Voi. VII. No. 47 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, JULY 14, 1923 $2.00 A YEAR The Call of the Ministry ! The Church Has Flourishing Presented To Boys Centers in Europe Leaders of the Church Meet With Selected Group Bishop Harris Reports That Our Churches In At Chestnut Hill Conference Europe Are Doing Splendid Work By Rev. Gordon Reese Most of our American churches in Eu­ “ Chestnut Hill.” To more than a hun­ rope have been visited during the year by dred boys of our Church who attended the Bishop Harris of Marquette, who went at Regional Conference on the Call to the Bishop Williams’ request. These churches, Ministry “ Chestnut Hill” will not be a sta­ whose work is by no means as well known tion stop on the Pennsylvania Railroad. It in this country as it should be, will be will literally mean a station stop in their seen during the summer by American life. For Chestnut Hill enabled many fel­ Church people, many of whom will be lows for the first time in their life to both astonished and gratified to find their “Stop, Look and Listen” to the Call to the own Church firmly established and active­ Sacred Ministry. ly at work in such “ foreign lands” as Italy and France. To give the readers of The Witness a little picture of the Conference is a dif­ Bishop Harris found St. Paul’s in Rome ficult task, for there was an atmosphere., doing a splendid work, a power for good a spirit at Chestnut Hill which defies de­ and, an inspiration to Americans in Rome. scription. There must have been careful In Florence, where the Church had been preparation, for we saw no machinery in through difficulties due to the war and operation at the Conference. Prayers had been closed for a time, the work has must have preceded this Conference, for been reorganized and was in excellent it was a mountain top experience to all of condition. A fund was being raised for a us. We felt the Master’s presence. much-needed rectory. Florence is an art center which every year attracts thou­ From the moment of our arrival to the sands of students, for whom the Church last handshake in parting there was some­ can be a center of American life. At San thing to do at the Conference. Naturally Rt. Rev. John Gardner Murray, D. D. Remo American Church people are under that pleased the fellows. There had to be the kindly care of the chaplain of one of action, for there were two men at the the two English Churches. helm which steered us on our course— . group leaders and for one hour discussed In Nice the Church was flourishing in Rev. Albert Lucas of Philadelphia and the a strong and influential American colony. Rev. Percy Austin of Long Beach, Cal. the first lesson of a series of three which were prepared by Bishop Johnson of The In Paris at the pro-cathedral Church of Just a word about those two men. Albert the Holy Trinity, an outstanding event of Lucas received, on the last night of the Witness. Then for an hour with Bishop Woodcock on “ Christian Leadership” ; then the Bishop’s visit was the dedication of Conference, a silver loving cup. It was the beautiful “ battle cloister,” accounts recreation; then dinner. After dinner an expression of the esteem and love in of which have been published. more recreation, swimming, tennis, base­ which he was held by the entire Confer­ Germany was not visited at this time. ball. Six o’clock, Bishop Brent on the ence. Perry Austin is the nearest to an In Geneva, the center of so many inter­ “ Adventure of Life.” After supper an­ eight-day non-skid-non-stop, go-get-’em national movements, our Church should other hour in Discussion with Bishop that it has been my privilege to meet. Mr. receive loyal and more enthusiastic sup­ Woodcock, then off to bed. Lucas and Mr. Austin had a purpose and port from us at home. A movement is on that purpose was never lost sight of. The Thursday was pretty much the same as foot there to build a parish house which success of the Conference can only be at­ W ednesday. shall be a center for American life in that tributed to two people directly, Perry Aus­ Friday was the closing day of the Con­ strategic city. In Lucerne, where our tin and Albert Lucas. ference. We started the day with a large services are held from June to September, After the fellows were assigned to their Corporate Communion. The fellows by we use the church of the Old Catholics. groups and found their rooms most of this time wanted to know more about the The American Church contributed a sum them did what a group of clergymen would ministry. Every lad was dead in earnest, toward this building in order to secure the do— they started to get acquainted on the yet no pressure was being brought to bear use of it when needed. ball diamond, tennis courts and in the upon any one. After the addresses by Twenty-three people were confirmed by swimming pool. Bishops Brent and Woodcock we had din­ Bishop Harris. His report concludes: One After supper the first night Head Coach ner and after an afternoon full of recrea­ cannot visit the American Churches in Roper of Princeton gave a dandy address tion we went to a little wayside shrine near Europe without being proud of the splen­ to the fellows on “ Self Mastery.” It was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Houston. did work they are doing for America. The the kind of an address one would expect There we had a brief service. After the work deserves greater recognition and from a Coach, with one exception. It service we were entertained by Mr. and more substantial and’ discerning support lacked the usual embellishments of the Mrs. Sam Houston at their beautiful home from the Church at home. The welfare of vocabulary of most coaches. It was on the Wishachickon. It was a great joy American students abroad and their sub­ straight frofti the shoulder and the fellows to meet Mr. Houston. He has all of the sequent influence rest largely on the ef­ enjoyed the message. qualifications needed for the ministry, in­ fective work of these Churches, which Wednesday morning the boys, after the cluding a fine sense of humor, which we should have the support of every patriotic Holy Communion and breakfast, met their (Continued on page 5) Churchman. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. 2 T H E WITNESS pass away as long as earth is earth, and Cheerful Confidences men are men. Of course, we read, and are bound to, By Rev. George Parkin Atwater, D. D. (Dur UtalfnjiB the law in the light of the Gospel and interpret the Ten Commandments in the “ Light that lighteth every man that com- “REVEREND BROWN” John Gardner Murray, the Bishop eth into the world,” and above all we look There have been frequent comments in of Maryland, was born in Lonacon- upon them in the light of the great prin­ the religious press on the atrocious habit ing, Maryland, in 1857. The early ciple, which was contained in the saying o f using the word “ reverend” as a form days of his ministry were served in of address, or of using it in print with that “ the Sabbath was made for man, and a man’s last name. Alabama. not man for the Sabbath.” Possibly the most woefully misused In 1896 he became the rector of These Commandments are not arbitrary word in the English language is the ad­ the Church of the Advent in Bir­ laws laid down by an absolute king for jective, mingham where he remained until the preservation of his own honor and “ Reverend” glory and the maintenance of his own dig­ called to the Church of St. Mary and Unless you are willing to err constantly nity. God has no dignity, except the dig­ against the usages of grammar, against All Angels in Baltimore in 1903. He nity of utter humility, which is the only good taste, against propriety, please read was elected Bishop Coadjutor of real dignity there is. the following carefully and if you are Maryland in 1909, and became the The Ten Commandments are laws of guilty of misusing this word, make an ef­ Diocesan in 1911. love and are, therefore, to be taken as fort to correct your habit. the necessary basis of human perfection. The word “reverend” is an adjective To disobey them is to sin against our own applied as a mark of respect to men who nature, which does indeed rob God of Hi$ have entered the ministry. The word is Newspapers may omit the article “ the” glory, for God’s glory is man’s perfection. not a title, and cannot be used as a title. and use the form, “Rev. Mr. Brown.” To disobey them is to lay ourselves open The word “Doctor” or “Judge” is a title, Consult the Century Dictionary or any to spiritual disease, to corruption of the but the word reverend is an adjective. It mind and of the moral nature. Disobedi­ can never be used with a man’s last name reliable book on good English, and you will ence to them brings its own punishment, alone. It cannot be used as a form of gladly array yourself on the side of those because it.
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