TRI-COUNTY HI ONICLE. VOL. 7. CASS CITY, MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL ~4, t9o5. NO. 48. i ' I i i ii iiii iii i l],rl i i i i i PRESBYTERY CONVENED last recitation in that subject was [LINT given on Tuesday. In Cass City Monday and Tuesday, The annual convention of the L~ ..... .~ ~.~ .... ~,~.~ Thumb Athletic association was held ~ ~ April ~o and ~. at Bad Axe on Saturday, April 8. The g(6/ Live • reports have not yet been received, The annual meeting of the Presby- but all particulars will be given next tery of 1~ lint convened in the Presby- week: ~ N terian church at this place on Monday • ~. , and Tuesday, April 10 and 11. The Miss Bellow returned on Monday ~(~ meetings Were all well attended by evening to take up her school duties !i W re the residents of the village and there here, but shortly after arriving re- .... ~: were also about 40 ministers in at- ceived word of the sudden relapse of tendance from the different charges. her sister. She returned home on ~/~ N t The opening session was held Mon- Tuesday morning. Mr. Whitney, who ~1 dav evening when Rev. J. J. W. has been supplying, was obliged to re- ~ .g,j Connect your place i Stewart. the retiring moderator, or turn ~o his studies at Ann Arbor and ~';-~?/~ N Harbor "Beach preached ~ splendid left (in Tuesday morning for that ~(ff) sermon. A~5 the conclusion of the plaeei Mrs. Jae'kson now has charge sermon the sacrament of ghe Lord's of Miss Bellow's classes. N N supper was observed, conducted by Revs. S. Megaw of Marlette and g a. REPRESENTATIVE we. McLandress of Lapeer. McKAY N • Shoes and Clothing i • A short business meeting Was then ---- Are you aware of the factI N held, the first adtion taken being the Is One of t.he /'lost Original and Pic- We have selected the best lines from the best makers, election or a moderator for the com- turesque Characters in Lansing. ~ that we are selene, ~,oods for less money than ever before, ¢e~-~= ing year, gev. Robt. J. McLandress of quality considered. We can furnish your bill from cellar ~ and our practical experience enables us to offer the latest i Lapeer being the successful candidate. In its issue of last Monday the De-" ~ to garret with the exception of brick and hardware. {N Two temporary clerks were ,also elect- troll Free Press makes the following ~m i and most stvlish merchandise. ed, Rays. S. Megaw of Marlette and unique mention of Representative Wm I-I 14'r~,Hm"of ~ligta¢,m~ Wm ,Mol~nv a'f (-!,arc," '~'lTnalo Wil. N Talk ~s cheap but with us quanty cuuut~. Tuesday morning and al'ternoon the lidm''-M;?i;vi'" gg,~:er, s2:~{esmi;d, Our naerchandise gives honest value for money ex- ~ time was spen~ ~n business sessions of philosopher and story teller, is one or ~ is strictly fresh and consists of the following: ~ interest to the whole presbytery con- the most original and picturesque pended. ~ sisting of reports of foreign and home characters ever connected with the missions, etc., and also of the local Michigan legislature. Square dealing .~ turedAlphainAlpha,'°rtlaltd~aN. J. genuine~ rock cement manufac- ~ # Prices to meet the reqmrements of customers. work. in his business life, shrewd and honest In the evening two addresses were in his p~,lities, ~)ptimistic in his phil- A,tna Portland--the good Michigan Portland. ~{ Suits, $5.OO, 8.00, I0,00, 12.00, 15.OO, 18.00 and 2o.oo. given, the first by gee. A. Urquhart, osopi~y, 'Uncle William,' as he is Marblo H~ad Lim~--the very best. Top Coats, $5.00, 8.00, .~o.oo and ~2.o0. ¢ Ph.D., df Car() on the s~ubject,, "How known universally by his associates, •o • to Makd Bible Study Interesting," is the David Harnm of the capitol and Cravenette Rain Coa~s, $5.0o, lo.oo, z2.oo, i6.oo and 2o.oo. and the second by l~ev. A. J. Funnell it isa lonesome day when the house ~ Just received a carload of Lath ~ or Fenton on the subject, "The Model of representatives is deprived of hear- # A ,~vord to the wise is sufficient. * Sabbath School." Much praise and ing Uncle William 'move the previous No. 1 Hemlock at .... 51.75 per thousand favorable comments are heard on question.' No. l WhitePine at.. 2.00 per thousand .~ @ @ every side about ,these lectures. "'What are you doing Uncle Wil- Music for the services was furnished liana; cuttA ng" out the legislative news?' Let us ¥i~uve yOUr bill. ~. by the choir of the local church. asked a member of the house the otter i J, D, CROSBY & SON, •.: The presbytery was adjourned to day;apprnaehing the old man as he meet at, Ubly the second Tuesday in sat at his desk busy with the shears ® Cass City's Shoe and Clothing Men. May to receive and install a new and a newspaper. t pastor at that place. The semi-an- " ,Nape,' was the (:heerful reply, Cass City Lumberand Coal Co, Lid, nual meeting will be held at Elkton 'just saving some little things that beginning September 11. ,, :_-:O,a~ CONH!R[NC[ APPOINTM[NTS. The Michigan cont'erence of the Evangelical cl~urch was in session at Elktxm las~ week. The services Sun- 0ay were attended by crowds of peo- Cass City Roller Mills ! ple. At the afternoon services Bishop Our Oroceries Horn gave a powerful ordination ad- ~ dress after which a class of seven <~ We take especial pride in calling your attention to our (t Is the place to get your ~ minislsers was ordained. At the mis- {> sionary meeting the sum of $2000 was <> line of groceries. It is complete jn every detail. Our raised tor the misMon work of the <> stock is fresh--nothing grows stale here. And last, but Buckwhea~ Grinding Done l conference. ~> not least, you will find the prices always right. We wish I ir~ L~ I ! I' I I I I The following are the appointments: Flint District--F. C. Berger, pre- <> to impress upon your mind the excellence of our stock. siding elder• ~lmt, ,. R. Niergar~h: <> A trial order convinces you. We :are better prepa:red to take of you than ever. Sel;ewaing, Geo, KoeMer; Owosso, A. g. Fisher; Chesaning, A. Faupel; Elk- In our tine of . We grLnd every day in the week. ton, t;t. Voelker; Pigeon~ N. Frye; Cass Cigy, W. Berge; CarD, A. Os~rotla; DI~Y ~OOD~, TAILOR-MAD~ SKII~TS, ,~ Verona, V, Buxton; Moore, O. Y. Schneider; Imlay City, J. Hommel; "~ GI~OGKERY AND GLASSWAI~E Ask your grocer WHITE LiLY ° Eureka, A. M. Haddix; Saginaw, Rev. Schweitzer; Bay City, W. M. Sippell; you will find a large selectmn and the right price, iCome ,oL_~ CERENOTA and i Oregon, F. Koehler; Woodland, Wm. Bulgrin; Kilmana~'h, G. Heximer; ~.~ I and see °ur line" Capac, W. F. Vogel• FANCHON a Detroib District--F. Klump, pre- siding elder; Detroit,. Dubois st.reeh found the object ()r his search and had * - MR5 O. W. GOFF ~ I These are the best floars on the market- i A. ttahnhuber; Del~roit, Waterman carefully clipped it, ou15 'l)on't y{,u avenue, W. H. Italmhuber; Detroit, now, scrap b,)uks are useful things. Kerby dr(rune, J. 3I: Nyce: Dearborn, ~ keep one. I cut ou~ pretty little P. Scheurer; S. gockwood, F. J. Peal;h- poems, jokes, receipts for toothache Prompt attention to all kinds of Custom '~ er; Ca rlet(m, H. Frye; Blisslield, A. A. cure and anything that strikes my Scheurer; Delta, gee. Coss; Ida, W. fancy. Nice things to read over when OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ C. Swenk; Howell, W. B. t)ldt; Fowl- you're by )our own tireside of a Sun- ~ I1~ Work i~ erville, F. N. Sehleicher; West, Unity, day night No, here'sa little josh~)n Free delivery to any part of t~,e city. Call Phone No. 1. W. S. McDivitt; Lenox, J. M. Bittner; 'I)eaeon Ellis', and he picked up a Greenwood, Ctms. godesiler; Wauseon, clipping in which the laugh was on F. E. Armsgrong; Erie, J. E. Hols- the member from Grand Rapids, who C. W. HELLER, Prop, ~ aple; WhiLerord, O. P. 8chleicher; is willing 5o do anylshing from praying Whittaker, A. J. Hettler; Whitehouse, to cutting the cards. C. J. Gurney; Monroe, W.L. Mart, in. "Uncle William is a politician Of no bt. Joseph District--J. N. Frye, pre, mean ability and represents Tuscola ! WOOLWANI[D i siding elder; ,Buchanan, J.A. Italm- county in tile house. /-le always wears huber: Portage Prairie, I). O. gut.h; a smile, always l]as a pleasant word St. Joseph, E. G. Frye; Royallxm, W. and he occasionally springs a porten- " i It. Moyer: Bainbridge, G. Knechtel: tous wink that has a world of expres- ,i0hest market pdee paid . Bristol, O. C. Pentecost; Lima, S. sion in it. 'Law is a bad thing to Salsberry; Park, H. A. Decker; Vicks- monkey with. Law makes a man burg, J. Kirn: Marshall, W. It. Cam- nerw)us,' is the sage's opinion of courts field; Fremoni~, E, M. genner; Jack- and lawyers. S,,me of his quaint ad- :: A Splendid Opportunity to :i son. W. ]6. Kring; Maple Grove, J. J. vice is: 'Don't worry: the world will be Mai'shall; Washtenaw, P.H. Pobley: moving just the same when your Bent(m Harbor, J. S. Deabler. whiskers are as gray as mine. Smile t buy Spring Goods Grand Rapids District, G.
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