1* Keilschriftbibliographie. 44 1982 (Mit Nachträgen aus früheren Jahren) R. САР1ДСЕ - H. K1,ENGEI, Again we thank those who kindly helped in supplying information about publications, particularly J. A. Brinkman (Chicago), Marinella Casini (Pisa), A. M. Dinçol (Istanbul), В. R. Foster (Yale), A. Kammenhuber (Munich), G. Komoróczy (Budapest), W. R. Mayer (Rome), P. Michałowski (Ann Arbor), M. Popko (Warsaw), R. Van Laere (Hasselt-Kermt), and M. Yoshikawa (Hiroshima). In a special way we wish to thank Prof. Claudio Saporetti, who this year has undertaken full-time activity at the University of Pisa, and consequently is unable to continue checking approximately one hundred periodicals, as he has done for KeiBi for more than a decade (1971-1982, KeiBi 32-43) ; while continuing to collaborate, and checking a more limited number of periodicals, he will leave the main staff of KeiBi. This year we return experimentally to a modified version of the format used in numbers 1-27 of KeiBi (1940-1965). There is a single listing, in two alphabetically ordered sections; the first (entries 1-618) gives books (including dissertations and reviews of previously listed books, dissertations, and journal- volumes), the second (619-1930) gives articles (including necrologies). As in the past, listing is in most cases according to the name of the (first) author, but Festschriften are found under the recipients' names and necrologies under those of the deceased, and a small number of corporately produced works is listed alphabetically by title or subject, not author (CAD, RI^A, RAI, reviewed journals, etc.). The listing is completed by a topical index as well as indices of names, words discussed, and texts. Two considerations have suggested this change First, it is evident that systematic and alphabetic ordering each have their advantages and disadvan- tages ; one imposes an indirect approach (through the indices) to the work of individual authors, the other an indirect approach to the works on a given subject. Secondly, as K. Deller noted in the preface to KeiBi 28, systematic arrangement adds appreciably to the time and operations required for pre- paration of the manuscript, since it imposes two total rearrangements of the entry cards which the present alphabetic ordering does not require. We welcome the reactions of our colleagues to this change ; the expectations and convenience of the users of the bibliography are a factor of central impor- tance in determining whether the arrangement used here will be continued. It should also be added that the use of a computer to prepare the bibliography in future years is now being investigated, and if it proves feasible, it will facili- tate the organizing and indexing of the bibliography. י! — Orientalin ÍO* R. Caplice - H. Klengel The addresses of the compilers are: R. Caplice, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Via della Pilotta 25, 1-00187 Rome, Italy; H. Klengel, Akademie der Wis- senschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Alte Geschichte and Archäologie, Leipziger Str. 3/4, DDR-1086 Berlin, Deutsche Demokratische Republik. Abbreviations AAW = Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft (Wien); AcAn = Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (Magyar Tudományos Akademia) (Budapest); ACFr = Annuaire du College de France (Paris); AEC = Analisi elettronica del cuneiforme. Componente italiana di CM; AEPHEH = Annuaire. École Pratique des Hautes Études. IVe section: sciences historiques et philo- logiques (Paris); AEPHER = Annuaire. École Pratique des Hautes Études. Ve section: sciences religieuses (Paris); AfO = Archiv für Orientforschimg (Graz); AIPHOS = Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orien- taies et Slaves (Bruxelles) ; AIUON = Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orien- tale, Napoli; AIQN. Annali del Seminario di Studi del Mondo Classico, Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli; AJ = Antiquaries Journal (London); AJA = American Journal of Archaeology (Princeton, N.J.) ; AJP = American Journal of Philology (Baltimore); Akkadica. Périodique bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin/Tweemaandelijks periodiek van de Assyrio- logische Stichting Georges Dossin (Bruxelles); AMI = Archäologische Mit- teilungen aus Iran, nF (Berlin); Anadolu. Revue des études d'archéologie et d'histoire en Turquie (Ankara); Anadolu Ar aştırmaları/ Jahrbuch für kleina- siatische Forschung; AnAr / JKF = Anadolu Araştırmaları / Jahrbuch für kleinasiatische Forschimg (jährlich herausgegeben von den Fachbereichen für Hethitologie, Vorderasiatische Archäologie und Frühgeschichte, Philosophische Fakultät der Universität Istanbul); Anatolica. Annuaire International pour les civilisations de l'Asie antérieure publiée sous les auspices de l'Institut historique et archéologique néerlandais à Istanbul (Leiden) ; Ancient World (Chicago); An Cl = l'Antiquité classique (Bruxelles); AnEbl = Annali di Ebla. Studi sulle culture della Siria preellenistica. Missione Archeologica Italiana in Siria. Università degli Studi di Roma; AnOr = Analecta Orientalia (Rom); AnSt = Anatolian Studies. Journal of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara (London); AnTan = Antik Tanulmányok (Budapest); Anthropos. Internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde (St. Augustin bei Bonn) ; Antiquity. A Quarterly Review of Archaeology (Gloucester) ; AO AT = Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients; AO ATS = AO AT, Sonderreihe; AÖAW = Anzeiger der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, phil.-hist. Kl.; AoF — Alto- rientalische Forschungen (Berlin) [Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Alte Geschichte und Archäologie, Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des Alten Orients]; Apollinaris (Institutum Utriusque Iuris Pon- tificiae Universitatis Lateranensis, Roma) ; ArAnz = Archäologischer Anzeiger (Berlin); ArAu = Archaeologia Austriaca (Wien); Archaeology. A Magazine Dealing with the Antiquity of the World (Cambridge, Mass.); Archeologia (Paris); ArÉr = Archaeologiai Értesitô (Budapest); ArOr = Archiv Orien- tální (Praha); AS = Assyriological Studies (Chicago); ASJ = Acta Sume- rologica (Hiroshima) ; AsSt = Asiatische Studien/Études asiatiques (Bern) ; Keilschrif!bibliographie. 44 3* Assur = Monographie Journals of the Near Bast: Assur (Malibu, California); Assyriological Miscellanies (Institute of Assyriology, University of Copenhagen) ; ASTI = Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute [in Jerusalem] (Leiden) ; Athenaeum. Studi periodici di letteratura e storia dell'antichità (Pavia) ; f Atiqôt. Journal of the Israel Department of Antiquites (Jerusalem) ; AÜDTCFD = Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi; Augusti- nianum. Periodicum quadrimestre Instituti Patristici « Augustinianum » (Roma) ; AUSS = Andrews University Seminary Studies (Berrien Springs, Mich.). BAEO = Boletín de la Asociación Española de Orientalistas (Madrid) ; BaM = Baghdader Mitteilungen (Berlin); BAR = Biblical Archaeology Review (Washington); Bar-Ilan (Ramat Gan); BASOR = Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (New Haven, Conn.); Bayn al-Nahrayn/Meso- potamia. Quarterly of the Chaldean Archbishopric, Mosul, Iraq; Beer-Sheva. Annual, Studies in Bible, Ancient Israel and the Ancient Near Bast (University of the Negev, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences); Belleten = Türk Tarih Kurumu Belleten (Ankara); Beth Mikra. Bulletin of the Israel Society for Biblical Research and the World Jewish Bible Society (Jerusalem) ; BibAr = The Biblical Archaeologist. American Schools of Oriental Research (New Haven, Conn.) ; Bible and Spade (Ballston Spa, N.Y.) ; Biblia Revuo (Sydney;) Biblica. Commentarii editi cura Pontificii Instituti Biblici (Roma); BibUotheca Sacra (Dallas); BibMes = Bibliotheca Mesopotamica (Malibu, California); BibOr == ,A Quarterly of Hebrew Letters .בצרון = Bibbia e Oriente (Milano) ; Bitzaron published by the Hebrew Literary Foundation and co-sponsored by the Institute of Hebrew Culture and Education, School of Education, New York University ; (Book List. Society for Old Testament Studies (London =־ New York) ; BLOT) BO == Bibliotheca Orientalis uitgegeven van wegen het Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (Leiden) ; В SMS = Bulletin. The Society for Mesopo- tamian Studies (Toronto); BSOAS = Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London); BSLP = Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris; Bulletin du CEMOCI [Centre d'Études du Moyen-Orient et de la Communauté Islamique] (Square Marie-Louise 18, Boîte 32, 1040 Bruxelles); Buried History. A Quarterly Journal in Biblical Archaeology, published by the Australian Institute of Archaeology, Melbourne; В Z = Biblische Zeitschrift, Neue Folge (Paderborn). Cathedra = Cathedra for the History of Eretz Israel and its Yishuv .־= Jerusalem); CBQ = Catholic Biblical Quarterly (Washington, D.C.); CFM) Bulletin du Club Français de la Medaille; Civiltà cattolica (Roma); ClPh = Classical Philology (Chicago); C1Q = Classical Quarterly (Oxford); CIR = Classical Review (Oxford) ; CM = Cybernetica Mesopotamica (Malibu) ; CRAIBL = Comptes rendus (des séances de !')Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Paris); Currents in Theology and Mission (St. Louis, Mo.); CW = Classical World (Newark, N.J.). DAFI = Cahiers de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Iran (Paris) ; Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift (Kobenhavn); Dialoghi di archeologia, nuova serie (Roma); DissAbstr = Dissertation Abstracts International (Ann Arbor, Michigan) ; DLZ = Deutsche Literaturzeitung (Berlin)
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