APRIL, 1968 Vol. 31 P. 97-130 No. 4 f 55TH ANNUAL MEETING August 19, 20, 21, 22, 1968 Chase-Park Plaza Hotel St. Louis, Missouri SEE RESERVATION FORM PAGE 1 , ' ( •I • , Warifa p8ck8ge deal? let Klenzade tie it up! D Klenzade will provide TOTAL plant-wide processing efficiency in a package ... from design and engineering ... through installation of the system, the piping, valves, controls, sprays, pumps ... and continuing with chemicals and service. It's called Klenzade Single Organization Responsibility. It takes the burden off your back. D Contact your Klenzade Technical Representative today. Or, the home office. We tie up the loose ends. KLENZADE PRODUCTS, Division of Economics Laboratory, Inc., Dept. 19 60. Beloit, Wisconsin 53511. why milk processors spell clean with a"K" AWAITS YOU AT At the Lindell- Kingshighway Entrance to Beautiful Forest Park CONVENTION HEADQUARTERS International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians, Inc. ; August 19, 20, 21, 22, 1968 The Chase-Park Plaza, St. Louis, Missouri 63108 I. A. M. F. E. S. Aug. 19- 22, 1968 Please reserve forarrivalon ___~~----------~~----------~~------- ~t DQ D~ TI~ and departure on___ =---------------=-,--------------===----- ® Dav Date Time KINDLY CHECK TYPE OF ACCOMMODATION DESIRED If we are not able to reserve a room Double Bed Two Beds Singles (2 persons) l2 persons) Suites at the rate reques­ 18.50-21.50 20.00-23.00 0 34.00 and up ted, a room at the <>o n.oo-16.5o 0 •o I next available rate • SPECIFY LOCAL, ·') (TO OBTAIN PER DIEM RATES PLEASE will be substituted. STATE OR NATIONAL AFFILIATION.) All rooms subject Upon Checkout I agree to settle my account by 0 Cash to city and state '' 0 Chase-Park Plata Credit Card 0 Diners Club 0 American Express tax. Name(s) ________________________________________________ Reservations can­ celled after 6 p.m. Address _______________________________________________ City ____________ _ State ____ _ _ Zip. _ _ _ _ _ I , " D OWNTOWN., . 1~55 us 1· 70 460 "FOR FREE PARKI NG HOTEL GUESTS MUST DRIVE TO RAMP H 0 F H OTEL GJ.\.RAGE AND CHECK IN AT DRIVE-IN-REGISTRATION" -• BEFORE AND AFTER ST. LOUIS MEETING ST. LOUIS CARDINAL BASEBALL " WORLD CHAMPION EL BIRDOS" In beautiful new Busch Memorial Stadium $2.50 per reserved seat Indicate desired date(s) and n umber of tickets Atlanta Braves Saturday night August 17 ___ ----------------- ------------- Sunday afternoon A ug ust 1 8 Pittsburgh Pirates F riday night Aug ust 2 3 Saturday afternoon August 24 Sunday afternoon August 25 --------------------------------- AT ST. LOUIS MEETIN G ST. LOUIS MUNICIPAL OPERA " ALONE .... IN ITS GREAT NESS" In nearby Forest Park-5 minutes from Chase-Park Plaza Hotel Indicate desired night and number of tickets-$3.50 per seat TH E WIZARD OF OZ SOUND O F MUSIC Sat., Aug ust 17 ----------------- Mon., August 19 Thur., A ug ust 21 Sun., Au g ust 18 ---------------- Tue ., August 20 Fri., August 22 Sat., August 24 Make check payable to : IAMFES ST. LOUIS FUND and mail to: William McCown St. Louis County Health Department 801 S. Brentwood Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63105 II OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE BOARD Journal of PT esident, A. N. MYHR, Dairy Science D ept., University of Guleph, Gue­ lph, Ontario, Canada. P·resident-E lect, SAMUEL 0. NoLES, D airy Division, F lorida State Board MILK and FOOD of H ealth, Jacksonvill e, F lorida 32201. F-iTst V-ice-President, MILTON E. HELD 910 Lupin Way, San Carlos, Calif. 94070. TECHNOLOGY Second V-ice-P.resident, DICK B. vVHITE­ HEAD, 210 Casa Linda Plaza, P. 0. INCLUDING MILK AND FOOD SA ITA TION Box 1816, D allas, Texas 75218. Sec'y-TTeas., KARL K. JoNES, c/ o Stu­ Official Publ·ication dent H ealth Service, Purdue Uni­ versity, \ 1V. Lafa yette, Ind. 47907. International Association of Milk, Food and ]ll.n-io·r Past-P·resiclent, PAUL R. ELLIKEH, Environmental Sanitarians, Inc. D ept. Microbiology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. SenioT Past-PTesident, FHED E . UETZ, 395 Maitland Ave., West Engle- wood, N. J. 07666. Vol. 31 April, 1968 No. 4 Publication Board Dn. ELMEH H. MAHTH Effect of Insecticide Residues on Growth and Fermentation H. L. THOMASSON, KARL K. JONES Ability of Lactic Culture Organisms S. C. Kim. and L G. Harmon ________________________ ____ 97 Editors DR. ELl..,IEH H. lviARTH, EditoT, D ept. Food Industry D evelopments in the Fuh1re of Food Science and Industries, Uni­ R. G. Garner _______________________________________ __101 versity of Vlisconsin, Madison, \Vis. 53706. \V. J. DixON, Assoc-iate EditoT, 5318 VVhat the Sanitarian Should Know About Staphylococci and North Virginia, Kansas City, Mo. Salmonellae in Non-Dairy Products. I. Staphylococci 64118. Fmnk L. Bryan -------------------------- ------------110 H. L. THOMASSON, Executive SecTetaT!f and Managi.ng Editor, Box 437, Report on the Interstate Milk Shippers Conference Shelbyville, Indiana 46176. H arolcl E. Thompson, .Tr. ______________________________ 116 Editorial Board Amendment to 3-A Sanitary Standards for Milk and C. A. ABELE ___ __ ___ Chicago, Illinois H. S. ADAMS ____ Indianapolis, Indiana Milk Products Filters Using Disposable Filter Media __ ________ 119 F . '0l. BARBEH _____ _ Glenview, Illinois J. C. FLAKE ______ Washington, D. C. Affiliates of IAMFES, Inc. _____ ____________ __ ________________ __ 120 L. G. HARMON ____ East Lansin g, Mich . E. K. H ARRIS __________ Bethesda, Mel. Association Affairs ___ ____ ___ __ _______________ __________ ___ __ __ 121 R. P. H AYWARD __________ Bowie, Mel . c.- K. JoHNS __ Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Annual Report-July 1, 1966-June 30, 1967 ___________ __ ____ __ 125 ;0. \V. KAUFMANN ___ Cincinnati, Ohio \ V. C. LAWTON __ _St. Paul, Minnesota Report of the Committee on Education \i\1. S. MuELLER ______ Amherst, Mass. G. \i\1. REINBOLD ________ Atnes, Iowa and Professional Development-1967 ___ ___ ____________ __ 125 K. G. \i\TECKEL ____ Madison, vVisconsin J. C. vVHITE ____ ___ Ithaca, ·ew York Report of the Journal Management Committee ______ __ ______ 126 E. A. ZoTTOLA _______ St. Paul, Minn. The Journal of )!ill{ and Food 'l' echnology ews and Events ---------------- --- -------------------------127 is issued monthly beginning with the Januarr num ber . ]i;a ch ,·olume co mpr'ises 12 number s. Published by th e In ternational Association of Classified Ads ____________________________________________ ____ 130 :\Jill;;, Food and EJH ironmenta l Sanitarians. Inc. wiU1 executive offi ces of t.h e .~ssoc i at i on. Blue Rid!';e Rd .. 1' . 0. Box 437, Shelbyville, Index to Advertisers --------- ---- -------------- ------ - - --------130 Ind. Entered as second class matters at the Post Office at ShelbFill e, Ind., March 1952, under the ~ c t of Ma rch 3, 1879. , Bu si ness Matters: Correspond ence rega rd in :.{ shou ld be sent to the executive office of the EDITORIAJ, OFFICES: Dr. E lm er H. Marth , bus in ess matters, adrerUsing, subscriptions. ~SSQ t i at i o n. P. 0. Box 437, S helbyville, Ind. Dept. of Food Science and Industries, Uni,·er­ o .. ders for s in gle copies, etc.. should be ad­ s ity of "] ~~o nsin , ~l adison , 'Yis. 53706. H . dressed to H. l _J, 1'homasson (:lddress above). Membership Du es: Membership in the In­ ••)' L. Thomasson. M:111 aging Editor. P. 0. Box 437, Shelbyv ill e, Indiana 46176. Subscription Rates : On e \'O i ume per year. terna.ti r. nal Association of ~ Iillt , F ood and En­ Tndiridual non-members . Governmental and Yironmf nta l Sanitarians, Inc., is $10.00 per_ Manuscripts : f'orrespondence regarding man­ Commercial Organizat.ion subscr iption . yea r, whJch in clu des annual subscription to II SCripts and other rea ding materi al should the Journal of Milk a nd Food · Tech nology. he addressed to Dr. E lme•· H . Marth, Dept. of 1 )'1' . .............................................................. $ 10.00 All Oo:-respondence regarclin g- membership, l'C­ Food Science and Industri es. University of \Vi s ­ mittances for du es, fa il ure to recehre copies consin,6 1\f·adison, " 'is. 53706. Pnhli c and Educationa l lnstitufioi1 Libra ;· ies. I )'1'. .. ............................... $ 8. 00 of th e Journ al, changes in address and other ulnsf.r uction to Co ntr ibutors" can be ob­ s uch ma.tters should be addressed to the Exc­ tain ed from the editor for th e use of con­ Single Copies .. $ 1.00 cu th·e Secreta ry of the Association. H. L. tributors of 11apers. Orrl ers for Reprint : A ll orders for t·eiHi nt s T homasson, Box 437, Shelbyville, Indiana 46176. CoPYRIGHT 1968 INTERNATIONAL AssociATION OF :MILK, Foon AND Ei'.'VIRONJVIENTAL SANITARIANS, INc. III 11«4 Fil«l Uli4l-Wte HAYNES-SPRAY U.S. P. LIQUID PETROLATUM SPRAY Glu!u£d be Med t4 ~: V.S.P. UHITED STATES PHARMACEUTICAl STANDARDS SANITARY VALVES CONTAINS NO ANIMAL OR VEGETABLE FATS . ABSOLUTELY HOMOGENIZER PISTONS - RINGS NEUTRAL. WILL NOT TURN RANCID- CONTAMINATE OR SANITARY SEALS & PARTS GLOSSY SURFACE TAINT WHEN IN CONTACT WITH FOOD PRODUCTS . CAPPER SLIDES & PARTS POSITIVE PUMP PARIS SANITARY- PURE GLASS & PAPER FILLING DESIGNED TO MACHINE PARTS SNAP INTO LOW COST •.• RE-USABLE ODORLESS -TASTELESS and for All OTHER SANITARY FITTINGS MACHINE PARTS whkh ore LEAK-PREVENTING cleaned daily. NON-TOXIC NEOPRENE GASKET lor Sanitary Fittings Tlce Jft~ HAYNES-SPRAY Jftetluul ~ .C~ C~cvu.u lttitk file Jftifk OIUIUuuue tuuL CIUle ~ t4e4e $NA"P!J'I'l'E r/@aa~ Tight joints, no leaks, no shrinkage Time-saving, eOsy to assemble R~ luj file U.S. PKL& HeaWt Sewiu Self-centering Sanitary, unaffected by heat or fats The Haynes-Spray eliminates the danger of contamination which is No sticking to fittings Non-porous, no seams or crevices , possible by old fashioned lubricating methods.
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