ST. JOHN'S vs. RHODE ISLAND STATE NEW YORK U. vs. SOUTHERN METHODIST JANUARY 4, 1947 2<k,N. Y.C.SALESTAX lo 25c-- A-SutOVA ''GODDESS OF TIME". Jn C-SULOVA "KNICKERUOCKER''. Jn thediotinoctionandcolot ofyollowgold. the.distinoction andcolorofycllowgold. 17·jewdo . lfB·n •7·Jewds. Basht·weave band , ,t:,l.,O ~;I!n~Yn'l ~~S.R~~!';;~· ~~~~; ~~!~~~~C ~r:t~.crr_· .' 7~::: Priut ;,.c/~ti• Fdoaltax. BULOVA official timepiece for National Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament EVEN WITHOUT ERNIE CAL VERLEY RAMS STILL RUN UP BIG SCORES By C A RL LUNDQUIST, United Press Sports Writer All of the pop-eyed pop-shot t~ddicts who were lucky enough to see it will never forget it. Some of them ce~n't believe even yet thot it hoppened. Tho! wos in the electrifying inste~nt, th11i fl,shing, fleeting second on the night of le~st Morch 14 when the rollicking Rhodies from "poor little Rhode lsiMd" m<!lde themselves immortt~l in Mo!ldison Squ<"He Gorden bosketba.ll lore. The Rhodies were little emd leon e~nd they were p lt~y i ng " gMg of big bruisers from Bowling Green in the fir$! round of the N"tioMI lnvilotionol tourne~ment. But M"dison Squore fons, tr,dition~~l ch~tmpions of the underdog, r11llied behind the "bobes in Boby Blue'' ond in turn were reweorded with one of the gree~test uphill exhibitions ony of them h.,d ever seen. In their best "run-shoot-run" menner, they kept going until time begon to run out on them. There were two seconds to go ond Bowling Green weos oheod, 74 to 72 in this incredible beol: gome. Then from out of nowhere c<!lme eo lion-he<!lrted kid nomed Ernie Colverley. He didn't hove time to dribble onother step, he didn't hove time to toke oim, ~:o~~;~:sd o~lyi~~tocnhto~p~o~cs~:~~5 ~r::e~d~:s~~~=~~~hti~~tr'e ~~~ i~~~;r:fii~~ eond he let go with o two-h<'lnded shot, 55-feet from the bosket. Who! h<'lppened is history. The boll swished through the net without touch­ ing the hoop, the fiMI horn sounded, Md the roof fell in on Ernie. His teom moles pounded his b<'Jck until it wos pink Md <'llmost forgot obout the feet th<"Jtvr~:o;~o~fte~ie,t~t ~=/~' f~~~~s~~':'~~n~~s~~~-rt¥h: b~~1~st couldn't let Ernie down <'Jnd they didn't. He didn't score eo point in the overtime, but his meotes did ond they won, 82 to 79. Whot's more they won -'nether gome os underdogs, be.,ting Muhlenberg in the semi-finols, then lost by one precious point to Kentucky in the ch<'lmpionship g<!lme when their luck - ond their ERNIE CALVERLEY wind - rM out.. k . h pl.,ys only h.,lf time. Another tob.,cco smoke in the big em- hC<'ll~~:!dy 71n ~ bSt boc t'fn1g.t t speedster is Bruce Blount who holds porium would bother them. So he w_ en h e 5 ~n t"te I" es St the Rhode lslond schoolboy scor- mode orrMgements to collect oil ~'~h~·~. eob~t ~~:~~ Fr~nt ~~one; ing re~ord for o single gome with th_e used cigors ond cigorette~ in ·n d h . II h f d 66 pomts. Kmgston, R. 1.. Md put them mto 1 15 1 WI ·k on 8 ot -' j MS n~~ How do the Rhodies run up o big smudge pot in the teem's to nt?t~i ec<'Ju~~h ~h o~gk <'lh ke such scores. It's eosy s<"Jys Keoney, gymnosium. They ployed in such ~~:./the =~i~yb~ 1 dis~sFt::n ~s ~~n~ who h&S been co.,ching R.,pid o h.,ze they could h.,rdly see the ning the Rhodies they'll run ond ~n°o:S. f~:e;:m~~eo~;es~ohueghtu1:t ~~ ~~~:~~dB~~e~~n ~~! G:~~=n ~~:! run some mer~. one of two things when they get thot of the St. John's teom which . Alre.,dy th1s ~e<!lson they ~-'ve the b-'11, poss it the length of the oulrM them - _, mir.,cle in itself p1led ~p -'n -'meozmg tot" I of polllts. court, or shoot. - ond scored M impressive vic- In the1r four gomes to d?te they Keoney, o spry-guy for oil of his tory. hove overeoged 108 pomts per 60 yeors, likes to win but he olso After the gome reporters went g<!lme. They. defe~ted Quonset, wMis his boys to h"ve fun. His to the Rhody dressing room to R. 1., novol o1r stollen, 124 to 44, cooching methods ore most un- console Keoney ond the kids. So A~nold _College, 120 to 59, St. orthodox. The ployers in proclice whot did they see? Crepe-hong­ M,ch<'l~l s, 106 to 62, Md Loyolo sessions skip rope ond shoot ot <!I ing? Post-Mortems? No siree. of Bolt1more, 84 to 55. bosket three inches smoller thon Keoney wos rocing oround the But Keaney mokes it ploin to oil regulotion size. room, bock-sl<'lpping the boys, giv- th<'lt his present squod isn't in the One of the boys sized it up ing them o pep·f<'Jik _,bout whot e some doss with th.,t of lost seeson pretty well when he s<'lid: fine g<!lme thev h<!ld ployed. when the boys won 21 gomes ond "After those workouts, pl<'lying "We lost, " he seoid. "But gee lost but three. He hos on oble re- o gome is like h.,ving o doy off." we hod <!I lot of fun." plocement for C.,lverley in Jodie A few yeors _,go when Keoney's He's quite o guy th.,t Keoney­ Allen, who hos overoged befter kids mode their first p ilgrimoge to ond the Rhodies ore quite eo teom. theon 20 points o gome <'Jfld he the Gorden, he wos ofroid th&t the Teke o look ond see for yourself. Tonight's Coaches JOE LAPCHICK St. John's Coach SillART AND Cthl/FUNTABLE JACKETS IN RICH, CO!.Ol'J.'F('L TWEEDS AND SHETLAND TYPic: WEAVI£S. PI. A!NS, CHECKS ANO HER!.'/NCBONES, '40 w'65 OTI-lF.N,.; fR0:-1 TIIIR1"YFI\'t:. HOWARD CANN SLACKS, 1'\VEl\'TY ;\NIJ ~lORE N&w York U ni~•nity O ..ICIAl PRO GRAM INTERCOLUGIAU BASKITBAlL MADISON SQUARI GARDEN RoboortW,K•Ur'"bllshlnqC..rp. lOf ~l•r-tt• St., N.Y., CAn•l 6-JilO Newr~u York, 564 Fifth Avenue::Chicago, 1? F.. Jackson Blvd. hblls~•••ndMnt.r ~ ·· PHII'J>S PLAZA, PALM BF.r>.CH 4 ?ltut~~ . ... FRANK KEANEY, of Rhode Island State ld•L!M LEADS THE There ore few more colorful figures t~mong the bosketb.sll HAT PARADE IN cooching froternity tht~n ruddy­ cheeked, groy-hoired, ever-smil­ ing Fronk Keoney of Rhode lsl11nd Stote College. This is KeMey's 27th seoson os coo!!ch of the Roms e~nd, prior to tonight's game with ~t. John's, his te<'!ms hod won 367 while losing II b foro .759 over­ llge, o good btlfting clip in MY leogue. For yeors, Rhode lslend hos been one of the high scoring quintets in the n<'! tion. In 1942, the Roms :::riift:~ ~~-~J7.ini~5 F96~4 9i~d~~~~~J~~ ~h~~s:b~~ in 1945 it hit o new high, 81.7. lost yeor, Ernie Co/verley's club went 1'1 f o 75 .6 g-'!if. With C<'llverley ond Dick Hole gone, Keoney :~~~~~s_+o,?Th~t~~~~t~c c~~~~~9t ~~~-s;h:0bori~ct;h: AtiMtic Oce11n," KeMey excloimed ofter one por­ ;t~~:~ ~~~~hooJ.~ · "I t is the poorest shooting club Nevertheless, since the seoson storted, this "poor­ est shooting club" of Keoney's regime hos foiled to ~core more thon 100 points in on ly one gome out of four, dropping to o mere 84 points in thot one. The totol for the four gomes is 434 points, on overoge of 1081f2 per gome! Con you imogine whot Keoney would soy if they reolly could shoot? FORREST C. BACCUS, of "An ADAM HAT is a Southern Methodist During his undergroduote doys ot Southern KNOCKOUT" Methodist - 1932 to 1935, Forrest C . (Whitey) Boccus, current heod bosketboll cooch of t he The proof Of a hat is in the wearing. Ponies, not only wos one of the best cogers in the Southwest Conference but storred in footboll ond Once you uy on an ADAM Hat you too boseboll os well. He wos o stondout wingbock on will be ct.onvinced that if you wear an the gridiron. ADAM once, you'll wear one always. Following his ploying doys ot SMU, Boccus ~Zt:~~:~ ~~r ~~U Y:;r~ i~eT~b:sr ~(\hs~h~~!s~h~; stoff in 1937. Eorly in 1938, he succeeded Jomes W. St. Cloir os heod cooch of bos~etboll. Although Boccus hos never succeeded in giving the Ponies o chompionship quintet, he olwoys hos o hustling teom, one thot pleoses the fons. This yeor he hos better moteriol thon usuol ond should be in the running for the title. In oddition to his duties os heod bosketboll men­ tor, Boccus is ossistont -footboll cooch ond chief grid scout for the Ponies. He olso is in chorge of the golf teom. Three Cheers FOR THAT SUNNY MORNING FLAVOR! SCHENLEY ~?-'- RE SERVE ~'taed ~;,L__ ----c:rJ' 86 Proot. 659:; o Cfain neutr-.1 'Pirita.
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