪,谷雨断 cute bunnies and egg hunts etc, if you flying kites. Qingming is also a special "flag spear". The one with one sprout go out for a nice meal instead… 霜”,谷雨节气的到来意味着 are inclined towards Christian beliefs day in Chinese Tea culture since this and two leaves looks like the tongue 寒潮天气基本结束,气温回升 then it is perhaps the most important day divides the fresh green teas by their of a sparrow. Therefore, it is called "the 加快。谷雨节气,是新茶采收的 day on your calendar as it celebrates the picking dates. tongue of sparrow". Grain rain tea has 时节。 所以人们也有喝谷雨茶 resurrection of Christ. a strong and fragrant taste and can last 的习俗。 for a long time in water. Grain rain tea is one of the best kinds of tea.
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