The News Magazine of the British Science Fiction Association Issue 126 matrix July / August 1997 £1.25 BSrA Surver Resulls, ,W~r Do You Bur 800~s1 ,,Movie News, ,Heary Melal ,,800~s, ,letters Chrls Terran ~ Editor 9 Beechwood Court allUIlCfedtedtext Back Beechwood Grove anworll,and Leeds, UK pOOtosraphy LS42HS [email protected] ~ Email emailwiabefcwwilOed klm\lweeldy John Ashbrook ~ Media ShepKirkbride ~ Artwork (page 11) lan Brooks ~ Logo Chrls Terran ~ Photography &Cover Chrls Terran ~ Design I Production Next Deadline BSFA~shipQ.. costs £\8 Iyaar1c' UK residlVrls, £17 $lancirlll order, £12l.t1waged,Lilemernbt<ship£180, Overseu:Europe £2:J.50,elsewhtre£23.50 surface mail,£30arma Cl\t1f.les payablt to BSFA lid All non-US mOOlbershipqJOOes. Q" PlulBllllnoger renewals,adti'esscNonges . .-- 0 I LoogAowCIose,Everdorl,Oaver1try, members Northanrs.NN1138E nts <l) 01327361661 US ~ : ~~ld~~:[email protected] All US subsaiplions. s 1~48W"lredSlr...,Oel,cNt.~1482\3,U,S_A. $3S$U~<lC&,S45a~, payable to CyCkauvin(BSFA) BSFA Aoniristralat Q" Maureen Klncakl Speller [!J 608oI¥nemoJthRoad,Fo/kfltone,KenI,CTl9SAl News -i the happening world Cl> 01303252939 +- 03 * IlksJ>kfcix.co,uk Recent And Forthcoming Books +- 07 -i words words words BSFA T,eawt< Q' Ellzlbeth Bllllnger o llon<;lRowCIose,EWlI'dorl,Davenrry. Books, &c +- 11 -i brlan ameringen and NorthanlS..NN113BE Catchin' the Collectin' Bug carollne mullan wonder Cl> 01321361661 why you bUy books * billingerlenterprise.net Mailbox +- 12 -i letters Omters Q' ~roIAnnK""YGteen TheBSFA'swntinggroups 0 Aa13,141PmcesAvenue,H",HU530L BSFA Awards +- 13 -i chrls hili <l) 01482494(145 * Mehphorlenterpriu.net The 1997 BSFA Membership Survey +- 12 -i all the results, and commentary from BSFAAwatds Q' ChrisHll1 o Rook'sCouage.3Lync:hH,t,'MIilchurcn,Hants"AG28 claire brlaley mD andrew m butler Cl> 01256893253 garydatkln * c_ph,lllcOlOpu.erve.cOlO carol ann kerry green Vlldor Q" TonyCullan paUl hood Criticalandr!Mewjourn~ 0 16Wla_'.Way,CamdenTown,Loodon,NW10XE maureen kincaid speller <lJ 01713872304 * 9....itchlayla.avnet.co.uk Where The Winds Ot Umbo Roar +- 19 -i John ashbrook on the Featurll$ Q' Andrew M. Sillier < NOTE CHANGE> heavy metal video G 33Brock;iewOri'te,Keyworlh,NoItiI'9'wn,NG125JN <lJ 01159375549 plus a competition Q' GaryDalkln Zinery +- 20 -i small press round-Up o* 5LydtordRoad,Bou.-oemoutl1,lXnet,BHI18SN plus jessica yates on the Cl> 01202519601{) sfx discworld magazine Reviews d' PaulKlncakl S 6OBou.-nemoothRoad,FcIklIstone,Kent,CTl95AZ Out Ot Focus +- 21 -i carol ann kerry green and Cl> 01303252939 JuJle venner * ak._pklci•.co.uk Psst! -i wanna write some sf? Fot\lS Q' ClIrolAnnKerryGreen +- 21 Foraspiring""';lers 0 Aat3,141PrintesAvtnu&,HlA,HU530L (() 01482494(145 Events Diary +- 22 -i con template * Meuphorlenterprise.net YearOt The Wombat mark plummer on a 1!7 JulleVenne< +- 23 -i [!J 42WalgravtlStroot.NewlandAvenue,KlAl,HU521.T funny old con LondonMoIJ\II>g$ Q' PautHood Members' Noticeboard +- 23 -i ad here Cl> 01813336670<NOTECHANGE> P\JblicilylP,omOltOOS Q' ClllleB~al.y& Ma,kPlummel Skull Crackers +- 24 ~ roger robinson Publk:ationsMa""gff Q' Sle~.lel1ery Web Site Q' TanyaBrown Crossword +- 24 , John engllsh twists your bfains again BrltlSh Science Flclton Anoclatlon lId R89istered in Englan .U iled by Guarantee. Company No. 921 500 Big Butt +- 24 -i aleph spraWls on the beach Registeled Address: 60 u' mouth Road, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 5AZ Printed by POC Co pri t. 11 JeHlies Passage, Guildford, GU1 4AP Copy,ighl1t1B$FA1997 Indivklualcopyrillh arlhepropellyorlhaconlributorsandeditol. Viewse pre sed a,e nOI nacessarilylhose or the BSFA ISSN03073335 -news------------------ Ghosh Wins 1997 Clarke Award =Art~ur C, Clar~e Awar~ An impressive array of sf talent assembled in the Science Museum on the evening of Amitav Ghosh 28 May for the presentation of this year's Arthur C. Oarke Award. The prize went 10 TIle Ca/ClItia Chromasome Amilav Ghosh for his novel Tht CAlcuttQ ChromQ$OmL'. Ghosh, an expatriate Indian living in New York. was unable to attend but the prize of an engraved bookend and a (picador, £15.99) cheque for £1,IXXl was accepted by a representative of his publishers. Picador. It was $HORruST presented by last year's winner, Paul J. McAuley. SlephenB.axlerVoyage Therewuisombrt'notel/ltlu5yur's~y,dul'rollledealhNrlierlhIsytaroflhe\l1Shgalorolthe Oarke Award and a regular JUdge lof It, Or MaunC\' GoIdsnuth of the IntmlatJonal Saence Policy foundation. In 1115 speech, Ihe award's current Administrator Paul Kincaid paid tribute to GoldsmIth's energy J" an~c:;~~~;:;~:;I::;:~~h; ~:~~SW~I:u~:~~~~II;::·;effery (reprtsentulg the BSFA), Kim Stanley Robinson Blu~ M1Irs Lord Marl. Bmlwood (represenhng the ISPF'), and Gwyneth ]ones and [an Watsoo {representing the Science (Voyager £9.99) Ficllon Foundation). Othl'f sf not;lbles present included Fred Clarke and Angie Edwards representing Arthur Sheri S. Tepper Gibbon's /Jtclil1( mid Fgll C. Oarke. Pal Cad'gan. Molly Brown, David Camett of Nrw World5, Dave Langford, Paul I, McAuley, David (Voyager £9.99) Pringle ol JllltrZlmr, Ceoff Ry.rnan. Andy Sawyer of the SF Foundation. Michael Marshall Smith. Brian N. Lee Wood Lookillg for the Mahdi Stableford, and Norman Spinrad, Dnnls, mUnChle5 and general organisation were provided by BSFA (Vista £5.99) personnel and members of Croydon fandom, Ul particular Mark Plumml'f, Oaire Brialey, 100y CuUen, '- -'-_-'- ---J Ehz.abethandPauIBlllmger,andMaureenKmcaldSpe:lIl'f. There was some medLa interest m the event- Award Administrator Paul KlJ'Icaid was intervIeWed by the Sci-n Chiill'lnel for Its sf news programme, as Werf oomineesN.I..eeWoodand5tephenBaxter.AIsospotted m the transmlSSlOll were the BSFA's Mark P1UIl\IIltf, Andy lkitler, Tanya Brown. Paul Hood. and iiI mtaLn Mdnxedltor • The last Ilme a non-genl'l' book won (Margt' Piercy's Body of GiIss m 19Q3) there was some mtlcrsm of the rtSuJt,notabtyfromJohnOu~T1usyearthenow.lShltlt complamt m.,t t!lf wtnrItr, but ltIeft does appear to be somedlSSiilbsfKtlon With theshortllSt, parbcuL1rly from withmthepubltslun&tndustTy. 'ThejudgesfortheC1arkeAwudserveforlwo~ars, Reriring thiS year al'l' tht BSFA's5tevt'Jefrery, who wIll bereplare:l by Tanya Brown; and the Foundahoo's Ian W~tson, who Will be replxed by John Oult' (if he's rt'COveredfrom hisappearanctOil the Clivtt\,IJrrsoll shoW). It IS not known at press lime what Will be happmingaboutthevacanllSPFposillon. • Fora look at Ihe history of Ihe C1arke Award. now tn its eleventh year,seeMatrix 121 . 'Tht Glicllt/4 (Jrromosomt was reviewed by Bri...n ..ThtUsuIlSusptCtlThisyeiJ('sjudoes. jus! attertlle C:'l"Ilmony. FfOOIleft: Gwyneth JontI.1an Wltson, LONJ ",.1'Il StablefordinVtdor/92. Birdwood And~"'BuU.andTWlyIBrownaetl'lgasproxyIorSlevtJe!terywhowi$wor1r.r'9"TllI.U Bujold Joins S&S A Short History Loil McMasln Butold is alOOl'l8 the first SlgnUlgs to Sunon&:Schustersnewsflme,duetobelaUl'lChed ~Avery ofBritish Fantasy m ApnI 1996. The edilor is John Jmold. who rtmItly moved to S&:S alrer a 5UCt't'SSful pmod at British and Science Fiction Ihthelmofltgnld The name of the Impnnt has bM'I cIw\ged from Spedrum to urthlight ...fter wornesfrom Bantam Spectra m New Yorl: OVtr Genre by Paul Kincaid possibltconfuswn 1~1::'~~:~~:::7= ~~~: ~a~ This acclaimed 68·page book IS a critical survey of the development of to publiSh her properly Ullhe UK; saId Jarrold Her British science fIction, from the 12th century to 1995. It mcludes a Hugo-nomlllated sf oovel M(II\i)'Y Will be on the chronology, a ched.hst of contemporary authors, and IS e>.haushvely laUllch hst, 10 be followed Ul October by a novel indexed. Normally costing G, it is FREE to all BSFA members. provIsionally entilled fJlltr,in. Also 01\ the first hst If you haven't clillmed yours, send your membershIp number and a WIU be bOlrdy CAp by Peter Crowthtr &: James self·addressed AS envelope with two first or second class stamps 10 Lovtgrovt, a darl.. fantasy described as having Maureen Kincaid Speller antC'Cedents of Chve Barl..cr, Ray Bradbury and 60 Bournemouth Road, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 SAZ. ~~!;~er ~~g;hja;:~~dfa~~;;O~s1~or:~r~~hO:~~ Extra copies are also available for £5 each, including pOSI and packing bool..swlllbepubhsht.'daspapt.'TbackongUlalsONArl~wHl'JI~atMaalonald Futura m 11191. All the Il.lII••••••••(.'''.''''.u.''iP.'y.'b.''.'.oB.S.FA.Lt.d)........• nell. ~eallln~ rumou~ runm~ popul3lculture, and MarcusRowland {creator of s' . , AMidsummer Odyssey ForgCltffl Futurts} on games. There will be inter­ I views by Jane Killick (author of the recent &Ilyloll MIDSUMMER SEES lhe launch of the trial issue Sseriesguides},Kurt Roth andSteve Holland,and WATERSTONES WATERSl"ONES EVEJlY\lt')lEJlE The Walllr$lll!le'S of Odyssty, an so.page sf and fantasy magazine reviews from Chris Amies, Ale:x Stewart, Ben bookshopcnain IS 10 open f1Vf!1 SO new shops arcw.mdlhe twntry, Jeapesandolhers pnmari~ ~ from Partizan Press l'dited by Uz Holliday, a for­ in p1ac.swrently WJ·serv&d by bookstores. This 'Nil rjIe a Single issues w~1 be available from Caliver near-dommanlp<lSllJOl1inlhebookmarkel mer editor of the BSFA's FOCU5, The full launch will be at October's World Fantasy Convention in Books(8J6-8181ondon Road,Leigh'On·Sea, Esse:c.. KEHBULMERisslnlinnospitallolowinghisstrokeshorllybefore 559 3NH) at 0.75 inc. p&p, A,.issue sub will cost Easter, but ~ reporled 10 t>e ImprO'iing. Vince Clarke says. ~'m lold London. Coming with a colour cover and colour £l5(UK),and a 12'lssuesub IS OS he's r'(lWwe!l E!lIOIJ11 to ~t ~and read," k::IOk5 as tMug/1 he";l be and b/w interior illustrations, it willcostOinthe Liz Hoiliday, a Clanon SF Wnters' Workshop conlinedto a wheelcha~ a"er he lea~es' shops, Partizan is also the publisher of the TAO!IlEoANoJUlIE1HOlonlhe~solthehigtVywccessful(and role-playing magazine VQll:yrit, for which Uz is graduate, has writtenlen lv novelisations and hlgll)' conlempClfar;) recent film 01 Romeo and ,Melcomes Troma fiction editor; the trial issue of Odyssty will rontain much sf journalism.
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