ampgfj ire VOLUME NO. 47 ISSUE 4 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, N. H. — FEBRUARY 28, 1957 PRICE — SEVEN CENTS Frosh Camp Board Brubeck Featured In Size Increased; Move Participation Coming Jazz Concert By Nancy Webster Rhythm will resound in the Field House Monday, March 4, at 8 p.m. when the Dave Brubeck Quartet appears as the third The Freshman Camp Policy Board, presentation in the 1956-57 Blue and White Series. In the past which has previously been dominated by campus religious organizations, is being few years the Quartet has won unprecedented popular acclaim and reorganized toward secular all-campus the extravagant praise of such jazz critics as Nat Hentoff, George service. Last year’s Board, viewing our Avakian, and Barry Ulanov. Camp, which is one of the largest single Featured in the Quartet are Paul Desmond’s lyrical alto sax, freshman camps in the country, as well as having a very high percentage of fresh­ Bob Bate’s imaginative bass, Joe Dodge’s daring on the drums, and Dave Brubeck’s men attending (a,bout % ), voted to have broader-based representation. They felt Carnival Capers genius at the piano. With the exception of such a camp should have wider campus an occasional few bars of introduction representation and a place for some mem­ and closing, the Quartet uses no arranged bers of the University staff experienced in Conclude Except or composed music but improvises on the work and interested in the UNH popular tunes ■x— some recent, others less so. project. The result of the change is an enlarge­ For Memories Some of Brubeck’s techniques are class­ ical, but because the core is improvision, ment from 12 to 16 members, the loss Warm weather and sunny skies pre­ the essence is jazz. It is comparable to of student representatives from individ­ vailed at the 36th annual Winter Carni­ literature expressing modern ideas and ual religious organizations, and the addi­ val. From February 21-24 the carnival, attitudes in the language of t-he classics. tion of Student Senate President (-Nick sponsored each year by the Outing Club, Pitanis), the chairman of the Universi­ kept everyone busy with the steady whirl Daring Improvision ty Religious Council (Laurel Rand), and of events. Now the campus is back to the As George Avakian of Columbia a representative of the senior honorary usual routine of classes and studies and records has said, “ The Brubeck Quartet societies (Sally Cameron). the wonderful weekend has left its mark improvises with freedom and daring such on the faces of tired co-eds and half as few musicians have ever attempted; Chaplains Remain melted snow figures. yet the music of this group is of an The Episcopalian, Catholic, Protestant, Thursday night the carnival weekend integrated quality such as few musicians’ and Jewish chaplains will remain on the began officially when crowds gathered have ever produced. It is an axiom in board because of their historic interest in after the movie “Knock on Wood*,” jazz that no two improvisions on a given Freshman Camp. Other members are shown at the Franklin, and marched be­ tune are the same; in Brubeck’s case, Dean Louis and Joan Colon, Co-Directors hind the band, queen’s float and ROTC this is so true as to be staggering.” The Albert Oulette exchanges grips with President Johnson. Albert, a rehabil­ of Freshman Camp; Dean Gardiner, Uni­ drill team to the central snow sculpture listener who wishes to discover this for in front of T Hall. Here Robin Duncklee itated victim of cerebral pa.lsy, and last year’s New Hampshire .Easter Seal versity officer in charge of on-campus himself can do so by comparing the two was installed queen of the carnival by Boy, will make an appearance in Durham on Monday, March 4. He will orientation; Edward D. Eddy Jr., fac- — or in some cases, three recordings that ultv advisor to the camp; Dean Schaeffer, President Johnson, and with her four have been issued of Brubeck perform­ lunch at Commons, and in the afternoon plans to visit several sororities and Prof. Alden Winn, and Alumni Director aids, Helene Brunell, “ Cookie” Thomp­ ances of Stardust, Don’t Worry ’Bout other housing units. Harry Carroll, who were appointed by son, Betty Truelson and Sandy Leighton, Me, and All The Things You Are. Each President Johnson. «- proceeded to the winning snow sculpture. improvision is literally unique. The new officers are: Chairman, Dean Robin presented the winner’s trophy to Brubeck studied with classical com­ Schaeffer; Vice chairman, Prof. Winn; Alpha Tau Omega for the fraternity poser Darius Milhaud at the Graduate Campus Chest Project For Charity and secretary, Sally Cameron. division. The sculpture was entitled School of Mills College in Oakland, “Frost Flight” and depicted animals flee­ Calif. At that time Dave was set on Emphasizes, "Don't Pass The Buck" Board Functions ing from the woods followed by Jack becoming a serious composer. However, The Board decides the date, location, Frost and heading towards UNH. T-heta Darius cautioned his pupil to “never “Don’t Pass the Buck; Give It to To highlight the drive, Albert Oulette, and budget of Freshman Camp and de­ Chi received honorable mention for their restrict the jazz influence,” even if he Campus Chest” is the theme of this year’s a rehabilitated victim of cerebral palsy cides on the program topics. It must sculpture “Jack Frost is Lost” . Phi Mu should write serious music. Brubeck re­ Campus Chest Drive which begins on and last year’s New Hampshire Easter- approve the selection of co-directors, won the sorority division, Alpha Xi Del­ gards this as the best piece of advice Monday, March 4, and continues through Seal Boy, will make an appearance in counselling staff and Faculty Advisors, ta receiving honorable mention. Smith he ever received. was chosen winner of the women’s dorms Friday, March 8. The entire committee Durham next Monday, the first official as well. Defines Swing has been busy planning this year’s drive Freshman Camp originally started as and Alexander of the men’s. day of the drive. He will lunch at the An exponent of modern jazz, as con­ for funds which will benefit the Daniel Jazz Concert University Dining Hall and pay visits the effort of student religious organiza­ trasted with the traditional or Dixieland Webster Home for Children, the Crotched to campus housing units during the after­ tions. Over 24 years ago the camp began At 8:30 the same night a fabulous jazz schools, Bruebeck has his own definition Mountain Foundation, and the New noon. with an enrollment of 10 freshmen who concert had the campus jumping with of swing. He says: Hampshire Association for the Blind. The campaign, which has been planned were brought together by the chaplain to Eddie Madden and his all stars. The “ Swing is that quality in jazz which The committee this year has decided to wholly by students, will continue its solici­ the Protestant Students. Later Freshman B-owdoin Emanons and The Dartmouth makes people want to tap their feet. dispense with the usual benefit show tations under the direction of the dormi­ Camp was sponsored by the predecessor Injunaires. Eddie Madden, who graduated When a group is swinging, there is a to C.A., in 1950 receiving all-faith back­ which characterized drives of the past as tory presidents. In order to familiarize from UNH in 1954 featured Dick Kenny feeling of rhythmic response between the ing. not being truly congruent with the nature students with the basic purpose under­ on trombone, Joe MacDonald on drum band and the audience.” of the drive. They have also done away lying Campus Chest, a brochure, explain­ and Eddie who also plays the trombone. Born in Concord, Calif., in 1922, Bru­ with t-he formal competition element ing its full function, will be delivered to Jazz in a progressive style was played beck moved to lone where his father among the housing units. One of the the various housing units, and exhibitions by the group from Bowdoin and vocal became manager of a ranch. Between time prime emphases of the drive will be to will be placed in New Hampshire Hall on Class And Club selections were by the Injunaires. spent roping and branding, Dave received expose students to a unified organiza­ the night of the Brubeck concert. The Friday night the annual Carnival Ball a musical education from his mother, a tional drive which will contribute to a boxes, or chests, which will be seen on was held in a star studded New Hamp­ piano teacher. few really needy organizations rather display, are products of the resourceful­ Officers Conclave shire Hall. Freddy Guerra’s orchestra First Break than donating to many smaller drives ness of the campus’ service fraternity, Along with the festivities of Winter provided music for the semi-formal Dave Brubeek got his big break in which, after the total contribution were Alpha Phi Omega. Commuters will be Carnival last weekend, the 10th Annual dance. The ball, highlighted by the queen’s 1949 when disc jockey Jimmy Lyons divided, would not benefit that much able to make their donations at the Notch. Class and Club Officers’ Conclave was coronation, lasted until 2 a.m. heard the Brubeck Octet, a group of m-o're in the end. The Campus Chest Committee feels held in Durham. The title of this year’s Sports Fun young San Francisco musicians, and fea­ Over W M DR, each evening of *the that one of the purposes of such a drive, conference was “ Our University in Tran­ drive, Julius Butler will sing a song aside from the immediate aid it will be sition” .
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