WESTERN EXPRESSION Gone West—Tricky Game, by Majestic Light Barbara Livingston photo Barbara Ranks Among Oklahoma’s Top Ten Sires by Lifetime AEI Sire of Multiple Graded Stakes Winner I LOST MY CHOO-NTR one of the World’s Fastest Milers - 1:33 2/5 Exceptional Sale Prices in 2011, $52,000, $22,000, $20,000, etc. buyers include: David Ross, Hidden Brook Farm, Alan Quartucci, Kirk & Judy Robison, Adena Springs & Midwest Thoroughbreds A G1-Pl of GONE WEST in Oklahoma, sire of leading International sires: Elusive Quality, Grand Slam, Proud Cititzen, Speightstown, Canadian Frontier, etc. A consistent source of durable runners-16 stakes horses and 24 earners of $100,000 or more from his first five crops. HIGHCLIFF FARM NATIONALLY RANKED Inquires to Bill Kirton Delanson, New York KIRTON FARMS email: [email protected] Inquiries to Suzie O’Cain (518) 573-2304 or C. Lynwood O’Cain, D.V.M., Farm Mgr. & Resident Veterinarian, HIGHCLIFF 944 Eatons Corners Rd., Delanson, NY 12053 | Phone (518) 875-6168 | Fax (518) 875-6298 Rt. 2, Box 107 • Turpin, OK 73950 Nominated to Breeders’ Cup, Oklahoma Stallions Stakes E-mail: [email protected] | Web Site: www.highcliff.com 580-778-3123 Accredited Oklahoma-BredFarm Stallion Owned by Danny R. Caldwell Earned $68,035 (918) 658-8284 Sold for $475,000 in Standing Stud at 2004 Keeneland Yearling Sunlight Farms Sale Sallisaw, Oklahoma (918) 775-3501 Accredited Oklahoma Stud Fee: $500 Stallion AAIFRF ICROMMAMTAIFNDER 20062004 BayBay -- DosageDosage Profile:Profile: 9-8-13-2-2;3-0-7-0-0; DI: DI: 1.86; 2.24; CD: CD: +0.60 +0.59 RACE AND (STAKES) RECORD RaiseRaise a a Native Native RACE AND (STAKES) RECORD Mr.Mr. Prospector Prospector Age Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earnings GoldGold Digger Digger Age Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earnings GFappianoulch RDr.ambunctious Fager 22 1 0unraced 0 0 $800 JKillaloeameela AsburyGrand MarySplendor 33 67 22(1) 2(1)3(2) 01(1) $112,890 127,880 ThunderUnbridled Gulch NorthernWild Risk Dancer 44 26 1(1)1 03 00 120,00074,908 Storm*Le Fabuleux Bird SAnguarouth Ocean 139 3(1)3(1) 2(1)6(2) 01(1) $248,680$187,798 LGanaine of FacilThunder HInigh Reality Line ShootCharedi a Line (GB) DeathMagic Ray At 3, WON Woodlawn S. at Pimlico (1 mi., turf, defeating PointUnbridled’s Given (1998) Song (1993) At 3, WON an allowance race at Santa Anita Park (1 1/8 mi., RaiseGrey Sovereign a Native AFortinolydar II equalLonely top Whistle, weight of Heros 120 lbs., Image, defeating Saint Stella Omega, Mark, etc.), Mar- a SRanavaloweet Tooth III TurkomanCaro (IRE) genot,maiden Family special Talk, weight etc.), racea maiden at Gulfstream special weight Park race(1 mi., at TableChamossaire Play TabaChambord (ARG) FilipinaLife Hill Santaturf, by Anita 9 lengths, Park (1 defeating1/16 mi., Laureatedefeating Conductor, Pavarotti, Ama-Seek- Turko’sTrolley Turn Song InOlympiaReality zining Blue, the Sluice, More Shine,Spartan etc.), King, 2nd etc.), San 2nd Felipe Hill Prince S.-G2 S.-at RLuckyelaunch Mel F*Royaloggy Note Mink G3 at Belmont Park (1 mi., to Despite the Odds, defeat- TurboLucky Launch Spell Santa Anita Park (1 1/16 mi., to Cobalt Blue, defeating *TobinPrince Bronze Blessed David’sIncantation Tobin Leveling Dubinsky, Red, Dee Conservative,Rain, etc.). etc.), Solomon Northup RestlessMagic Spell Love AAffirmatifir Commander At 4, S.WONat Saratoga San Fernando (5 1/2 fur., S.-G2 turf, toat PerfectSanta Officer,Anita Park defeat (1- *NativeNasrullah Dancer NRaiseasram a Native *LaRaise Mirambule You 1/16ing Wallmi., defeatingStreet Wonder, Johnny SpeightEves, Tiago, the Halo,Ravel, etc.), etc.). 3rd NaskraExclusive Native LeShut Haar Out Gilded Time S. at Monmouth Park (about 5 1/2 fur., *IskraExclusive FGoodasciola Example turf, to Big Push,IN Ju THE Jitsu STUDJax, defeating Tweebie, etc.). SAffirmedtar de Naskra DoubleFighting Jay Fox ClandestineCrafty Admiral AIRAt 4, COMMANDER WON an allowanceentered race studat Keeneland in 2009. (5His 1/2 first fur., foals turf, ConniverAdmiral’s Lady CandleWon’t TellStar You aredefeating 2-year-olds Evacuation of 2012. Route, Cuban Missile, Whitley, etc.). *TudorVolcanic Minstrel *ScarletStar Minstrel Ribbon BNativeallochbuie Valor SantariaWichitoz (1995) (1997) INMALE THE LINE STUD *Turn-toNearctic HailNorthern to Reason Dancer NothirdchanceNatalma AIRAFFIRMATIF COMMANDERenteredis bystud POINT in 2011. GIVEN His, classicfirst foals winner will HaloNijinsky II CBullosmic Page Bomb ofarrive 9 races, in 2012. $3,968,500, horse of the year, champion 3- CFlamingosmah Page AlmahmoudFlaring Top year-old colt, Belmont S.-G1, Preakness S.-G1, Haskell ActRuby of MagicSlippers RoundIntentionally Table MALE LINE KnightlyIn Reality Manner Invitational H.-G1, etc. Sire of 17 stakes winners-- CMyourtesy Dear Girl PMoonleasant Glitter Girl SEALYAFFIRMATIF HILL. 7iswins, by UNBRIDLED’S 2 to 4, $1,806,142, SONG horse, stakes of the winner year, *TheTudor Axe Minstrel II LanguidFoggy Note championof $1,311,800, 3-year Breeders’-old filly, Cupchampion Juvenile grass-G1 mare, Florida in Can- Der- *LadySilver of Song Leisure ada,by-G1 Canadian, Wood MemorialFilly Triple S.-G2 Crown,, Olympic Labatt H.-L, W 2ndoodbine Peter Oaks-LR,Pan S.-G2 Bison, etc. City Sire S.-LR, of 92 stakesWonder winners, Where S.-LR,including-- Bour- BilboOLD .FASHIONED5 wins, 3 to 5,. 4 $186,414, wins to 3, 2nd $583,280, Swynford Remsen S.-L, S.Silver-G2, ACTIONTAP YOUR MUT HEELSANTE (c.(f. by by Green Unbridled). Dancer). Winner 13 wins at in2, MIDSHIPMANbonette Oaks.-G3 4 wins, Glorious in 6 starts Song at 2S.-L, and 2nd3, $1,508,600, Breeders’ DeputySouthwest S.-L. S.-G3, 2nd Arkansas Derby-G2, Rebel S.-G2. Italy$47,275,, Premio Hildene di Lombardia, S.-R. Dam Premio of TAPIT Nearco,(c. by etc. Pulpit, Cupin N.A., Filly champion& Mare Turf 2-year-old-G1, E. P .colt,Taylor Breeders’ S.-G1, etc.Cup Juve- DelDOMESTIC Conte. 5 DISPUTEwins, 2 to. Winner4, placed at at2, 5,3, 2011,and 4, $180,872, $583,115, Nezzi.3 Unraced.wins, $557,300, Dam of Wood COCO Memorial BELLE S.-(f. G1by , StormLaurel POINTSnile-G1 OF, GRACEDel Mar. Futurity7 wins, -G13 to, 5,2nd $550,350, Norfolk S.champion-G1, 3rd 2ndin N.A., Front Strub Range S. -G2S., Arapahoe, Santa Catalina Park Sprint S.-G2 S., etc. Sire. Boot,Futurity- 7 wins,G3, $469,113,sire), Overandabeauty Miss Woodford (f.S.-L, by CERFGrand grassBreeders’ mare Cup in DirtCanada, Mile-G1 Dance; winner Smartly in 2 startsS.-G2 in, U.A.E.River LooknFIRST Mighty DEFENCE Fast. 6. 6wins,wins, 2 3 toto 4,5, $580,534,2011, $173,556, Forego 2nd H.- H.-LR,Slam, 3etc.). wins, Granddam $159,472, of 2nd Simply Ohio Valley Seattle H.-L,(f. etc.). by UNRIVALEDMemories S.-L,BELLE 3rd. 6Dance wins atSmartly 3 and 4,S. -G2placed. at 5, 2011, Sam’G1, sJaipurTown S.S.-R.-G3, Long Branch Breeders’ Cup S.-L, etc. HighChief Cascade Seattle,(c. $96,557, by Woodman). 3rd Holiday 5 wins Inaugural to 5, $180,352, S.). GO BETWEEN$1,854,706,. 8Breeders’wins, 3 toCup 5, $2,908,880,Ladies’ Classic Pacific-G1, ClassicLa Troi- GreatBUDDHA Point. 3. 7winswins, in 2 4 to starts 6, $166,506, at 3, $489,600, 2nd Holy Wood Bull S.Memo--G3. Act of2nd Glor Goldeny. Unplaced Gate Derby- in 1G3 start., 3rd DamRushaway of FREUD'S S.-L. Sire. S.enne-G1 -ntrS.-G2, Virginia, Rampart Derby S.-G3-G2,-ncr Real, FayettePrize S., S. -G32nd -ntrBel-, Ms. rialMargaret S.-G1. Sire.H. 2 wins at 3, $126,578, 3rd Test S.-G1. HongHONOUR Kong Jade.(c. Winnerby Freud, at 3,3 $16,817.wins to 3, Dam 2011, of Penin-$176,- Palmdame BeachS.-G1 , S.Gazelle-G3, S.Unbridled-G1, Ogden Breeders’ Phipps CupH.-G1 H.-L,, etc. THONESTremendous MAN One. 7. 4 wins,wins, 3$122,560, to 5, $488,167, 3rd Pleasant Philip Temper H. Iselin S. 060,sula Choice(c. by S.,Meadowlake, etc.), Ms Glor$96,908,y Be 3rd(f. byLeComte Mon- UNBRIDLEDSunshine Millions ELAINE Classic. 6 wins S.-LR-ntrin 11 starts, Cherokee at 2 and 3,River $1,- El AlemanS.-G3,. Mineshaft2 wins, $93,145, H.-G3 3rd, 3rd Cliff Salvator Guilliams Mile Memorial H.-G3, etc. S. archos,H.-L), Timelessto 4, 2011, $189,185,Jade (g. by 3rd Gilded Spruce Time, Fir H.-R). $38,- Stables770,740, Turf Breeders’ Classic S.-LR,Cup Distaff 2nd -G1Santa, Monmouth Anita H.-G1 Breed-, etc. PointSING Gold BABY. 3 wins,SING $90,505,. 8 wins, 3rd 3 to W 7,orld $485,060, Series of PhoenixPoker S.-L. S.- 3rd dam605, 2nd Big Country 93.1 XX FM Deal or No Deal COILers’. 4 winsCup inOaks 8 starts-G2, atIowa 2 and Oaks-L, 3, 2011, Pocahontas $782,560, S.-L, Haskell 2nd AppointG3, .Remington3 wins at 3Park and Sprint 5, 2011, Championship $79,399, 3rd S.-L, Hoosier etc. PLEASANTS.). GIRLGranddam, by Knightly of SUMMER Manner .BIRD9 wins,(c. $91,805,by Bird- InvitationalPennsylvania S.-G1 Derby, Affirmed-G3, 3rd H. Falls-G3, City2nd H.Swaps-G3. S.-G2, MAGNIFICENTBreeders’ Sophomore SONG .S.-R. 5 wins to 3, $445,732, Garden Missstone, America 4 wins, H., $2,323,040, 2nd Pageant championS.-G3, etc. 3-year-old Dam of-- OCTAVE3rd Goodwood. 4 wins, S.$1,660,934,-G1. Coaching Club American Miller’Citys Breeders’Time. Winner Cup S. at-G1 3 ,and Lake 4, George 2011, S.$62,478,-G3, etc. 3rd DAVE'Scolt, REALITYBelmont S.-. 13G1 wins,, Shadwell $216,414, Travers Tukwila S.-G1 H.,, etc.).etc. FIFTEENOaks -G1LOVE, Mother. 4 wins Gooseat 2 and S.-G1 3 in, England;Adirondack 2 wins Breeders’ at 5, EXTENDCharles. 7T aylorwins, Derby. 2 to 4, $436,856, Ontario Matron H.-L, ActRubywood.
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