BASCOM NORRIS COLLISION INJURES ONE Live Oak man Intersection at retires from Bascom Norris and Sisters Welcome top Guard Road was blocked for nearly an hour. post. See Page 3A. See Page 6A. TUESDAY, JULY 1, 2014 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | 75¢ Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM New laws Shooting: Officer cleared New light shed on motorist’s possible take motive in pointing handgun at police. By MEGAN REEVES March, LCPD said Monday. [email protected] Police also released infor- effect mation that may help explain Lake City Police Officer Mike why the motorist, a registered Lee Barker Lee has been cleared of any sex offender from Tennessee, wrongdoing in the fatal shoot- aimed a handgun at Lee when Jury convened May 20 and filed today FILE ing of an armed felon during he approached his vehicle. Barker’s pickup is pictured (background) a routine DUI checkpoint in The Columbia County Grand E-cigarette ban, SHOOTING continued on 3A following the March 14 shooting. GI Bill among 157 approved. ADVENTURES AT RUM ISLAND Tropical By JIM TURNER The News Service of Florida storm TALLAHASSEE — The state’s record-setting, $77 billion election-year budget may be goes into effect today, along PREVIEW with 157 brewing n Gun-carriers other bills can’t be denied approved Chance of rain insurance. by the n Illegal immi- Legislature in Lake City is grants granted and signed only 50 percent. in-state tuition. n Text messag- by Gov. es added to the Rick Scott. By EMILY STANTON “Do Not Call” The [email protected] program list. laws range n “Sexual from the What may be the first Predator” now listed on front of “Florida GI tropical system of this predator’s driv- Bill” which year’s hurricane season er’s license. is intended is currently forming off of n Penalty to make the Carolina coast, but rain increased for Florida the chances for Lake City only drivers who leave scene of most mil- reach 50 percent, accord- serious accident. ing to the National Weather Service. Photos by JASON MATTHEW WALKER/Lake City Reporter itary-friendly state in the Boys wrestle with each other in the water at the Santa Fe River at Rum Island Monday. The National Hurricane nation, to lowering college Center said there is an 80 costs and banning the sale percent chance a tropical of electronic cigarettes to cyclone will develop within minors. Fun on the Santa Fe five days. Also starting today, If winds reach more than private information of 39 mph, then it will be clas- people involved with ani- sified as a tropical storm mal research at public and named Arthur. research facilities will no The weekly forecast longer be public, insur- shows a 30 percent chance ance companies will be of showers and thunder- prohibited from denying storms after 3 p.m. on coverage or increasing Tuesday. Wednesday rates based on a custom- has a 40 percent chance er’s gun ownership, and A line of swimmers wait for a turn to swing into the river. of rain after noon. On the state’s unpaid poet Thursday, the chances of laureate position will thunderstorms reach 50 no longer be a lifetime percent, and on Friday, appointment. Independence Day, the A measure (SB 156) to chance of rain drops back reduce the cost of motor to 40 percent. vehicle registration fees ABOVE: Kayakers paddle up Shayne Morgan, goes into effect Sept. 1, the Santa Fe River. LEFT: Columbia County emer- while another 34 bills — Ocean Robertson, 11, of gency management direc- including one (HB 59) that Fort White resident Judi Kearney watches as her grand- Fort White, shows his disap- tor, says it is unlikely the son, Milo Grossman, 4, of Rochester, N.Y., blows a stream pointment after reeling in an NEW LAWS continued on 7A of water out of a floating noodle on Monday. undersized bream. WEATHER continued on 3A Report: Man crashes through impound yard gate had been towed according to the release. Robert Russell’s car had been towed the night before he by the Columbia Police issued an alert for broke in to get it back, Lake City Police Department says. County Sheriff’s Russell and his vehicle and Office the night he was located on I-75 soon By MEGAN REEVES towing company that had taken it attaching tag not assigned and before. afterward in his car, which [email protected] the night prior, police said. driving with license suspended Investigators had broken down. He was According to an LCPD news or revoked. determined then arrested and taken to the A man crashed his car through release, 25-year-old Robert Police said Russell crashed Russell Russell entered Columbia County Detention an impound yard gate Saturday in Devon Russell was charged through the gate at Donald Davis the property Center where he is being held an attempt to get it back from the with burglary, criminal mischief, Towing in his 1997 Acura, which between 5:00 a.m. and 8:15 a.m., on $16,000 bail. Vol. 140, No. 105 Opinion . 4A CALL US: TODAY’S WEATHER LOCAL SPORTS (386) 752-1293 Local . 6A Obituaries . 5A Local 7-year-old to Lake City fans SUBSCRIBE TO THE REPORTER: 92 72 Advice & Comics . 3B compete in state embrace FIFA Voice: 755-5445 Puzzles . 2B pageant, 7A. madness, 1B. Fax: 752-9400 Storm chance, 2A 2A LAKE CITY REPORTER DAILY BRIEFING TUESDAY, JULY 1, 2014 Page Editor: Emily Lawson, 754-0424 QUICK HITS Scripture of the Day “And the Lord shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be— “The Lord is one,” And His name one.” — Zechariah 14:9 Thought for Today Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor souls who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat. — Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) Winning Lottery Numbers Cash 3: (Monday) 6-9-6 Play 4: (Monday) 6-9-2-1 Fantasy 5: (Sunday) 10-12-16-23-28 See an error? The Lake City Reporter corrects errors of fact in news items. If you have a concern, question, or sug- gestion, please call the editor. Corrections and clarifi- cations will run in this space. Thanks for reading. JASON MATTHEW WALKER/Lake City Reporter Submissions LifeSouth seeks donors The Lake City Reporter accepts photographs and Jessica Swartz, a mobile team supervisor for LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, waves at motorists along U.S. Highway caption information to run at the discretion of the editor. 90 on Monday. While the blood center needs all blood types, there is a great need for O-negative, which is a universal If you would like to see your organization in the news- blood type. ‘We need everything, especially because it’s the summer,’ Swartz said. ‘People are on vacations, but the hospi- paper, send the picture and information to associate tals still need (blood). That doesn’t change.’ editor Emily Lawson at [email protected]. Justices: Can’t make employers cover contraception WASHINGTON 2010 and the Supreme Court upheld two Alito also said the decision is limited to separate legal challenges, but the court he Supreme Court ruled Monday years later. contraceptives under the health care law. said Monday that the profit-seeking com- that some corporations can hold Two years ago, Chief Justice John “Our decision should not be understood to panies could not assert religious claims in T religious objections that allow Roberts cast the pivotal vote that saved the hold that an insurance-coverage mandate such a situation. them to opt out of the new health law health care law in the midst of Obama’s must necessarily fall if it conflicts with an Justice Anthony Kennedy, who was requirement that they cover contracep- campaign for re-election. On Monday, deal- employer’s religious beliefs,” Alito said. part of the majority, also wrote separately tives for women. ing with a small sliver of the law, Roberts He suggested two ways the administra- to emphasize that the administration can The justices’ 5-4 decision is the first sided with the four justices who would tion could ensure women get the contra- solve its problem easily. “The accommo- time that the high court has ruled that have struck down the law in its entirety. ception they want. It could simply pay for dation works by requiring insurance com- profit-seeking businesses can hold reli- Justice Samuel Alito wrote the majority pregnancy prevention, he said. panies to cover, without cost sharing, con- gious views under federal law. And it opinion. The court’s four liberal justices Or it could provide the same kind of traception coverage for female employees means the Obama administration must dissented. accommodation it has made available to who wish it,” Kennedy said. He said that search for a different way of providing The court stressed that its ruling religious-oriented, not-for-profit corpora- arrangement “does not impinge on the free contraception to women who are cov- applies only to corporations that are tions. Those groups can tell the govern- plaintiffs’ religious beliefs.” ered under objecting companies’ health under the control of just a few people in ment that providing the coverage violates Houses of worship and other religious insurance plans. which there is no essential difference their religious beliefs. At that point, the institutions whose primary purpose is Contraception is among a range of pre- between the business and its owners, like groups’ insurers or a third-party adminis- to spread the faith are exempt from the ventive services that must be provided at the Oklahoma-based Hobby Lobby chain trator takes on the responsibility of pay- requirement to offer birth control.
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