-Thue Dorm Cooking Reduction - - I , , , . - Marblirger~~~~to Ji inP bic on Polity Asks Marburger To sJustify Decision By Raymond Fazzi University President John Marburger has agreed to participate in a public forum tomorrow dealing with his plan to scale down the Dorm Cooking Program by designating some buildings cooking-free by next year. -Marburger is coming at the invitation of Polity, which decided at a Monday meeting with representa- tives from 18 campus dorms Monday that the Univer- sity Administration should 'justify' the proposed plan to the student body. The forum- which is being called a "teach-in"- is being organized by Polity and, according to Polity Secretary Belina Anderson, will also include Robert Francis, vice-president for Campus Operations and Fred Preston, vice president for Student Affairs and the one assigned to implement the plan. It will be held in H-Quad Cafeteria at 8:30 PM. At the Monday meeting, Polity warned that some k type of student demonstration would be organized if no justification for the plan in found. The representatives- many of whom were legisla- ture chairmen- met with members of the Polity Council and Senate for the sole purpose of dealing with the new policy, which they've coined "The Marburger Plan." Many stated that they felt student outrage at the plan is widespread and hasn't subsided since the plan was announced by Marburger last Monday. In a letter to Preston in January, Marburger said, Statesnr.an Matt Cohen 'The general deterioration of dormitory space re- John Marburger addressing the Douglass College Legislature last night. Speaking of his plans for dorm cooking sulting from dorm cooking...impairs our ability to reduction, he said, "Thisi a dratie change and it will take time-" offer clean and attractive housing acceptable to our students, conference participants, and summer vis- itors." He also said the number of fires attributed to dorm cooking- 65 between 1978 and 1981- as Marburger to Douglass Leg: "unaceptable." It was announced at last night's Stony Brook Council meeting that SB Council member Len Eichenholtz will chain the committee assigned by Preston to carry StU Room for Discussion out the plan. The committee, called 'The Dorm Cooking Reduction Task Force," will also consist of By Doreen Kennedy representatives from The Residence Hall Association feasibility of all options. Preston, who has been as- University President John Marburger the plan has not yet made a final (RHA), Polity, The University Senate and the Campus told the Dou- signed to implement glass College Legislature last night to name to the com- Food Service Committee. that the way his decision about specific people recently announced dorm cooking reduction will be mittee, but he would like to involve Polity, the Univer- imlemented is still under consideration. sity Senate, Campus Food Services, the Faculty Polt Meefng In addition to the tesch-in, the Monday's Polity Marburger said that although he expects to begin Student Association (FSA), the Residence Hall Associ- reductions in the number of students who cook ation (RHA), and a Stony Brook Council member. meeting resulted in a listof demands to be presented to in their dorms by next semester, Fletcher said Preston plans to have an overall plan of the University Administration by Polity stating that: he does not anticipate a full- * No buildingW be made ookingfree It was decided scale implementation of any plan. He said, "This is a strategy by March. She encouraged students to voice drastic change that this would remain as the most important demand and it will take time.' their opinions either through letters or petitions. 'I Presently, unless administration could adequately prove that it he told about 60 spectators, 70 percent of I assure you they will be considered," she said. Stony was necesary to institute the plan in some buildings. Brook residents opt for dorm cooking, an f The students who asked questions presented pos- amount he said is beyond to Marburger's proposal, which has * Polity be giae rust ion of change proposed in the capacity that the dormi- sible alternatives tories can accomodate. the Dm Cooking Pta. Polity will contend that the some buildings made cooking-free. One suggestion His primary concern, he said, is to halt further dete- decision was made by Marburger without the preen Marburger considered plausible was to mandate that rioration of the dormitories, "I have a responsibility to all incoming freshmen be required to go on the meal tation of evidence citing the need for the changes other the bonding authority and the state because these are plan. than reports by state authorities. Polity will ask for their building" However, he added that he is open to FSA President, Chris Fairhall said that 50 percent copies of all those reports, plus any others Marburger all input and possibilities ased his decision on. of students currently on the meal plan are freshmen Barbara Fletcher, assistant to the vice president for and that therefore, much of the problem would not be :* SpkificatiO/ of the "Mandatory" Meal Plax. Al- -Student Affairs, who represented Fred eliminated by this alternative. though administration has not sad a mandatory plan Preston, vice will be instituted. Poitywill arue that students living president for Student Affairs, said that he will not Worried about the cost of a mandatory meal plan. allow total elimination of dorm cooking in cooking-free dormitories will have no other choice while he is another student asked about the possibility of paying here. Preston, she said, has begun to institute a Dorm in installments. Fairhall said that he saw no problem e on Iv 5) -" ,- *- Cooking Reduction Task Force which will weigh the fooostid om pi 5J) Irownnimi frnm Aaa^^:*..^J « j y^ «~ ~~~~%%UFPlo livill^" ^oowammea 0 evs igesJ l -Pro Reporns) One Officer Dead, Two Injured in Shoot out Now York-One police officer was patrol when they received a report of a shot and killed and two others-one of stolen moped. them a policewoman, and the other off- At approximately 6:40 PM the of- duty-were wounded yesterday evening ficers spotted a man with a moped that in the South Bronx, authorities said. matched the description of the stolen The three were taken to Lincoln Hoe one at a Power Tet gm station at 149th pital, where Officer Thomas P. Ruotolo, Street and the Bruckner Expreway, 30, of Westchester, who had been shot in Ward said "As soon as they got out, the the head, was dead on arrival, according man with the moped pulled a gun and to Police Commissioner Benjamin opened fire on both the offier. The Ward. male officer was hit first, apparently in The policewoman, Tanis Brathwaite, the head, and went down," he said. 23, of the Bronx, was in stable condition, The poiewoman fired one shot, but -with a wound in the back right hip, but lost her gun and was hit while she was would not undergo surgery, police said. backing off for cover, police said. The third officer, Hipolito Padilla, 88, The third officer, who was off-duty of Westchester, who was off-duty at the and using the telephone inside the gas time of the shooting, underwent surgery station, ran out and fired his on-vice re- for an abdominal wound, police said. He volver five times, but was shot in the was listed in stable condition, according stomach, Ward said. the scene of the to Philip Vasquez, a hospital shooting was splattered with the blood administrator. of the three officers. Ward and Mayor Edward Koch, who A suspect was taken into custody half also went to the hopital, praised the a block from the scene and questioned, officers. Said Ward of the policewoman, and a weapon, a five-shot snub-nosed re- She's strong, has a good grip, is in good volver with all its bullets fired, was reco- spirits. vered at the scene, police said. "She knew that her partner had been Alice MeGillion, a police spokes- killed. She told me that with tearsin her woman, said the sspect, who was not eyes," Koch said. Three police officers immediately identified, was not in the line of duty, have been, in one case, wounded. Asked if police were killed and in two other cases, injured. jearching fbr other suspects, she rep- Ifs a tragedy " he said. lied, 'We don't know how many people RuAotolo had been on the force for three are involved in this." 3eas. As. Brathwaie was appointed to However, hundreds of police officers, the force just over two years ag. Her using blood-sniffing dogs, were mother is a detective with the Bronx searching basements and rooftops in the district attorneys office, ML McGillion South Bronx, seeking another person said. Padilla has been with the Police apparently wounded in the shootout, Depafrtment for nearly 16 years. The officers were following a trail of The dead officer was the first killed fresh blood. this year in the line of duty. On Jan. 28, a Ward, in a news conference at the hoe police officer was shot and seriously pital said the two uniformed officers, wounded by a sniper. Lat year, 17 of- from the 41st Precinct, were on motor fiews were shot on the job, and one died. r - ff. Andropov is Buried as Chernenko Take~s Over Monow-The Soviet Union buried mausoleum oiV.I. Lenin, founder of the Yuri Androp nat the Kremlin wall ys Soviet state. teday in a rital Red Square state fun- Andropov wa buried among other aral. The Communist Partys new heroes of the Soviet Union with a leadr, Intin Chernenko, deli- ringing alute of gunfire.
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