1 October 2020 Written Answers. The following are questions tabled by Members for written response and the ministerial replies as received on the day from the Departments [unrevised]. Note: Ministerial and Departmental titles have been updated in the Question text in an- ticipation of the relevant Government orders to give legal effect to the Taoiseach’s an- nouncement in Dáil Éireann on 27 June 2020. Questions Nos. 1 to 11, inclusive, answered orally. 01/10/2020WRA00500Pleanáil Teanga 01/10/2020WRA0060012. D’fhiafraigh Deputy Catherine Connolly den Aire Meán, Turasóireachta, Ealaíon, Cultúir, Spóirt agus Gaeltachta maidir le ceist uimhir 310 ar an 28ú Iúil 2020, an dtabharfaidh sí soiléiriú ar stádas Phlean Teanga Chathair na Gaillimhe; an bhfuil an plean faofa aici; cén dáta a fhoilseofar é; agus an ndéanfaidh sí ráiteas ina thaobh. [27095/20] 01/10/2020WRA00700Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach (Deputy Jack Chambers): Tá plean teanga Chathair na Gaillimhe curtha faoi bhráid mo Roinne ag Foras na Gaeilge le tamall agus á bhreithniú faoi láthair. Tuigim ó mo chuid oifigigh go raibh comhfhreagras idir iad agus Foras na Gaeilge, atá freagrach as maoirsiú a dhéanamh ar an scéal sa chás seo, ina thaobh le deireanaí. Táim ag súil le moladh ó mo chuid oifigigh maidir leis an bPlean go luath. Ach an Plean a bheith faofa agam faoi réir fhorálacha Acht na Gaeltachta 2012, rachfar i dteagmháil leis an bhForas chun na socruithe ábhartha a dhéanamh le haghaidh an Plean a chur i bhfeidhm. Meabhráitear don Teachta go bhfuil fógartha ag mo Roinn cheana féin go bhfuil allúntas suas le €80,000 in aghaidh na bliana ar fáil ó mo Roinn do chur i bhfeidhm pleananna tean- ga i mBailte Seirbhíse Gaeltachta ach i gcás cathracha Chorcaí agus na Gaillimhe, go bhféad- fadh allúntas suas le €100,000 in aghaidh na bliana a bheith ar fáil do chur i bhfeidhm bearta a bpleananna. Question No. 13 answered orally. 01/10/2020WRA00900Covid-19 Pandemic Supports 01/10/2020WRA0100014. Deputy Neale Richmond asked the Minister for Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht the extra supports that have been made available for athletes whose participa- tion in the 2020 Summer Olympics and Summer Paralympics was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [26859/20] 1 Questions - Written Answers 01/10/2020WRA01100Minister for Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht (Deputy Cath- erine Martin): Sport Ireland, which is funded by my Department, is the statutory body with responsibility for the development of sport, including high performance sport and its funding allocations. Sport Ireland has provided an assurance that athletes on the 2020 International Carding Scheme will continue to receive funding as normal for both this year and into 2021. New en- trants will be allowed into the Scheme. This funding certainty has been widely welcomed by our Olympic and Paralympic community. Other important supports are also being provided, notably in relation to access to the world class facilities available at the Sport Ireland National Sports Campus in Blanchardstown. Due to the work and support of Sport Ireland and the NGBs our high performance athletes have already been back training since the 8th of June. High performance sport is proceeding on a gradual and modified basis in accordance with detailed protocols. International travel, which is an essential part of high performance programmes, is also be- ing facilitated and supported. Athletes may be required to travel overseas to compete in Olym- pic/Paralympic qualification events and major championships. The Return to Sport Expert Group, chaired by my Department, has developed detailed guidance to assist high performance sport in its approach to international travel. This important support will assist athletes that need to travel, especially those who are still looking to qualify for the Olympics and Paralympics. Sport has been a leader throughout this pandemic. Our Olympic and Paralympic athletes have acted as great role models, showing people how to adapt, keep physically active and dem- onstrating compliance with the guidelines in media appearances. I would like to take this opportunity to offer my best wishes to our Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls. 01/10/2020WRA01200Arts Policy 01/10/2020WRA0130015. Deputy Niamh Smyth asked the Minister for Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht the status of the actions taken to date to support the events industry; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27378/20] 01/10/2020WRA01400Minister for Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht (Deputy Cath- erine Martin): I am acutely aware of the unprecedented nature of the challenge facing live per- formance promoters and producers, not least from a financial point of view. Earlier this month, I launched a number of new music and performance support schemes totalling €6 million to aid employment in the creative industries. The Music Stimulus Package, involves three funding schemes designed to help sustain the popular and commercial music sector across all music genres, including rock, pop, hip hop, indie, jazz, country and western and traditional and folk. Under this package, a fund of €1 million has been put in place to stimulate areas of work which artists would usually fund with income from own sources including live event fees. These schemes are targeted at professional musicians and their teams and will support song writing camps, recording and album releases. The aim is to ensure that Irish musicians, engineers, PR, media, agents, labels and publishers can continue to develop and share their work in the context of COVID restrictions. The Music Stimulus Package schemes are being managed on behalf of the Department by First Music Contact and will be subject to peer panel assessment. 2 1 October 2020 Under the “Live Performance Support pilot Scheme” a further allocation of €5 million is being made available which aims to assist commercial venues, producers and promoters of live performances and provide employment to workers in the creative industries. Applications were accepted by my Department for this scheme and allocations will be made on the basis of the number of people being employed. The Deputy will also be aware that I have recently appointed the Arts and Culture Recov- ery Taskforce which is beìng chaired by Clare Duignan. The membership of the taskforce includes representation from the Events Industry Alliance. Taking as its starting point the research and evidence of the devastating impact of the pandemic on the sector compiled by my Department, the Arts Council and other stakeholders, the Taskforce will prepare a report to me setting out recommendations on how best the arts and culture sector can adapt and recover from the unprecedented damage arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. The report will address culture, the arts, and the audiovisual and live entertainment industries. 01/10/2020WRA01500Irish Language 01/10/2020WRA0160016. Deputy Verona Murphy asked the Minister for Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht the supports that have been put in place to support and encourage Irish- speaking communities outside the Gaeltacht and increase engagement by young persons with the Irish language outside of their formal education; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27364/20] 01/10/2020WRA01700Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach (Deputy Jack Chambers): My Department, under its Irish Language Support Schemes, provides funding for various Irish language organisations and projects, to support and encourage youth development through the medium of the Irish language. The grants are aimed primarily at organisations or groups operat- ing outside the Gaeltacht. My Department has provided current and capital funding to TechSpace (Camara Education) to support schools and youth organisations in purchasing Digital Media and STEM equipment. The TechSpace project is aimed at young people interested in developing their experience and skills in digital media and STEM. The network helps young people to create digital and tech- nological material as they engage in activities such as digital film, web design, mobile app de- velopment and robotics, among others. Under the direction of trained instructors and mentors, young people can enhance their computer competency, while improving their self-confidence and social skills - all through the medium of Irish. My Department also provides an annual grant towards the running costs of An Cumann Scoildramaíochta. An Cumann Scoildrámaíochta encourages the use of the Irish language through drama. Young people are given the opportunity to use the language in a creative and artistic way, outside of a school setting. Teachers are also encouraged to produce and write new dramas themselves. The ‘Aistritheoirí Óga’ (Young Translators) translation competition also funded by my De- partment is organised jointly by the European Commission and the Irish Government. It is open to students across Ireland who are at least 15 years of age who have the ability to translate from English into Irish, or from a choice of five other European languages into Irish. The competi- tion has three goals: to promote a high standard of Irish, to encourage multilingualism among secondary school students and to encourage their interest in careers with Irish. The Family Language Scheme (Scéim Teanga Tí), which is administered by Glór na nGael 3 Questions - Written Answers and Gaeloideachas Teo, aims to develop networks of Irish-speaking families among children at- tending Irish-medium education. Under this programme, families whose children are in senior infants and who wish to raise their children through Irish are given support and encouragement to do so. In addition, my Department and Foras na Gaeilge also provide funding to Raidió Rí-Rá and Raidió na Life respectively. Both Irish language radio stations provide an excellent Irish Lan- guage radio service to young people, both withinin and outside of Gaeltacht areas.
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